Crossfit Victories



  • Sasquatchrider
    Sasquatchrider Posts: 77 Member
    GREAT Job atynk. When I started crossfit last May I couldn't do ONE pull-up. Then I learned to kip and while I'm not great at it, a lot of repetition and practice with bands and then last week I was able to do 10 in a row unassisted. This is from a guy who supposedly has "bad" rotator cuffs. I haven't been able to throw a ball overhand in years. Keep at it and they'll build quickly.
  • Sasquatchrider
    Sasquatchrider Posts: 77 Member
    I set a new PR for Deadlifts Wednesday is not 235! ya buddy!

    That's really solid, nice work. Deadlifts are a hard lift for me, I don't know why. I squat (front and rear) more than I deadlift...just another thing to work on!
  • shaywallis
    shaywallis Posts: 165 Member
    This is going to sound so lame but today I finished my first WOD with out any breaks. I've only gone about 4 times and each WOD I'm begging for breaks in between rounds. Today I just busted them out. 8 rounds of 20sec push press, 10 sec rest, 10 sec slam balls (15lb), 10 sec rest, 20 sec power clean, 10 sec rest, 10 sec slam balls and then 5, 1min sprint sprint = )

    Now my next goal is to actually put some weight on the bar = / Being pregnant 4 years in a row has made me wweeaakkk~!! He tried to put 10s on it today and I tested it out with a push press. Couldn't make it past my eyebrows. Hoping to accomplish that goal by the end of the month.
  • kelr0110
    kelr0110 Posts: 213 Member
    That's fantastic!! I can't imagine just cruising through without any breaks. I thought I mighhhhhhhhht be able to with the burpee challenge at the end of the regular WOD, i felt REALLY good and busted out like 15 in a row whereas usually I die around 6 and have to break, so cruising through your WOD without breaks is awesome - congrats!

    My Victory for today is shaving 5 more secs off the burpee challenge - so 50 in 4:31 instead of last time being 4:36. Psyched!
  • Sasquatchrider
    Sasquatchrider Posts: 77 Member
    This is going to sound so lame but today I finished my first WOD with out any breaks. I've only gone about 4 times and each WOD I'm begging for breaks in between rounds. Today I just busted them out. 8 rounds of 20sec push press, 10 sec rest, 10 sec slam balls (15lb), 10 sec rest, 20 sec power clean, 10 sec rest, 10 sec slam balls and then 5, 1min sprint sprint = )

    Now my next goal is to actually put some weight on the bar = / Being pregnant 4 years in a row has made me wweeaakkk~!! He tried to put 10s on it today and I tested it out with a push press. Couldn't make it past my eyebrows. Hoping to accomplish that goal by the end of the month.

    That isn't lame at all. There is NO shame in breaks. Just make them quick, a couple breaths. I try to go before I feel "ready" if that makes any sense. I'm trying to build my mental toughness. Pregnant for 4 years in a row means I already know you're mentally strong.
  • shaywallis
    shaywallis Posts: 165 Member
    = ) Thanks Sasquatchride. My pregnancies have made me one tough cookie. Two stillbirths, one little girl at 23wks, and another baby girl at 32wks. They discovered before my 4th pregnancy that I have a rare blood clotting disorder called Factor II. With my last pregnancy I had to take lovenox shots in the stomach every day from 5-34wks, heparin shots twice a day from 34-37wks and progesterone shots once a week from 16-36wks. Needless to say, CF is so much more than just a workout for me. After years of heartbreak, pokes and prodes and hours in waiting rooms, I NEED that 30-45min "me" time to renew my body that has worked so hard these past few years.
  • Sasquatchrider
    Sasquatchrider Posts: 77 Member
    = ) Thanks Sasquatchride. My pregnancies have made me one tough cookie. Two stillbirths, one little girl at 23wks, and another baby girl at 32wks. They discovered before my 4th pregnancy that I have a rare blood clotting disorder called Factor II. With my last pregnancy I had to take lovenox shots in the stomach every day from 5-34wks, heparin shots twice a day from 34-37wks and progesterone shots once a week from 16-36wks. Needless to say, CF is so much more than just a workout for me. After years of heartbreak, pokes and prodes and hours in waiting rooms, I NEED that 30-45min "me" time to renew my body that has worked so hard these past few years.

    Thank you for your candor. I have two kids (15 and 9). My wife and I lost two babies (one very late) and it really broke something inside me. I couldn't bear to try again.
  • kelr0110
    kelr0110 Posts: 213 Member
    Today's victory....not being cutoff on "Bradley" lol. 30:28.
  • Sasquatchrider
    Sasquatchrider Posts: 77 Member
    I'm going to count yesterday's WOD as a victory even though my time wasn't great. I just wasn't feeling it and wanted it OVER.
    50 thrusters with 115lbs
    50 toes to bar
    75 24" box jumps
    30 hand stand push ups (I had to modfy these with a box as my shoulders just weren't having it at the end)
  • shaywallis
    shaywallis Posts: 165 Member
    I did a push press with 10s on the bar today!!! That was my goal for the end of the month and I did it today!! It was at the end of my WOD. 10mins rowing, 50 kb swings, 50 push ups and 4 rounds of ab workouts. Now to do more than one push press lol and maybe add on trying to do a power clean as well. Its only up up up from here =D
  • bowmab21
    bowmab21 Posts: 150 Member
    Last weekend I competed in my first CrossFit competition. Finished 5th, in the scaled men division.

    PR front squat 250lbs x 4 reps.
  • FloEd
    FloEd Posts: 15 Member
    I jumped on the 24" box! When I started CF a little over a year ago I fell doing a box jump and I landed in a pile of dumbells that I had put next to my box for the weight sit ups. Needless to say it really shook me up and I refused to try anything higher than 16"...until Monday. Not sure I could do 24" in a WOD, but I am definitely going to try 20" at the next WOD with box jumps.
  • julielittlefish
    julielittlefish Posts: 134 Member
    PR'd my strict press, power clean, and my # of linked dubs this week (up to 35).
  • bananapancakebella
    I did my first pull up today!

    Can't do the kipping ones yet. But I'm so proud of my 1!
  • mollieprice331
    mollieprice331 Posts: 40 Member
    Yesterday I was finally able to do toes to bar instead of knees to elbows. Small victory, but still roud of myself. When I started that bar looked so far away.
  • rachelannecraig
    PR'd my dead lift this week! 165 lbs. Pretty excited to see some improvement!
  • kelr0110
    kelr0110 Posts: 213 Member
    Wow - lots of victories this weekend! How awesome! Instead of commenting on each one and hogging the thread, here's the cheerleader shout-outs because that is exciting :)

    Congratulations to FloEd for the box increase - I finally graduated to a tire higher than a modified little box, so this has to be huge for you lol.

    Congrats bananapancake - I can't wait until I can do a "real pullup" unassisted :) You absolutely should be proud!

    That is awesome mollieprice33 - it's a huge victory - I'm at toes to maybe knees and sometimes elbows hahahaa.

    Finally, rachelanne that is kickass! I love the strength stuff, so any increase in weight you feel like a frickin supergirl - love it :)

    My own "victory" I guess was our coach/box owner's 40th birthday was yesterday and he created an insane WOD for us special on Sunday (they're usually closed)

    Cutoff 40 mins
    19 pullups
    40 thrusters
    40 box jumps
    40 kb swings
    40 lunge steps
    40 OH squats
    40 toes to bar
    40 push press
    40 burpees
    40 wallballs
    40 pushups
    73 double unders (219 singles)

    I was happy I did the Rx weights at 55# for thrusters, OH squats and push presses and 35# for KB swings. Modified pullups, tire "box jumps" and my toes to bar were more toes to knee/elbow (UGH) but all in all I was pleased to get through 33 pushups before cutoff, so all i needed was 7 more pushups then the double unders (or singles). Considering only 8 out of 30 people actually finished, I am absolutely okay with this since I only started in mid-December :)

    Happy Monday!
  • JoLEnEo6
    JoLEnEo6 Posts: 8 Member
    I did my first DU and handstand this weekend. my goal is to be able to do HSPU by summer, even if its just one! OH, and I did 5 pull ups in a row (with a band).
  • kelr0110
    kelr0110 Posts: 213 Member
    Graduated from jumping on a tire to jumping on a box today! yesssssssssssssssssssss :)
  • sugarcrystal8
    sugarcrystal8 Posts: 38 Member
    Last night my Deadlift 3RM was actually my old 1RM! that truly impressed me. 125lbs x 3 baby!