What do you train in? What have you trained in?



  • thecraigferguson
    thecraigferguson Posts: 33 Member
    I'm 38. I am a purple belt in BJJ (6 years,) and a yellow belt in Judo (1 year.)

    Two nights/week I do BJJ and judo back to back for a total of about 3.5 - 4 hours training each night. The I roll for two hours on Sunday. 10 hours total/week. I haven't competed in BJJ for a year, but would like to do it again.

    I have trained Muay Thai (3 or 4 years; just for fitness,) and wrestled for 6 years in high school. Also did goju ryu when I was a kid for a couple years and loved it.

    I have respect for anyone who pursues any martial art seriously. When i got into BJJ I was in gross shape; 300lbs and a smoker. I am 228 today and have been as low as 218. BJJ was a big part of that. Using mfp to learn better eating habits and see what it is like to be a normal sized person for once.
  • halecheyenne12
    halecheyenne12 Posts: 4 Member
    Hey. I'm Chey (pronounced Shy), 19, Charlotte, NC. I've been in MMA since I was 4 years old but I've been "in and out" of it. A few years ago, I recently got back into it and I just earned my black belt May 30th of last year. I'm working on my first degree now. I want to branch to Brazilian Kickboxing or Jiu Jitsu to keep learning. One day I hope to be in the WUFC or become a professional fighter.
  • j75j75
    j75j75 Posts: 854 Member
    Been training in Danzan Ryu Jujitsu, Tao Ryu Jujitsu, and Geron Bahala na Escrima for about 7 years now. And Muay Chau Chur, Lerdrit, Boar Bando, Bare Knuckle Boxing, Simultaneous Close Quarter Combat, and Knife Fighting for 5 years. Also trained in Shoshin Ryu Jujitsu for 6 months, and ring-style Muay Thai for 4 months.
  • markS159
    markS159 Posts: 4 Member
    Hey All. Ive been training BJJ for 1.5 years now. Still working towards my blue belt. i'm hitting up my first NAGA tournament in April which is exciting and will be an excellent challenge.
  • j75j75
    j75j75 Posts: 854 Member
    Good Luck!!
    Hey All. Ive been training BJJ for 1.5 years now. Still working towards my blue belt. i'm hitting up my first NAGA tournament in April which is exciting and will be an excellent challenge.
  • rstoliker
    rstoliker Posts: 65
    Hey All. Ive been training BJJ for 1.5 years now. Still working towards my blue belt. i'm hitting up my first NAGA tournament in April which is exciting and will be an excellent challenge.

    Good Luck! NAGA is here tomorrow...I'm passing on that tho
  • BrandonLosch
    Brandon Losch 17,AKA The Young One!:P

    Spent most of my time in Tae Kwon Do, Have been to a few small Tournaments with my master for Tae Kwon Do and other local gym tournaments but other then that still young an training for something bigger. This past year I've really been training in wrestling an BJJ, My striking game (For my age/weight group) is unmatched, and I can make my way through a grappling match, However during local tournaments at gyms Wrestlers just grind me out all day..

    April 1st I'll be moving to a gym specializing In wrestling and JJ, I don't wanna leave my gym I've been there for so long and its a bit scary moving out of your comfort place but I'm just not getting what I need from the place Im at as I'm only getting basic Wrestling and JJ.

    Anywayz Wish me luck!
  • tweetyjf
    tweetyjf Posts: 48 Member

    I just started aikido and krav maga both around the same time.
    Did some judo and jiu jitsu when i was younger...

    i really like the opposite of those 2 sports.

    aikido has a beautiful philosophy and krav maga is also a really intensive
    fun sport... so wait and see in a couple of years

    besides that i do some cardio and weighttraining, to become healthier and fitter ....
  • LordBear
    LordBear Posts: 239 Member
    a.t.f.i. / itf taekwondo 2nd gup (redbelt) since 97...lol
  • LilMissAmers
    LilMissAmers Posts: 10 Member
    I just started both Aikido and Wing Chun. I took Karate lessons when I was a child and I've wanted to get back into Martial Arts for years :) So glad I'm finally able to train again! I'm having a great time!
  • tylergray2
    tylergray2 Posts: 2 Member
    I train Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Judo, and Muay Thai.
  • lcrayburn1
    lcrayburn1 Posts: 11 Member
    I train muy thai and jiu jitsu. I really only do no-gi grappling as I'm not in an actual jiu jitsu specific class. I like the combination.
  • lcrayburn1
    lcrayburn1 Posts: 11 Member
    Actually, I've been competing recently and am looking for others on this site who are grappling as well that would want to keep in touch.
  • agata44
    agata44 Posts: 14 Member
    Taekwondo and Krav Maga :)
  • Mr_jimyh
    Mr_jimyh Posts: 3 Member
    started my MMA training today, i was sick, got bruised ribs and have broke a toe. Loved it, bring on my second session.
  • a2o3
    a2o3 Posts: 11
    Boxing is my main focus. I did it for several months, took a break, then went back to it. I've been doing it for about a year now with one smoker fight under my belt. I train 4 times a week, lift weights twice a week, and rest on Sundays. I also take Muay Thai 2-4 times a month.

    I've also tried BJJ.
  • Madmadz77
    Madmadz77 Posts: 129 Member
    Mma and Jiu-jits for a long time at Tristar and Gracie Barra in Montreal.

    Anyone has any idea how many calories one burns in a jiu-jits class? Ballpark.
  • thecraigferguson
    thecraigferguson Posts: 33 Member
    The MFP app puts it at something like 960 calories for an hour of BJJ. I don't buy it. I think that is probably accurate if you are actually rolling hard for 60 minutes - but who does that.

    Our classes are 2 hours. We drill one hour and roll one hour (7 minutes on, one minute off,) and I plug it into MFP as one hour. I have been successful losing weight despite eating all my calories back - so I would say 480/hour of class/average training is probably a good ballpark number.
  • iwantniceabs
    iwantniceabs Posts: 357 Member
    I typically train in cute pink or teal shorts and a black workout top. sports bra. gym shoes.

    boxing - 3 years
  • NostalgicGraeme
    NostalgicGraeme Posts: 38 Member

    I've trained KUGB shotokan karate most of my life. I'm currently starting to get back into it but keep getting injured. My aim is to get my weight in check as quickly as possible to get the most from my karate.