Keeping Each Other Accountable



  • neu27
    neu27 Posts: 33
    I totally agree.. It's craziness! I was like what.... wait... come again? ... How am I gonna do that! But I'm sure we will be pros by next week :)
  • nathan_oz
    nathan_oz Posts: 229
    Hi all, Day 38 complete. I have to admit I am struggling with these Max workouts! I feel like I did starting Month 1!
  • CherishQuick
    day 38 of is true the insanity warm up was pretty much the max amount of any workout I'd done before!
  • CherishQuick
    day 39 "max recovery." What's up with the push ups! I am still least graduated from the wall to "girl" push ups, still very hard.
  • nathan_oz
    nathan_oz Posts: 229
    I am really finding month 2 tough. I was enjoying Month 1 and getting into it. Not sure if it is because I have been ill or my motivation has dropped but I admit I am finding it hard. I hope this is just a short term thing and I can get back into it quickly. I hope everyone else is getting on ok!
  • nathan_oz
    nathan_oz Posts: 229
    Day 40, Max Interval Circuit. Had a better day today, it went well so I am hoping I have turned a corner! I actually enjoyed it again today! Found some motivation and got it done!
  • CherishQuick
    Day 40, Max Interval Circuit. Had a better day today, it went well so I am hoping I have turned a corner! I actually enjoyed it again today! Found some motivation and got it done!
    Day 40 was no joke....anyone else challenged with the full body drill? I'm sticking with hard!!!
  • BarryWilson1108
    BarryWilson1108 Posts: 47 Member
    Max cardio this morning - got to say, these month 2 workouts are so tough, but we are getting through them so we must be doing OK!!!
    Some of the drills are a bloody nightmare - full body drill, level 3 drills - wow!!! I get nowhere near 2 sets of 16 press ups and floor sprints. Feeling leaner though so must be working, hope everyone else is doing well...only 18 more workouts to go til we can get our t-shirts!!!
  • BarryWilson1108
    BarryWilson1108 Posts: 47 Member
    Max Interval Circuit - wow, this one is so tough! Burned 855 cals in an hour! Almost dead by the end of it......Most enjoyable part of month 2 so far is just finishing each workout!!
  • BarryWilson1108
    BarryWilson1108 Posts: 47 Member
    Taking a day off today as I have caught the dreaded cold. Snotty and aching! I could try and do max plyo today but think it would do me more harm than good.
    Hope everyone is doing OK.
  • CherishQuick
    Ok Team...I'm in need of encouragement! This program is super hard right now (Month 2, well into 2nd week). Just when I thought I had "mastered" the first round of crazy, here comes this month. I'm checking my attitude....just got a HRM, have no clue how to use it. Foiled by those S-S hops (upside down with legs in air...). I'm taking tests this week and next, the real challenge has been doing this program, working, and studying. No doubt, just have to get up even earlier...oh, yeah, my kids find the whole thing puzzling.
  • BarryWilson1108
    BarryWilson1108 Posts: 47 Member
    Dont give up now, you have got less than 3 weeks left. Just stick at it, do as much as you can and get to the end, you will regret it if you quit now.
  • BarryWilson1108
    BarryWilson1108 Posts: 47 Member
    Max Plyo done today - back at it after a day off with a cold yesterday. Still dont feel that good today but didnt want to get too behind. Got through it today, was a real struggle though!
    Will double up over the weekend and hope that I am OK for fit test on Monday - thats week 3 of month 2, the end is in sight!!
  • nathan_oz
    nathan_oz Posts: 229
    Day 46, Max Recovery done today. I'm pleased the end is in sight, but going to get straight back into it and do round 2. My results were great in month 1, OK so far in month 2. I am hoping now I have lost a bit of weight and know what's coming, round 2 will be all about muscle tone and shaping my body that bit more without worrying to much about weight loss.
  • samanthalee87
    Do you find that you're able to get through the workouts a bit easier in Month 2 Nathan??
  • nathan_oz
    nathan_oz Posts: 229
    I am finding Month 2 difficult and not always getting through them as I should. However, I do try to keep up with the DVD all the time and forget that I can just go at my own pace, when I do this I do have a good workout.
  • CherishQuick
    I just did my informal taping yesterday, only half inch off the hips/butt! Awful. oh how discouraging....I'm just going to finish and seriously reassess what I need to do to get fit. :(
  • BarryWilson1108
    BarryWilson1108 Posts: 47 Member
    Month 2 is just relentless...Hard workout after hard workout.. Not a break within any. I am actually looking forward to max cardio conditioning and cardio abs tomorrow as an 'easy day' - oh well, stick in there. Not long to go!!
  • CherishQuick
    Month 2 is just relentless...Hard workout after hard workout.. Not a break within any. I am actually looking forward to max cardio conditioning and cardio abs tomorrow as an 'easy day' - oh well, stick in there. Not long to go!!
    I agreee!!! The combination of being discouraged (only lost half an inch after 1 month), studying and testing has left me behind 3 sessions this week!!!! F*&%#!!!!! I promised myself I will get up tomorrow and do this...I've got 23 days to either loose another 2 inches or 15 pounds. Don't like the pressure and definitely don't like Insanity month 2. Rant over.
  • BarryWilson1108
    BarryWilson1108 Posts: 47 Member
    Max Recovery done. That is the last time I do max recovery!! Hooray! Day 53 done, onto the last 10 day stretch now.