3rd Trimester



  • rubybeach
    rubybeach Posts: 529 Member
    Laura- glad to hear that your little man is holding out. 37 weeks sounds like a good time to have him :)

    Our baby girl was born on tuesday at 632 am. (the day after her due date) She is beautiful and perfect in every way I am so overwhelmed with the love I have for her! I'm gonna go pass out for now but will try to post the birth story soon

  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Did anyone have problems with swelling after labor? Maybe I have been reading too much about it! Or did you find that your body pretty much started eliminating excess water immediately after?

    I've only done this once before, but I remember that it took a few days for my body to eliminate the swelling/water weight. I remember coming home and noticing that my ankles and feet still looked swollen (and I definitely remember it at the hospital), though not as badly as during pregnancy. Probably by 5 or 6 days postpartum it was pretty much gone, if I remember correctly.
  • FitFunTina
    FitFunTina Posts: 282 Member
    Did anyone have problems with swelling after labor? Maybe I have been reading too much about it! Or did you find that your body pretty much started eliminating excess water immediately after?

    I've only done this once before, but I remember that it took a few days for my body to eliminate the swelling/water weight. I remember coming home and noticing that my ankles and feet still looked swollen (and I definitely remember it at the hospital), though not as badly as during pregnancy. Probably by 5 or 6 days postpartum it was pretty much gone, if I remember correctly.

    Oh yeah, I had the swelling bad after both kids were born. And it was about 5 or 6 days before getting back to normal. I hear it's worse if you had iv fluids going through you, which I did. Was very happy to see the veins on top of my my feet again!
  • Mom2ATM
    Mom2ATM Posts: 147 Member
    Hi, mind if I join? Im Carrie :) Im 31 and being induced with my 4th, a boy, on may 8th due to health reasons. (I have a massive DVT in my leg and am on blood thinners for it ) I have 2 daughters ages 7 and 2 and a son who passed away at 5 months just over 5 years ago to HLHS, a heart defect. Im obese and have well over 100lbs to lose after baby!!!

    I have CRAZY swelling in my leg with the clot!!! It goes down quite a bit as long as I exercise every day, drink plenty of water, eat a banana every day (potassiums good for swelling) and then prop it up. I am up about 18lbs of actual weight the rest is all from my leg swelling unfortunately. And since Im being induced, ill have pitocin in me which makes me swell worse so Im going to stay off the scales for about a week after giving birth so I dont get discouraged!!

    I will no longer need my thinner for my clot after giving birth, yay!! no more shots twice a day!!

    oh and I contract on a daily basis now especially after exercising!! Im 1.5cm as of last tuesday cant wait to see where i am monday a.m
  • EmilyRanae22
    EmilyRanae22 Posts: 506 Member
    Did anyone have problems with swelling after labor? Maybe I have been reading too much about it! Or did you find that your body pretty much started eliminating excess water immediately after?

    I just got my ankles back today (6 days postpartum). I had little to no swelling throughout pregnancy but when I got back from the hopital I was so swollen it wasn't even funny!
  • EmilyRanae22
    EmilyRanae22 Posts: 506 Member
    so I'll try not to be too verbose with my birth plan I could go on and on it was such a great experience! I had heard so many time about how hard it is to go natural in the hospital and so many horror stories but we had the perfect staff and everything was great!

    The morning of her due date my mom and I went to get our nails done and do some shopping. All of my sisters kids were late and I was feeling pretty good so I figured it wouldn't be that day. At about 3 I decided I didn't have energy for anymore running around so we went home and picked up my hubby before going to dinner. We went to hibachi grill and while there I was having to stop every once in a while because of waves of cramps. By the time we got hom I was starting to think it might be "it." So we watched a movie and the pains got stronger and every time I went to the bathroom there was blood so I decided it was time to head to start thinking about heading to the hospital so we went for a walk, made sure we had everything we needed and headed out. I would have liked to birth at home some more but the hospital is an hour away so I'm glad we left when we did. I would ahve been miserable sitting in a car while contractions we stronger.

    The nurse checked me and looked at me and said "honey, you're closed" for a moment I was crushed before she said "j/k you are about 5 cm" so they admitted me and I was able to use their amazing shower she had 3 shower heads one that went perfectly onto the small of my back where all the pain was. Anyway, fast forward, they made me get out because the monitors weren't working so I couldn't use the shower the rest of the time which totally bummed me out but my husband was an amazing trooper. He held my hand, rubbed my back, and let me hang off of him when contractions were real bad. I few hours later they checked me and I was only 5/6 cm and when they checked me again I still had failed to progress so they broke my water. That was a scare because the babies heart rate spiked so they put me on oxygen and fluids and got an internal monitor and of course weren't telling me anything during all of this. Things stabilized quickly though so we were able to continue as things progressed. Right as the pain was getting to be too much to bear I started to feel like I wanted to push and pushing was a definite relief! Between contractions and pushing I gave myself and the baby little pep talks (my husband said I sounded like a football coach). I was kneeling on the bed with my arms over the back of the bed, this seemed most comfortable to me and hubs was standing right behind the bed where he could hold my hands and make eye contact. After about 45 min of pushing the midwife recommended I turn around and lay on my side but I resisted because anytime they had my laying down it hurt like crazy so I really didn't want to be in more pain. However, when I finally gave it, that position felt so good and she was born 10 minutes later. It was so funny because the midwife said "ok, here comes her head " and we all were just expecting her head but I guess I was motivated because her whole body shot out and barely caught her. They passed her right too me and she was a beautiful 7lbs 3.8oz with a full head of hair. I instantly forgot about the 14 proceeding hours of pain.

    Throughout the whole thing no one mentioned an epidural (a request I made in my birth plan and I was told by many nurses "I'm sure they will at least offer it, but hopefully they won't push it") I never even heard the words. I was able to move around the room as I wanted and everyone was sooooooo supportive. I seriously had the best "team" (my mom, husband, doula and the midwife) and the nurses we amazing too.

    While I was pregnant I was so upset about the stretch marks and how my body was changing but then I got this beautiful little baby who I love and adore and when I look at my stretch marks I see a badge of honor that helped me bring my perfect little girl into the world. Today I think we finally got breastfeeding down well so I'm hoping that means I might get some sleep tonight. We'll see how it goes :)
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    That is a beautiful story, Emily! Thanks so much for telling it! As a first-time mom about to go into labor in a few weeks, I need all the positive natural birth stories I can get!
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    so I'll try not to be too verbose with my birth plan I could go on and on it was such a great experience! I had heard so many time about how hard it is to go natural in the hospital and so many horror stories but we had the perfect staff and everything was great!

    The morning of her due date my mom and I went to get our nails done and do some shopping. All of my sisters kids were late and I was feeling pretty good so I figured it wouldn't be that day. At about 3 I decided I didn't have energy for anymore running around so we went home and picked up my hubby before going to dinner. We went to hibachi grill and while there I was having to stop every once in a while because of waves of cramps. By the time we got hom I was starting to think it might be "it." So we watched a movie and the pains got stronger and every time I went to the bathroom there was blood so I decided it was time to head to start thinking about heading to the hospital so we went for a walk, made sure we had everything we needed and headed out. I would have liked to birth at home some more but the hospital is an hour away so I'm glad we left when we did. I would ahve been miserable sitting in a car while contractions we stronger.

    The nurse checked me and looked at me and said "honey, you're closed" for a moment I was crushed before she said "j/k you are about 5 cm" so they admitted me and I was able to use their amazing shower she had 3 shower heads one that went perfectly onto the small of my back where all the pain was. Anyway, fast forward, they made me get out because the monitors weren't working so I couldn't use the shower the rest of the time which totally bummed me out but my husband was an amazing trooper. He held my hand, rubbed my back, and let me hang off of him when contractions were real bad. I few hours later they checked me and I was only 5/6 cm and when they checked me again I still had failed to progress so they broke my water. That was a scare because the babies heart rate spiked so they put me on oxygen and fluids and got an internal monitor and of course weren't telling me anything during all of this. Things stabilized quickly though so we were able to continue as things progressed. Right as the pain was getting to be too much to bear I started to feel like I wanted to push and pushing was a definite relief! Between contractions and pushing I gave myself and the baby little pep talks (my husband said I sounded like a football coach). I was kneeling on the bed with my arms over the back of the bed, this seemed most comfortable to me and hubs was standing right behind the bed where he could hold my hands and make eye contact. After about 45 min of pushing the midwife recommended I turn around and lay on my side but I resisted because anytime they had my laying down it hurt like crazy so I really didn't want to be in more pain. However, when I finally gave it, that position felt so good and she was born 10 minutes later. It was so funny because the midwife said "ok, here comes her head " and we all were just expecting her head but I guess I was motivated because her whole body shot out and barely caught her. They passed her right too me and she was a beautiful 7lbs 3.8oz with a full head of hair. I instantly forgot about the 14 proceeding hours of pain.

    Throughout the whole thing no one mentioned an epidural (a request I made in my birth plan and I was told by many nurses "I'm sure they will at least offer it, but hopefully they won't push it") I never even heard the words. I was able to move around the room as I wanted and everyone was sooooooo supportive. I seriously had the best "team" (my mom, husband, doula and the midwife) and the nurses we amazing too.

    While I was pregnant I was so upset about the stretch marks and how my body was changing but then I got this beautiful little baby who I love and adore and when I look at my stretch marks I see a badge of honor that helped me bring my perfect little girl into the world. Today I think we finally got breastfeeding down well so I'm hoping that means I might get some sleep tonight. We'll see how it goes :)

    Awh! Emily CONGRATS! I'm so glad you got the L&D you wanted :happy:
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    Well, I am officially unstoppable! (36 weeks +1 day) so if baby were to come now they won't intervene. So happy to be to this point.

    I have my first cervical check coming up on Wednesday (I opted out of having the check last week b/c my regular dr was out). I'm really hoping that my measurements are looking good and that I've started to efface/dilate. Hope everyone else is doing great too!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    so I'll try not to be too verbose with my birth plan I could go on and on it was such a great experience! I had heard so many time about how hard it is to go natural in the hospital and so many horror stories but we had the perfect staff and everything was great!

    The morning of her due date my mom and I went to get our nails done and do some shopping. All of my sisters kids were late and I was feeling pretty good so I figured it wouldn't be that day. At about 3 I decided I didn't have energy for anymore running around so we went home and picked up my hubby before going to dinner. We went to hibachi grill and while there I was having to stop every once in a while because of waves of cramps. By the time we got hom I was starting to think it might be "it." So we watched a movie and the pains got stronger and every time I went to the bathroom there was blood so I decided it was time to head to start thinking about heading to the hospital so we went for a walk, made sure we had everything we needed and headed out. I would have liked to birth at home some more but the hospital is an hour away so I'm glad we left when we did. I would ahve been miserable sitting in a car while contractions we stronger.

    The nurse checked me and looked at me and said "honey, you're closed" for a moment I was crushed before she said "j/k you are about 5 cm" so they admitted me and I was able to use their amazing shower she had 3 shower heads one that went perfectly onto the small of my back where all the pain was. Anyway, fast forward, they made me get out because the monitors weren't working so I couldn't use the shower the rest of the time which totally bummed me out but my husband was an amazing trooper. He held my hand, rubbed my back, and let me hang off of him when contractions were real bad. I few hours later they checked me and I was only 5/6 cm and when they checked me again I still had failed to progress so they broke my water. That was a scare because the babies heart rate spiked so they put me on oxygen and fluids and got an internal monitor and of course weren't telling me anything during all of this. Things stabilized quickly though so we were able to continue as things progressed. Right as the pain was getting to be too much to bear I started to feel like I wanted to push and pushing was a definite relief! Between contractions and pushing I gave myself and the baby little pep talks (my husband said I sounded like a football coach). I was kneeling on the bed with my arms over the back of the bed, this seemed most comfortable to me and hubs was standing right behind the bed where he could hold my hands and make eye contact. After about 45 min of pushing the midwife recommended I turn around and lay on my side but I resisted because anytime they had my laying down it hurt like crazy so I really didn't want to be in more pain. However, when I finally gave it, that position felt so good and she was born 10 minutes later. It was so funny because the midwife said "ok, here comes her head " and we all were just expecting her head but I guess I was motivated because her whole body shot out and barely caught her. They passed her right too me and she was a beautiful 7lbs 3.8oz with a full head of hair. I instantly forgot about the 14 proceeding hours of pain.

    Throughout the whole thing no one mentioned an epidural (a request I made in my birth plan and I was told by many nurses "I'm sure they will at least offer it, but hopefully they won't push it") I never even heard the words. I was able to move around the room as I wanted and everyone was sooooooo supportive. I seriously had the best "team" (my mom, husband, doula and the midwife) and the nurses we amazing too.

    While I was pregnant I was so upset about the stretch marks and how my body was changing but then I got this beautiful little baby who I love and adore and when I look at my stretch marks I see a badge of honor that helped me bring my perfect little girl into the world. Today I think we finally got breastfeeding down well so I'm hoping that means I might get some sleep tonight. We'll see how it goes :)

    Yaaaay! I'm so glad you shared your story - thank you! I'm so glad, too, that things went pretty smoothly and that no one pushed the epidural on you, since I know you didn't want it. You sound like me, though, where once you started pushing, it was no time until you had your baby! I was so grateful not to have to push for very long. I'm hoping things go as smoothly this time.

    Congratulations again!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Well, I am officially unstoppable! (36 weeks +1 day) so if baby were to come now they won't intervene. So happy to be to this point.

    I have my first cervical check coming up on Wednesday (I opted out of having the check last week b/c my regular dr was out). I'm really hoping that my measurements are looking good and that I've started to efface/dilate. Hope everyone else is doing great too!

    Tomorrow's my first late pregnancy pelvic check. I get the Strep B test, too. I hope it's not positive so that I can labor at home for as long as possible and maybe get things in line to make sure our son is cared for while I'm in labor. Last time it was positive, so basically I had to go in right away to get the first dose of antibiotics*. I know it's totally out of my control and not a big deal, but I joked with my sister (she was positive with her first and negative with her second) that I felt weirdly "defective" for being positive even though a lot of women are.

    Anyway, I got myself cleaned up for it (there's another thread about that), and I'm hoping for some good news about softening or something. I'm 35+1, so it's still early, but it would be nice to hear that I'm at least progressing.

    *This was also the time when they loaded me up on pitocin without my knowledge (--> horrendous contractions with no breaks, and the nurses rolled their eyes when I was sobbing asking for an epidural). I'd like to be home so that I can avoid fighting with them about pitocin.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Hi, mind if I join? Im Carrie :) Im 31 and being induced with my 4th, a boy, on may 8th due to health reasons. (I have a massive DVT in my leg and am on blood thinners for it ) I have 2 daughters ages 7 and 2 and a son who passed away at 5 months just over 5 years ago to HLHS, a heart defect. Im obese and have well over 100lbs to lose after baby!!!

    I have CRAZY swelling in my leg with the clot!!! It goes down quite a bit as long as I exercise every day, drink plenty of water, eat a banana every day (potassiums good for swelling) and then prop it up. I am up about 18lbs of actual weight the rest is all from my leg swelling unfortunately. And since Im being induced, ill have pitocin in me which makes me swell worse so Im going to stay off the scales for about a week after giving birth so I dont get discouraged!!

    I will no longer need my thinner for my clot after giving birth, yay!! no more shots twice a day!!

    oh and I contract on a daily basis now especially after exercising!! Im 1.5cm as of last tuesday cant wait to see where i am monday a.m

    Hi there! Welcome, and congratulations!

    I'm so sorry to hear about your prior loss and hope everything goes smoothly this time. I'm sure the shots are no fun, and you are probably ready to meet your baby and focus on yourself (well, kinda). What is your original due date?

    Also, you might want to check out the Post-Partum Pack (I joined early as preparation): http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/639-post-partum-pack

    Keep us posted on how you're doing!

  • BBeccaJean
    BBeccaJean Posts: 453 Member
    I went to my OB appointment today. Doc's scale has my weight gain at +18 lbs for 33 weeks. The appt. was very informative! I found out new policy that they will not induce before 39 weeks, because too many women were having c-sections as a result of failed inductions. They are also only holding mom and babies for a day after delivery if everything looks alright. I also got my essential oils today, so it's time for baths and massages :O).

    Congrats to all the mommies who just had babies. I hope your babies are sleeping well!
  • Mom2ATM
    Mom2ATM Posts: 147 Member
    Hi, mind if I join? Im Carrie :) Im 31 and being induced with my 4th, a boy, on may 8th due to health reasons. (I have a massive DVT in my leg and am on blood thinners for it ) I have 2 daughters ages 7 and 2 and a son who passed away at 5 months just over 5 years ago to HLHS, a heart defect. Im obese and have well over 100lbs to lose after baby!!!

    I have CRAZY swelling in my leg with the clot!!! It goes down quite a bit as long as I exercise every day, drink plenty of water, eat a banana every day (potassiums good for swelling) and then prop it up. I am up about 18lbs of actual weight the rest is all from my leg swelling unfortunately. And since Im being induced, ill have pitocin in me which makes me swell worse so Im going to stay off the scales for about a week after giving birth so I dont get discouraged!!

    I will no longer need my thinner for my clot after giving birth, yay!! no more shots twice a day!!

    oh and I contract on a daily basis now especially after exercising!! Im 1.5cm as of last tuesday cant wait to see where i am monday a.m

    Hi there! Welcome, and congratulations!

    I'm so sorry to hear about your prior loss and hope everything goes smoothly this time. I'm sure the shots are no fun, and you are probably ready to meet your baby and focus on yourself (well, kinda). What is your original due date?

    Also, you might want to check out the Post-Partum Pack (I joined early as preparation): http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/639-post-partum-pack

    Keep us posted on how you're doing!


    Thank you, I did join that group as well but have yet to post i enjoy reading everyones threads lol. MY original edd is 5/13 so im going in like a week early, the shots suck!!! I cant wait until i can stop them lol!!

    in other news, i had my 37w appt today, didnt get a cervical check, kind of bummed but theres no reason for one since ive never gone before 40w on my own (membranes were swept at 39 with both my girls so i went bc of that) plus im getting induced, i will however be checked next monday to see how ripe i am bc they need to schedule me in for either the 7th for cervadil or the 8th for just pitocin so im hoping my cardio every day and squats/plies will help soften it :)
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member

    Tomorrow's my first late pregnancy pelvic check. I get the Strep B test, too. I hope it's not positive so that I can labor at home for as long as possible and maybe get things in line to make sure our son is cared for while I'm in labor. Last time it was positive, so basically I had to go in right away to get the first dose of antibiotics*. I know it's totally out of my control and not a big deal, but I joked with my sister (she was positive with her first and negative with her second) that I felt weirdly "defective" for being positive even though a lot of women are.

    Anyway, I got myself cleaned up for it (there's another thread about that), and I'm hoping for some good news about softening or something. I'm 35+1, so it's still early, but it would be nice to hear that I'm at least progressing.

    *This was also the time when they loaded me up on pitocin without my knowledge (--> horrendous contractions with no breaks, and the nurses rolled their eyes when I was sobbing asking for an epidural). I'd like to be home so that I can avoid fighting with them about pitocin.

    Rebecca, did you confirm that they actually gave you pitocin without your knowledge? I recall that you were unsure last time. That labor sounds horrendous, and the "support team" extremely unsupportive. I hope you've managed to identify another care provider and/or ensure that this does not happen again!

    I also go in tomorrow for the Strep B test. I am SO SO SO SO hoping (I can't even put enough so's!) that I do not test positive. I live in deep fear of having an IV in my hand when I am in labor. I do trust my midwife labor team (I'm delivering at a birth center, so there are no unpleasant intervention surprises), but I just want to be as comfortable as possible so that I can be calm and relaxed during the birth. I feel like I am putting in a lot of effort to keep myself calm and see this as an emotionally positive experience despite whatever pain I might have, and finding out that I have to have an IV will be a little bit of a setback in those efforts. It's just a weird fear that I have after the traumatic hospital appendectomy in the second trimester.
  • ehg87
    ehg87 Posts: 430 Member
    No news on here in a few days...How is everyone?

    Nothing new here. The weekly Dr visits start next week for me. I'm sleepy approx all the time, and hoping for one final energy surge before this baby arrives. Cannot believe I'm in the final 5 weeks. All of my babies have been "right on time" as far as estimated due dates are concerned. My daughter got here exactly on her DD, and my son was born the day after his DD. So I'm betting this baby gets here May 31st, June 1st (actual DD) or June 2nd. There is a full moon towards the end of May (21st I think) wonder if that will have an effect on anyone here......

    Hope everyone is well!
  • t_welch11
    t_welch11 Posts: 52 Member
    Hi, Im 32 weeks and 4 days right now, just joined the thread/group. I have a c-section scheduled for June 10th, due to having to ave 2 previous ones. I ve been diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes so my doctors are monitoring my baby boys growth very carefully. His growth is at 35 weeks, so hes big for his age. I was 80 pounds overweight before getting pregnant and will have 100+ to lose post partum. Ive gained 40 pounds during my pregnancy, but have been staying at 270 for the past 3 weeks now even tho baby is gaining. Changed my diet after being diagnosed and it has given me so much more energy and has helped me lose about 5 pounds, which my doctor is not concerned about. I have also started walking for 15-30 minutes after each meal (or i use my eliptical on lowest resistance on rainy days) to help my blood sugar levels come down. So Far my baby boys birthday os set for June 10th, but we'll see if he has other plans as that is only 5 days from my due date of June 15th :)
  • nursenikki829
    nursenikki829 Posts: 432 Member
    Now that my baby boy is almost a week old, I am finally sitting down to type my birth story....

    I had been having crampy contractions for a couple of weeks, so I was just waiting for those contractions to turn into something real! My EDD was anywhere from the 15th to the 17th depending on which ultrasound that you went with, so when both of those days came and went, I started to get cranky. On Friday the 19th, I took the kids to the babysitter so I could have some down time with my hubby and make sure that my house was clean. I started having cramping around noon, and it stuck around for the afternoon. I kept cleaning and stayed on my feet hoping that this was the real deal. By dinner time, I was breathing and rocking through the waves (my term for contractions) and I text my midwife to let her know what was happening. She called me back and said that she would be over around 8:30, but if anything picked up or changed to give her a call. My midwife, Lisa arrived and shortly after her student midwife, Katelyn arrived as well. We chatted about how I was feeling and they went to my bedroom to ready their supplies. Katelyn checked me and I was 5 cm with a large bag of waters in front of my baby's head. My mother- in- law came to pick up my 2- year old son, and my mom came to hang out with my girls while I labored away. We were having big thunderstorms that nights, so in between the storms, my husband and I went for a walk to help bring on stronger contractions. We came backed soaked and laughing, and have some great pictures of us soaking wet after walking and laboring in the rain.
    As my waves got stronger, I rocked and squatted throughout the night. I labored in the birthing tub while my husband rubbed my back, did nipple stimulation and aromatherapy with my in the bedroom. I was fully dilated by morning, but my bag of water was bulging and the baby's head was not descending. My midwives wanted to break my water, but didn't want to risk a cord prolapse, so while my midwife Lisa manually pushed my belly down during a contraction to lower the baby enough to prevent a prolapsed cord, Katelyn broke my water. They later joked about my "amniotic sac of steel" and everyone got a good laugh when Katelyn was covered head to toe in amniotic fluid! Only seconds after they broke my bag of water, I knew that the baby was ready and literally jumped from my bed to the birth tub. My girls came into the room at that point so they could see their brother's birth, and I got on my knees and hugged my husband as I pushed my baby out in only 4 minutes. I first saw his face under the water, and was amazed that his eyes were open, I pulled him to my chest and he just looked at me for a few seconds before he began to cry. I kept him warm on my chest until the cord stopped pulsating, and then my husband cut the cord. My midwives dried us off and tucked us into bed and he began nursing like a champ. Zachary Levi was born 4/20 at 7:12 am weighing 8 lbs 15 oz and 21 1/4 inches long. I had a beautiful home birth, and was so thankful to have such amazing midwives. Now I am in new baby bliss, and my daughters and son all love their new baby brother!


  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    What a beautiful birth story, Nikki! Congratulations on your new little bundle of joy!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Yaaay, congratulations, Nikki! Thank you for sharing your story, too :flowerforyou: