Bodyfat estimation thread



  • pandorakick
    pandorakick Posts: 901 Member
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member

    Those types of calculators are great to use to measure progress, as long as your weight comes off relatively evenly, but where you carry your weight can really screw with the spot estimate.

    It has me at 26%, but I have a wide rib cage so not a very small waist and a big *kitten* - so they get confused. The BMI makes me laugh also - I am only 2lb away from overweight :happy:
  • pandorakick
    pandorakick Posts: 901 Member
  • allikat93
    allikat93 Posts: 236

    I know I dont have a flexing pic but i dont look that much different when I flex.. My tummy gets a little flatter is about it. Lol. Thanks in advance.

    Add: SORRY EVERYONE!!! the photo is so big and I dont have enough data allowance on my phone to re-upload it smaller. :(
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member

    I know I dont have a flexing pic but i dont look that much different when I flex.. My tummy gets a little flatter is about it. Lol. Thanks in advance.

    Add: SORRY EVERYONE!!! the photo is so big and I dont have enough data allowance on my phone to re-upload it smaller. :(


    Just to put our assessment into perspective, when it gets above the 30% BF level, it starts getting harder and harder to assess with any degree of accuracy and at over 40% it is really hard as there really is no way of seeing how much lean body mass you have. So with this we would put you somewhere a bit above 40% - but with quite a wide degree of possible error. At this stage in particular, but really at all stages, the focus should really be on making progress with the mirror, clothes fit and tape measure, and to a lesser degree, the scale, rather than an inexact estimate of BF%.
  • allikat93
    allikat93 Posts: 236


    Just to put our assessment into perspective, when it gets above the 30% BF level, it starts getting harder and harder to assess with any degree of accuracy and at over 40% it is really hard as there really is no way of seeing how much lean body mass you have. So with this we would put you somewhere a bit above 40% - but with quite a wide degree of possible error. At this stage in particular, but really at all stages, the focus should really be on making progress with the mirror, clothes fit and tape measure, and to a lesser degree, the scale, rather than an inexact estimate of BF%.

    Okay thanks. Also.. Did you check out my pm yet?
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member


    Just to put our assessment into perspective, when it gets above the 30% BF level, it starts getting harder and harder to assess with any degree of accuracy and at over 40% it is really hard as there really is no way of seeing how much lean body mass you have. So with this we would put you somewhere a bit above 40% - but with quite a wide degree of possible error. At this stage in particular, but really at all stages, the focus should really be on making progress with the mirror, clothes fit and tape measure, and to a lesser degree, the scale, rather than an inexact estimate of BF%.

    Okay thanks. Also.. Did you check out my pm yet?

    Will respond to that tomorrow.
  • stepnerd
    stepnerd Posts: 57 Member
    Bump for later
  • Some estimations would be really helpful.

    front untensed:


    back tensed:


    front tensed:

  • forgot to mention, I'm 6 foot, 152lb
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    forgot to mention, I'm 6 foot, 152lb

    Thanks. We will get back to you shortly.
  • thanks x
  • forgot to mention, I'm 6 foot, 152lb

    Thanks. We will get back to you shortly.

    thanks x
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    forgot to mention, I'm 6 foot, 152lb

    Thanks. We will get back to you shortly.

    thanks x

    Hi! So we would put you in the 11 - 12% BF range.
  • [/quote]

    Hi! So we would put you in the 11 - 12% BF range.

    Thanks for your help :)
  • Sorry about that! Edit post is apparently no longer an option... I'll repost here with the smaller pictures, if one of the moderators wants to take the last one down that is fine with me.

    Hi! I'm interested in an estimate. Did Navy % Covert Bailey and I'm at a 7% difference between the two, which seems like a big discrepancy! I know the lighting isn't super awesome but here's all the pictures I have. Hope they don't turn out giant sized :D

    Front relaxed

    Front Flexed

    Side relaxed

    Side relaxed with legs

    Back Relaxed

    Back Flexed

    Legs Relaxed

    Calves flexed

    Arms flexed (on right is recent)
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    ^^thanks..much easier to see. We will be back to you with an estimate.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member

    Sorry - forgot to ask what your height and weight was.
  • fishlover888

    Sorry - forgot to ask what your height and weight was.

    Oops, sorry forgot to add that. 5'5, 153 (ish)

  • bellesouth18
    bellesouth18 Posts: 1,071 Member
    Now that I've figured out how to join the group, I have a question that I think y'all can help me with. But my question is a little different and I don't know if you can answer it or not. But here goes.

    I have scoliosis. I am 5'.25" tall on the outside. If measuring your "wingspan" from fingertip to fingertip actually represents your actual height, then I should be about 5'3.5." I have the musculature and bone structure of someone 5'3.5" tall on the inside. But it's all "squished" down a little bit in the shoulder-to-waist area.

    When entering information into the BMI and other charts, which height do I use?

    Thanks for your time.
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