Stage 3



  • glitterballv
    glitterballv Posts: 133 Member
    Hi ladies

    I started stage three this morning. Really enjoyed it! The dumbbell snatch makes me feel awesome!
    That overhead squat though is just awkward. Especially with my left arm raised for some reason.

    Body weight matrix was tough in a good way, left the gym on shaky legs!
  • tessa175
    tessa175 Posts: 170 Member
    Hi ladies

    I started stage three this morning. Really enjoyed it! The dumbbell snatch makes me feel awesome!
    That overhead squat though is just awkward. Especially with my left arm raised for some reason.

    Body weight matrix was tough in a good way, left the gym on shaky legs!

    I just started this stage as well...Jump Lunges WTF?? So uncoordinated for that...

    haha, I feel the same way about the dumbbell snatch, I found the single leg Romanian deadlift really hard!!
  • LuvtheCubs
    LuvtheCubs Posts: 161 Member
    The jumping lunges were ridiculous. I would hate to see video of me doing those! Lol! The single dumb bell squat was really hard for me to balance. I kept reducing the dumb bell weight until I could finally manage to be balanced. But I totally felt my core really trying to figure out what to do. Kind of cool. I'm not as sore as I thought I would be. But I was so tired last night when I got home from the gym.

    Tomorrow my first time to do 3-B. happy lifting everyone!
  • glitterballv
    glitterballv Posts: 133 Member
    Weirdly the only sore part of me is my hamstrings!

    I've been doing a body weight hiit class anyway so jump lunges were fine, but def felt it in my legs.

    Hear you with the squats cubs! Down to 4 and 8 kgs...
  • lazyjane75
    lazyjane75 Posts: 34 Member
    Hey ladies - got my 3rd A workout in yesterday. Maybe for A4 I'll actually be able to do all the jump lunges (I've been mostly subbing regular lunges because I'm so uncoordinated). The rest of my workout was great though. Major improvement over A2 - except that I wish I could up my weights on my incline chest press.

    I found that using kettleballs for the overhead squats works really well - especially keeping the upper ball behind my hand, if that makes sense. SL romanian deadlifts were much better this time too - so keep at it ladies! And I actually love that dumbell snatch - but mostly because I'm vain and like to see how it makes my muscles flex in the mirror :)

    I'm actually looking forward to doing this all again Stage 5 because I'm hoping that I will be able to see more progress (especially in the jump lunge department).

    Hey Cubs - are you in Chicago by any chance?
  • Babeskeez
    Babeskeez Posts: 606 Member
    Hey ladies!

    I start Stage 3 on Either Monday or Tuesday. I ended Stage 2 today! Man, these exercises are looking tough and complicated but I am so excited to move on! Glad to be joining you all.
  • LuvtheCubs
    LuvtheCubs Posts: 161 Member
    Second time with workout A. Managed to do better on the jumping lunges for the first set but didn't do as well the second set. Definite improvement though!

    I will try kettle bell next time. Good idea. I was a little more coordinated this time around.

    I was born in Chicago. Moved away when I was 17. Generations of Cubs fans. Jeez, this season is not looking good!

    Good luck with your workouts ladies! We are half way through the book. Very cool!
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    I've been AWOL lol. Working 7 days this week and kids school hols = no gym time. Will be completing my final 3B workout on Monday.... bring it on!
  • Shtallionchick14
    Shtallionchick14 Posts: 61 Member
    This thread is too quiet!

    I have now done 3a and 3b once.

    I loved 3a. It was a fun workout and the BWM is positively evil. Surprisingly, I wasn't too sore from it.

    3b though was boring. Although the YTWL does kill, I miss heavy weights. I also hate prone cobra.

    How's everyone else doing? I am dreading the BWM I have to do tomorrow... but cardio for tonight.
  • tessa175
    tessa175 Posts: 170 Member
    This thread is too quiet!

    I have now done 3a and 3b once.

    I loved 3a. It was a fun workout and the BWM is positively evil. Surprisingly, I wasn't too sore from it.

    3b though was boring. Although the YTWL does kill, I miss heavy weights. I also hate prone cobra.

    How's everyone else doing? I am dreading the BWM I have to do tomorrow... but cardio for tonight.

    I hear ya on the heavier weights, it seems like I've had to lower the weight on practically everything. Does anyone else find the single leg dead lift insanely hard?? I have bad knees so I don't do the BWM I just do intervals on the elliptical for A&B. prone cobra isn't that bad but I still can't manage more than 60 seconds on the plank. So frustrating!
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    Hey all,

    S3WA1 complete.....Here are the starting numbers:

    One-armed Dumbbell Snatch: 25 lbs
    Dumbbell Single-Leg Romainian DL: 30 lbs
    Barbell bent-over row: 70 lbs
    Dumbbell Incline Bench Press: 20 lbs
    Dummbell Single-Arm Overhead Squat: 10/20 lbs
    Plank: 90 Sec
    Reverse Wood Chop: 40 lbs

    I skipped the BWM, mainly because I run after this workout.
  • Shtallionchick14
    Shtallionchick14 Posts: 61 Member
    I am kinda excited for my 2nd A workout tonight... but B is boring!

    I don't think the cobras are that hard, just boring. I have to distract myself during them, watching TV or reading something.

    I'm ready for the pain of BWM tonight!
  • nursekern
    nursekern Posts: 132 Member
    Holy crap, that BWM is no joke! Especially after the whole workout, dang! I'm on my 3rd workout of Stage 3, really felt it in the thighs tonight! Good work ladies, keep it up!
  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    This thread is too quiet!

    I have now done 3a and 3b once.

    I loved 3a. It was a fun workout and the BWM is positively evil. Surprisingly, I wasn't too sore from it.

    3b though was boring. Although the YTWL does kill, I miss heavy weights. I also hate prone cobra.

    How's everyone else doing? I am dreading the BWM I have to do tomorrow... but cardio for tonight.

    I couldn't agree more!!!
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    Hello All,

    I am back with my S3WB starting stats:

    Barbell Romanian Deadlift/Bent-over Row: 70lbs
    Partial Single-Leg Squats: BW
    Wide-grip lat Pulldowns: 85 lbs
    Back Extensions: 10 lbs
    YTWL: 5 lbs
    Decline Sit-ups (subbed for the swiss ball crunches): 30 lbs
    Incline Reverse Sit-ups: BW
    Lateral Flexion: I do version 3 right now
    Prone Cobra: 90 sec

    I agree that the YTWLs are tough....but I love the feeling of the burn. I hate Prone Cobras, just like everyone else. But, again the burn is great. I made the ab part of the workout a cycle, resting for 105 seconds after each full set. So I would do the sit-ups, reverses and then flexions in a circuit type and rest after. Had some issues with balance with the Partials, but I did them in range to grab a handle or some thing in case I needed to steady myself (don't worry, I didn't use it to easy the exercise, just to steady IF I needed it).
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    I'm starting Stage 3 tomorrow. Haven't looked at the exercises yet to see what I'm in for.

    Just pondering why this thread gets less traffic, people quit after stage 1 or 2, or just everyone is in their groove by stage 3 and don't need to talk as much about it?
  • makinitcount44
    makinitcount44 Posts: 441 Member
    I'm starting Stage 3 tomorrow. Haven't looked at the exercises yet to see what I'm in for.

    Just pondering why this thread gets less traffic, people quit after stage 1 or 2, or just everyone is in their groove by stage 3 and don't need to talk as much about it?

    I wonder why too.
  • chocolatecroissant
    chocolatecroissant Posts: 155 Member
    This is quiet! (Mind you - so is stage 2 as I've been off the boards for a week and my last post is still on the page!)

    Quite looking forward to this stage as less reps (though more sets) and more diversity. Don't fancy those prone exercises though (YW...) and may abandon them as the similar one in stage 2 gives me pain in my front shoulder - think I'll just focus on the pull and not the rotator cuff moves.
  • blacknivory
    blacknivory Posts: 30 Member
    I'm starting Stage 3 tomorrow. Haven't looked at the exercises yet to see what I'm in for.

    Just pondering why this thread gets less traffic, people quit after stage 1 or 2, or just everyone is in their groove by stage 3 and don't need to talk as much about it?

    Maybe just buggered after the BWM. They took me so long the first night that I went home washed up and got dinner on before the second set.
    I was very excited though about getting through them -I'm 53 and it occurred to me that if I wasn't doing these I may never have jumped again!
    I'm enjoying this journey, the first time I've actually trained for anything. Just one work out to go at Stage 3 and still enjoying it.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Maybe just buggered after the BWM. They took me so long the first night that I went home washed up and got dinner on before the second set.
    I was very excited though about getting through them -I'm 53 and it occurred to me that if I wasn't doing these I may never have jumped again!
    I'm enjoying this journey, the first time I've actually trained for anything. Just one work out to go at Stage 3 and still enjoying it.

    Hahaha, good point!