Stage 1



  • amyhoss
    amyhoss Posts: 414 Member
    Finished B2 yesterday and my lower back is sore. I assume it is from deadlifts. I used 85lbs which was pretty heavy for me. I worry about my form when doing deadlifts with such heavy weights. I don't want to hurt my back. Is it normal for my lower back to be sore?
  • becca2911
    becca2911 Posts: 149 Member
    Finished B2 yesterday and my lower back is sore. I assume it is from deadlifts. I used 85lbs which was pretty heavy for me. I worry about my form when doing deadlifts with such heavy weights. I don't want to hurt my back. Is it normal for my lower back to be sore?

    make sure you're not rounding your back.
  • PBsMommy
    PBsMommy Posts: 1,166 Member
    Hey ladies!

    I know I haven't checked- in in quite a while.

    I am finally at the halfway point of Stage 1!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Because of the finger I started off at the lowest weights I had or body weight for some moves. The finger is doing pretty good, but has a nasty scar.
  • clynn215
    clynn215 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi All!

    I just started Stage 1 yesterday! BUT of course I have a question already! I got nauseous during and at the end of the workout and and am still feeling nauseous! I had a protein smoothie when I got home for the gym and then had planned on having salmon for dinner but still felt full and nauseated after the shake! My guess is a pushed myself even though I was farely comfortable with the moves (aside from my hands hurting holding the dumbbells during my step ups)

    Here's what I did

    Squats = 15x50 and 15x60 (used dumbbells because bars were across the gym)
    Push-ups - 2x15 on knees (will I ever learn to like these!?)
    Seated Row - 15x65, 15x70
    Step-ups - 15x50 (doing legs seperately correct - so 30 total?) and 15x40 (my hands couldn't hold the weight!)
    Jack Knifes - I did 15 each of these though reading the book I guess I was supposed to do 8...oops!

    I'm pretty sure I'm not going to be able to open a door later much less get out of my chair! But it hurts so good!

  • lodicox7
    lodicox7 Posts: 101 Member
    Hi all. jumping in the conversation here. I started the program about a week ago. I've got stage one workout B2 coming up on Thursday. So far I'm loving it, and have actually seen the scale drop for the first time in several long weeks (not that I expect this to continue, but still, it's nice.)

    My gym does not have any barbells, so I am adapting all of the exercises for use with dumbbells. I live in a condo community so I get to use our gym for 'free'. I'm checking out other people's starting weights here, and I'm a little surprised to see how high some of them are, but I am assuming it is because they have access to barbells. Because we have no bars, I am using my arms to support all of the weight for certain leg exercises, and am struggling with them as a result. I feel like my legs can handle more weight, but my arms just can't hold 40+ lb dumbbells long enough yet to do 30 reps of step ups and lunges, lol. Anyone have any suggestions for this problem?
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member

    My gym does not have any barbells, so I am adapting all of the exercises for use with dumbbells. I live in a condo community so I get to use our gym for 'free'. I'm checking out other people's starting weights here, and I'm a little surprised to see how high some of them are, but I am assuming it is because they have access to barbells. Because we have no bars, I am using my arms to support all of the weight for certain leg exercises, and am struggling with them as a result. I feel like my legs can handle more weight, but my arms just can't hold 40+ lb dumbbells long enough yet to do 30 reps of step ups and lunges, lol. Anyone have any suggestions for this problem?

    my suggestions:
    1. keep at it! This is a regular comment for the step-ups, lunges and deadlifts. Now that I am in stage four, its much less of an issue.
    2. if you need to, pause and restart. I actually always pause between my left and right legs because I get winded during step-ups
    3. try doing "farmers walks": pick up 25 or 30 pound dumbbells and walk as far as you can, pause, then walk back.
    4. make sure your grip is as effective as possible: while starting your grip, slide your fingers over the bar so that there is no palm flesh getting squished between the bar and the fingers; squeeze SUPER tight. If your grip is not as tight as it can be, it is not as strong as it can be.
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member

    My gym does not have any barbells, so I am adapting all of the exercises for use with dumbbells. I live in a condo community so I get to use our gym for 'free'. I'm checking out other people's starting weights here, and I'm a little surprised to see how high some of them are, but I am assuming it is because they have access to barbells. Because we have no bars, I am using my arms to support all of the weight for certain leg exercises, and am struggling with them as a result. I feel like my legs can handle more weight, but my arms just can't hold 40+ lb dumbbells long enough yet to do 30 reps of step ups and lunges, lol. Anyone have any suggestions for this problem?

    my suggestions:
    1. keep at it! This is a regular comment for the step-ups, lunges and deadlifts. Now that I am in stage four, its much less of an issue.
    2. if you need to, pause and restart. I actually always pause between my left and right legs because I get winded during step-ups
    3. try doing "farmers walks": pick up 25 or 30 pound dumbbells and walk as far as you can, pause, then walk back.
    4. make sure your grip is as effective as possible: while starting your grip, slide your fingers over the bar so that there is no palm flesh getting squished between the bar and the fingers; squeeze SUPER tight. If your grip is not as tight as it can be, it is not as strong as it can be.
  • rsharper97
    rsharper97 Posts: 242 Member
    I started stage one tonight. I had my book and chart with me. I had a little problem with finding the machines/weights I needed but the guys there were so nice. I asked questions and they were more than willing to help me. So my stats for first day was
    squats 45lbs/15 65lbs/15
    pushups 15 15
    seated row 55 lbs/15 70 lbs/15
    step up 20 lbs/15 30 lbs/15
    prone jackknifes 8 8

    Looking forward to workout B on Friday
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    just wanted to jump in to bump the thread.

    I've completed 5 workouts so far. I'm really loving the program this time around.

    I'm jumping back in here, too! I finished stage 1 but wasn't happy with my commitment to it (last year, I was religious with 3 workouts a week) or my gains!
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    I started stage one tonight. I had my book and chart with me. I had a little problem with finding the machines/weights I needed but the guys there were so nice. I asked questions and they were more than willing to help me. So my stats for first day was
    squats 45lbs/15 65lbs/15
    pushups 15 15
    seated row 55 lbs/15 70 lbs/15
    step up 20 lbs/15 30 lbs/15
    prone jackknifes 8 8

    Looking forward to workout B on Friday

    Everyone's step up #'s always blow mine totally out of the water (last year too)! How big is the step you guys are using?

    Also, just throwing this out there. I use a heart rate monitor didn't use it the last time I did NR's. Anyways, I did Insanity twice from August- January and my stage 1 workouts burn as much as Month 1 Insanity workouts -- and that's not counting the after burn we get with the heart rate spikes the most with step-ups in WOA and Lunges in WOB. Gah...hate them both! hahaha!
  • rsharper97
    rsharper97 Posts: 242 Member
    My step ups the first time was 5 risers plus the step. The second round I used 6 risers plus the step. I am thinking it needs to be higher?
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    rsharper - your working leg should start parallel to the ground, so it depends how long your legs are. I use 6 risers.
  • rsharper97
    rsharper97 Posts: 242 Member
    I am 5'3" but my legs are longer than my torso. I guess using the 6 risers plus step would be fine then.
  • mylittletribe
    #3 (workout A)

    Squat - Smith Machine 70lbs/15 x2
    Push Up 30deg 15x1
    Push Up 15x1
    Seated Rows 90lbs/15 x 2
    Step Ups 25/50lbs/15 x 2
    Prone Jackknife 10x2

    I love Prone Jackknife. I thought I'd hate them when I first read the book, and assumed I'd look like a whale setting up on that ball, but I LOVE THEM. Getting OFF the ball is a different story :) I was also a little wobbly on the step ups, but by the third one of each set I was fine.
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    rsharper - your working leg should start parallel to the ground, so it depends how long your legs are. I use 6 risers.

    The step I use is 18" (I'm 5'11). Not sure how many risers that is though!
  • BajaDreamin333
    BajaDreamin333 Posts: 267 Member
  • wbfd22
    wbfd22 Posts: 65 Member
    Hey Ladies! I just started with the program yesterday. I'm super excited to become a lean, mean lifting machine!!!!! I used to lift weights before I got married and had my 2 year old son (I was also a Volunteer Firefighter who could keep up with the guys in the dept gym). Now I'm a mom and a wife and I love all things sporty and physical. This program is a way for me to get back the firm body I used to have and loved. I am hoping to lose a bit of weight while doing the program as well. Next week starts my summer schedule of Baseball, soccer and hockey along with my lifting schedule. I hope to see some amazing results over the next few months. Any tips on lifting, eating or anything else will be much appreciated!!
  • rsharper97
    rsharper97 Posts: 242 Member
    I was finally able to get my second workout in last night (stage 1B). The stats are as follows
    deadlift: 55/15, 65/15
    overhead dumbell press: 20/15, 30/15
    lat pull down (forget the right words) 75/15 75/15
    lunges 30/15 30/15
    swiss ball crunch bw/8 5/8
  • chuckles9189
    chuckles9189 Posts: 343 Member
    Rsharper-- NICE STARTING STATS! you're strong! 30lbs on the shoulder press?? that's amazing!

    Yesterday I finished workout B5-

    Stats --Deadlifts : 110lbs (3x10);
    Lat Pull down: 70lbs (3x10)
    Shoulder Press 20lbs each hand (3x10)
    Lunges 25lbs (each hand) 3x10
    Swiss ball crunch 10lbs/ 30 (3x10). I did 30 crunches for each set because i don't feel anything until around 17. but now it hurts to sit up straight today!
  • rsharper97
    rsharper97 Posts: 242 Member
    The 30lbs in the shoulder stats is 2 15lbs, not 30 lbs each hand. I guess I should have clarified that. I hate shoulder exercises because that is my weakest link but I know I have to make them stronger. I also feel nothing with the Swiss ball crunch, maybe I should do more also.