Fun topic - What Bothers You Now That Didn't Before?



  • jonniemomof9ak
    jonniemomof9ak Posts: 62 Member
    Other than that I haven't been too bad. Facebook has been an issue though too. I "checked in" at a Mexican place a few weeks ago and my mother in law's cousin (whom I've never met) gets on there and comments that I'd better eat all my spicy food now because if I want to breastfeed, I can't. Then I retorted and my cousin's wife said I'd better give it up or I'll have a crabby baby. Um... HELLO... I haven't even had the baby yet, most of that crap is just a myth, and how about I find out for myself??? I can't even say where I'm eating without people talking smack. I just deleted the entire post. I'm also planning a natural birth and going to use cloth diapers, and I've done my research and all that.... everyone is criticizing me and saying I won't be able to do it. Well, that just gives me more willpower! Every mom does her own thing and especially for us first time mothers, we learn from experience. Leave me to mine!

    Wow, people need to shut their pieholes!

    yeah I ate almost exclusively mexican food with my first 5 babies, and they are fine, and I breast fed all of them. Mexican is delicious when pregnant for some reason. I always joke with my children that I am suprised they didn't come out speaking Spanish.

    I ate a lot of Mexican the first time I was pregnant, and my son was/is far from crabby. Though I probably just jinxed myself with that.
  • jonniemomof9ak
    jonniemomof9ak Posts: 62 Member
    being touched really bothers me. It just makes me feel prickly.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    being touched really bothers me. It just makes me feel prickly.

    Oh, I had a whole thing with an employee with this. Do. Not. Touch. Me. Even when I'm not pregnant, I'm just not a touchy-feely person, and I cherish my personal space, as well as respect yours.

    As for the comments on weight gain and never getting your body back, etc., I've had one baby already. I lost my pregnancy weight and then some. I looked way hotter than I ever had before. Other than a small section of loose skin on my lower abdomen, which would only be noticeable in certain positions (and even in that particular position, um, my husband wouldn't be in front of me), my body was ROCKIN'! My boobs were sad because I'd lost weight, and it had little to nothing to do with pregnancy, especially since I didn't exactly have an easy time with breastfeeding.

    So yeah, you can totally get your body back or even improve it after having a baby. My sister is living proof, too! I can't wait to get back on it after this baby and fit back into my size 4 and 6 clothing - sizes I *never* saw before having a baby. (The smallest I'd ever been before was a size 8, and I was never into fitness, either. Now I really miss my workouts!)

    Also, who the hell asks how much weight anyone has gained, pregnant or not? When the hell did that become an acceptable question? If someone asked me that, I'd ask them how much they weigh and if they didn't mind sharing that with the general public. I joke with our staff that I have gained a lot because I know I have, but they know I hate it and wouldn't ever call me a cow or ask me for specifics or anything. Jeez.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Ok, I am SO reviving this yet again - I just walked out of my office to my husband's office for something, and our receptionist and paralegal's mom is here (our receptionist and paralegal are sisters). She sees me walking down the hall and, I guess since it's been probably 3-4 months since she's seen me, she says, "Oh, look how big you've gotten! You're huge!" She was with some lady whose eyes got really big and quickly hid her face as if to say, "I can't believe she just said that." Without skipping a beat, I said, "Gee, thanks," and disappeared into my husband's office.

  • Jillsie11
    Jillsie11 Posts: 249 Member
    Ok, I am SO reviving this yet again - I just walked out of my office to my husband's office for something, and our receptionist and paralegal's mom is here (our receptionist and paralegal are sisters). She sees me walking down the hall and, I guess since it's been probably 3-4 months since she's seen me, she says, "Oh, look how big you've gotten! You're huge!" She was with some lady whose eyes got really big and quickly hid her face as if to say, "I can't believe she just said that." Without skipping a beat, I said, "Gee, thanks," and disappeared into my husband's office.


    I'm not pregnant anymore, just creepin' on this page....BUT this was so annoying to me. I got pretty big with both my pregnancies...not fat, I gained the appropriate amount of weight. But I carried every last pound in my belly. Up until the day I delivered, people would constantly joke/ask if I was having twins. SERIOUSLY?! What makes people think they can say that?? What surprised me most, was that often times it was women...women who'd had children before. I just wanted to yell at them, "Don't you remember what this is like?? Don't you remember how big women get and yet still don't wanna hear your comments and critiques?!?!" Ugh. Hang in there!!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Ok, I am SO reviving this yet again - I just walked out of my office to my husband's office for something, and our receptionist and paralegal's mom is here (our receptionist and paralegal are sisters). She sees me walking down the hall and, I guess since it's been probably 3-4 months since she's seen me, she says, "Oh, look how big you've gotten! You're huge!" She was with some lady whose eyes got really big and quickly hid her face as if to say, "I can't believe she just said that." Without skipping a beat, I said, "Gee, thanks," and disappeared into my husband's office.


    I'm not pregnant anymore, just creepin' on this page....BUT this was so annoying to me. I got pretty big with both my pregnancies...not fat, I gained the appropriate amount of weight. But I carried every last pound in my belly. Up until the day I delivered, people would constantly joke/ask if I was having twins. SERIOUSLY?! What makes people think they can say that?? What surprised me most, was that often times it was women...women who'd had children before. I just wanted to yell at them, "Don't you remember what this is like?? Don't you remember how big women get and yet still don't wanna hear your comments and critiques?!?!" Ugh. Hang in there!!

    The paralegal-daughter came up to me a few minutes ago and said she gave her mom a bunch of crap for saying that to me :wink: I said I hoped she didn't think I was being a b*tch for responding the way I did, but NO ONE WANTS TO HEAR THAT!!! She said no, her mom felt bad and wasn't offended - if she's anything like her daughters, it's hard to offend her!
  • kmburns3
    kmburns3 Posts: 46 Member
    Oh this is a good thread! Where to begin though???
    First my in-laws, specifically my MIL. We had just told her we were pregnant and she starts gabbing about the baby shower, I was 6 or 7 weeks! Then, she informs me that she will be inviting her whole family, approx 130 people, since I've never met them! (Hubby and I didn't have a wedding). Umm, no not gonna happen. She tells us how we're going to drive our baby down to her house so she can watch her while we work...mind you, they live an hour and half away from us in the opposite direction of our work. Again no way, we'll pay for the 3 hours of day care, a few days a week as he works afternoons and I'm on days.

    She is contantly nagging me about wearing maternity clothes and how not wearing them is hurting the baby. I have maternity clothes, I just don't see why I should wear them when I still fit in most of my pre-pregnancy clothes. She has me so annoyed on this point that I don't care what kind of rigging it takes to hold my old jeans up, I will not wear maternity clothes around her. My birthday was a couple weeks ago, she told everyone I wanted/needed maternity clothes, when she knows I have plenty! I'm really not a spoiled brat here, but seriously?!? I would have loved some new books or a massage or anything else, I did not need maternity clothes.

    When we found out we were having a girl at the ultrasound she promptly took out her cell phone and called my FIL to tell him and then texted his sisters. My husband is one of 4 kids and the only boy, him and his father are VERY close and she took away his chance to tell him. He is the type to normally brush things off but even he said that it had hurt his feelings that he wasn't the one to tell his dad. On the way home from the ultrasound she was planning my nursery, aboslutely no way. I love the current gray & yellow themes out there so that is what I want. She got so mad at me about not wanting pink, really? I am in no way girly, why in the world would I want the over-loaded pepto bismol pink nursery. I swear she'll go out of her way trying to make my daughter a girly-girl just to p*ss me off.

    Second, my aunt.
    I told her we were having a girl and she kept saying how disappointed I must be, how sad that I didn't have a boy the first time, etc. All I wanted was a healthy baby, just because she isn't a boy like I predicted does not mean that I am upset about it. And then I told her the name we picked out and she said "Oh you're kidding right? Where the f*** did you get that at? I can't believe you'd name her that!" My mom, my aunt's sister, passed away about 3 years ago so we are using my mom's name as her middle name. She proceeded to tell me that my mom would "roll over in her grave" if she knew that we were naming our daughter after her. Who says that? I was so upset for days after that and my husband is still so mad. But then he said that my mom would want me happy, and if naming our daughter after her makes me happy, then I shouldn't care what anyone else says.

    End rant.
  • Rubyayn
    Rubyayn Posts: 433 Member
    Oh this is a good thread! Where to begin though???
    First my in-laws, specifically my MIL. We had just told her we were pregnant and she starts gabbing about the baby shower, I was 6 or 7 weeks! Then, she informs me that she will be inviting her whole family, approx 130 people, since I've never met them! (Hubby and I didn't have a wedding). Umm, no not gonna happen. She tells us how we're going to drive our baby down to her house so she can watch her while we work...mind you, they live an hour and half away from us in the opposite direction of our work. Again no way, we'll pay for the 3 hours of day care, a few days a week as he works afternoons and I'm on days.

    She is contantly nagging me about wearing maternity clothes and how not wearing them is hurting the baby. I have maternity clothes, I just don't see why I should wear them when I still fit in most of my pre-pregnancy clothes. She has me so annoyed on this point that I don't care what kind of rigging it takes to hold my old jeans up, I will not wear maternity clothes around her. My birthday was a couple weeks ago, she told everyone I wanted/needed maternity clothes, when she knows I have plenty! I'm really not a spoiled brat here, but seriously?!? I would have loved some new books or a massage or anything else, I did not need maternity clothes.

    When we found out we were having a girl at the ultrasound she promptly took out her cell phone and called my FIL to tell him and then texted his sisters. My husband is one of 4 kids and the only boy, him and his father are VERY close and she took away his chance to tell him. He is the type to normally brush things off but even he said that it had hurt his feelings that he wasn't the one to tell his dad. On the way home from the ultrasound she was planning my nursery, aboslutely no way. I love the current gray & yellow themes out there so that is what I want. She got so mad at me about not wanting pink, really? I am in no way girly, why in the world would I want the over-loaded pepto bismol pink nursery. I swear she'll go out of her way trying to make my daughter a girly-girl just to p*ss me off.

    Second, my aunt.
    I told her we were having a girl and she kept saying how disappointed I must be, how sad that I didn't have a boy the first time, etc. All I wanted was a healthy baby, just because she isn't a boy like I predicted does not mean that I am upset about it. And then I told her the name we picked out and she said "Oh you're kidding right? Where the f*** did you get that at? I can't believe you'd name her that!" My mom, my aunt's sister, passed away about 3 years ago so we are using my mom's name as her middle name. She proceeded to tell me that my mom would "roll over in her grave" if she knew that we were naming our daughter after her. Who says that? I was so upset for days after that and my husband is still so mad. But then he said that my mom would want me happy, and if naming our daughter after her makes me happy, then I shouldn't care what anyone else says.

    End rant.

    Oh, that is just horrible!!! I hope you can figure out a way to straighten her out because she will likely get worse and try to walk all over you after the baby is born! My fathers wife was like this and it was a painful experience having to enforce boundaries with her AFTER the baby was here.

    I hope it gets better!
  • CrystalWalks
    CrystalWalks Posts: 84 Member
    Oh this is a good thread! Where to begin though???
    First my in-laws, specifically my MIL. We had just told her we were pregnant and she starts gabbing about the baby shower, I was 6 or 7 weeks! Then, she informs me that she will be inviting her whole family, approx 130 people, since I've never met them! (Hubby and I didn't have a wedding). Umm, no not gonna happen. She tells us how we're going to drive our baby down to her house so she can watch her while we work...mind you, they live an hour and half away from us in the opposite direction of our work. Again no way, we'll pay for the 3 hours of day care, a few days a week as he works afternoons and I'm on days.

    She is contantly nagging me about wearing maternity clothes and how not wearing them is hurting the baby. I have maternity clothes, I just don't see why I should wear them when I still fit in most of my pre-pregnancy clothes. She has me so annoyed on this point that I don't care what kind of rigging it takes to hold my old jeans up, I will not wear maternity clothes around her. My birthday was a couple weeks ago, she told everyone I wanted/needed maternity clothes, when she knows I have plenty! I'm really not a spoiled brat here, but seriously?!? I would have loved some new books or a massage or anything else, I did not need maternity clothes.

    When we found out we were having a girl at the ultrasound she promptly took out her cell phone and called my FIL to tell him and then texted his sisters. My husband is one of 4 kids and the only boy, him and his father are VERY close and she took away his chance to tell him. He is the type to normally brush things off but even he said that it had hurt his feelings that he wasn't the one to tell his dad. On the way home from the ultrasound she was planning my nursery, aboslutely no way. I love the current gray & yellow themes out there so that is what I want. She got so mad at me about not wanting pink, really? I am in no way girly, why in the world would I want the over-loaded pepto bismol pink nursery. I swear she'll go out of her way trying to make my daughter a girly-girl just to p*ss me off.

    Second, my aunt.
    I told her we were having a girl and she kept saying how disappointed I must be, how sad that I didn't have a boy the first time, etc. All I wanted was a healthy baby, just because she isn't a boy like I predicted does not mean that I am upset about it. And then I told her the name we picked out and she said "Oh you're kidding right? Where the f*** did you get that at? I can't believe you'd name her that!" My mom, my aunt's sister, passed away about 3 years ago so we are using my mom's name as her middle name. She proceeded to tell me that my mom would "roll over in her grave" if she knew that we were naming our daughter after her. Who says that? I was so upset for days after that and my husband is still so mad. But then he said that my mom would want me happy, and if naming our daughter after her makes me happy, then I shouldn't care what anyone else says.

    End rant.
    The nerve of your MIL and aunt! How dare they be so insentive and I totally agree with your hubby- if naming your daughter after your mom makes YOU happy then it doesn't matter what your aunt says I am sure if your mom was around she would be honored that your naming your daughter after her. If I were you I put a lot of distance between your aunt and mil....because you don't need the drama esp. while your pregnant....