BE Support Group Conversation Thread - 2013



  • oualum26
    oualum26 Posts: 128 Member
    I'll take this chance to introduce myself. Name is Dana, from Ohio, and I've gained and lost the same 10 pounds for the past 3 years. I'm also hovering back around my heaviest weight. I'm a big binge and stress eater, which doesn't help.

    One of my MFP friends told me about this group and how much it has helped her, so here I am. I really want to lose the weight, but I just can't seem to ever do it. When I binge/indulge/have bad days, I can't seem to make myself stop at one, it spirals into months of bad choices.

    I joined the binge challenge, so we'll see how this goes. I'm up for any suggestions, lord knows I could use any help I can get.
  • DucksandOranges
    DucksandOranges Posts: 96 Member
    Welcome Dana! Check out some of the websites, books, etc listed on the other threads in this group. Some of them are very helpful and encouraging. And don't forget to pat yourself on the back for all of the successful moments you have:)

    Have a great night:)
  • karendee4
    karendee4 Posts: 558 Member
    thanks for the pep talk! I will treat myself kinder. 2 binge free days so far too!

    Dana, Welcome!! I have been losing the same few pounds and gaining it back the last year or so. I can relate.


    I had 2 good days despite being sick. Usually when sick I would eat like crazy. I also had a stomach ache so that was part of it. I will focus on the good things. I made healthy choices when I was hungry and ate under my calories. I rested when I needed to so I can heal.

    I hope everyone is having a great day.
  • onwarddownward
    onwarddownward Posts: 1,683 Member
    I have a tendency to start out well, but to end up setting too many rules on eating.

    At first I said, no sweet drinks, no fast food, more exercise.

    Somehow that has turned into 1400 calories, an hour of exercise swimming laps, cutting out whole food groups ... Stopping taking my anxiety meds, because they might be slowing my weight loss. Now I'm not sleeping at night. Not eating ketchup, chocolate, peanut butter.

    Let me back up.

    The reason I am even doing this is because my nine year old daughter was eating food at night one night, when my husband, who I think was also going down to eat, found her and said, "if you keep eating at night, you are going to weigh 400 lbs like your mother."

    So, I have been shamed into this weight loss and have ridden a wave of anger to lose the eight pounds so far. But I am losing my motivation. I don't like me, but I can't seem to sustain this.

    Part of me thinks I should have just left him, but I'm too dependent. This sucks so badly to write down and I would go see a therapist if I had insurance, but I don't and I don't qualify for free programs.

    I just feel like today will be the day that I quit.

    My husband, who is also very overweight cheated online on me for three years and I caught him back in 2010. We have been trying to keep things normal, but I am so angry and I eat my anger. I found transcripts of his long IM sessions with his ex, talking about how unattractive I am and how he would always love her, because I'm not shaped like her. I carry this around in my head. I can't forgive and forget.

    I just want to be free of this.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Hi Onward, welcome to the group.
    I am sorry your husband has behaved in this manner, and it is a shame you cannot leave him as to be blunt, he sounds like a total loser. And irresponsible to have said what he said to your young daughter also.
    On the food front, you really need to stop cutting things out, as being too strict is what can often trigger a binge mentality. I find if I tell myself I cannot have this or that, I end up binging on everything I deny myself. I also find I binge if I pressure myself too much to do a certain amount of exercise each day. There are enough people out there ready to bully and abuse us without us abusing and bullying ourselves.
    I suggest you allow yourself some limited treats, and do not cut out entire food groups. I think the more we try and control what we eat, the more we end up binging. Considering some of my binges have been over 6000 calories, I concluded it is better to be a bit over my daily goal and eat when I am hungry or really crave something, than to hold out and end up doing much worse damage. If you are ready to quit, then you aren't doing it right. It is a lifestyle change, not a diet, and it needs to be primarily for you, for your health, for your body, for your happiness. Never lose the weight for or because of someone else, or it simply will not work.


    Anyway, I successfully navigated my recent long weekend in London for my bday, complete with meals out and being in my mother's home with lots of cereal and cookies around. I indulged a lot(during the meals out and the odd bit of cake and waffle), but did not binge while there. I am struggling a bit right now, not due to emotional hunger, but genuine hunger, even though I am eating plenty. This has started since I got back into my cycling, basically. I am worried about going over my calorie goal as I do wish to lose some weight, but at the same time, if I ignore genuine hunger, I could end up binging eventually.

    I also question other peoples' ideas of what a binge is. To me, getting up and down to pick at food after dinner, is not a binge. That is simply something many people do when bored or when they fancy something. For myself, that is not a binge. I think the term is used far too lightly in some cases on this site.
  • tsikkz
    tsikkz Posts: 404 Member
    I also question other peoples' ideas of what a binge is. To me, getting up and down to pick at food after dinner, is not a binge. That is simply something many people do when bored or when they fancy something. For myself, that is not a binge. I think the term is used far too lightly in some cases on this site.

    I haven't read any of the posts on this page so forgive me if I sound ignorant, (Ive been trying to skip over the depressing posts in here as they are really unsettling to me)

    To me, a binge is accompanied by a feeling of being out of control, an intense animalistic need to consume in excess, its far deeper than something habitual. Binges don't stop even when I am physically full, and sometimes continue until I am physically in pain or throw up my stomach is so full. This is my version of a binge, its dark and scary and hasn't happened for a while now.

    However, I also think its important to point out that whether a binge falls into our own personal definitions, the underlying problem is that we all have issues with food, and because of that everyone is relate able despite the severity of their condition.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I also question other peoples' ideas of what a binge is. To me, getting up and down to pick at food after dinner, is not a binge. That is simply something many people do when bored or when they fancy something. For myself, that is not a binge. I think the term is used far too lightly in some cases on this site.

    I haven't read any of the posts on this page so forgive me if I sound ignorant, (Ive been trying to skip over the depressing posts in here as they are really unsettling to me)

    To me, a binge is accompanied by a feeling of being out of control, an intense animalistic need to consume in excess, its far deeper than something habitual. Binges don't stop even when I am physically full, and sometimes continue until I am physically in pain or throw up my stomach is so full. This is my version of a binge, its dark and scary and hasn't happened for a while now.

    However, I also think its important to point out that whether a binge falls into our own personal definitions, the underlying problem is that we all have issues with food, and because of that everyone is relate able despite the severity of their condition.

    The way you describe the binges you had, are basically the way I view a binge and are the sort of binges I experience.
    I definitely agree that we all have underlying issues with food. In fact, I would be surprised if there are many people in the Western world who do not have some kind of hangup around food.
  • karendee4
    karendee4 Posts: 558 Member
    onwarddownward I give myself too many rules too! So sorry the way your hubby said that. It was not the best way to get her to stop eating and it hurt you in the process. I am glad you are trying to get healthy, good for you!

    Graelwyn75 I too question what people think is a binge. JUst eating too much is not one. A binge means to me eating so much food you are uncomfortable. Sometimes in secret and usually I am not even hungry when doing it. It does feel out of control not just extra food I should not have.
    I have been struggling this week. I gained due to a binge and It has gotten me sad all week. Plus I got sick this week and sickness makes me want to overeat.
    I am hoping today can be a better day. I am skipping the scale Monday. It just causes trouble. I will lose points in the challenge I am in but I don't care. My team will understand. I get lots of points for them by doing exercise.
  • freertobe
    freertobe Posts: 17
    Hi all,

    It's been a while since I've posted in this group. The last time I posted was in March about to go on a vacation and feeling that logging was not working for me as it was causing me to fixate too much on food. Unfortunately it seems that not logging hasn't helped either. I have been binging on/off ever since and felt too ashamed to come back to MFP these last few weeks...

    Well, I have read all the posts since I left off. I'm glad to see that this is still such a supportive space.
    @ Graelwyn: congrats on a successful trip to London and staying with your mother... traveling and not having a routine is so so hard and tends to be a trigger for me as well.
    @ Karendee: good on you for taking care of yourself first! These group challenges can be motivating but in the end, you need to do what's best for your mental and physical health, so if that means skipping weighing, then definitely don't feel bad about it.
    @ onward: I am so sorry to hear about those hurtful comments you have to deal with. The mental battle we have to wage when struggling with binging is difficult enough without all that additional external pressure... so sorry you are dealing with this, and I am angry on your behalf! DO NOT quit, do not let the maliciousness and negativity caused by others prevail over YOU!

    The thing I am struggling with now is trying to turn around my compulsive negative thoughts. I just cannot stop the thoughts of disgust, shame, self-loathing, etc. whenever I put a piece of food in my mouth (even if it's healthy!), look in the mirror, etc. I feel so out of control even though I write little motivational paragraphs in my journal... Saying to myself I am strong/in control etc., the words just feel so empty. How do you guys deal with these types of thoughts, if you deal with them at all?
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    onwarddownward I give myself too many rules too! So sorry the way your hubby said that. It was not the best way to get her to stop eating and it hurt you in the process. I am glad you are trying to get healthy, good for you!

    Graelwyn75 I too question what people think is a binge. JUst eating too much is not one. A binge means to me eating so much food you are uncomfortable. Sometimes in secret and usually I am not even hungry when doing it. It does feel out of control not just extra food I should not have.
    I have been struggling this week. I gained due to a binge and It has gotten me sad all week. Plus I got sick this week and sickness makes me want to overeat.
    I am hoping today can be a better day. I am skipping the scale Monday. It just causes trouble. I will lose points in the challenge I am in but I don't care. My team will understand. I get lots of points for them by doing exercise.

    Since a lot of your binges occur with the scale, I think you would be better with a monthly weigh in, to be honest.
    Seeing the number wont make it go down any quicker, you know by now how to eat and remain active to lose weight, and if staying off the scale will help the process, then you should go for it.
  • karendee4
    karendee4 Posts: 558 Member
    onwarddownward I give myself too many rules too! So sorry the way your hubby said that. It was not the best way to get her to stop eating and it hurt you in the process. I am glad you are trying to get healthy, good for you!

    Graelwyn75 I too question what people think is a binge. JUst eating too much is not one. A binge means to me eating so much food you are uncomfortable. Sometimes in secret and usually I am not even hungry when doing it. It does feel out of control not just extra food I should not have.
    I have been struggling this week. I gained due to a binge and It has gotten me sad all week. Plus I got sick this week and sickness makes me want to overeat.
    I am hoping today can be a better day. I am skipping the scale Monday. It just causes trouble. I will lose points in the challenge I am in but I don't care. My team will understand. I get lots of points for them by doing exercise.

    Since a lot of your binges occur with the scale, I think you would be better with a monthly weigh in, to be honest.
    Seeing the number wont make it go down any quicker, you know by now how to eat and remain active to lose weight, and if staying off the scale will help the process, then you should go for it.

    I think you are right!! I should switch to a monthly one too. I am on a challenge and weigh weekly. Which is way better than I did before,

    I was addicted to the scale. it was at last daily and sometimes several times a day. It was not good!
  • charynp
    charynp Posts: 21 Member
    Hello. I am new to the group and am a binge eater and excise purger. I feel like I have absolute no control over my binging. Its like my brain quits working. I start the day out saying I will stay on track, and then next thing I know I ate everything in he house. Like my mind ignores what my body is doing forgets that I don't want to do it, and then beats myself up over it. I hope this group helps
  • karendee4
    karendee4 Posts: 558 Member
    Hello. I am new to the group and am a binge eater and excise purger. I feel like I have absolute no control over my binging. Its like my brain quits working. I start the day out saying I will stay on track, and then next thing I know I ate everything in he house. Like my mind ignores what my body is doing forgets that I don't want to do it, and then beats myself up over it. I hope this group helps

    Sorry this post has not been active this week. I know I have been busy.

    I understand the "no control" feeling. It is a hard disorder to conquer.
  • karendee4
    karendee4 Posts: 558 Member
    I have been so busy lately and sick with my Crohn's. I have been substitute teaching in special needs classrooms. What a tough job. I feel for the teachers there everyday. It is so hard and stressful. I had one day where I had a binge and I think it was from being so tired and just emotionally drained.

    Today I am only working for a couple hours so I get a break.

    I hope everyone is doing well.

  • marigold85
    marigold85 Posts: 5 Member
    Hello all! I'm new to the group, but have been using MFP for awhile - first religiously for over a year, reached my goal weight, but due to recent binges I'm back on because it makes me more accountable to myself and less likely to binge.

    I've read through some (but not all!) of the thread and have to say thank you to everyone for sharing. I can relate to basically every posting here and I am so grateful that this community exists.

    As I wrote in my profile, my husband is a great work-out buddy/motivator but he does not understand emotional eating or binge eating. My close friends don't seem to have this problem and I really need an outlet to talk through these daily issue.

    I'm looking to add friends and offer support and encouragement, so please feel free to send requests!

    Good vibes to everyone! Take it one day (or meal) at a time. :)
  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    Bad start to the day for me. I was cutting up blondies to take to work for morning tea and ate a whole bunch of the off cuts. I told myself that I was only going to try one but ended up just going f**K it and eating a whole bunch. Felt awful after all the sugar and I'm doing IF too.

    I re-focused though and tald myself that I will NOT use it as an excuse to stuff up the entire day. I sat there at morning tea and watch the others eat and only had a cup of tea. So NSV for me :)
  • karendee4
    karendee4 Posts: 558 Member
    Hello all! I'm new to the group, but have been using MFP for awhile - first religiously for over a year, reached my goal weight, but due to recent binges I'm back on because it makes me more accountable to myself and less likely to binge.

    I've read through some (but not all!) of the thread and have to say thank you to everyone for sharing. I can relate to basically every posting here and I am so grateful that this community exists.

    As I wrote in my profile, my husband is a great work-out buddy/motivator but he does not understand emotional eating or binge eating. My close friends don't seem to have this problem and I really need an outlet to talk through these daily issue.

    I'm looking to add friends and offer support and encouragement, so please feel free to send requests!

    Good vibes to everyone! Take it one day (or meal) at a time. :)

    Welcome!! It took my hubby a long time to realize how hard BE is for me to conquer. I also kept it a secret from him for a very long time. I too have to log to keep accountable or a binge would happen more often.
  • karendee4
    karendee4 Posts: 558 Member
    Bad start to the day for me. I was cutting up blondies to take to work for morning tea and ate a whole bunch of the off cuts. I told myself that I was only going to try one but ended up just going f**K it and eating a whole bunch. Felt awful after all the sugar and I'm doing IF too.

    I re-focused though and tald myself that I will NOT use it as an excuse to stuff up the entire day. I sat there at morning tea and watch the others eat and only had a cup of tea. So NSV for me :)

    Hey, you re-focused and that is what counts. One bad start is not going to ruin the whole day. Remember you did not eat the whole pan! In a Binge I could eat them all and have to hide that I baked them at all.
    I actually stopped baking treats cause they can be a trigger food for me
  • MadDogManor
    MadDogManor Posts: 1,508 Member
    Me - 18
    Binge - 5

    Going to visit my parents for a short holiday trip. They are very elderly, so I don't expect to do much exercising. Good thing is they don't keep a lot of food in the house. I hope to keep the traveling munchies at bay, but have not had much success in the past. Good luck to everyone this weekend.

    Oops - dumb me - posted this on wrong thread :) I'm tired.....
  • tequila09
    tequila09 Posts: 764 Member
    Hey guys I have a question, do any of you feel like youre making the choice to binge and you just dont care? Usually when I binge have it set that im going to binge and will go well out of my way to make that happen. My favorite is pretty much any type of fast food or going to the grocery store for candy/snack cakes. But I eat a ridiculous amount of food and then my tummy hurts and I hate myself afterwards. Im starting to realize that I have the control but when stressed/unhappy just say eff it and eat a ton. Other times im just at home and end up binging on cereal, peanut butter anything else good.
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