May 2013 Due Dates



  • rubybeach
    rubybeach Posts: 529 Member
    How is everyone doing? Any good news?

    Still hanging out here, no baby. This morning I got some bad stomach cramps that came and went, and I had some fun in the bathroom, so I got excited for a minute that it might be the start of something, plus the timing would have been great because we could take my son to school and then go to the hospital. But alas, I was mistaken.

    This afternoon at my desk I've gotten a lot of movement and pressure down below, but that's it. No painful contractions (just the usual BH). The good news is that the baby has moved down far enough that I've hardly had to take any Tums over the past few days... so that's something, I guess!

    ETA that it was semi-jokingly suggested to me by our paralegal that my husband and I have sex. (Keep in mind that my husband is the other attorney in the office, so he is their other boss.) That was awkward.

    Oh lord.....and employee said that to you? :sick:

    I've been having period like cramps too for the last 5 days on and off.... I get excited and think maybe it's a sign of luck.
    Did these cramps predict labor for you last time?

    Egh, I'm impressed... You sound ready to go! I'm on the raspberry tea and EPO too. Lets hope it helps.

    Rose, you poor thing! Moving? Ugh and I wondered how families deal with childcare for labor when they live alone without family and friends around. Maybe that's a business idea!! Hell, we're trying to figure out how to deal with the dogs while we're at the hospital and that only requires a potty visit! I hope you find someone to help.

    So....still uncomfortable and dealing with pain. I'm also finding myself getting irritated with families comments and questions about how we're doing things up here.

    Jokes about using a midwife, "comments" about practices in this country, using a Doula, jokes about the fact that we're not naming the baby until she's born (we have 3 Names picked out, but want to "meet" her first), concern over the fact the that babies see a family doctor and not a pediatrician here (Peds are specialists here, they see the baby at the delivery and then only again if there's a problem)..... Well, there's nothing I can do about it.....we CAN'T see a Ped for check ups. Hello, we're in a different country and they do things differently here, gasp!!! I'm to the point of and I'm very laid back. Crazy pregnant lady here....

    My husband said he'd like to deliver the baby, I was surprised and had no idea. Our midwives and doula are very happy about this and are happy to accommodate this.

    Other than that nothing new! Hope you ladies are doing well!
  • rubybeach
    rubybeach Posts: 529 Member
    Thanks Rebecca for the link! Good info and considering I'm GBS+ I don't need more bacterial introduced either. I didn't know about the breaking of the membranes......nice read, thanks.
  • kellykneppergrundy
    kellykneppergrundy Posts: 234 Member
    Congrats on the new babies for the ones who have had them :O). I'm 37 weeks and just went to a breastfeeding class, which has made me change my mind about discussing my birthing plan with doctor. We have rotating on-call docs at my hospital too, but the lactation consultant told us that babies are born with an instinct to breastfeed, but it's greatly reduced when separated from mom. They recommend having the baby laid skin-on-skin on mom's chest for the first hour so the baby can feed and then get all the tests after! Has anyone else done that?

    Skin-to-skin is a standard practice here now too and can definately help with breastfeeding. A baby laid on it's mother's chest can actually crawl to the breast and attach itself. There are videos of it you can watch that are pretty amazing. I'd insist on it. It's also great for regulating the baby's temperature and heart rate as well. The tests can wait. I don't think any one took my daughter from me after she was born for at least 2 hours. And even then it was only for 10 minutes at most. My husband also did skin-to-skin with our daughter while I got cleaned up, and even that is great for them. They are also trying to do it with c-section mom's here too. If you haven't discussed it with your doctor, do and let them know it's what you want. And be firm. :)
  • ehg87
    ehg87 Posts: 430 Member
    @Ruby - I think this was directed at Rebecca, but since I mentioned the crampy issue as well I'll elaborate. Crampiness has always been a "sign" for me. My daughter was born on her due date, and the entire day before her delivery (excuse the TMI) I alternated between feeling like I was about to start my period or feeling like I was coming down with a stomach bug; complete with many trips to the potty. Slept terribly that night, got up about 730am when my water broke. Made it to the hospital where I went from having loose bowels to vomiting. SO WEIRD!!!

    My son I was crampy/mucousy for pushing a week before I went into labor with him. I didn't have the bowel or vomiting issues, just the crampiness.

    The BH contractions have really ramped up for me in the past two days, along with the crampiness & mucous. I know I shouldn't get my hopes up as every time is semi different, but I'm really hoping she comes by this weekend!!!
  • rubybeach
    rubybeach Posts: 529 Member
    @Ruby - I think this was directed at Rebecca, but since I mentioned the crampy issue as well I'll elaborate. Crampiness has always been a "sign" for me. My daughter was born on her due date, and the entire day before her delivery (excuse the TMI) I alternated between feeling like I was about to start my period or feeling like I was coming down with a stomach bug; complete with many trips to the potty. Slept terribly that night, got up about 730am when my water broke. Made it to the hospital where I went from having loose bowels to vomiting. SO WEIRD!!!

    My son I was crampy/mucousy for pushing a week before I went into labor with him. I didn't have the bowel or vomiting issues, just the crampiness.

    The BH contractions have really ramped up for me in the past two days, along with the crampiness & mucous. I know I shouldn't get my hopes up as every time is semi different, but I'm really hoping she comes by this weekend!!!

    Thanks Ehg! I love to hear about others experiences! I hope you didn't have loose bowels while you were pushing.
    When are you due?
  • ehg87
    ehg87 Posts: 430 Member
    The good news about having so much bowel distress prior to full blown labor is I didn't poop on myself during delivery. :laugh:
    I'm due June 1st, but the June board has been essentially dead for quite some time, and I don't feel like missing out on the camaraderie over a day :smile:
  • thecakelocker
    thecakelocker Posts: 407 Member
    I hope all of you ladies are doing well! Every time I check this board I'm expecting a birth story.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    I hope all of you ladies are doing well! Every time I check this board I'm expecting a birth story.

    I know, I am, too!

    I've had the minor cramps come and go probably for a week and a half to two weeks now. I don't remember that the first time, but I also don't remember BH the first time. This time I've had BH for what feels like forever (since the end of the second trimester). Of course now they happen more frequently and are more intense, but they're not painful.

    As far as bowel distress, when I started having contractions with my son, I immediately felt the need to go to the bathroom, but earlier in the day everything was fine. It was (sorry, TMI) rather loose, and when I decided these contractions weren't slowing down or going away and that I needed to call my OB's office, my OB asked me about that. They also asked me about it when I arrived at the hospital. I guess it's a big sign that indeed your body is emptying you out in anticipation of birth, so it's likely not false labor or anything like that. (The nice side effect is no pooping on the table...) I think years ago it was common practice to give women in labor an enema to clear them out, but I guess it (thankfully) fell out of vogue due to its being unnecessary. The thing I got on my induction form stated that I couldn't eat after midnight the day of induction. (I don't remember what it said about drinking, though I'd assume drinking water is fine.) That may have to do with other things, though, rather than emptying your bowels.

    Also, I was just texting with my sister and lamenting having another pelvic check today (because I'm not sure what more it can tell me other than that I'm ready to go, just like I have been for the past two visits), and she said that sometimes it is necessary because if you are like 5cm dilated, they'll induce you right away rather than let you walk around like that. In a weird way, I wouldn't exactly mind that... But I hadn't thought of that possibility, that I could end up more dilated than I should be without being in labor. She joked that they could put me on bedrest until Tuesday, but I know they won't bother with bedrest when you're already at term.

    Anyhow, I doubt that'll happen (possibly but unlikely), so I'm sure I'll be all sore and crap tonight and the first half of tomorrow. I hate pelvic checks. I don't remember them being that bad last time, but then again I delivered earlier.
  • prplrose33
    prplrose33 Posts: 78 Member
    I had another check today and I am still at 1cm. This is the 3rd week in a row. :( They talked about stripping my membranes next week. I just don't want to be induced and I'm afraid to go past my due date since they are estimating that I will have at least an 8.5 lb baby again. I so wish we could just plan when our babies come. :):)
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    I told my OB I couldn't believe I had made it this far, and she told me I could have been induced by now. What? She offered me two dates, 5/26 (my EDD) and 5/28. Anyway, I told her I never expected to be pregnant this long..

    She did a pelvic exam, which thankfully didn't hurt as much because I am super, super low now, apparently. I am a solid 3cm (I was 2-3cm last week) and 80% effaced (70% last week). She went ahead and stripped my membranes (she just told me she was doing it as she was doing it), so hopefully that will get things going. She said hopefully I'd go this weekend. The doctor on call on Friday and Saturday I like, and my OB is on call on Sunday. I forgot it's not Thursday, so I have no idea who I get if I go into labor before Friday.

    But yes, I definitely wish we could know when these babies will come! A friend of mine had hers yesterday, and she was due on 5/18. Prplrose, hopefully you will go on your own very soon!!!
  • LadyJocc
    LadyJocc Posts: 151 Member
    I told my OB I couldn't believe I had made it this far, and she told me I could have been induced by now. What? She offered me two dates, 5/26 (my EDD) and 5/28. Anyway, I told her I never expected to be pregnant this long..

    She did a pelvic exam, which thankfully didn't hurt as much because I am super, super low now, apparently. I am a solid 3cm (I was 2-3cm last week) and 80% effaced (70% last week). She went ahead and stripped my membranes (she just told me she was doing it as she was doing it), so hopefully that will get things going. She said hopefully I'd go this weekend. The doctor on call on Friday and Saturday I like, and my OB is on call on Sunday. I forgot it's not Thursday, so I have no idea who I get if I go into labor before Friday.

    But yes, I definitely wish we could know when these babies will come! A friend of mine had hers yesterday, and she was due on 5/18. Prplrose, hopefully you will go on your own very soon!!!

    Oh wow - were you okay with her just stripping your membranes without a little notice? I don't know how I'd feel about that. But, sounds like you are making progress with your cervix sitting so low! I'm excited for you - I'm going to be watching for your disappearance from the boards very carefully :wink: Good luck!!!
  • LadyJocc
    LadyJocc Posts: 151 Member
    I had another check today and I am still at 1cm. This is the 3rd week in a row. :( They talked about stripping my membranes next week. I just don't want to be induced and I'm afraid to go past my due date since they are estimating that I will have at least an 8.5 lb baby again. I so wish we could just plan when our babies come. :):)

    How far past your due date did you go with your first? Hopefully this one isn't as big!
  • LadyJocc
    LadyJocc Posts: 151 Member
    The good news about having so much bowel distress prior to full blown labor is I didn't poop on myself during delivery. :laugh:
    I'm due June 1st, but the June board has been essentially dead for quite some time, and I don't feel like missing out on the camaraderie over a day :smile:

    Ha! I think I'd get some weird satisfaction 'cleaning everything out' if it meant I wouldn't be as likely to go during labor! :laugh:

    The lady that taught our childbirth classes mentioned the cleaning out as a labor sign, so I feel like my husband is on high alert every time he sees me going to the bathroom. I'm always declaring that I just have to pee!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Good morning! I had a baby boy (!) this morning at 4:09AM. Right now we are cuddling (skin-to-skin), and he is so adorable :) We named him Joseph Andrew. When I get my iPad (I forgot it at home), I will write in more detail. Labor was relatively short; contractions started at 11:30PM. Contractions were bad but I did get breaks this time. Because of hospital policy changes, I was able to get the epidural right away, then my water broke (explosively - really weird!), and I was at 9cm. At 10cm the OB came in, and it took two pushes (last time took three). The OB was awesome, and part of hospital policy changes means automatic skin-to-skin and nursing unless there's a problem :) So we are chillin', and I'll get back to you all on details!

    Hoping I'm not the only one with good news to report!!!
  • rubybeach
    rubybeach Posts: 529 Member
    Good morning! I had a baby boy (!) this morning at 4:09AM. Right now we are cuddling (skin-to-skin), and he is so adorable :) We named him Joseph Andrew. When I get my iPad (I forgot it at home), I will write in more detail. Labor was relatively short; contractions started at 11:30PM. Contractions were bad but I did get breaks this time. Because of hospital policy changes, I was able to get the epidural right away, then my water broke (explosively - really weird!), and I was at 9cm. At 10cm the OB came in, and it took two pushes (last time took three). The OB was awesome, and part of hospital policy changes means automatic skin-to-skin and nursing unless there's a problem :) So we are chillin', and I'll get back to you all on details!

    Hoping I'm not the only one with good news to report!!!

    Congratulations!!!! It sounds like a great labor :flowerforyou:
  • Amandajp79
    Amandajp79 Posts: 165 Member
    Good morning! I had a baby boy (!) this morning at 4:09AM. Right now we are cuddling (skin-to-skin), and he is so adorable :) We named him Joseph Andrew. When I get my iPad (I forgot it at home), I will write in more detail. Labor was relatively short; contractions started at 11:30PM. Contractions were bad but I did get breaks this time. Because of hospital policy changes, I was able to get the epidural right away, then my water broke (explosively - really weird!), and I was at 9cm. At 10cm the OB came in, and it took two pushes (last time took three). The OB was awesome, and part of hospital policy changes means automatic skin-to-skin and nursing unless there's a problem :) So we are chillin', and I'll get back to you all on details!

    Hoping I'm not the only one with good news to report!!!

    Congrats on your healthy baby boy!!!!
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    Good morning! I had a baby boy (!) this morning at 4:09AM. Right now we are cuddling (skin-to-skin), and he is so adorable :) We named him Joseph Andrew. When I get my iPad (I forgot it at home), I will write in more detail. Labor was relatively short; contractions started at 11:30PM. Contractions were bad but I did get breaks this time. Because of hospital policy changes, I was able to get the epidural right away, then my water broke (explosively - really weird!), and I was at 9cm. At 10cm the OB came in, and it took two pushes (last time took three). The OB was awesome, and part of hospital policy changes means automatic skin-to-skin and nursing unless there's a problem :) So we are chillin', and I'll get back to you all on details!

    Hoping I'm not the only one with good news to report!!!

  • rubybeach
    rubybeach Posts: 529 Member
    Hey ladies.....

    Yesterday saw my midwife and she was a bit concerned. My blood pressure is high for me (I have really low blood pressure), I've had nausea and also "saw stars" yesterday while standing (not getting up from sitting). Apparently, these are signs of preeclampsia..... I didn't even think to put them together, but she started asking questions when my BP concerned her.

    Of course, no labs were she did a stretch and sweep a few days early (they usually only do it when you're overdue) and I went to the lab this morning. Hopefully no Preeclampsia!

    Anyways, all night I was cramping.....ugh. Then this morning I lost my mucus plug (gross btw). I've been having bad menstrual like cramps all night and morning....... Not pleasant.

    Hope you're all well.
  • ehg87
    ehg87 Posts: 430 Member
    Hello all!! Tatum made her appearance on 5/22 at 3:59am. We're back home today :) Yay for less than a 36hr hospital stay, and a super healthy baby and mommy :) Will fill in birth story later!! Good luck everyone!!
  • rubybeach
    rubybeach Posts: 529 Member
    Hello all!! Tatum made her appearance on 5/22 at 3:59am. We're back home today :) Yay for less than a 36hr hospital stay, and a super healthy baby and mommy :) Will fill in birth story later!! Good luck everyone!!

    Congratulations!!!!! :flowerforyou:

    Can't wait to hear more......looks like we're on a roll now :smile: