Daily Insane chat, banter and progress!



  • mpf89
    mpf89 Posts: 10 Member
    I am finishing my second week on Saturday at some point. I have lost 5 lbs so far. I'm looking into getting Shaun T's hip hop abs as well to use with recovery week I am going on a cruise in August to Jamaica.
  • mpf89
    mpf89 Posts: 10 Member
    On Week 3 Day 2.
    I've noticed the width of my hips shrinking, and my belly appears bigger or the same but protruding out???
    So overall, my measurements are the same.
    Have any other ladies experienced this?
    Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

    I've been told to drink more water if the belly sticking out happens. I've been drinking 64 oz from the beginning. But I've definitely noticed my hips shrinking along with arms.
  • mpf89
    mpf89 Posts: 10 Member
    Today I did the upper arm work out and insanity abs video from where I had been sick and needed to get an extra work out in the week. I have noticed from measurements my bust and arms have shrunk as well as everywhere else firming up. During the insanity abs video I saw a drop of sweat drop down! I guess I'm too busy in the other videos to notice.
  • currlee
    currlee Posts: 395 Member
    Yesterday was Plyo Cardio. Today was a rest day. Three more workouts and I get to be in Recovery Week!!
  • McCelmer
    McCelmer Posts: 99 Member
    Third fit test today plus Max Interval Circuit. According to my HRM, I burned close to 700 calories. I felt surprisingly good after I was finished. Two more weeks to go (for round one, anyway).
  • wffolkes
    wffolkes Posts: 186 Member
    Pure Cardio & Cardio Abs for me today i've felt great the past 2 workouts.

    Still have a slight strained hamstring but its not hampering me at all.

    One more week before recovery week, I want to perfect my diet so I am dropping scale weight consistently again but I am not gaining or losing.

    I may test my bodyfat before and after month 2.
  • Woolified
    Woolified Posts: 65 Member
    Fourth Fit Test Today... totally rocked it. Overall I feel better, but certainly discouraged - The scale read 4 lbs higher than it did last week, and that means a gain of 2 since the start of Insanity... I did have my first cheat/treat meal this weekend, and I am sure it was high in sodium and what have you, and I didn't drink much water - I am hoping its temporary water weight or something. I'd hate to get through Insanity and have no weight loss. I could even swallow the meger 2 lb weight loss if it meant I was headed in the right direction. Seems like after my first baby - the weight didn't take long to fly off... but with this one, it is a bit more stubborn. Oh well, sorry for the rant. Later today I have to finish Max Interval Circuit - I had to move it out a little because I pushed soo hard in the Fit test lol. Hope everyone is having a nice start to their week!
  • Asterie
    Asterie Posts: 159 Member
    Pure Cardio today--my least favorite workout, but that isn't saying much since I love them all (I especially like that all of the exercises are only done once, but I am just terrible at the Level 1 Drills). But I drank wayyy too much water before and during the workout (32 oz in the course of an hour) and I just felt like a sloshy mess after. I feel amazing now, though! Excited to FINALLY try cardio abs this week and for the next cardio power and resistance (my favorite, strangely enough).
  • currlee
    currlee Posts: 395 Member
    Pure Cardio today--my least favorite workout, but that isn't saying much since I love them all (I especially like that all of the exercises are only done once, but I am just terrible at the Level 1 Drills). But I drank wayyy too much water before and during the workout (32 oz in the course of an hour) and I just felt like a sloshy mess after. I feel amazing now, though! Excited to FINALLY try cardio abs this week and for the next cardio power and resistance (my favorite, strangely enough).
    I have to watch how much water I drink cuz I can feel it sloshing all around in my tummy and I don't like it, lol. Cardio Power & Resistance is my fave, also.
    Today was Cardio Recovery. ehh. I don't feel like I got in enough protein today and tomorrow will probably not be any better since they gave me a crazy day with no breaks. I will probably be a lil grouchy tomorrow. Things change so we'll see....
  • wffolkes
    wffolkes Posts: 186 Member
    Cardio Power & Resistance today for me its also my favourite.

    Not a fan of Cardio abs the whole slow down in pace from pure cardio is welcome but to drastic of a change. its hard to keep the effort up all the way through cardio abs.
  • giusa
    giusa Posts: 577 Member
    my hips and butt definitely shrunk first! Its like the shrinking starts at the top of your head and the bottom of your feet and the tips of your fingers and moves in from there....like the surf of the ocean, if that makes sense. I noticed my neck, fingers, calves and the under side of my butt getting smaller first. Then my boobs. Then I noticed the belly tightening and shrinking. That's still my work in progress zone, lol. I notice it lifting more and more, though, so I keep with it. I would say that if you feel its protruding a bit more, perhaps its because the sides are whittling down and preparing to pull the mid section tighter. Thats the way I see it all happening for me, anyways :)
    Thanks for the encouragement. In the past my stomach became “hard” and gradually became like jelly before I lost it. Now it just won’t budge! Everyone mentions recover week is when they see the biggest results, so I have my fingers crossed.

    I've been told to drink more water if the belly sticking out happens. I've been drinking 64 oz from the beginning. But I've definitely noticed my hips shrinking along with arms.
    Thanks for the suggestion. I am going to try drinking more water to see if there is a difference.
  • Woolified
    Woolified Posts: 65 Member
    Today was Max Interval Plyo, had a really great burn -- Tomorrow, I am nervous about -- I work from 7am-7pm, and then I have Max Cardio Conditioning and Cardio Abs, and I work again 1st thing in the morning, gonna be a lonnng day.
  • currlee
    currlee Posts: 395 Member
    I don't envy you those hours, Woolified! Killer!
    wffolkes-> I agree: Not a fan of Cardio Abs!
    Today was Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs, lol, speaking of. Busy day at work, ate not so swell. Can I mention: Maple Bacon Gelato! Had some today at a local pizza place. Not too bad.
  • wffolkes
    wffolkes Posts: 186 Member
    Well done to all those who pushed through tiredness and fatigue to do the workout.

    Cardio recovery for me today give my thigh muscles, glutes and calves a much needed rest.
  • mpf89
    mpf89 Posts: 10 Member
    Anyone notice their stretch marks have reduced a lot?? Mine are almost gone. Didn't think that was possible. O.o.
  • currlee
    currlee Posts: 395 Member
    Month 1 done!!! Today was my final Plyo Cardio Circuit. No more butt kicks!!! I think....I don't remember if they are in the Recovery Week warmup. I'm going to miss the shorter workouts, though. But I'm going to enjoy the next week and deal with Month two later.
  • mike1212
    mike1212 Posts: 4 Member
    Today was week two, day 3 for me, Plyometric Cardio Circuit. I'm able to get further than I did, pushing more and harder than I was able to both times I did it last week, but man does it kick my butt. I'm really glad to be doing this workout though, I love the way I feel and the improvements I can see in my stamina, flexibility, and strength in just over a week. I can't wait until next week Monday for Fit Test #2 to see how I stack up against myself.
  • currlee
    currlee Posts: 395 Member
    Today(well, Thursday, but I haven't been to sleep) was my first day of Recovery Week. I don't remember sweating so much, lol. But I do love it!
  • mpf89
    mpf89 Posts: 10 Member
    I did Zumba later in the day after Cardio Power and Resistance. I didn't sweat hardly in Zumba. Zumba was my favorite gym class before :(. Tomorrow is 3rd to last day of Plyo for me, YAYYY! :)
  • Oh_britters
    Oh_britters Posts: 9 Member
    Yes. It is encouraging that they are going away! After finishing my 1st 60 day cycle, I've only lost 5 of the 25 lbs I must lose. I can't obsess over what the scale says and lose sight of the other victories like inches lost & dress size shrinking. I can now look in the mirror and not even see any stretch marks!