Daily Insane chat, banter and progress!



  • mpf89
    mpf89 Posts: 10 Member
    Plyo I don't want to do you right now, why must they put you on a Saturday??? ugh up and out of bed to do Plyo!!
  • wffolkes
    wffolkes Posts: 186 Member
    Month 1 down pylo was ok today got my furthest into it so far!

    Monday will be the start of recovery week!
  • lijsda1
    lijsda1 Posts: 169
    I just completed my first 30 days of Insanity!!!


  • wffolkes
    wffolkes Posts: 186 Member
    Cardio Core & Balance is still a nice light workout.

    My average HR is not as high but still getting a decent workout, I know its the calm before the storm though.

    5more workouts till month 2
  • toadiejones
    toadiejones Posts: 605 Member
    lljsda1 - Great progress!!! I just started yesterday and have a similar before pic to you so that is super motivating to see the difference! Thanks for the inspiration to keep going!
  • lijsda1
    lijsda1 Posts: 169
    Don't get discouraged even if the scale does not move. I have lost a bunch of inches but only a few pounds. Keep at it and the weight will eventually come off.
  • toadiejones
    toadiejones Posts: 605 Member
    Finished Day 3 today. Killer sore. Had to do extremely low impact...but at least kept going! Not giving up!
  • Ive made it to week 3!! And am so pleased with myself! Have not weighed myself yet as I dont want to be disappointed in case I have not lost anything!! Loving insanity, and I think I have noticed a change in my love handles!! :)
    Unfortunately shin splints are here!! and struggled yesterday with my workout, I dont want to take a break, but I hope to god the pain wares off so I can complete this INSANE workout!!

    Good Luck!!
  • lisididi
    lisididi Posts: 13 Member
    Day 3 in month two for me today, Max Cardio Conditioning Oh EM Gee!!!
  • kaleena1983
    kaleena1983 Posts: 64 Member
    I'm on day 18 and loving it! I've lost 5 pounds, which is unbelievable for me, because I've been stuck at the same weight for months. Starting this has made a huge difference! My only complaint is that my knees ache quite a bit. Today's a recovery day, so I'm looking forward to it! :)
  • kt1986p
    kt1986p Posts: 7 Member
    Only on day 2 but my good, love it thank you for all your pictures really helps seeing other success stories !!! Gives me incentive to do it and stick to it, any help, my calfs are killing, to the point where I had to stop 3 times walking up the sand dune ( never stopped before) do I continue through the pain or rest?? This is the most extreme exercise I've done in over a year!!
  • lisididi
    lisididi Posts: 13 Member
    I know but it is quite rewarding to see the numbers dropping on the scale also:sad:
    Since I started month two, the workouts are getting more intense and I know I am building muscles! given that they are heavier than the fat, hopefully sooner than later I will see them drop on the scale as well...:smile:
  • currlee
    currlee Posts: 395 Member
    Only on day 2 but my good, love it thank you for all your pictures really helps seeing other success stories !!! Gives me incentive to do it and stick to it, any help, my calfs are killing, to the point where I had to stop 3 times walking up the sand dune ( never stopped before) do I continue through the pain or rest?? This is the most extreme exercise I've done in over a year!!
    The calf pain will be gone within the week, most likely. Some extra stretches in the evening helped me.
  • currlee
    currlee Posts: 395 Member
    So bad: Haven't done my Insanity for a week now, which is terrible because it's Recovery Week. I love Recovery Week!!! I was looking forward to it, did the first day then left town for the long weekend and haven't gotten back in the swing. I did ride my bike to work twice last week, so that's something. I'm also doing a few things with dumbbells, so there's activity, just not my fave Recovery Week. Hopefully I can get a few workouts in this week. I don't plan on working out every day in the summer, but getting 2 or 3 Insanity work outs in every week will make me feel good. Gotta get back to it!
  • vicky1804
    vicky1804 Posts: 320 Member
    Well, well , well it's day 1 for me today and i'm super excited. Done my weight, measurements and pictures just gotta work out my body fat.
    Watched the first couple of workout and glad I did as I decided being a larger chested lady that for my own safety I needed a sports bra otherwise I would have knocked myself out lol

    Will report back later once iv done my fit test.

    p.s not looking forward to pushup jacks :)
  • McCelmer
    McCelmer Posts: 99 Member
    Completed my first round of Insanity. Today was the final fit test. I'm very happy with my results - I worked my a** off, getting up at 4 a.m. daily for the workouts. Lost more inches than weight but I feel amazing - stronger, leaner, and tighter.


    I purchased Asylum 1 & 2 - the DVDs should arrive this week and I can't wait to get started! In the meantime, I'm going to do some of the month one workouts and hopefully make it through without taking any breaks.
  • vicky1804
    vicky1804 Posts: 320 Member
    Did my Fit Test earlier. Did ok on some moved but the jumping ones killed me.
    Looking forward to my first full day tomorrow
  • wffolkes
    wffolkes Posts: 186 Member
    Ready to start Month 2 today fit test then max interval circuit!!!

    Recovery week was good I started to get good at it after a few days :)

    Back to the intensity
  • currlee
    currlee Posts: 395 Member
    I finally got around to doing Core Cardio & Balance, after two weeks! I was so excited because I just got a HRM and I wanted to see the burn. But I'm also doing weights on M, W and F. So I did Core Cardio & Balance. Then I put in a Hip Hop Abs dvd for music while I did weights. I like to have it on, also, because in between sets, I do the moves in the video to keep my heart rate going. Well, so I didn't check my heart rate after Insanity and by the time I did, it had come down and so it only showed a 216 cal burn. I don't believe that that is all I burned. But my heart rate had come down so much that the reading was off. So I'm going to check it between workouts from now on. But glad I got the workouts in. Then tonight is Relay for Life and I plan on walking 3-4hrs. Good thing since I just finished a slice of zucchini fudge cake. :)
  • Microfiber
    Microfiber Posts: 956 Member
    Restarting Insanity on Wednesday. Can't wait :drinker:
  • vicky1804
    vicky1804 Posts: 320 Member
    Day 8 for me today. I'm really enjoying it so far.
  • toadiejones
    toadiejones Posts: 605 Member
    Finished the 2nd fit test today and saw good improvement! Yay! It really does motivate you to keep going. Can't wait for the next fit test!
  • sgtbrown
    sgtbrown Posts: 58 Member
    1st day of "Month 2" for me! The fit test was a great warm up. The Max Interval Circuit totally kicked my but, and I actually feel great after getting thru it. Definitely hit max heartrate a few times and had to rest many times, but I pushed through it. 1442 calories burned! OUCH! Looking forward to tomorrow's beating! Stick with it! I have lost 25lbs since I started MFP, and 17lbs of that was during the 1st month of Insanity. It works.
  • chaun150
    chaun150 Posts: 1
    Hello let me first introduced myself. My name is Chaun, I am 37. I want to say this that I have had my fair share of weight loss. So exercising is nothing new to me after my 2nd pregnancy I lost a total of 95 lbs in one year and kept it off. Even with losing 95lb my belly wasn’t tight like I wanted it. This was my first c-section pregnancy. However, several years passed by and I became pregnant again but, this time I had back to back pregnancies babies was 17 months apart. So it felt like I was pregnant for 2 years. With that being said I gained 50 of those lbs back and hated it knowing how hard it was to lose during my first weight lost journey. Now this makes a total of 3 c-sections pregnancies.
    Me being the person that enjoyed the thinner me I had to start losing this weight. So I went back to my same routine that I was doing to lose the lbs the first time. Well that wasn’t working I wasn’t getting the results that I was looking or use to getting. Now with all that out the way I purchased insanity workout for 2 reasons to lose my baby weight and to hopefully get the stomach that am I looking for without having to have a tummy tuck.
    I am on week 2 of the first month. The first day I started this workout I was like OMG what have I gotten myself into. The first week was a beast. I wanted to cry the 1st day. Then I wanted to throw up on the 2nd day. I was sore in places on my body that I didn’t think was possible.
    My results for week one: lost 5lbs. One may say 5lbs that’s a lot of lbs to lose in a week. But for me those were the results that I was use to getting on my first weight lost journey. I’m going into week 2nd week today. I really enjoy reading yall post. They keep your motivation level up. I have a logo in my head while I’m trying to tame this beast of a workout. Failure is not an option!
  • currlee
    currlee Posts: 395 Member
    Woke up early(7) and decided to actually get up instead of going back to sleep. So I got in another Core Cardio & Balance. No time for my weights :( but happy to see that the burn was 326 cal in 35min. I checked again after the cool down and it was only at 114 so I'm glad I paused and checked before the cool down. Or I would have been sad, lol.
  • meowkapow
    meowkapow Posts: 103 Member
    Hi guys! I'm starting my second round of Insanity, Month 1 Day 3 today!

    I completed Insanity same time last year and I'm hoping to get similar results.

    Stats Last Round

    Weight 73kg 65.8kg -7.2kg

    Waist 85 cm 74 cm -11 cm
    Bust 102.5cm 98cm -4.5cm
    Hips 104.5cm 98cm -6.5cm
    Thighs 60cm 54cm -6cm
    Arms 31.5cm 29cm -2.5 cm

    Starting stats for Round 2

    Weight 59.1kg
    Waist 73 cm
    Bust 94 cm
    Hips 94 cm
    Arm 26 cm
    Thigh 51 cm

    Good luck all!
  • vicky1804
    vicky1804 Posts: 320 Member
    Morning all,
    Day 15 Fit Test today - I have re done my weight and measurements. I have not lost any weight but lost 1.8 inches and gone from 38.2 to 37.3 body fat.

    In regards to calories and weight etc. I have MFP set as sedentary as I sit at a desk it has me eating (1400) a day and I wear a hrm and eat back my exercise calories as Im usually starving after working out. I dont go to bed hungry.

    With my new job I eat breakfast @ 7am and can only have a small snack (200-300 calories)between then and getting home at 2.30pm. I am also now walking to work at a brisk pace which takes in total around 50 mins a day, 5 days a week.

    I was looking for advice really, given my extra walking should I kick MFP setting to lightly active and still eat back exercise cals to see if I can get my weight moving.

    Sorry for the long post, I will post my second Fit Test results after I have done them
  • sgtbrown
    sgtbrown Posts: 58 Member
    I would definitely upgrade your setting up from sedentary. I'd have to say you are far from that. A 50 minute walk every day is awesome! Sounds like you do "starve" yourself during the day. It's great to see you are losing inches! I thought it was going to be hard for me to follow the meal plan on Insanity, but I am doing it and have adapted well. I eat 5 small meals a day, per the plan. On days where I know I'll be tied up in meetings, or other time-absorbing activities, I make sure the meals I take can be "grab and go". I usually eat a meal about 20 minutes after my workout. I am eating much less than I used to and I am never hungry.
  • vicky1804
    vicky1804 Posts: 320 Member
    Thank you
    I have upped it and will see how I do at my next fit test in 3 weeks.
    I work on reception and they dont like to see you eating in front of people so I have to grab something quick (ie no knife or fork) I am thinking of making protein/Quinoa bar or even a smoothie for that time.

    I have noticed that the workout's make me hungry so my current routine is to work out, drink my chocolate milk, shower then eat.
  • currlee
    currlee Posts: 395 Member
    Got in my Core Cardio & Balance, bringing the total to four of the six, and it's only taken me since Labor Day weekend :p I took my heart rate before the cool down and it was only 110, which isn't awesome, but I woke up and worked out and got sweaty and I will be proud of that! I rode my bike to work the last two days(4mi each way), so I'm still doing something.