Welcome! Say hello....



  • mommyrocks5
    mommyrocks5 Posts: 49 Member
    Hi, my name is Sam. I am 33, wifey and momma of 5 amazingly awesome kiddos. I started using MFP a little over 2 years ago. Lost 75+ pounds, but I have put back on about 15...ready to get the final 15 off and keep them off this time.

    Absolutely going to join the measurements thread. Excited to get involved in this group...looks like there is a lot of great stuff and fun going on here.
  • AJ_Muffin
    AJ_Muffin Posts: 93 Member
    Hi my name is Andrea, and I've just lost the last 15lbs of my baby weight. I'm now on a mission to lose my "getting married" weight and my hubby has given me a huge incentive! If I reach my goal weight then he'll buy me a whole new wardrobe woo-hoo!!!! Glad to be here, I need some friends to keep me motivated though so message me! :D

    Right,,,off to the gym....
  • Hey, I'm 30 and have struggled with my weight most of my life. I dropped about 80 lbs. over the course of the last couple of years. i'm looking to drop about 80 more !
  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    Welcome to the 30 Somethings group Kasi, Sam, Andrea and beckirenes!! There are several actives on here so feel free to add us. Also, feel free to start a thread or post a question.

    We just started another 3 Month (Self) Challenge - Part 6 this week if you care to join us. Just private message me or post in the new thread and I will add you to the new spreadsheet.

    There is also a measurement check in thread if you are interested in keeping track of your measurements by month.

    Additionally, we are doing miles walked for the month of June.

    Good luck on your journeys! Here is to a healthy year! :drinker:

  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    Hello, I'm Kasi. I joined this group a while back but never actually opened a thread until today. Recently I've just been using MFP for the challenges. The seem to keep me focused but two of them just ended leaving me with time to venture out for other support systems. I added my name for the MIles Walked challenge/goal thing. What is the 3 month self challenge? Is it too late to join? I'm glad I finally decided to look into this group... lots of good stuff going on here:bigsmile:
    Welcome to the group Kasi. The 3 month Self challenge is basically a weekly weigh in (Fridays). I call it a challenge simply because I want us to challenge ourselves to get to our goal. It is open to anyone at any time. Just private message me your starting weight and any goal you may have.

    Oh, by the way if you have ideas about challenges feel free to share them with us or post a new thread. The more the merrier. :smile:


  • DustinJMcClure
    DustinJMcClure Posts: 10 Member

    My name is Dustin, I was on MFP before, I am 32 and I have yo-yo'd most of my life. I am back on here counting calories, and I can also tell how much more difficult it is in my 30s to lose weight. I've got to do this for life this time! Nice to meet you guys and feel free to add me as a Pal!

  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    Welcome to the 30 Somethings group Dustin!! There are several actives on here so feel free to add us (got your request). Also, feel free to start a thread or post a question.

    We just started another 3 Month (Self) Challenge - Part 6 this week if you care to join us. Just private message me or post in the new thread and I will add you to the new spreadsheet.

    There is also a measurement check in thread if you are interested in keeping track of your measurements by month.

    Additionally, we are doing miles walked for the month of June.

    Good luck on your journey! Here is to a healthy year! :drinker:

  • Madame_Goldbricker
    Madame_Goldbricker Posts: 1,625 Member
    Hi people :) I'm Caz, 34 & 224lbs currently. I've joined the gym 4wks back, but currently have lost zilch :( Although my cardio is waaay better! I can actually take the dogs out without wanting to keel over now ;) I'm doing cardio 4x's a week at min, body combat/pump, swimming 1x, & going to my 1st , metafit class today! So will see how that goes lol (heard it's pretty intense?). Looking forward to addressing my diet & hopefully getting some mutual support from folks :)
  • kaz123sing
    kaz123sing Posts: 20 Member
    Hi all, I'm Kathy, I am an up and down sort of weight girl. Did my body fat recently and have decided I have to stick to tracking my food and exercise or I will be even more out of control. I am currently, 70kg and 165 cm tall. My aim below 60 kg by new year. I have two great children. I really struggle to be a good mum, my boy has aspergers and I find I drink too much wine to wind down and cope. I am looking to bring balance, control and sexiness back into my life.
  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    Welcome to the 30 Somethings group Caz and Kathy!! There are several actives on here so feel free to add us (got your request). Also, feel free to start a thread or post a question.

    We just started another 3 Month (Self) Challenge - Part 6 this week if you care to join us. Just private message me and I will add you to the new spreadsheet.

    There is also a measurement check in thread if you are interested in keeping track of your measurements by month.

    Additionally, we are doing miles walked for the month of June.

    Good luck on your journeys! Here is to a healthy year! :drinker:

  • yklindsay
    yklindsay Posts: 1
    Hi Everyone. I'm Lindsay. I just turned 31 and the doctor has said I'm officially too big to conceive a baby and won't administer any therapy to help us build a family until I've lost 50 lbs. Holy crap! After spending some time healing my pride, I'm now ready to take on the challenge! In the last month, I've lost 10 lbs and I'm motivated to keep going! I've adopted the Paleo lifestyle and I work out 5-6 days a week ranging from cardio, weights, ballroom dance, baseball, stairs, etc. Having a core group of friends who are also in the same mindset has helped and I hope to expland that friendzone by coming here. :)
  • jmoliveson
    jmoliveson Posts: 40 Member
    Hi everyone; My name is Jenny and I joined this site last week and am very happy to have so many like minded peers working hard and looking good. I am 38 years old and lost my way awhile back eating junk food to my hearts content. I have been someone who loses and gains the same weight so I know what hard work it takes to make it happen. The last time I had to do it all alone. This time I am so glad to have found this site and look forward to making many new friends. I am so glad that we are not only able to share our stories but help and encourage one another!
  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    Welcome to the 30 Somethings group Lindsay and Jenny!! There are several actives on here so feel free to add us. Also, feel free to start a thread or post a question.

    We started another 3 Month (Self) Challenge - Part 6 this week if you care to join us. Just private message me and I will add you to the new spreadsheet.

    There is also a measurement check in thread if you are interested in keeping track of your measurements by month.

    Additionally, we are doing miles walked for the month of June.

    Good luck on your journeys! Here is to a healthy year! :drinker:

  • AngisBubis
    AngisBubis Posts: 25 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Angie. I've been using this site for a while now but have just started being more interactive. LOL, better late than never. I'm 38, been a widow for almost four years and have three children (19, 17 and 10). I am looking to make new friends and can always use accountablilty and motivation. I look forward to getting involved and learning about you all. Happy Monday!
  • talenapenn
    talenapenn Posts: 1 Member
    Hi my name is Talena and I am in Dallas, Texas. In the last 3 years I've gained over 30pds. I went from a very active job to sitting at a desk. I've always been around 150 but now that I find myself slowly creeping to the 200 mark I know I need to get serious about my diet and get back to my comfortable weight. Today is a fresh Start!!!
  • Hello,

    My name is Kiki and I just turned 30 and in the past 3 years I've gained 30lbs for various reasons. I want to be at a happy and comfortable weight again! Time for it to vanish!!
  • JenToms80
    JenToms80 Posts: 373 Member

    Im Jenny, Im living in the North West of the UK.

    Really looking to lose that final 10lbs, so please feel free to add me!

    Look forward to getting to know you :flowerforyou:
  • Reytor
    Reytor Posts: 26 Member

    My name is Victor and I'm 36. I would love to lose 30-40 pounds but I just had knee surgery about 7 weeks ago and I am still using one crutch so it will be slow going. Just trying to get back to where I was!
  • JenS0301
    JenS0301 Posts: 37 Member
    Hi everyone! I am Jen, just turned 30 a few months ago. This is my 10th week of working out and eating healthy at a steady pace. I see huge improvements in myself already and it just makes me want to challenge myself even more. I set weekly goals and it helps keep the motivation going for me. I am looking to loose about 50 lbs to get to my goal weight. I have lost 10lbs in 10 weeks and I also do measurements because sometimes the scale can be horrible to look at. :) I have decided it is time to put myself first for a while.
  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    Welcome to the 30 Somethings group Angie, Talena, Kiki, Jenny, Victor and Jen!! There are several actives on here so feel free to add us. Also, feel free to start a thread or post a question.

    We started another 3 Month (Self) Challenge - Part 6 this week if you care to join us. Just private message me or post in the newest thread and I will add you to the new spreadsheet.

    There is also a measurement check in thread if you are interested in keeping track of your measurements by month.

    Additionally, we are doing miles walked for the month of June and will continue again in July

    Good luck on your journeys! Here is to a healthy year! :drinker:

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