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June check in and chat:June-o mess with these chicks



  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    This is a really great idea Dani! Thank you :) I am very, very weak in my upper body so I was prepared to not be able to bang a whole bunch of perfect ones out to begin with.....but I figured that with like 130lbs of resistance, that I would be able to get even half of one done. No go. I am going to try your idea next workout though. How much higher than you did you place the bar?

    It's about 3/4 of a hang away, i.e. bent arms, not fully outstretched. I can adjust it depending on how I'm sitting.

    I actually sort of got the idea from a Nia Shanks poster here: http://www.niashanks.com/2012/11/why-women-should-lift-heavy-weights-a-beginner-workout/

    It's basically a modified inverted row. Cause, why not? :laugh:
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    Squats 55kg feeling hard, think I will start fractionals now, ohp 32.5kg 320 as I gave up with gym shenanigans and someone asking how long I'd be. Back to 30kg and fractionals too. Deadlift 70kg just dandy :-) HIIT on bike and a quick cardio circuit from my phone squats (again!), burpees, sit ups and bicycles. All this straight after the HIIT and I was feeling it!
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    This is a really great idea Dani! Thank you :) I am very, very weak in my upper body so I was prepared to not be able to bang a whole bunch of perfect ones out to begin with.....but I figured that with like 130lbs of resistance, that I would be able to get even half of one done. No go. I am going to try your idea next workout though. How much higher than you did you place the bar?

    It's about 3/4 of a hang away, i.e. bent arms, not fully outstretched. I can adjust it depending on how I'm sitting.

    I actually sort of got the idea from a Nia Shanks poster here: http://www.niashanks.com/2012/11/why-women-should-lift-heavy-weights-a-beginner-workout/

    It's basically a modified inverted row. Cause, why not? :laugh:

    Great! Thank you!
  • beacrys
    beacrys Posts: 72 Member
    Ugh epic fail on my pull-ups this morning. Back to the drawing board and watching video's on ways to modify. Or perhaps I need to get another resistance band that is provides even more resistance. This was definitely a blow to my fitness ego though, I must say :sad:

    I sat my butt down on my bench just a little bit ago and used my Olympic bar resting on my squat rack to pull myself up. Worked like a charm. And after about 10 reps or so I was really starting to feel it. So I figure I start there and just add reps until those muscles back there are developed enough to pull more of me than just my upper body weight.

    I'm going to do a pull-up one of these days! You start where you start, eh?

    Brilliant idea. I was wondering how I would start chin ups.
  • kirabob
    kirabob Posts: 481 Member
    Another vote for negatives. That's how I've been training for my dips and pulls and chins - I use a chair to get up to the bar, then slowly lower myself. And remember - those muscles have to be trained for both strength and movement, just like every other muscle. It WILL happen, with time and effort. I know you already know that, but I have to say it to myself all the time, so I figured you might no mind hearing it again, either. :smile:
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Another vote for negatives. That's how I've been training for my dips and pulls and chins - I use a chair to get up to the bar, then slowly lower myself. And remember - those muscles have to be trained for both strength and movement, just like every other muscle. It WILL happen, with time and effort. I know you already know that, but I have to say it to myself all the time, so I figured you might no mind hearing it again, either. :smile:

    Oh for sure :smile: I think I'm going to try Dani's idea for next workout....see how I feel and then go from there. The problem is that my ceiling is not super high and I don't know that my rack can handle kipping up.....so we'll have to see how this goes :indifferent:
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    Hi, all! Checking with my numbers. Love the advice on pull-ups. Since I still can't quite do one, I may use that method, too. :)

    Workout B to finish Week 4

    Squat: 5x5x95lb

    OHP: 5x5x52.5lb

    Deadlift: 1x6x135lb

    I think on squats, I'll spend one more workout at 95. Form didn't feel as good on all the reps. Want to make sure I'm hitting those correctly.

    Love the decision to stay at fractional adds for OHP. Felt the new weight (2.5lb add), but able to really nail the form on those.

    Good workout for me.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Squat day for me and I hit a nice PR - 185x2 so that was nice. I also went on to pistols in sets of 2 (Each leg) and was suprised how much easier it is now (I dunno why I was suprised, makes sense) then back when I was actually working on it.
  • beacrys
    beacrys Posts: 72 Member
    SQ: 45X5X1 55X5X1 60X5X2

    OHP: 35X5X5

    DL: 80X5X1

    Rt. knee is acting out. Bleh.
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    SQ: 45X5X1 55X5X1 60X5X2

    OHP: 35X5X5

    DL: 80X5X1

    Rt. knee is acting out. Bleh.

    Bea, could you get a video? are you pushing your knees out so they don't collapse in on the squats? hope it feels better soon :(
  • jw203
    jw203 Posts: 50 Member
    Yesterday was:

    Squats 5x5 - 72.5kg
    Bench Press 5x5 - 40kg
    Pendlay Rows 5x5 - 37.5kg

    and then a 7.3 mile run home (first time Ive attempted this). I'm feeling it today.
  • jw203
    jw203 Posts: 50 Member
    Ugh epic fail on my pull-ups this morning. Back to the drawing board and watching video's on ways to modify. Or perhaps I need to get another resistance band that is provides even more resistance. This was definitely a blow to my fitness ego though, I must say :sad:

    I sat my butt down on my bench just a little bit ago and used my Olympic bar resting on my squat rack to pull myself up. Worked like a charm. And after about 10 reps or so I was really starting to feel it. So I figure I start there and just add reps until those muscles back there are developed enough to pull more of me than just my upper body weight.

    I'm going to do a pull-up one of these days! You start where you start, eh?

    Thanks for this! Sounds like a good way for me to start too.
  • Coquette6
    Coquette6 Posts: 158 Member
    Missed Saturday's workout due to a runaway cat (she's home now, thank goddess). So workout A for me this morning.

    Squat - 90lbs - Woo, new personal record
    Bench press - 65lbs - Really struggled on this today, and I'm going to blame the equipment at least a little. There's two benches at my gym, and the racks are set up a little differently. I usually use one, but I used the other one today, and I find it really awkward to rack and unrack the barbell on the one I used today. I always seemed to have problems getting it where it needed to be.
    Pendlay - 65lbs - Feels much better now that I've started propping it up to the right height. I tried for 70lbs, but only got 3 reps. Maybe next time!
  • cleotherio
    cleotherio Posts: 712 Member
    So I went to Yarmouth, Maine this weekend to support my friend who was doing an Ironman distance triathlon as an Alzheimer's fundraiser. She killed her PR time by an hour or so and raised over $13,000. She's an awesome person, she's a personal trainer and has her own studio. Anyone can PM me if you want her info :).

    Workout B this morning -
    Squats 5x5 @155
    OHP - 1x5@75,80,85, 1x4 @90
    DL-1x5 200

    I had posted I DL'd 200 last week. My math was wrong. It was actually 190. I had done 195 for a few weeks in a row. When I thought I was doing 200, I was thinking what a bad-a$s mofo I was since it seemed lighter than the previous weight. DUH, it was! 200 feels much much heaver than 190 or even 195. I had a few long pauses between reps, but I'd still count it as 5x5.
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    200 is amazing! I've done one rep at 90kg a while ago but working my way back in that direction...

    I've been meaning to ask - is your name Cleo Rio or Cleo Therio (as I've been reading it!)
    I suspect it's like Kermit The Frog 'Mr The Frog' :) but it's driving me a little potty lol..
  • cleotherio
    cleotherio Posts: 712 Member
    LWood- It's Cleo the Rio :) Cleo actually isn't my name; it was my cat's name. And subsequently, that name evolved into Cleo the Rio, kind of like it was her title. Because all cats are some sort of royalty or at least deserving of a title! ;)
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    Thank you!
  • BikerGirlElaine
    BikerGirlElaine Posts: 1,631 Member
    I am so impressed with your progress, ladies! I love reading the successes here because they inspire me so, and when you struggle, I know that I am not alone.

    I also love seeing some women in their 50's, thank you. I turn 50 in a week and a half!

    I trained yesterday morning but haven't had time to come tell you all about it!

    Squats 95 3X5 This is my new working weight. (down from 120 which was down from 135!) and I am just going to accept it and start adding 2.5 pounds each time now. I will also do 80% on the mid day, i.e.: Tuesday 97.5. Thursday 78.0 Saturday 100. This is something that Rippetoe mentioned in Pratical Programming as a modification to do when you are moving towards intermediate workouts, and I saw it mentioned in a thread on the Starting Strength forums when I was looking for help for my older, becoming-more-intermediate body.

    OHP 45 3X5 I am going to start progress from here 1 pound at a time. Previously I was working at 56 pounds before I lost the plot due to overtraining. This is 80% of that number and although it feels a bit light, that is the point, actually.

    Deadlift 125 1X5 This still feels light, but I will add 5 pounds next time instead of 10. I was stalled out at 150 previously, and this is about an 80% deload from there.
  • kirabob
    kirabob Posts: 481 Member
    Cleo - Wow - that's great work that your friend is doing and how awesome that you got to go and support her! And yeah, 200 is WAY heavier than 195. I remember thinking to myself, in the process of lifting when my mind should have been in other places "Surely this is more than 200 pounds. It feels SO MUCH HEAVIER!" :)

    Coquette - We have 4 benches at our gym, but I can only rack the bar in two of them, and so I will prowl and pounce on them as soon as they are open. It totally messes with your head if it is hard to rack the bar!

    Bikergirl - Sounds like you are progressing at the rate that is right for your body - I think that is one of the largest components of this strength training enterprise (for me, anyhow).
  • kirabob
    kirabob Posts: 481 Member
    Well, I'm all smiles and happiness today - got my stitches out this morning and the doc said I could lift again, just to stop if I felt any pulling at the wound site. WOOT! Needless to say I had worn my workout clothes to the doctor's office in anticipation of a green light

    And then I got to the gym, and learned just how much my 15 day break cost me in terms of strength. I was reading Nia Shanks' 28 things she has learned from lifting article, and one of them was that you need to check your ego at the door. Yep. That is some truth right there.

    FIRST day of my new cycle:
    Workout B
    Squats 3x5 @ 135 - I could probably have gone higher, but I'm wanting to work up going ATG instead of just below parallel, so it may be a while before I see 175 again.
    OHP 665@ 72.5 - OOPs, I had done 75 pounds last time. That's what I get for leaving my notes at home.
    Deadlifts 1x5 @ 175 - I did 1x1's until it felt challenging, then just stayed there. I'll probably go up on these 10 lbs until I hit my previous PR. Maybe.

    Then I did some accessory stuff. I tell you what - Farmer walks and waiter carries make great finishers all by themselves!