June check in and chat:June-o mess with these chicks



  • grandmoo
    grandmoo Posts: 34 Member
    Missed Saturday's workout due to a runaway cat (she's home now, thank goddess). So workout A for me this morning.

    Squat - 90lbs - Woo, new personal record
    Bench press - 65lbs - Really struggled on this today, and I'm going to blame the equipment at least a little. There's two benches at my gym, and the racks are set up a little differently. I usually use one, but I used the other one today, and I find it really awkward to rack and unrack the barbell on the one I used today. I always seemed to have problems getting it where it needed to be.
    Pendlay - 65lbs - Feels much better now that I've started propping it up to the right height. I tried for 70lbs, but only got 3 reps. Maybe next time!

    I'm 5 lbs ahead of you, I feel like we're SL twins sort of. :-)

    First time posting in this group.

    This morning's workout:

    Squat - 95 lbs - 5x5
    Bench - 70 lbs - 5x5 (this one is kind of tough, so I pretend that I'm pressing the bar into my ex's face and it gets oh so much easier-lol)
    Pendlay - 70 lbs - 5x5

    I've ordered some fractional plates (.25, .50, .75, 1.0) because I'm still at 45 on the overhead and don't see progressing with anything less than .25 added on each side {sigh}.

    I *almost* stuck with 90 on squats this morning, but decided to go ahead and shoot for 95, and was amazed to find that 95 seemed no more difficult than 90 on Friday. Maybe I really AM getting stronger!?

    Oh yeah, I'm 54, 5'2", ~128 lbs.
  • jogirlruns
    jogirlruns Posts: 45 Member
    Last workout was on Friday - crazy busy weekend with too much driving and eating!

    Squat: 135lbs 5x5 - may try a small increase next time, but not sure as I'm still not getting quite low enough!
    OHP: 45 lbs 5x5 - still hard! I finally bought some 1 lb weights - will try adding these next time.
    Deadlift: 135 lbs 1x5 Felt not too bad. I have been raising the barbell on two aerobics steps - platform only, no risers - my hamstrings are so tight that my form goes to heck if I lift from the floor, even with the big plates on. Nia Shanks seems to think this is ok, so I'm sticking with it for now.

  • belle_of_the_bar
    belle_of_the_bar Posts: 474 Member
    Kira-- Yay for no sewn toes! Glad you're feeling better.

    You ladies are kicking butt with your numbers, and I'm super impressed.

    A day
    Squat 70# 5x5
    Bench 60# 5x5
    Row 60# 5x5

    I tried to up my bench to 65 but had to deload after 1 set. It's slow progress, but progress none the less. Have a great Monday!
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Kira - Yeah for stitches being out!!!!

    Grandmoo - I'm 5'2" and bounce between 128 and 130. Sometimes it feels like there are no strength gains, but then you hit the next set and think "Wow, I just did that!"

    Well, not a heavy lifting day for me, but an interesting day at the gym none the less. Today consisted of a 2 mile run and then some core and shoulder work. I decided to bunch up pullups, parallel bar leg lifts, one arm cable lat raises, and pikes. Well, I get started and three young college age girls come into the area. I had first set my water bottle and towel down on a mat and had set up the exercise ball for the pikes next to them. Well, I lost the spot to one of the girls so I went over when I was ready for the pikes and grabbed my stuff and the exercise ball and moved to an unoccupied area next to the dip bars. So I get through 2 rounds of the set and get into the third round. I'm doing my lat raises and one of the girls comes over and just takes the exercise ball. In my head I just thought "That B* just stole my ball!" but I said nothing. So I finish my lat raises and they (yes all 3 of them are doing the same exercise in tandem) are still doing some form of glute bridge with the ball and instead of standing over there waiting for them to finish, I went to the other place I knew a ball was and finished my last set of pikes. I think I was more upset that she didn't even have the courtesy to check that I was done with it. I would have let her use it even if I wasn't done yet.

    But despite my ball getting snatched up by someone else, I got a good workout in and was happy to get all 5 pullups in for the 3 sets with minimal kicking on the last few reps.
  • inkysmurf
    inkysmurf Posts: 168
    Jstout: Some folk are soooo rude!!! and you could probably have picked one of them up and moved them on as well! (that would have shown them)
    Kira: glad your stitches are out x

    So today workout A ( week 4)
    Squat 5x5 32.5kg (71lbs)

    Then because I was not paying too much attention I did this by mistake:
    bench press 3 x 27.5kg (60lbs) - and then because I was still being dumb after thinking this is heavy and I have crap form
    I deloaded to 3x 25kg (55lbs)
    And then the penny dropped along with some more weight and I finished with 3 x 20kg (44lbs)
    This should have been my 5xx @ 17.5kg (38lbs) bench press


    Pendlay rows 5x5 20kg (44lbs)
    5 x chinups (floor to door height)
    30 air squats waiting for coffee

    Note my 10kg weights have a 10 on them and are twice the size of my 5kg weights...aherm!
  • jw203
    jw203 Posts: 50 Member

    Then because I was not paying too much attention I did this by mistake:
    bench press 3 x 27.5kg (60lbs) - and then because I was still being dumb after thinking this is heavy and I have crap form
    I deloaded to 3x 25kg (55lbs)
    And then the penny dropped along with some more weight and I finished with 3 x 20kg (44lbs)
    This should have been my 5xx @ 17.5kg (38lbs) bench press

    I've done this same thing before! I couldn't understand why it felt so heavy and then realised I had 10kg more on than I should've. You'd think that as a mathematician I'd be able to work out how different size plates add up.
  • zanyzana
    zanyzana Posts: 248 Member
    Well, it was my 3rd official session this morning. I did a B session as I have my own little system going. I do A then B and a crossfit PT session in the first week, the a B, an A and back to crossfit PT. I figure this way, different bits are tired when I do my crossfit! It makes sense to me :laugh: Anyways, my squat was 5x5 of 25kg, OHP was 1x5 of 19kg then 4x5 of 17kg (I found out that the bar weighs 7kg, so I'm excited that I'm getting closer to being able to press the Olympic bar!). Finally I deadlifted 1x5 of 40kg. I had a half hour or so before I had to leave, so I did some body weight exercises from Strong Curves. I've always had a big bum, and always hated it. I've decided to just celebrate it and give it a lift. When I am bored of SL, I think I'll move onto Strong Curves and see what I can do with my ample *kitten*!
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    well done zana, those are some fab numbers! 7kg is such a random number for the bar lol.. are you doing this at home?
  • zanyzana
    zanyzana Posts: 248 Member
    well done zana, those are some fab numbers! 7kg is such a random number for the bar lol.. are you doing this at home?

    I'm not doing it at home - I go to a small local gym. It's not well equipped, but it has a couple of Olympic bars, a few benches, a range of bars with weights permanently attached (to the 7kg bars!), a bunch of machines and a few sets of running machines, rowers, bikes and crosstrainers. And I've not seen more than 3 people up there before work - woohoo! The annoying part is when the strong boys who use the gym after school leave their massive weights on the bars, on the top rungs of the squat machine... which is well and truly over the top of my head!

    Over the last 18 months to 2 years I've been having weekly 1:1 personal training in crossfit weight-training, which has obviously built my strength a bit. I didn't realise the development until I started this though. I have never paid any attention to the weights they've made me lift! I guess I'm only starting to "own" my strength training now. I'm excited and have started telling people I'm strength training with pride. It's just a bit funny when they ask how long I've been doing it and I say "2 weeks"!!!
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    @tameko --- I find pistol squats highly intimidating ... maybe some day ...

    @cleo -- awesome numbers as usual !!

    @Elaine -- hey, welcome back, lady! My deadlifts went to crap by like 30 pounds simply by not doing them for a few weeks. It's fine. You'll be back up there in no time!!
    Bench - 70 lbs - 5x5 (this one is kind of tough, so I pretend that I'm pressing the bar into my ex's face and it gets oh so much easier-lol)

    What a fabulous idea! After reading your post, I briefly I considered putting my ex's picture on my garage ceiling, but I don't want to ruin the ceiling. LOL All in good fun though. Also, welcome!!

    @Joanne -- fractionals is where it's at for upper body lifts; I'm sure you'll come to love those 1 lb weights for all kinds of reasons.

    @daisy -- I have broken math days too. It happens. I forgot to add plates to one side before and then wondered why my squats were so uneven. Haha. No sweat!

    I finally hit 90 lbs on squats today! Which might not seem like a lot but it's been a glass ceiling for me of sorts. For one, I didn't have enough small plates, and for two, I haven't been pushing squats for some weeks now. So those 90 pounds today felt really hard, and really good.

    As it turns out, if you don't train deadlifts for a few weeks, they go to crap and mock you. So I'm going to have to add those back into the rotation and save the stiff-legged ones for finishers and/or complex days.

    Anyhoo, I'm torn between seriously starting Stronglifts or Starting Strength right now and training for our September competition in earnest, or skipping September's competition and spend the next year working on core stability along with endurance and going slower on the weight increase so I can actually lift something to speak of at next year's meet (or whenever they do it again).

    Decisions, decisions ...
  • jw203
    jw203 Posts: 50 Member
    I just finally lifted more than 27.5kg (66lb) on the OHP and did 30kg - 55553. May not have got the last two reps out, but I couldn't even do one set at that weight before. I'm so happy!

    Also did some more 72.5kg (160lb) 5x5 squats aaaand a new push on the deadlift to 77.5kg (170lbs).

    Very pleased with today.

    And also now very hungry.
  • BikerGirlElaine
    BikerGirlElaine Posts: 1,631 Member

    Anyhoo, I'm torn between seriously starting Stronglifts or Starting Strength right now and training for our September competition in earnest, or skipping September's competition and spend the next year working on core stability along with endurance and going slower on the weight increase so I can actually lift something to speak of at next year's meet (or whenever they do it again).

    Decisions, decisions ...

    I vote that you train for train for September in earnest. You could be squatting north of 135 by then (if you add 1-2 pounds each session -- I don't know how many weeks you have to work with). It would be such a blast IMO!!
  • BikerGirlElaine
    BikerGirlElaine Posts: 1,631 Member
    I just finally lifted more than 27.5kg (66lb) on the OHP and did 30kg - 55553. May not have got the last two reps out, but I couldn't even do one set at that weight before. I'm so happy!

    Also did some more 72.5kg (160lb) 5x5 squats aaaand a new push on the deadlift to 77.5kg (170lbs).

    Very pleased with today.

    And also now very hungry.

    Great job!! Now go eat :laugh:
  • inkysmurf
    inkysmurf Posts: 168
    Hello - yup maths is not my strongest point , thought it was the barbell laughing at me for thinking I was superwoman on sunday! (total idiot moment - but also exciting to think that I will get there and that will be a weight I will one day lift with good form... hopefully with a wing and a prayer and a slow steady progression!!)

    JW203 : fab nos - now go eat !

    Dani: well done you - that feckin' rocks - eeek - I would say stronglifts (what with my just starting week 4 voice of experience and I started not even on 5kg - he he he - but I love it)

    Away to look up pistol squats - they sound crazy so I can only imagine...
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    I don't know what it is about adding plates together, but it's near impossible some days!

    I did my workout yesterday instead of today (Workout A):

    Squats: 145lbs 5x5
    Bench: 90lbs 5x5
    Rows: 100lbs 5-5-4 (I WILL get this next time)

    I had a doctor's appointment today. Nothing wrong other than I haven't had a check up since 1999 (other than getting the lady parts examined). The doctor said my hips are slightly out of alignment (right side is a little higher). Makes sense; I notice I tip/lean to the right a lot. She also told me I need to stop with the free weights since I have a genetic pre-disposition to herniated discs and to stick to the machines. No more than 10-15 lbs. I smiled and nodded, but I've never been good at doing what I'm told. I'll be more careful, though.
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Plate Math gets us all. I've done the "Why is this so heavy" and "why does it feel lopsided" many times.

    Daisy - Pistol squats ARE crazy.

    Dani - Just train and compete already. You know you will own the competition in September. :flowerforyou: If you get serious, I will as well and find a local competition by September. And congrats on the 90 lb squat!!!

    So, I watched a guy who is probably 5'4" and 180-200 lbs of muscle deadlift 315 today. Always fun to see 3 45 lb plates on each side. I've also watched him do a one arm clean and press using the oly bar at a weight of 95 lbs.

    Heavy squat day for me and back to the front squat this week.

    Squat - 1x5 @ 85, 3x5 @ 95. These felt more controlled than last week, but still had some form issues.
    Bench - 3x5 @ 100. Still working on pausing at the bottom as a way to practice competition form.
    Pendlay rows - 5x5 @ 75. I think I'm going to start working these in again. If not every week, at least every other week. There really isn't any other row that can engage the full core like them.

    I then finished with some pushups of various types like pause and hold, alternating leg/arm lifts on the way up, and decline. I also did 3 sets @ 70 lbs low cable rows using the rope and pulling to mid chest.

    On the way back to work I also picked up the fresh blueberries I had ordered. All 30 lbs of them. I couldn't leave them in the car so I had to carry them into work. That gets heavy quick, but I wasn't about to make more than one trip :happy: Good thing there will be less by the time I leave for the day!
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    On the way back to work I also picked up the fresh blueberries I had ordered. All 30 lbs of them. I couldn't leave them in the car so I had to carry them into work. That gets heavy quick, but I wasn't about to make more than one trip :happy: Good thing there will be less by the time I leave for the day!

    :laugh: Only sissies make more than one trip! :wink:
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Dani - Just train and compete already. You know you will own the competition in September. :flowerforyou: If you get serious, I will as well and find a local competition by September. And congrats on the 90 lb squat!!!

    Seriously? You lift like 500 pounds more than me and you're gonna make me go first?

    My inner chicken doesn't think so.

  • chunkmunk
    chunkmunk Posts: 221 Member
    Dani - Just train and compete already. You know you will own the competition in September. :flowerforyou: If you get serious, I will as well and find a local competition by September. And congrats on the 90 lb squat!!!

    Seriously? You lift like 500 pounds more than me and you're gonna make me go first?

    My inner chicken doesn't think so.


    You gals made me laugh out loud!
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Dani - Just train and compete already. You know you will own the competition in September. :flowerforyou: If you get serious, I will as well and find a local competition by September. And congrats on the 90 lb squat!!!

    Seriously? You lift like 500 pounds more than me and you're gonna make me go first?

    My inner chicken doesn't think so.


    No, no, no!!! You commit, I commit at the same time. :happy: I am not opposed to finding something before September. Let the inner chicken out!
