July check in and chat: barbell-lovin' BAMFs in training

lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
How's that for a July thread title? couldn't think of any July puns..


  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    sounds great :)

    rest day today. Have to remember to do yoga workouts on my rest days :) my hamstrings are way too tight
  • JamBlaze
    JamBlaze Posts: 90 Member
    First day back on workout A after a 2 week break due to my left groin area being sore. Oddly it's completely fine when I workout, but a while afterwards I get a weird ache. Hoping I haven't forgotten my form, and the weights room won't be full of the usual idiots. Reading up on dumbbell squats (no power rack/squat rack at my gym) in the hopes it sinks in!
  • BikerGirlElaine
    BikerGirlElaine Posts: 1,631 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm ready for a fresh start to the second half of 2013!

    I was in Orlando the last four days. I did train twice... There is a lot that I could say about it but nah, I'll just look forward instead of back. Tomorrow is my next day to lift and I can't wait! I hope we all have verey successful, injury-free months!
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Checking in. Cardio/Shoulders/Core day for me. So probably a 2 mile run on the treadmill (maybe do some interval stuff) and then play around with some kettlebells and the cables.
  • alliebeth88
    alliebeth88 Posts: 59 Member
    I'm joining a gym today! They assured me they have multiple squat racks :D

    So excited. I've been stalled on my squat because I don't have a squat rack at home. Perfect way to ring in July!

    Today I'm doing back squats, deadlifts, OHPs and checking out the machines. So.excited.
  • kirabob
    kirabob Posts: 481 Member
    First day back on workout A after a 2 week break due to my left groin area being sore. Oddly it's completely fine when I workout, but a while afterwards I get a weird ache. Hoping I haven't forgotten my form, and the weights room won't be full of the usual idiots. Reading up on dumbbell squats (no power rack/squat rack at my gym) in the hopes it sinks in!

    Hope you have a pain free workout - you might want to google "Girls Gone Strong goblet squat" for a good video breakdown of how to do goblet squats using dumbbells or kettlebells.

    I'm off for Week 2, Day A. Had a frustrating weigh in day with no change anywhere (except for a .25 inch loss on my calves, big woopdee). I understand the reason behind the no-change (family stuff, work stuff, travel stuff, injury stuff, etc.). Hoping that I can make my bench attempt at 105 to help me remember that this isn't about the weight, it's about me and my strength and my force of will. There, pep talk done. Have a good Monday, all!
  • Sugar_Junkie
    Sugar_Junkie Posts: 366 Member
    July check-in. Today makes my offical 8 weeks of Stronglifts, I have seen improvements in both strength and body. I now need to work on my patience level. I am not where I want to be in the program yet, but I am advancing. Eight weeks ago just picking up the Olympic bar was rough!! It was heavy as all get out, but now to pick that bar up is nothing. Eight weeks ago I never could have imagined I would be pushing 75lb bench presses, but I am. Patience is a virtue I was not blessed with, but I must value my achievements and just keep swimming!! Good luck on July ladies. :happy: :flowerforyou: :heart:
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    Hey, Sugar (lol just wanted to say that!), 75lb bench presses are NOT insignificant.. I'm working my way back up in that direction. You are doing great!
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    Did Workout A on Saturday. I took my time since the fiance was helping a relative move and I didn't feel I had to rush/power through so we could have some time together. It was kind of nice. I don't have any change in my numbers since they're all repeats. I did get to see a guy cleaning and pressing 210lbs (95kg). I stood there and added up his plates because I was super impressed. Made me feel a little sad about my measly 65lbs. :laugh:

    I had my family come over for dinner last night and to keep people entertained, we had the World's Strongest Man competition playing in the background. Full episodes are on Youtube if anyone gets curious. There's something about watching a gigantic man squat 1400lbs (635kg) that gets you all fired up. :tongue:
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    Thanks to all the positive input I received on my squat form check video, I will be working on perfecting my form this month. I'm not going to add any weight (I'm at 80lbs) until I correct my form. Again thanks, ladies, for your support and guidance.

    Oh, and I also found out that my gym is part of the "fitness center network" for my health insurance. That's means that insurance picks up $25.00 of my monthly membership dues of $39.99.
  • grandmoo
    grandmoo Posts: 34 Member
    Bringing this over from the June thread...

    Thanks everyone for the words of encouragement! Sad to say, for me, ice cream would be a very bad thing - a slippery slope to hell (I low carb because if I don't, I binge eat - it's not a pretty thing). I had a sweet potato/banana smoothie for supper last night (ugh, too much banana I think), so we'll see how things go this morning. (When I say "smoothie" it's usually more the consistency of soft-serve, so I can pretend it's ice cream-lol).

    And, drumroll please>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    Squats - 105 lbs 5 x 5 (yay, I did it!!!)
    OHP - dropped to 35 lb preloaded bar, will head back to 45 lb oly on Friday - 5 x 5
    Deadlift - 120 lbs - 5 x 5
  • cleotherio
    cleotherio Posts: 712 Member
    Workout A - all 3x5
    Squats 145 (deloading and working back up)
    Bench 105 - felt hard. Repeat.
    Rows - These are still bothering my shoulder. I think I aggravated whatever minor injury I have by doing yoga of all things. It was the P90x yoga where you do tons of planks to chattaranga (sp?), and I think I irritated my shoulder. Anyway, I attempted 105 but bumped down to 95 for the rest. I might deload more and work my way back up.

    Then 3 sets of hip thrusts and good mornings.

    And I also went kayaking for 2 hrs at a pretty good clip yesterday (shoulder felt fine during that). I think my upper body might have been a little fatigued in general.
  • JamBlaze
    JamBlaze Posts: 90 Member
    First day back on workout A after a 2 week break due to my left groin area being sore. Oddly it's completely fine when I workout, but a while afterwards I get a weird ache. Hoping I haven't forgotten my form, and the weights room won't be full of the usual idiots. Reading up on dumbbell squats (no power rack/squat rack at my gym) in the hopes it sinks in!

    Hope you have a pain free workout - you might want to google "Girls Gone Strong goblet squat" for a good video breakdown of how to do goblet squats using dumbbells or kettlebells.

    I'm off for Week 2, Day A. Had a frustrating weigh in day with no change anywhere (except for a .25 inch loss on my calves, big woopdee). I understand the reason behind the no-change (family stuff, work stuff, travel stuff, injury stuff, etc.). Hoping that I can make my bench attempt at 105 to help me remember that this isn't about the weight, it's about me and my strength and my force of will. There, pep talk done. Have a good Monday, all!

    Thanks! I've had a look at that - my gym also doesn't do kettlebells! (but it is £20 a month, which is RIDICULOUSLY CHEAP for London) At the moment I'm doing just a standard dumbbell squat (http://tinyurl.com/kf2q89x) - is there a reason why the goblet squat is better?
  • kirabob
    kirabob Posts: 481 Member
    Goblet just refers to the positioning, I'm pretty sure. I'm not sure, to be honest!
  • kirabob
    kirabob Posts: 481 Member
    Well, today's workout totally made up for the disappointing measure day!

    Squats 150 3x5
    Bench 105 3x5 - first attempt! RAWR!
    superset with 15 lb. russian twists in 3x10
    Pendlay row 105 3x5 - almost back up to where I was before the deload/injury
    Glute bridges 3x8 @95 superset with woodchoppers 3x10 @30 each side
    70 step Farmers walk @40, each side
    70 step Waiters carry @30, each side

    And i had one of my female gym idols (she can do handstand pushups, people!) come up to me and tell me that I was killin' it and that she was impressed with all the strength gains I had made. :smile:
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Tag! I can't believe it's July already!!

    Day 1 of my new 3x5/complex program, and am loving it already! Did a major reset/deload, so no PRs or anything but feeling pretty good. I wasn't sure how doing kettlebell cardio/endurance training AND a barbell strength 3x5 on the same workout was going to mesh, and whether my body was up for it, but all seems to be well.

    My puny numbers: 60 lbs on squats, 100 lb on deadlifts and 40 lbs on OHP.

    Rest day tomorrow, and then more fun on Wednesday!

    @Jam -- goblets aren't "better" than regular parallel squats, just different. They help open your hip flexors so that squat depth won't be a problem for you. I do them with dumbbells/kettlebells on my complexes. It's always good to mix things up a little to prevent boredom, and have more lifts and a greater variety in your arsenal.

    The nice thing about goblet squats is that they mimick "toddler squats" which is the squat we all did when we were little, and have forgotten all about. Humans were built to squat. Goblet squats can help you rediscover that. Look at them as an "accessory lift".

    More on goblet squats and its benefits:

    I do mine with a much wider stance and basically sumo style because I have long legs and that's most comfortable for me. Try some stance widths and see which one you like best. :smile:

    Also, here's everything you ever wanted to know about just about every squat variety out there:
  • Shtallionchick14
    Shtallionchick14 Posts: 61 Member
    I've been stalking the boards for a while but I figure it's time to drop in and intro myself!

    I did NROL4W for Stages 1-3 before I got sick of it and decided to try something new. I am now doing SL 5x5 with some coworkers + adding some accessory lifts with the goal being able to do pull ups.

    I did Week 3 day 2 today.
    Squat: 75 lb
    Overhead press: 60 lb (was so happy to be able to do this - 55 lb was hard and I didn't think I would be able to do 60)
    Deadlift: 120 lb

    We also add assisted pull ups, tricep dips, and abs.

    Nice to meet everyone! Way to rock.
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    Have on the calendar to workout today. But have had a mild headache way too many days in a row. Gonna rest and catch up on my protein and lift tomorrow.
  • HIITMe
    HIITMe Posts: 921 Member
    just marking my spot, will catch up shortly
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Checking in. Cardio/Shoulders/Core day for me. So probably a 2 mile run on the treadmill (maybe do some interval stuff) and then play around with some kettlebells and the cables.

    Your avatar reminds me that I saw Man of Steel last night, and dear god, that man. My husband and I were like "GO AWAY AMY ADAMS NO ONE WANTS TO LOOK AT YOU RIGHT NOW."