Stage 3



  • ethieman
    ethieman Posts: 99 Member
    Thanks Morkel! Got it done (all but BWM), it took longer than anticipated with the third set and additional wait time in between sets. I feel like my arms have been ripped out of my sockets, torn apart, and put back on my body...ok, maybe thats a bit extreme, but I am feeling Stage 3. I'm liking the new moves, some new variation to the mix is always exciting!
  • RRRobynnn
    RRRobynnn Posts: 31 Member
    Ouch! I did my first Stage 3 workout yesterday and am feeling it today! The BWM is the devil!
  • collingmommy
    collingmommy Posts: 456 Member
    I need advice!! since starting this program ive gained 3 inches om my waist! ! ! wthell gives!! im on stage 3 workout 6 and ive gained 2 lbs just in this phase !! I eat not exactly clean, I mean I do have crackers and bread, take a look at my diary, it tells all.. I really am ready to throw in the towel!
  • mdcoug
    mdcoug Posts: 397 Member
    I need advice!! since starting this program ive gained 3 inches om my waist! ! ! wthell gives!! im on stage 3 workout 6 and ive gained 2 lbs just in this phase !! I eat not exactly clean, I mean I do have crackers and bread, take a look at my diary, it tells all.. I really am ready to throw in the towel!

    If I were you, I'd try to get more protein in. Some ideas:

    Breakfast: egg, ham, toast
    Lunch: salad, chicken
    Snack: protein shake/smoothie or bar
    Dinner: Hamburger (lean), bun, green beans

    I think if you start to think of ways to get more protein in your diet, you'll find that the other, less healthy stuff just falls off your diary eventually.

    I try to make enough meat at dinner that I can have leftovers on a salad for lunch the next day. Also, adding meat to breakfast helps me boost my protein intake (I need to start doing that again myself!). It's recommended that you get at least 1gm of protein per pound of lean mass body weight. For me that's about 100 gm.
  • RRRobynnn
    RRRobynnn Posts: 31 Member
    I agree that adding protein will help a lot. I've adjusted my goals in MFP to be 40/40/20 for carbs/protein/fat. I don't always hit my protein goal, but I try to build my meals and snacks around protein rather than carbs. You might want to consider adding a protein shake to your daily menu. I make one with whey protein that ends up being about 35 grams of protein. I have one every day...sometimes 2 if my protein is low.

    I have also been frustrated by the scale and it's lack of cooperation. ;) I've gained about 6lb since starting despite pretty decent eating and working out. Surprisingly, I dropped 3lbs last week during my rest week, which leads me to believe that the weight gain is mostly water from repairing muscles. I'm taking a break from the scale since it's not a very accurate way to measure my progress. I came across the suggestion that women should only weigh and do measurements once a month at the same point in their cycle. I'm going to give that a try and see if it helps my frame of mind. I've been a dieter for years and have come to rely on the scale to tell me if I'm doing things right. It will be hard to give up my daily hop on the scale, but I need to do it for my sanity.