JULY Challenge - Me vs. The Binge



  • karendee4
    karendee4 Posts: 558 Member
    July 2
    Karen 2
    The Binge 0
    Over Calories 0

    Days Left 29

    Binge Days
  • curvycarrie
    curvycarrie Posts: 56 Member
    I'm in, and new to the group! Looking forward to meeting new friends with the same issues, and can use all the support I can get! And will definitely be here to give support as well!

    July 2nd

  • Jul158
    Jul158 Posts: 481 Member
    Me: 3
    B: 0

    Record: Nov. 9B, Dec. 9B, Jan. 4B, Feb. 8B, Mar. 9B, Apr. 6B, May 10B Jun 5B

    The past two days were a bit iffy..but I need to understand just because I eat junk food doesn't mean I had the binge mindset. I'm giving myself the benefit of the doubt on this.
  • lamlamsmakeover
    lamlamsmakeover Posts: 6,574 Member
    July 3

    Me: 3
    Binge: 0

    Junk food: 0
  • icravecontrol
    icravecontrol Posts: 15 Member
    I totally need this right now. I'm going through a rough patch with binging.

    Even though tomorrow is July 4th, can I still join in for the rest of the month?
  • strongmindstrongbody
    strongmindstrongbody Posts: 315 Member
    Me: 3
    Binge: 0

    June: 3 binges
  • strongmindstrongbody
    strongmindstrongbody Posts: 315 Member
    I totally need this right now. I'm going through a rough patch with binging.

    Even though tomorrow is July 4th, can I still join in for the rest of the month?

    I don't think it's ever too late for a fresh start.
  • icravecontrol
    icravecontrol Posts: 15 Member
    Started today.

    July 4th.

    Me- 1
    The Binge- 0
    Junk Food- 0
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    July 2013

    Diane: 2
    Binge: 1
  • ilikesitspicy
    ilikesitspicy Posts: 24 Member
    Binge: 0

    Feeling so fantastic! Low carb is exactly the cure for my binging. I'm not obsessing, craving, or even thinking about food. My hunger is like a teeny growl instead of an incessant roar.

    The other thing is that there are a TON of trigger foods around me and I couldn't care less. So happy.

    Here's to the rest of July going this smoothly!
  • Allovera21

    Yay for the first binge of the month -_-
  • strongmindstrongbody
    strongmindstrongbody Posts: 315 Member
    It wasn't a lot (under 500 kcal), but it had the mental elements of a binge, so a binge it is. My body feels sick from the quick dose of sweets and I'm actually grateful for this. Reminds me to be kind to my body.

    Me: 3
    Binge: 1

    June: 3 binges
  • Chibea
    Chibea Posts: 363 Member
    Not a great start...

    Me: 3
    Binge: 1

    My non binge days have not been good either. I'm not being honest in my logging because I don't want to hear the comments about how someone would not have made that choice...no kidding, I wouldn't have either...ya know???
    So overtired.
    Better days are coming :)
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    July 2013

    Diane: 2
    Binge: 2
  • Jul158
    Jul158 Posts: 481 Member
    Me: 5
    B: 0

    Record: Nov. 9B, Dec. 9B, Jan. 4B, Feb. 8B, Mar. 9B, Apr. 6B, May 10B Jun 5B

    Yesterday was close..but I went to bed before any damage could be done. It helped that no place was open to eat. I hate how I start having urges and know that longer I go without one..the more it feels like one is looming. I'm hoping this is not the case & I can fix that by having a controlled 'treat'. If I know I have a food I like to look forward too, I'm less likely to binge on stuff I don't really want...at least that's my plan anyways!
  • brownll
    brownll Posts: 29 Member
    7/5/13 Friday - Binge Monster - 3 Me - 1

    I was able to resist numerous cravings yesterday by staying busy decluttering and then creating in my art studio. Without my fix, I was quite irritable and a grouch to my partner. I gave him a heads up that, while I wasn't excusing my behavior, I was letting him know that without my food fixes I was far from mellow. In other words, give me space.
    Despite coming in close to my calories allowed, yesterday, my weight showed a .8 increase this morning that served as a good wake-up call because I am now 8.4 pounds above my low and am 4.4 pounds above my Monday low. I can no longer binge, then cut back a day and see a loss. My binges cost me several days of food and exercise compensation.
    During my bingeing, I told my S.O. that I was tired of sticking to what felt like restrictive calories (1330/day) and excessive exercise (minimum of 60 minutes/day on my exercise bike) and that I just wanted to eat whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted it. But now after my one day of food sobriety, I know that it isn't true that I hate the restrictions. I need and want to be back in control with my food and get back to the great, steady, and moderate progress I was making with sensible food choices and daily exercise.
    Also, I have not weighed in with my weekly support group, because I don't want to show a gain, but the longer I am away from my group the more likely my weight will go up. I need the support of my group and the honesty of weighing in next Thursday, no matter what my weight. So I am committed to getting my food and exercise back in control in preparation for facing the music.
  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    Sick of life... period.

    July: 3 binges.

    It's only July 5th too. How pathetic I am! :noway:
  • DucksandOranges
    DucksandOranges Posts: 96 Member
    Me: 3
    Binges: 1

    small binge but even though didnt eat that much still felt like a binge. the 2-5pm period is always rough. always looking for any excuse to take a break. didnt really think the 4th of july week was gonna be under calories anyways... determined to stay strong once my routine is back in order. (and not do too much damage in the meantime)
  • ObtainingBalance
    ObtainingBalance Posts: 1,446 Member

    Me: 3

    Binge: 2
  • Rachelesa94
    New to this group and so glad i found it. I am definitely in!

    Approximate June results: Me: 13 Binge: 17
    Some days worse than others.. but this gave me a big wake up call.

    July results so far: Me:4 Binge:1

    Always here for support <3
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