NORM! (An Introduction Post)



  • ganbaranba
    ganbaranba Posts: 34 Member
    I am excited to see this group on MFP! I am a native Vermonter but I've lived in the DC area and now (back) in Maine. I love microbrews and have grown up with a lot of good microbreweries in close proximity which has definitely given me an appreciation for good beer. My boyfriend and I have dabbled a little bit in homebrewing and have made a decent lager and brown ale.

    Beer holds a firm place on my food pyramid, so I am learning to still enjoy delicious beer while losing weight and getting healthy. So far it's been ok. I like beers from all different genres really. I really love Belgian white styles and wheat beers but as I try more I am gaining a better appreciation of stouts and IPAs.
  • BigDog
    BigDog Posts: 272 Member
    Welcome ganbaranba!

    Glad you could make it.

  • deadwax
    deadwax Posts: 27
    I am most fond of Stouts, Mill St., Founders Breakfast, and Southern Tier 2x are at the top of the list this past year. I also like Creemore Springs Kellerbier and Southern Tiers Hop Sun in the summer.

    Cheers everyone!
  • BigDog
    BigDog Posts: 272 Member
    Cheers deadwax!

    Thanks for joining and welcome!
  • Al_Ann_momma
    Al_Ann_momma Posts: 12 Member
    HELLO BigDog and everyone!!! I too live in Michigan (metro Detroit area) and my husband home brews! I love my beer hoppy, the hoppier the happier I am!! My love for craft beer began with Arrogant *kitten* from Stone Brewing Co in Escondido, CA (where I used to live). My husband and I love beer to the point that we did our own brewery tour for our honeymoon.

    Just sayin' HI!! and CHEERS :drinker:
  • BigDog
    BigDog Posts: 272 Member
    Welcome! Love that honeymoon idea!

  • Cannotpickname
    Cannotpickname Posts: 9 Member
    Hi there! I live and work near California's east bay area "wine country", and we just got 3 new breweries in the last 2 years. Needless to say I've been known to hike for a few hours and then head to a local brewery or tap house.

    I'm trying to find a balance between a social life that revolves around great beer and food and being a healthier me!
  • BigDog
    BigDog Posts: 272 Member
    Welcome Cannotpickname!

    Wishing you all the success in your quest for balance in social life and health. It can be done, as proven by many people on MFP.

    Good luck and Cheers!!
  • jjking54
    jjking54 Posts: 113 Member
    woot! glad I found you guys!

    Jason, 41 ... been brewing since 2007 but only recently got back to it ... and now that I'm watching my diet closer, my homebrew supply lasts longer :)

    That said ... I currently have a Bourbon Vanilla Oaked Porter in bottles and I have an IPA ready to be brewed once I can get a little bit better weather outside.
  • sjaplo
    sjaplo Posts: 974 Member
    After asking for an invite I figured out how to join the group. What an excellent idea! I live in the Fraser Valley in BC and make regular camping/beer trips to Washington and Oregon. The variety of craft beer in this part of the world is truly mind blowing. I have been brewing for about 25 years, just recently switched back to kegging and have an IIPA and a red lager fermenting and a stout in the keg. I enjoy food and exercise - but I don't think any of it is worth doing without the ability to enjoy a good craft beer at the end of the day.

  • BigDog
    BigDog Posts: 272 Member
    Welcome to both jjking54 and sjaplo,

    Glad you guys could make it. This group's membership and activity level goes up and down, but as the New Year has come and Spring is approaching I expect a lot more activity both on MFP and in this group.

    Happy brewing, drinking, and goal achieving...

  • anothermop
    anothermop Posts: 187 Member
    For those of you in Northern Colorado, Wilbur's (2201 S College in Ft. Collins) is doing a Pale Ale tasting this afternoon between 4-7. (4 beers each Friday for the next 4 weeks.)

  • jtlawlor
    jtlawlor Posts: 1
    Glad there is a group on here like this -- I am a 4+ yr vet of homebrewing (AG). I am determined to change my weight while still enjoying a hobby and beer that I love.

    Just started on MFP as part of my lenten promise... I needed to make a change, wish me luck!

  • vytamindi
    vytamindi Posts: 845 Member
    You got this, JT! Cheers!
  • sullenbee
    sullenbee Posts: 13 Member
    Hey guys, glad to see something beer related on the fitness forums!

    I'm Sarah, and I live in Beer City (Grand Rapids) Michigan. Monk clubber at Brewery Vivant. My boyfriend and I home brew frequently, and recently upgraded from kits to all grain. Have our first batch of Mead aging right now too. (Oh, but a long wait yet for that!) I love hoppy beers in the summer, and dark, delicious and barrel aged in the winter. Sours, belgians, lagers, smokey beers, give em all to me. Not a lot of styles I can't find something in to appreciate.

    My method of trying to keep beer in my diet is just to cycle on my way to my local breweries :smile: Been trying to limit my drinking to once a week, but once summer hits I know I'm going to want to be sitting out in a beer garden soaking up the sun! I'm also tired of people saying you have to completely cut out alcohol to lose weight, what fun is that?


    (I'm also sullenbee on untappd)
  • BigDog
    BigDog Posts: 272 Member
    Welcome Sullenbee! Glad you could make it...

    Also... Howdy neighbor. I'm in Grand Haven and like to think all of us along the lake over here definitely helped GR win the "Beer City" title. I know I voted multiple times. :wink:

    If you like to ride bike then a great beer ride is to start out in Rockford have a couple then ride the White Pine (rail-to-trail) down hitting as many as you can. Maybe end up at Vivant and your mug. :happy: a bunch of us did it last year and it was a blast. Hoping to do another one this year.

    If you haven't made it over to GH you should come on over and have a couple at Odd Side Ales. That's where my mug hangs. If you head over let me know and I'll buy ya a beer.

    Welcome again and cheers!!

    I added you in Endomondo and Untappd. :drinker:
  • BonworthVonFattyPants
    BonworthVonFattyPants Posts: 49 Member

    Sporadic homebrewer of mediocre beers and prolific consumer of fine ales here.

    Currently living in North Carolina (Raleigh) but I'm a Minnesotan at heart. I have to admit, though, the south is growing on me.

    Since I love to drink and I tolerate running, I am a semi-regular attendee of a local Hash House Harrier kennel (a drinking club with a running problem).

    Any other hashers here?
  • BigDog
    BigDog Posts: 272 Member
    Welcome aboard BonworthVonFattyPants,

    Never heard of "Hash House Harriers" (Had to Google it.) Of course... I'm not exactly what you would call an avid runner, so why would I right? "A drinking club with a running problem" (I see what you did there.)

    Happy running and drinking! Probably best not to do it at the same time though. ;-)

  • webdevsoup
    webdevsoup Posts: 384 Member
    Any other hashers here?

    Don't know if I'd quite call myself a hasher, but yes... I have a running problem but don't belong to a drinking club, except my own homebrew. So, I guess I qualify?

  • HedgeHaug
    HedgeHaug Posts: 223 Member
    Options here...hashing is definitely a reason to start running again!!! I'm going to love you all!!!! Beer is a food group...well, not bud and miller, but beer you can bite! Oh yeah!