Doctor Who



  • driley9330
    driley9330 Posts: 28 Member
    Doctor who fan here. I am on season 5 of the revived series. I miss the 10th doctor!!!!
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    Tom Baker was my first Doctor and will always hold a special place in my heart. When the series came back I embraced Christopher Eccleston and was very disappointed he only did one season(9 is now my official second favourite doctor) disappointed that I absolutely loathed David Tennant's Doctor for almost the first year. (I don't do well with change.) He did grow on me and is now one of my favourites(third)....I did better with Matt Smith though. I only hated him for a handful of episodes.
  • kitchenpenguin
    kitchenpenguin Posts: 39 Member
    I started watching new Who between semesters and now I'm hooked. So hooked that I did a Doctor Who wedding cake for the final project of my cakes class because the design came to me in a dream (see icon for decor item). I'm trying to get into classic Who but there's all those missing episodes and I'm a little lost. Hermits united!
  • Joreanasaurous
    Joreanasaurous Posts: 1,384 Member
    They need to bring Capt Jack back on Doctor Who already
  • schonkreuz
    schonkreuz Posts: 493 Member
    When moffat was asked why he wasn't in the 50th he said how do you know who is in the 50th. There is hope!
  • Joreanasaurous
    Joreanasaurous Posts: 1,384 Member
    When moffat was asked why he wasn't in the 50th he said how do you know who is in the 50th. There is hope!

    I thought John said he wasn't invited or contacted to be in it? I miss Capt Jack.

    Also since Rose and Tennant are in it... Do you think it is going to be the human version of the Doctor that stayed with Rose or it is going to be when he was a Doctor with Rose as a companion?
  • schonkreuz
    schonkreuz Posts: 493 Member
    Yeah but they all said that when asked about it and clearly rose and tennant are in it. I think its the metacrisis doctor because of the deleted scene where 10 gives 10.5 a part of the tardis to grow his own.
  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,289 Member
    Yeah but they all said that when asked about it and clearly rose and tennant are in it. I think its the metacrisis doctor because of the deleted scene where 10 gives 10.5 a part of the tardis to grow his own.

    Wait what...when did I miss that ?
  • schonkreuz
    schonkreuz Posts: 493 Member
    This is the video explaining the deleted scene about it.
  • chrisloveslife
    chrisloveslife Posts: 180 Member
    Hello fellow Whovians!
  • seilidhe
    seilidhe Posts: 1,042 Member
    Ah, Brother and Sister Whovians! I'm so glad to meet you! :)

    I've been watching the Doctor since about 1977, started with Tom Baker and the only one I haven't really seen is Chris Eccleston, which is really unforgiveable since my daughter has his series on DVD. Yes, I passed a love of the Doctor on to at least two of my three kids. The third just doesn't comprehend how she is a part of our family. Hahaha!) I love David Tennant, (and he is my daughter's favorite), and Matt Smith, but Tom Baker will always be *the* Doctor to me.

    I'm looking forward to the 50th anniversary special and, maybe not as much, to the Christmas episode.
  • southpaw211
    southpaw211 Posts: 385 Member
    Yeah but they all said that when asked about it and clearly rose and tennant are in it. I think its the metacrisis doctor because of the deleted scene where 10 gives 10.5 a part of the tardis to grow his own.

    Mind blown! I've been sure it was 10 BECAUSE his TARDIS was on set while filming. So much for that theory! What's sad is that I have the Tennant Years box set and somehow missed this scene (unless it's not contained in the set?) Thanks for the link - that was really interesting!
  • schonkreuz
    schonkreuz Posts: 493 Member
    Yeah but they all said that when asked about it and clearly rose and tennant are in it. I think its the metacrisis doctor because of the deleted scene where 10 gives 10.5 a part of the tardis to grow his own.

    Mind blown! I've been sure it was 10 BECAUSE his TARDIS was on set while filming. So much for that theory! What's sad is that I have the Tennant Years box set and somehow missed this scene (unless it's not contained in the set?) Thanks for the link - that was really interesting!

    Its pretty nifty little thing, I just cant understand why 10 would be with rose unless I guess they jump back in time before she left being his companion which just seems like too much. OMGOSH IS IT NOVEMBER YET?
  • _meesh_
    _meesh_ Posts: 73
    Just watched this panel from Nerd HQ with Matt, Jenna, and the Moff (or Stephanfat).
  • schonkreuz
    schonkreuz Posts: 493 Member
    Just watched this panel from Nerd HQ with Matt, Jenna, and the Moff (or Stephanfat).

    Omgosh, when they started talking about the bucket lists I just couldn't stop laughing!

    side note I LOVE all of people talking in here now. I swear I was talking to myself for a while!
  • CollegiateGrief
    CollegiateGrief Posts: 552 Member
    Yeah but they all said that when asked about it and clearly rose and tennant are in it. I think its the metacrisis doctor because of the deleted scene where 10 gives 10.5 a part of the tardis to grow his own.

    Mind blown! I've been sure it was 10 BECAUSE his TARDIS was on set while filming. So much for that theory! What's sad is that I have the Tennant Years box set and somehow missed this scene (unless it's not contained in the set?) Thanks for the link - that was really interesting!
    Its pretty nifty little thing, I just cant understand why 10 would be with rose unless I guess they jump back in time before she left being his companion which just seems like too much. OMGOSH IS IT NOVEMBER YET?

    My only issue with it being the metacrisis Doctor is that when he is with 11, that is not his future. I love the idea of the exact same man living it twice, like has been done in the other multi-Doc episodes. I would love to catch up with metacrisis Ten and Rose, but I also really want that look on Eleven's face when he feels so sad for Ten knowing what is coming for him and remembering being there the first time still full of fresh Rose-hope.
  • schonkreuz
    schonkreuz Posts: 493 Member
    I posted this in another thread but if any of you live near Louisville, KY I know Capt Jack will be at fandomfest this weekend!
  • schonkreuz
    schonkreuz Posts: 493 Member

    I saw this on Reddit today! Sadly out of habit I read it in 11's voice and go very very sad :( Neat scenes though.

    edit: Finished reading the regeneration part because I apparently skipped some of it and I realllllly think that the doctor is a girl because why would a he point out perfume and a girls nose. Oh geez, fan girl moment, girl doctor (I can dream can't I?)
  • mruntidy
    mruntidy Posts: 1,015 Member
    From what i've read on the hinternet the speculation makes me chuckle, so far it's a female, gay, disabled, black, single parent who may or may not be an android. Not sure what boxes there are left to tick.