Doctor Who



  • jamieralph
    jamieralph Posts: 45 Member
    Loved last night's episode but then again it was by Neil Gaiman so didn't expect anything less than amazing!
  • spud_chick
    spud_chick Posts: 2,640 Member
    Just finished watching it. Especially enjoyed the venue of the internal dialogues, and Warwick Davis getting to do something a bit different. Some people have said they would have liked him as Tyrion Lannister, but this is the first time I've been able to see him pulling it off. (still adore Peter Dinklage, though--he was the main reason I started watching GoT).

    Looking forward to the next one!
  • ms_leanne
    ms_leanne Posts: 523
    I did quite enjoy last night's episode although I must say Tamsin Outhwaite didn't really thrill me with her acting before she was shot.
  • southpaw211
    southpaw211 Posts: 385 Member
    I loved it, except for the kids. I don't get why the Doctor would bring them, why Clara would think it a good idea, etc. It's like Moffatt said to Gaiman, "write the episode and put the kids in it". I'm sure a story could have been written without the family thing going on. Whatever. Everything else was fabulous. Matt Smith is such an amazing physical actor - he pulled off the duplicity with such smoothness and skill!

    Fast Cybermen are scary! More scary is the ease at which they upgrade. They're unstoppable!

    I love Warwick Davis. DH and I were laughing because he said "It's Willow!" at the same time I said "It's Wicket!"

    As a side note, I've had a major Peter Dinklage crush since The Station Agent. I can't watch Game of Thrones though. I read the first book and it put me into such a bleak depression that I decided never to read any of the books that follow. So I read the wiki for each of them instead. I need to have some happiness somewhere in my scifi! I wish I could watch it though. Maybe if he would start showing some Stark love.
  • russdev
    russdev Posts: 163 Member
    Been watching Dr Who since an early age the best side kick of course is Ace - ( my goodness as young impressionable boy in the 80's ace was personification of cool..

    As this this season quite enjoyed be glad to get some answers to who Clara is next week (well I hope)

  • spud_chick
    spud_chick Posts: 2,640 Member
    Maybe if he would start showing some Stark love.

    I very much liked the way they filmed his brief friendship with Jon Snow. The books are quite heavy and dreary, it's true. I didn't even start reading them till about halfway through the first season.

    The Station Agent is one of my very faves :)

    I still miss David Tennant but Matt Smith really impressed me this episode.
  • Cherryripple
    Cherryripple Posts: 27 Member
    I still hold on to the tenth Doctor, David Tennant but I must say, Matt Smith has grown on me (he is appearing as the Doctor, even in my dreams!) and watching him playing the Cyber-Doctor role was just awesome. Brilliant acting that won me over :happy:
  • ms_leanne
    ms_leanne Posts: 523
    Wow! Sophie Aldred and Jenna Louise Coleman look similar!
  • russdev
    russdev Posts: 163 Member
    Wow! Sophie Aldred and Jenna Louise Coleman look similar!

    You know they do a bit..

  • paleopin
    paleopin Posts: 47
    is anyone else super ready for a new doctor? I know some fans have an obsession with Matt Smith but I'm really looking forward to someone new :]
  • southpaw211
    southpaw211 Posts: 385 Member
    I was never ready for Matt Smith to leave, but having Clara as a companion is definitely weaning me off of him a little bit. I'm so done with her it isn't even funny.

    I worry though, because it's like Matt Smith was born to play the Doctor. His ability to personify youth and be ancient at the same time blows me away week by week. He's going to be a hard one to top. But then, so was David Tennant, so I guess I have to have faith in the franchise.
  • soldier4242
    soldier4242 Posts: 1,368 Member
    I was never ready for Matt Smith to leave, but having Clara as a companion is definitely weaning me off of him a little bit. I'm so done with her it isn't even funny.

    I worry though, because it's like Matt Smith was born to play the Doctor. His ability to personify youth and be ancient at the same time blows me away week by week. He's going to be a hard one to top. But then, so was David Tennant, so I guess I have to have faith in the franchise.

    And so was Christopher Eccelston before that. They have done such an amazing job of choosing people to play the doctor. Every new actor shows up with a heavy burden on their shoulders of trying to live up to the standard that the other doctors have before them. I have been very impressed by the job they have been doing so far and I am optimistic about the future.
  • CollegiateGrief
    CollegiateGrief Posts: 552 Member
    I adore Smith, and I'm glad he'll be around a while yet, but when they do pick 12th, I hope they go with someone older. I feel like we need a bit of a change.

    A Hugh Laurie type would be amazing!
  • spud_chick
    spud_chick Posts: 2,640 Member
    I adore Smith, and I'm glad he'll be around a while yet, but when they do pick 12th, I hope they go with someone older. I feel like we need a bit of a change.

    A Hugh Laurie type would be amazing!

    I kind of wondered if time lords perhaps age backward in their incarnations.

    A more mature doctor, maybe an actor in his forties (like Eccleston), might be nice.
  • Canuck_Fit
    Canuck_Fit Posts: 41 Member
    I adore Smith, and I'm glad he'll be around a while yet, but when they do pick 12th, I hope they go with someone older. I feel like we need a bit of a change.

    A Hugh Laurie type would be amazing!

    Agreed! Matt Smith has grown on me I'll admit but David Tennant will still be my all time favorite doctor
  • jamieralph
    jamieralph Posts: 45 Member
    I loved Tennant when he was The Doctor but re-watching his episodes he's now become my least favourite since the show returned. I took to Matt Smith straight away and I love how Ecclestone has this goofy character but can switch at a drop of a hat. He has a presence that when he's in the room you know he's in charge. I don't think Tennant ever had that. He was someone that you didn't want to get on the bad side of. Just wish he's stuck around for at least another series. :(
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    a new short clip of Matt Smith and David Tennant from behind the scenes of the Doctor Who 50th anniversary special
  • jamieralph
    jamieralph Posts: 45 Member
    Can we start talking about tonight's episode yet? :D

    Not sure I can keep the giddiness in for long! lol
  • Canuck_Fit
    Canuck_Fit Posts: 41 Member
    I've got 30mins t'il the episode starts , I'm giddy already.
  • weefreemen
    weefreemen Posts: 652 Member
    is anyone else super ready for a new doctor? I know some fans have an obsession with Matt Smith but I'm really looking forward to someone new :]

    Me,! I can't stand Smith, I've always felt with him he is an actor pretending to be the Doctor, he doesn't suspend my disbelief..... And yes, I'd like to go back to someone a little older. I keep getting the feeling Smith is just waiting to make his move to Hollywood and he can't wait till his contract with the Beeb is up...

    Really liked Eccleston and Tennant, but still adore Tom Baker,, Patrick Troughton, Peter Davison and my first, William Hartnell...