Confess to, analyse & learn from your binge here



  • mixedbag4444
    mixedbag4444 Posts: 189 Member
    Well here we go......

    Binge #1:

    Date of binge : 7/19/13

    Time of binge : 7pm

    Location of binge : Friend's birthday

    Body language during binge (e.g. Sitting, standing, slumped, tense) : At party

    Company kept (alone, friends, family, partner etc) : W/ friends

    Approximate calories consumed during binge : 1500

    The amount of time between realizing I wanted to binge and starting the binge was ........... When dinner was served

    Before I started to binge I was........... at the party

    Before I started to binge I was feeling .......... accepting of the fact that I had to eat the food they served me

    During the binge I felt ...... disappointed, anxious

    After the binge I felt ...... disappointed, hopeless

    From this binge, I have learned ........I need to control my eating habits/sugar cravings when in an uncontrolled environment

    I am pleased with myself for having confessed to my binge, I can now move on from it without beating myself up.

    Binge #2:

    Date of binge : 7/21/13

    Time of binge : All day

    Location of binge : Restaurant, Movie Theatre, Home

    Body language during binge (e.g. Sitting, standing, slumped, tense) : Socializing

    Company kept (alone, friends, family, partner etc) : Family, friends, alone

    Approximate calories consumed during binge : 2400

    The amount of time between realizing I wanted to binge and starting the binge was .......... No time at all

    Before I started to binge I was doing ......... waiting in a restaurant for brunch w/ my family

    Before I started to binge I was feeling ..........excited

    During the binge I felt ......guilt, disappointed, hopeless

    After the binge I felt ......frustrated, disappointed, hopeless

    From this binge, I have learned ........ I need to control myself during outings

    I am pleased with myself for having confessed to my binge, I can now move on from it without beating myself up.

    Binge #3:

    Date of binge : 7/23/13

    Time of binge : 9pm

    Location of binge : Home

    Body language during binge (e.g. Sitting, standing, slumped, tense) : On couch, watching tv

    Company kept (alone, friends, family, partner etc) : alone

    Approximate calories consumed during binge : 1500

    The amount of time between realizing I wanted to binge and starting the binge was ........... about 45 min

    Before I started to binge I was doing ......... watching tv

    Before I started to binge I was......... craving sweets

    During the binge I felt ......guilty, hopeless, worthless, frustrated

    After the binge I felt ...... bloated, fat, frustrated at eating over my calories three times in a week

    From this binge, I have learned ........that I need to control my sweet tooth!

    I am pleased with myself for having confessed to my binge, I can now move on from it without beating myself up.
  • KadenSmile
    KadenSmile Posts: 45 Member
    Ok, I admit it, I had a binge.

    Date of binge : Aug 1, 2013

    Time of binge : 10:20am-12pm

    Location of binge : Metrotown mall in burnaby

    Body language during binge (e.g. Sitting, standing, slumped, tense) : while eating, slouched and sitting ... ordering standing, head down

    Company kept (alone, friends, family, partner etc) : by myself

    Approximate calories consumed during binge : 1665 Cals

    The amount of time between realising I wanted to binge and starting the binge was ........... about an hour to an hour and a half

    Before I started to binge I was doing ......... riding on the train out to Metrotown (a mall), then walking through the mall to get to food court

    Before I started to binge I was feeling .......... lonely, bored, empty

    During the binge I felt ...... disgusting, fat, evil, lonely, bored, empty

    After the binge I felt ...... same as above

    From this binge, I have learned ........ that the binge doesn't solve a single thing, it just makes you feel worse

    I am pleased with myself for having confessed to my binge, I can now move on from it without beating myself up.
  • SarahRose35
    SarahRose35 Posts: 127 Member
    Ok, I admit it, I had a binge. :(

    Date of binge : July 30th

    Time of binge : All dayyyy

    Location of binge : Home

    Body language during binge : Sitting on my bed & then in the kitchen

    Company kept : Alone for the majority, made pasta at night.

    Approximate calories consumed during binge : Around 4,000

    The amount of time between realising I wanted to binge and starting the binge was ........... 5 minutes probably. I had my day all planned out and full of healthy foods. In the morning I decided I wanted cereal and kept eating cereal. It wouldn't have been so bad, but I just decide 'might as well cheat the rest of the day'. 3 bowls of cereal led to 3 peices of toast, which led to half a jar of peanut butter, and oreos, and a bunch of pasta for dinner :(

    Before I started to binge I was doing ......... Sleeping

    Before I started to binge I was feeling .......... Hungry, maybe deprived? Before a binge I tell myself that I'm skinny and I need to eat a bunch of food, but it's so unhealthy :( I just want to eat like a normal person.

    During the binge I felt ...... Like I knew I was going to feel gross after, but I enjoyed eating.

    After the binge I felt ...... Bloated and gross. My stomach was in so much pain because I ate gluten.

    From this binge, I have learned ........ I need some self control and to stay away from cereal.

    I am pleased with myself for having confessed to my binge, I can now move on from it without beating myself up. I'm also going to start a mission to start eating my maintenance calories by upping my daily intake 50-100 calories each week & I want to finish C25k! (:

    Hopefully my last ALL day binge where I feel so out of control!
  • Ok, I admit it, I had a binge.

    Date of binge : August 1st, 2013

    Time of binge : 8:30 - 10 PM

    Location of binge : kitchen

    Body language during binge (e.g. Sitting, standing, slumped, tense) : standing, tense

    Company kept (alone, friends, family, partner etc) : alone at first, my mom was then present watching TV

    Approximate calories consumed during binge : around 900

    The amount of time between realising I wanted to binge and starting the binge was ........... throughout the day. sudden urges, but they'd pass because too many people were around.

    Before I started to binge I was doing ......... cleaning up dishes after dinner

    Before I started to binge I was feeling ..........tired, headache, frustrated

    During the binge I felt ...... comforted

    After the binge I felt ...... disgusting, uncomfortable

    From this binge, I have learned ........ That I NEED HELP controlling my binging urges and saying NO to them.

    I am pleased with myself for having confessed to my binge, I can now move on from it without beating myself up. *Even though I am relieved for confessing, I still feel bad about it, but tomorrow's another day. Must keep writing away in my Binge Diary!
  • Ok, I admit it, I had a binge.

    Date of binge : 1st August

    Time of binge : around 9pm

    Location of binge : my house

    Body language during binge (e.g. Sitting, standing, slumped, tense) : sitting

    Company kept (alone, friends, family, partner etc) : family

    Approximate calories consumed during binge : around 600 (not as bad as some binges, but I did feel incredibly full and sick and stomach had doubled in size!)

    The amount of time between realising I wanted to binge and starting the binge was ........... I had an urge all day!

    Before I started to binge I was doing ......... I had been driving all day and hardly eaten anything, then I was relaxed after dinner

    Before I started to binge I was feeling .......... hungry, "it doesn't matter if I binge tonight" is the usual

    During the binge I felt ...... like I shouldn't be eating anymore!

    After the binge I felt ...... disgusting, uncomfortable

    From this binge, I have learned ........ to not go without food all day, and even low cal/fat foods can bloat you up more than pizza!

    I am pleased with myself for having confessed to my binge, I can now move on from it without beating myself up. (I am beating myself up oops)
  • cbear__
    cbear__ Posts: 5
    Ok, I admit it, I had a binge.

    Date of binge : 2 August 2013

    Time of binge : 11.30 pm

    Location of binge : Kitchen

    Body language during binge (e.g. Sitting, standing, slumped, tense) : Standing

    Company kept (alone, friends, family, partner etc) : Alone

    Approximate calories consumed during binge : 1800

    The amount of time between realising I wanted to binge and starting the binge was 4 mins

    Before I started to binge I was doing ......... sleeping

    Before I started to binge I was feeling .....tired, i woke up

    During the binge I felt ...... nothing, I new i was doing something wrong, I ididnt havr a clear head

    After the binge I felt ...... Bloated, like a faliure, I was doing so well.

    From this binge, I have learned to try and go to sleep earlier and not allocate all my dessert food so late at night because thats when I usually binge.

    I am pleased with myself for having confessed to my binge, I can now move on from it without beating myself up.
  • Ok, I admit it, I had a binge.

    Date of binge : August 1st, 2013

    Time of binge : throughout evening

    Location of binge : bar, 24-Hour grocery store, fast food place

    Body language during binge (e.g. Sitting, standing, slumped, tense) : sitting, slumped, walking around, fidgety

    Company kept (alone, friends, family, partner etc) : at first I was around coworkers, then I was alone

    Approximate calories consumed during binge :

    The amount of time between realizing I wanted to binge and starting the binge was: I had been thinking about and fantasizing about bingeing for days. I knew I probably would because I was going out drinking with friends/coworkers.

    Before I started to binge I was doing: drinking, socializing with friends/coworkers

    Before I started to binge I was feeling: excited, anxious, urgent

    During the binge I felt: urgent, embarrassed

    After the binge I felt: like I wanted to keep bingeing, wanting to find a way to purge, embarrassed, uncomfortable

    From this binge, I have learned: fantasizing about a binge, restricting, and drinking sets me up to binge

    I am pleased with myself for having confessed to my binge, I can now move on from it without beating myself up.

    I love this.
  • wendimlee
    wendimlee Posts: 34 Member
    Ok, I admit it, I had a binge.

    Date of binge : 7/29/13

    Time of binge : 4-5:00 PM

    Location of binge : In my kitchen

    Body language during binge (e.g. Sitting, standing, slumped, tense) : Standing

    Company kept (alone, friends, family, partner etc) : Alone (I'm always alone during binges)

    Approximate calories consumed during binge : 1200

    The amount of time between realising I wanted to binge and starting the binge was ........... 5 minutes. I just thought I was getting a quick snack at first.

    Before I started to binge I was doing ......... cooking a nutritious dinner for the next day.

    Before I started to binge I was feeling .......... anxious, upset, overtired. I was getting ready to go to a birthday party that wasn't going to include dinner, just drinks and cake. I was trying to figure out when to fit in dinner, or at least a quick snack, plus how to get everything done (cooking, cleaning) for the work week. My boyfriend was at a family gathering (which I wasn't invited to, so feeling slightly resentful), and I wasn't sure when/if he was going to show up for the party. It was stressing me out.

    During the binge I felt ...... resentful and full of self-loathing, yet justified. I had a biscuit, then a handful of tortilla chips, and suddenly I'm eating a ton of crap, none of which I really wanted to eat. It didn't matter anymore, because I'd already gone over my cal limit for the day.

    After the binge I felt ...... bloated and gross. I wanted to just go to bed, but because I was bringing the cake, had to drag myself to the party instead.

    From this binge, I have learned ........ to try to be less anxious about everything. The party turned out to be a lot of fun, and my boyfriend made it to the party.

    I am pleased with myself for having confessed to my binge, I can now move on from it without beating myself up. I know my triggers, after the fact. I just have to recognize them before a binge happens, and calm down long enough to keep myself from binging.
  • karendee4
    karendee4 Posts: 558 Member
    Ok, I admit it, I had a binge.

    Date of binge : Aug 7, 13 Binge day

    Time of binge : Afternoon

    Location of binge : home

    Body language during binge (e.g. Sitting, standing, slumped, tense) : Walking around a lot

    Company kept (alone, friends, family, partner etc) : Mother in Law here

    Approximate calories consumed during binge : 1000+-

    The amount of time between realizing I wanted to binge and starting the binge was ........... I knew it almost right away but still did not stop

    Before I started to binge I was doing ......... nothing ?

    Before I started to binge I was feeling .......... stressed!!

    During the binge I felt ...... Still stressed but better

    After the binge I felt ...... Horrible and guilty

    From this binge, I have learned ........ I do not handle stress well

    I am pleased with myself for having confessed to my binge, I can now move on from it without beating myself up.
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Ok, I admit it, I had a binge.

    Date of binge : Last night, 17 August 2013

    Time of binge : 10-11pm

    Location of binge : Kitchen bench and sitting on the Lounge

    Body language during binge (e.g. Sitting, standing, slumped, tense) : Kitchen - standing; Lounge - sitting back, legs up

    Company kept (alone, friends, family, partner etc) : Alone of course!! Secret!!

    Approximate calories consumed during binge : 5,000 in 60-90 minutes

    The amount of time between realising I wanted to binge and starting the binge was ........... 10 minutes

    Before I started to binge I was doing ......... Watching TV by myself

    Before I started to binge I was feeling .......... Fine. Although looking back, I think I was lonely.

    During the binge I felt ...... Nothing. I was not thinking or feeling.

    After the binge I felt ...... Disgusted in myself, sick, physically sick, guilty, ashamed, self-hatred, remorse, disbelief, angry, fat

    From this binge, I have learned ........ I'm not as in control of my eating as I thought I had become. I can't have junk foods around, I need to keep them out of my kitchen. I need to bring my behaviours back into my consciousness so I can get a handle on this again.

    I am pleased with myself for having confessed to my binge, I can now move on from it without beating myself up.

    I wrote about it in my blog.
  • Ok, I admit it, I had a binge.

    Date of binge : 8/19/13

    Time of binge : 9pm

    Location of binge : my kitchen

    Body language during binge (e.g. Sitting, standing, slumped, tense) : standing

    Company kept (alone, friends, family, partner etc) : alone

    Approximate calories consumed during binge : 500?

    The amount of time between realising I wanted to binge and starting the binge was: 5 min

    Before I started to binge I was doing: mindlessly scrolling through online blogs

    Before I started to binge I was feeling: tired, anxious

    During the binge I felt: irritable, out of control

    After the binge I felt: defeated

    From this binge, I have learned: I feel out of control many times in my life and this creates anxiety, binging does not make me have more control in my life and does not fill this void.

    I am pleased with myself for having confessed to my binge, I can now move on from it without beating myself up.
  • Ok, I admit it, I had a binge.

    Date of binge : 8/20/13

    Time of binge : 11pm

    Location of binge : kitchen

    Body language during binge (e.g. Sitting, standing, slumped, tense) : standing

    Company kept (alone, friends, family, partner etc) : alone

    Approximate calories consumed during binge : 500

    The amount of time between realising I wanted to binge and starting the binge was: very short - about 30 secs.

    Before I started to binge I was doing: browsing sites online, waiting for text response

    Before I started to binge I was feeling: angry, resentful, abandoned, lonely, threatened, insecure, vulnerable, out of control

    During the binge I felt: frustrated with myself, sad, angry, isolated

    After the binge I felt: hopeless

    From this binge, I have learned: I know that I binge when I feel lonely or like I can't control a situation. It's the way I punish myself when I feel like I'm not good enough. It becomes my comfort, my friend, my constant companion.

    I am pleased with myself for having confessed to my binge, I can now move on from it without beating myself up.
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    Ok, I admit it, I had a binge.

    Date of binge : 8/22/13

    Time of binge : about 1pm til 9 pm :(

    Location of binge : Home

    Body language during binge (e.g. Sitting, standing, slumped, tense) : Standing and sitting

    Company kept (alone, friends, family, partner etc) : alone

    Approximate calories consumed during binge : I haven't had the courage to even estimate...

    The amount of time between realizing I wanted to binge and starting the binge was very short, maybe, a few minutes

    Before I started to binge I was doing house cleaning while watching tv

    Before I started to binge I was feeling probably bored

    During the binge I felt nothing. I don't think about anything.

    After the binge I felt uncomfortable, disgusting, let down yet again, a failure

    From this binge, I have learned ........ I don't know if I've learned anything. I keep binge eating. I keep failing at controlling my eating. I don't know how you're supposed to stop. Every time I feel like I've had a good streak, I lose it.

    I am pleased with myself for having confessed to my binge, I can now move on from it without beating myself up.
  • zenalasca
    zenalasca Posts: 563 Member
    Gah... had a binge... :(

    Date of binge: 25/08/13

    Time of Binge: Pretty much all day while there was food in my room

    Body language during binge: Sitting in front on my computer

    Company kept: Alone

    Calories consumed: 2400 (for the whole day)

    Amount of time it took to realise it was a binge: Kinda just realised at the end of the day when I actually logged all I'd had.

    Before I started the binge: I was looking forward to having my favourite scone style bread for breakfast after having eaten a lot the previous day but balanced out with lots of exercise.

    Before I started the binge I was feeling very very tired and sleepy, but I got up anyway.

    During the binge I felt: Empty, as though there was an empty space nothing could possibly fill.

    After the binge I felt so stupid, as if I have to go through this every single week.

    From this binge I have learned that it has become my habit for good or bad to eat large amounts of food then fast for long periods of time. If I eat a lot, I should understand that it means I won't be able to eat as much the next day.

    I can now move on without beating myself up too much.
  • KadenSmile
    KadenSmile Posts: 45 Member
    Ok, I admit it, I had a binge.

    Date of binge : Aug 28/2013

    Time of binge : Approx 12-2pm

    Location of binge : Quiznos subs and Grounds for Coffee

    Body language during binge (e.g. Sitting, standing, slumped, tense) : Sitting, distracted by my computer

    Company kept (alone, friends, family, partner etc) : All by my lonesome

    Approximate calories consumed during binge : 1000 Cals

    The amount of time between realising I wanted to binge and starting the binge was ........... About 1 hour

    Before I started to binge I was doing ......... Went to the gym/to a yoga class, then riding the bus aimlessly

    Before I started to binge I was feeling .......... Bored and lonely

    During the binge I felt ...... Empty

    After the binge I felt ...... Bored, lonely, guilty, ashamed, and stupid

    From this binge, I have learned ........ Binging never solves anything, it always still leaves the same original emotions, and just adds more negative emotions onto it.

    I am pleased with myself for having confessed to my binge, I can now move on from it without beating myself up.
  • I really hope getting this out in open will help me. I feel like an addict, ashamed to tell anyone and regretful of my actions...

    Ok, I admit it, I had a binge.

    Date of binge : Friday, August 30th

    Time of binge : 9:30pm - 10:30 pm

    Location of binge : Starting in the car and ended in the kitchen

    Body language during binge (e.g. Sitting, standing, slumped, tense) : sitting down driving, then sitting at the table

    Company kept (alone, friends, family, partner etc) : alone, as usual

    Approximate calories consumed during binge : 1800

    The amount of time between realising I wanted to binge and starting the binge was ........... about twenty minutes

    Before I started to binge I was doing ......... working out, then shopping for my binge food

    Before I started to binge I was feeling .......... alone, bored, deserving to eat whatever the hell I wanted since no one cared to be around me

    During the binge I felt ...... euphoric, satisfied, loved

    After the binge I felt ...... ashamed, worthless, bloated

    From this binge, I have learned ........ being alone doesn't mean i am ultimately alone. I know I should have just picked up the phone or logged onto MFP to find someone to talk to

    I am pleased with myself for having confessed to my binge, I can now move on from it without beating myself up.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Since my daughter started working until midnight, I've been having the urge to binge a lot more. Sitting at home alone. Lonely. Bored. Depressed. When I feel that way, I just want to eat everything. It's an "I don't care. I just want to be full." kind of feeling. When I feel empty, I feel the need to fill that up with something.
  • eddie8131
    eddie8131 Posts: 600 Member
    Ok, I admit it, I had a binge last night before bed.

    Date of binge : Sunday, September 1st

    Time of binge : 9:30pm to 11:00pm

    Location of binge : My kitchen and living room

    Body language during binge (e.g. Sitting, standing, slumped, tense) : Standing for part while preparing the food. Sitting mostly though. Wouldn't say I was tense, actually I was feeling pretty good. Yes, the binge was pleasurable (during the binge).

    Company kept (alone, friends, family, partner etc) : My wife was in the other room or upstairs.

    Approximate calories consumed during binge : 2,000

    The amount of time between realising I wanted to binge and starting the binge was 10 minutes.

    Before I started to binge I was doing something I'd rather not talk about.

    Before I started to binge I was feeling ashamed and anxious and hungry.

    During the binge I felt really good. It's so weird how pleasurable the binge was.

    After the binge I felt confused.

    From this binge, I have learned that I can put this binge in a box and move on without bingeing again the next day (well halfway through the next day).

    I am pleased with myself for having confessed to my binge, I can now move on from it without beating myself up. I would add that having told other people not to beat themselves up and to love themselves has helped me tremendously with this binge.
  • Ok, I admit it, I had a binge.

    Date of binge : 9/30/13

    Time of binge : 8:30pm

    Location of binge : Living room then my own bedroom

    Body language during binge (e.g. Sitting, standing, slumped, tense) : lying on my bed, working on a paper for class

    Company kept (alone, friends, family, partner etc) : Friends then alone in my room

    Approximate calories consumed during binge : 5K

    The amount of time between realising I wanted to binge and starting the binge was ........... 30 minutes

    Before I started to binge I was doing ......... Homework, eating a healthy dinner

    Before I started to binge I was feeling .......... Bored, deprived, rebellious

    During the binge I felt ...... So good and so bad

    After the binge I felt ...... Sick to my stomach (wanted to puke)

    From this binge, I have learned ........ I can not keep bags of chocolate in my room. I should not eat more than a few pieces because it makes me feel bad, even though it did taste good, it honestly wasn't worth the bloat afterwards. I know that I am so proud of myself on days I don't binge. I love the feeling of thinking I am free from my binging behavior.

    I am pleased with myself for having confessed to my binge, I can now move on from it without beating myself up.
  • Date of binge : from October the first till October the fifth

    Time of binge : 5 days

    Location of binge : Home

    Body language during binge (e.g. Sitting, standing, slumped, tense) : Sitting

    Company kept (alone, friends, family, partner etc) : Alone

    Approximate calories consumed during binge : 8000 a day

    The amount of time between realising I wanted to binge and starting the binge was: a second

    Before I started to binge I was doing: I was trying to avoid going to school because i was terrified to go there alone without my sister so i pretnended to be sick

    Before I started to binge I was feeling: Lonely, scared, upset, confused

    During the binge I felt: Fullfilled and happy

    After the binge I felt : Confused

    From this binge, I have learned that i am indeed compulsive overeater and need to do something to stop this behaviour.