Daily Chat Thread



  • breezedaze
    breezedaze Posts: 357 Member
    Just checking in after my weekend off. What a great weekend..I think I danced enough on Saturday night to make up for my lack of exercise the past week. I hurt all over, legs, hips, shoulders and even my toes...danced for hours in high heels..people remarked several times how much energy I have! Great to hear as I'm edging up on fifty :)

    Today is an errand day with lawn mowing as the exercise.

    Two weeks before the last long weekend of the summer.

    Can't wait to hit the gym again!

    Off to read all of your posts now..cheers.

  • tartsul
    tartsul Posts: 298 Member
    good morning everyone. i've been creeping around the daily chat forums for a while, but never posted. i figured i could introduce myself and join in. i enjoy reading all the posts and have been impressed with the gains that y'all have been making!

    i'm tracy, 28, from austin, tx. i've been doing nrol4w for several months now and i'm currently just starting stage 3. i've also recently started doing a spin class with a friend from my church just to mix things up and keep it interesting.

    happy monday to everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    Welcome, tarts! I love this group and prefer to read and check in here than anywhere else. There's so much drama and garbage on the general boards :tongue: It is entertaining... :laugh:

    I keep all my whining and insecurities in this thread. I can hold y'all down and make you listen :drinker: No one else cares :laugh:
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    Just checking in after my weekend off. What a great weekend..I think I danced enough on Saturday night to make up for my lack of exercise the past week. I hurt all over, legs, hips, shoulders and even my toes...danced for hours in high heels..people remarked several times how much energy I have! Great to hear as I'm edging up on fifty :)

    Today is an errand day with lawn mowing as the exercise.

    Two weeks before the last long weekend of the summer.

    Can't wait to hit the gym again!

    Off to read all of your posts now..cheers.

    Dancing at 50?!!! You go, Girl!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Welcome, Tarts. You'll love our group.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Welcome, tarts!

    Mary, you LOOK small. That's what counts! Very pretty picture.

    Breeze, sounds like a great weekend!

    Jewel, I was frustrated last week as I was taking my end of month measurements and nothing had changed. Then I took photos and was surprised to find my cellulite looked better and my arms looked better. Who cares about numbers when the mirror tells us things are changing!

    Runz, I used to love protein shakes, but they just taste so yucky lately.

    I'm in a TOM funk. I just want to lay in bed and eat all 46 of the M&M cookies I just made. MUST. LIFT. TODAY.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,103 Member
    You are looking great, manic....nope, i didn't know your religious bent!

    It's still a holiday here, I'm on my deck, have had a lovely weekend.

    4 more days of work and then off for vacation!

    I was supposed to lift, today, but couldn't resist sitting on the deck, instead. Will get back to the gym sometime this week, but maybe only once.
  • amber_michelle30
    amber_michelle30 Posts: 108 Member
    Hello everyone!

    I've been creeping on here for a little bit now and love to see everyones accomplishments. I can't wait to be there some day:)
    I'm Amber, 31 yrs old, currently live in Harrison Arkansas. I've been doing NR for about 2 months now; however, I'm still on stage 1.
    I was very hesitant to start lifting because I have about 60 lbs to lose so for about 4 months I focused on cardio and it did help. I've lost about 30 lbs so far. But after doing some serious digging on MFP I decided to give lifting a go...and I must admit, I absolutely love it.
    I look forward to chatting with y'all:happy:
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    Welcome, Amber!

    Manic, at some point, you'll have to start taking progress in your underwear because that might be the only way you see changes :laugh: When I take pics later this week, I'm going to switch from my one piece Speedo to a bikini :embarassed:

    I finished Stage 2 today! :drinker: Do y'all do the Bonus workouts? I've been skipping them :embarassed: I already started filling out my charts for Stage 3. Am I supposed to take a week off? I can certainly stick to a bit of running and just burn some fat.

    Today is my wedding anniversary but DH is in a funk. He has requested that we go out and celebrate later this week. That's fine. He surprised me with a box of Lindt Petits Desserts. I've had two and it's gonna be a fight to the death to eat them SLOWLY :tongue:
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Runz, I have my underwear pics for my and hubs eyes only! LOL I can definitely see the difference in those pics. I can't wait until those inches come off the saddlebags and thighs!!!

    Worked out today---Shoulders and back along with 16 minutes of elliptical.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Beeps, that sounds lovely.

    runz, that sounds so yummy! Happy anniversary

    Welcome Amber! I started with 40-50lbs to lose. I've been thrilled with the changes in my body!

    Manic, I'm the same way. I take bikini pics for my own assessment. But I don't go out in public in a swimsuit or anything. Just not for me :) But I definitely enjoy looking good for the hubs!

    I forced myself to the gym. First A workout of Hypertrophy II. I liked it. My quads are hurting in odd places though. My trainer was with another lady and the lady kept looking at me and making comments.... "Holy cow, how much weight is she using?" "Is she really gonna lift that?!" "Look at her!!!". My trainer was cracking up. I like it when other women see that it is possible to be strong and not fit the body builder stereotype.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Welcome tarts and amber! These ladies are great and have become greAt friends. Very good with the put ups and zero put downs.

    Breeze and Beeps, it sounds like you both had great weekends. Sometimes you just have to stop and enjoy the day. Breeze, I wish I could go dancing, that's why I Zumba. I get to go dancing and get my sexy back without strange looks or a pissed off hubby who always gets left home. Hey, it's not my fault he hates dancing, or being social. :laugh:

    Mary you are way to hard on yourself. You've been working so hard and it most definitely shows.

    Runs, happy anniversary! Hope you get to have a great celebration next weekend. Lindt is my FAVORITE! I skipped the extra workouts and I took the weeks off when. I needed them, TOM week usually, or weeks when there was some kind of vacation of schedule conflict.

    Cowgirl, boo ya! Hurray for getting noticed

    Today was spent hiking and bouldering with my men. Great workout, lots of fun, and exhausting. However, my stamina has increased tenfold since last summer. I wasn't winded at all, even on the uphills. Sadly the rest of my day was spent napping. TOM means I just want to sleep. Took my son to school, went back to sleep, picked him and went hiking, came home, went back to sleep. Well, at least I'm not eating everything not nailed down. :wink:
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    Sam, thanks for the feedback about taking time off. It totally makes sense to just keep going and take a break when life interrupts.

    Chubby, do you mean that you never go swimming?!! I just love that everyone is wondering if you're "really gonna lift that?" :laugh: I want to be just like you when I grow up! :flowerforyou:

    We ended up going out to dinner after all! We went to a hibachi grill and I logged as much as I could. Looks like I did good! I'm about to go to bed and haven't touched the Lindt since my two pieces earlier today :happy: I'll be happy to see them tomorrow :love:
  • tartsul
    tartsul Posts: 298 Member
    runz! happy anniversary to you! and i love hibachi! and now i want to eat some. i wish i had a hibachi grill at my place! and honestly, right now, food is what i'm focusing on. i've been really, really lazy and unmotivated with my workouts. i went to the gym yesterday morning for a spin class and the girl signing in just in front of me got the last card to get into the class. at 5:30 AM? :noway: this has never happened before. and i of course hadn't brought my gloves, headphones, or armband. so i went home and told myself i'd go in the afternoon after work. no, i ran errands instead, went home, made dinner, and crashed, telling myself i'd get up and go in the morning (today). this morning, i got up, went to the bathroom, couldn't clear the cobwebs, and went back to bed. but i couldn't fall back asleep because i was chastising myself for not working out and trying to figure out how i can fit it into my plan for the rest of the day.

    it's hard to find a balance for me. i can be really hard on myself for not doing what i want to do. i have been doing well with my calories and macros this week, and i've actually seen a loss on the scale. but i don't really care that much. i want to be lifting, not necessarily losing. i'm just in this weird funk and being lazy. OH and i didn't mention that i'm also trying to get pregnant. so i've been a little bit mentally preoccupied with that. *sigh* all that to say, good morning to everyone, and i hope you are all doing well. i could definitely use some encouragement and some gentle butt kicking.

    and thank you to all for the wonderful welcome! i am happy to be here! i too am sick of the drama of the regular forums!
  • amber_michelle30
    amber_michelle30 Posts: 108 Member
    I stepped on my scale this morning and it popped up 187.5...I just stood there, for quite a long time actually. After my thought process finally registered, I realized that was "person #1's" weight (my fiance). So I stepped back off and got back on and it showed 206.
    The funny thing is I pictured myself at 187.5...lean and REALLY strong and I didn't get discouraged, I actually got really excited. The number does NOT mean as much to me as the way I feel, but seeing a number that I haven't seen since 9th grade just reminded me that this is possible and I'm doing everything I need to so I get there the healthy way!!
    I hope y'all have a fantastic day and great workouts:flowerforyou:
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    Tarts, I've been working on my fitness for 10 years and I get into those funks as well. When it's bad, I commit myself to 10 minutes. 10 minutes with the weights. Running. Walking. Whatever. Three times a week. I've even let myself do two times a week. Sometimes, I put in those 10 minutes and quit. Most of the time, I exceed 10 minutes. If walking around the block a couple times is all you can stand, then just do it. It's more about maintaining a habit than anything else.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,103 Member
    Happy Anniversary runzalot.

    tartsui - get thee to a gym! runzalot is right - commit to just getting there and doing "10" minutes or "20" minutes...my bet is you'll get the whole work-out in!

    Today, i lift!
  • BreMurie
    BreMurie Posts: 50 Member
    Hey everyone! I'm new to the NROLFW work out (just finished work out 6). I love it so far. I've been one of those types who will jump on the fitness bandwagon and fall off, 2 years ago I got in the best shape of my life with cardio and weight machines, tried again last year only doing cardio for the most part and got no results. Ideally, I'd love to lose about 15 pounds but I would be pleased with any weight as long as it had me down a pant size or two. (preferably two :) ) I agree with the PP about being happy to be here in a group thread, sometimes the general chat areas get so mean!!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Bre and Amber, Welcome! You won't find us being mean. We'll be honest but with encouraging uplifting comments.

    Today is suppose to be leg and arm workout. Hubby isn't working from home again today. That workout is over an hour long. Maybe I can go later this afternoon.

    Sam, yes, I am extremely hard on myself. I am like what the other lady said--- pretty much hardcore or nothing at all. :frown:

    Bre, for years I was focused on scale weight BUT since I have been taking progress pics I don't care!!! :bigsmile: I haven't lost a single pound . I have lost 3 inches of belly fat!!!
  • karenckohl
    karenckohl Posts: 6 Member
    Hi ladies! Also new to NROLFW, stage 1, tomorrow is day 4! Man that 1B workout is KILLER. Right now I'm trying to tone up and lose the last of the baby weight. I have 10-15 lbs to go, but probably more like 5-10 if I gain a lot of muscle mass. Mostly I just want my somewhat flat stomach back!