The august ladies' August check in and chat



  • dandelion39
    dandelion39 Posts: 514 Member
    Hi all—just thought I'd introduce myself. I first started SL 5x5 in the spring, but things sort of fell apart health- and fitness-wise for me soon after, so I just restarted the program about a month ago, at the same time as I started a Whole30 food detox. So far, so good, though I'm discovering I'm better off lifting 2x per week, with at least two days between sessions. I'm also working a 10K training program in between SL sessions, so that takes some recovery, too. Here's where I am with my lifts right now...struggling mightily with the OHP (of course...I should probably get some fractionals) and I really hate the way the Pendlay Row's just too awkward. Does anyone substitute another move for that one? Cheers!

    Squat 115 lbs.
    Bench 75
    Barbell row 80
    OHP 55
    Deadlift 155
  • jogirlruns
    jogirlruns Posts: 45 Member
    (snip) I really hate the way the Pendlay Row's just too awkward. Does anyone substitute another move for that one? Cheers!

    Yes, I am the same way. I've been using the T-bar row - I feel like I am better able to work the right muscles using it. It's not ideal because you don't use as many supporting muscles (as you don't need to balance the bar, etc). But for now it feels much more effective (and safer) for me.

  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    After another week off due to laziness and lack of motivation, I did workout B this afternoon. I deloaded my weights a little since it's been 2 weeks since I last did OHP and deadlifts. I deloaded squats because I didn't want to completely wipe myself out.

    Squats: 160lbs 3x5--I had a girl complement me on these. Gave me a little ego bump and made the last set a lot easier.
    OHP: 67.5lbs 3x5---I probably could have made 70, but felt more comfortable here.
    Deadlifts: 190lbs 1x5--- There was no way I was going to pull 200; this weight was hard enough. I did these first since there were two guys doing curls in the squat rack.

    Welcome to the new ladies!
    @dani--glad to see you back in action! I hope you enjoyed your break!
    And the rest of you are completely kicking *kitten*!
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    Stuffing my face on holiday, did a crazy walk today, kids were brill, over 3 miles at lydford gorge. All good fun!
  • ErinMLB
    ErinMLB Posts: 100 Member
    So I didn't do anything today, it's my rest day. But my butt/thighs hurt like no ones business, I am hoping they feel better tomorrow. I'm taking some ibprofin and than an epsom salt bath to see if that calms them down. Today they started spasming out of nowhere, I'm thinking it's because I work from home and don't move around alot, going to try moving up and about a bit more the day after work outs.

    Aside from that really looking forward my third try tomorrow!
  • inkysmurf
    inkysmurf Posts: 168
    Hello - look at all these lovely lovely new faces - hello - big wave!!

    That fish pic made me totally giggle!

    First day back (counting the hours yesterday til I could lift again!) after my first 10 week block.

    Aims in the next block - hit a 100kg/220lbs dead lift and a 35kg/77lb OHP

    So Ive taken everything down a big chunk to build up, super focusing on form (looking at you OHP!!)

    Squat 5x5@ 60kg /132lbs love, love love squatting
    OHP 5x5 @ 17.5kg /38lbs (he he he baby lifting) - focus, focus, butt clench - its all about form on this one
    Deadlift 1x5 @ 62.5kg / 137.7lbs - the fact I know I CAN lift 85kg/187lbs makes me happy , and hoping going down will help strengthen everything to help me hit that 100kg/220lb goal!

    Usual accessories - planks/ push up/ air squats/ lunges/body weight rows/chin ups etc..

    Feel like super woman this morning and super duper happy!

    Happy lifting ladies x
  • girlie100
    girlie100 Posts: 646 Member
    Stuffing my face on holiday, did a crazy walk today, kids were brill, over 3 miles at lydford gorge. All good fun!

    Love Lydford Gorge, beautiful place :)
  • grandevampire
    Sluuuuggish morning at the gym. I forgot to pack my PWO shake and I was literally creeping around like a snail.

    Squats: 31.5 kg, think I will stick with this one next session to make sure I can get nice and deep

    Bench: 27.5 kg, failing all over the floor, had to roll of shame on the fifth rep of the first set, my weak left side couldn't make it up. Rest of the sets were a write-off. I will re-attempt this weight one more time as per the "rules", just to see, but I fully expect to have to do my first deload since starting Stronglifts!

    Barbell rows: 30kg, still not thaaat hard? What's going on there? Hm.

    In other news, I have hips! I used to be all apple all the way, but since starting lifting just a few weeks ago, I now have hips and more *kitten*. Still no sign of boobs though, I don't think this program will ever be able to help me with that.
  • Hollywoodm55
    Hollywoodm55 Posts: 155 Member
    Love the fish! Well, last night a friend and I went to the gym a little later then I would have liked and it was packed. Guys everywhere! When we asked to use the weights next or if they were almost done they just said no. I can only occupy myself with other exercises for so long, not a half hour while your still doing the same thing!
    There was one guy who was nice enough to let us work in with him on the squat rack, and he even helped me with my form. Otherwise I feel the night was a bust and left feeling frustrated.
    Grandevampire if you start getting boobs let me know because mine are slowly disappearing! When I lose weight they're always the first to go :frown:

    Edited for crappy grammar
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Hotel workout today. Always interesting to try work around the limited equipment.

    Goblet squats w/ 40 lb dumbbell 5x8
    OHP with 25 lb dumbbells 5x5

    then in place of deadlifts I alternated hip thrusts with the death march.
    40 lbs 3x12 for the hip thrusts, 2x15 lb dumbbells and 20 paces for the death march.

    Still eating too much and enjoying the variety of beer I can't get at home. But I did have a great view from the workout room this morning. Nothing like seeing day break over boats in the harbor on the Potomac.
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    Wow, a lot of activity going on here. :)

    I went to Orlando for the weekend, so my last strength workout was on Friday, did a 5 mile walk on Saturday.

    Yesterday, back on track:

    DL = 120 5 x 4, added 5 lbs to my last rep. Then did another set at that weight. YAY!!

    OHP = 55 didn't go up because i'm always struggling with the last set. Oh well, i'll try to add my 2.5 next time

    Squat = 110 5 x 4, added 5 lbs to my last rep. YAY!!!

    Whenever i feel that i'm not lifting enough or i look Lame compared to others, I just think about those times I was lifting 10 lb. plates on a 8 lb Bar. That's what I'm going to continue to compare myself to .... ME!

    I was glad to read about the "cycles". I've feeling very discouraged being that my clothes are fitting the same, I don't see much of a difference and i've been at it consistently for, a little over 3 months. I just remind myself that i would be worse off if i had done nothing for those months. One thing is for sure... I'm STRONGER. :)

    Have a great day!
  • kirabob
    kirabob Posts: 481 Member
    You guys are going too fast for me! But I love reading about how everybody is ripping it up! And Dani, you cracked me up with your fish picture. :smile:

    To those of you who are new and feeling the lifting - acquaint yourself with the foam roller. It will hurt like nobody's business, but it's a good kind of hurt. And it will make you feel better. :) Also, epsom salt baths are a good tool!

    Light day for me:
    2x5 squats @ 135
    3x5 bench @90
    5x10 back extensions @ 10 - no, I did not repeat my idiocy of last week.
    Chins, 3x3 with 25 lb. of assistance
    Dips, same
    Inverted rows 3x6

    Then some intervals on the arc trainer. Hoping I can talk the wee one into a stomp through the woods this afternoon as we are having an unusually cool day here in NC.
  • Sugar_Junkie
    Sugar_Junkie Posts: 366 Member
    So I made it to the gym last night. It was a quick workout as the baby daddy didnt get the mini version as he was supposed to. Anyhow

    squats 3x5 100lbs
    bench- there were peeps hogging the benches the whole time so i didnt get these in
    rows- 5x5 95lbs (rough)

    also fit in a little core work, assisted pull ups and some accessory back and bi stuff

    Today is the bf 27 bday and I am EATING CAKE!!!!! There's a party in my tummy.. so yummy.. so yummy!!!! I had a ninja turtle cake made for him. It is super cute!:bigsmile:
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Did my workout this morning and hit a bunch of PBs:
    90 lbs- Squats
    55 lbs- Bench Press
    110 lbs- Deadlifts and shrugs
    85 lbs- Bent over row
    65 lbs- Machine crunches
  • dandelion39
    dandelion39 Posts: 514 Member
    Hey, you're all doing so well! I felt great at the gym this morning (got there nice and early, before anyone could grab my squat rack!) but didn't add any weight. I usually only add weight every other session. Thanks for the T-bar raise suggestion. Don't think my gym has one of those though. Has anyone done Crossfit while on a program like SL? I'm dying to try Crossfit, but wonder if it would be too much in addition to a regular lifting program?
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Whenever i feel that i'm not lifting enough or i look Lame compared to others, I just think about those times I was lifting 10 lb. plates on a 8 lb Bar. That's what I'm going to continue to compare myself to .... ME!

    Quoted for emphasis!

    I gotta say life got better once I realized that I in fact do NOT have a food addiction (there's no such thing!) and that I CAN eat intuitively, and so far it's working out pretty well. Focusing on putting good things in and not eating my feelings. It all starts at the grocery store, really. Had a craving last night but rather than diving for the Nutella with a spoon in hand, I chose a concoction of cottage cheese with protein powder and cocoa powder. Which left something to be desired, but hey, I'm still discovering what works for me. On the other hand, vanilla nonfat Greek yogurt plus vanilla protein powder plus some cocoa powder for chocolatey goodness = yummy, guilt-free indulgence!
    I'm dying to try Crossfit, but wonder if it would be too much in addition to a regular lifting program?

    Depends. Crossfit is just a bunch of workouts strung together, really. Are you wanting to join a Crossfit gym and let them control what you're doing and follow their program? I'm lifting 2x/week now rather than 3x/week and it lets me maintain my current strength level while I focus on building some cardiovascular endurance and getting at those fat cells that all my awesome muscles are hiding under.

    Do whatever works for you. And don't be afraid of trial/error. Nothing is set in stone, and any program is customizable to fit your needs. If you wanna do Crossfit and lifting, do it. Just figure out how to combine the two in a way that makes sense to you. Because the best program is the one you actually stick with and are happy doing.
  • ErinRibbens
    ErinRibbens Posts: 370 Member
    I'm feeling great about my lifts today. I did a strenuous kickboxing class last night so I wasn't sure how it would go, but I hit all my previous PR's from before my deload (AKA being a slacker this spring/summer) with ease! I'm hopeful I can increase weights and make some new PRs next week! :)

    Squat 3x5 - 140 lbs
    OHP3x5- 70 lbs
    Deads- 1x5 200 lbs
  • cleotherio
    cleotherio Posts: 712 Member
    "light" day for me as well.
    Squats - 2x5@130
    Bench - 3x5@95

    Then 3 sets each of chinups, back extensions and glute bridges

    It's a beautiful day and I planned on going for a long walk when I got home from work, but I was and am still exhausted, so I will skip it. I've also been craving carbs and sugar all day.
  • kirabob
    kirabob Posts: 481 Member
    Cleo - Me too. I think it's those 200lb+ deadlifts talking. :smile:

    Dani - Try your concoction with whole milk ricotta. Soooooo goooooooood.
  • ErinRibbens
    ErinRibbens Posts: 370 Member
    Kira, I never know quite what I am supposed to actually be doing with the foam roller! I need to get one at home since I'm too intimidated to try the one at the gym. I think it would be a good idea!