anyone interested in the whole30?



  • 3rdxacharm
    3rdxacharm Posts: 377 Member
    Thanks shuki_cotren for the recipes. Last night I did homemade mayo with adobe seasoning and a little water. Best salad ever. I will try your ranch recipe tonight.

    Day 9 here I come :flowerforyou:
  • dandelion39
    dandelion39 Posts: 514 Member
    Hi all...glad you're doing so well! I have those *creamy* cravings too (like for cream cheese). It's more for the texture than for the actual product. I've just finished reading It Starts With Food, and that's really motivating me to keep this program going after it's officially finished on Thursday (today's day 29 for me!). Also, I love reading the paleo/primal success stories on Mark's Daily Apple. What a great site that is! I'm definitely feeling like I've lost some weight, though probably not that much. But I'm going to wait another week (maybe less) to weigh myself because I always gain a lot monthly and I don't want that bloat confusing my Whole30 results. So, it will probably be a Whole35 or 37 by the time I weigh.
  • climberchic
    climberchic Posts: 83 Member
    Hi everyone!! I've really enjoyed reading your discussions. I will be starting the Whole30 tomorrow and am very excited about it. I know that it is going to be tough for me because I do like my sweets and bread. The one upside for me is that I also really enjoy everything that you should eat on the whole30 and Paleo. My challenge will be eliminating snacking. I will keep you all updated on my progress if you'd like!! Thanks again for sharing your stories and providing inspiration. :smile:
  • dandelion39
    dandelion39 Posts: 514 Member
    Good luck, climberchic! Snacking is the hardest part for me--at certain times of day, I just really want something crunchy and snacky. My advice is to cut up lots and lots of veggies and make Melissa Joulwan's Italian or ranch dressing to dip them in. If you're trying to lose weight, stay away from the nuts...they're so tempting, and so caloric. I should have eaten fewer this month!

    Day 30 today! But, I'm not stopping tomorrow...going to go a few more days.
  • dandelion39
    dandelion39 Posts: 514 Member
    Me again...just thought I'd share some recipes I tried last night:

    Chicken, broccoli, and cabbage stir-fry:
    (I added 5 spice powder to the stir fry sauce, which gave it a nice depth of flavor)

    Cauliflower rice:
    (I didn't add any of the spices recommended in the recipe because I just wanted a plain base for the stir fry)

    The "rice" in particular was really great...even my hub, who resists substitutions for "regular" food, gobbled his up!

    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    Hi everybody!!
    Well another week has flown by, and I've been doing pretty good.
    No real temptations this week, I think my sugar crush is done with. I had a plum yesterday, I don't think I had ever noticed how sweet fruit is!
    My clothes feel a lot looser, can't wait to do pictures and measurements next Monday (the 26th)...but I'm ready for another nice surprise~
    Have a great week, and FR me if you like!
  • climberchic
    climberchic Posts: 83 Member
    Hey everyone!! So, I "sort of" started the whole 30 last Wednesday. I did great Wednesday and Thursday but then had to go on a road trip. I fell right off the wagon at all the gas stations. No worries though. I got my Mom on board and we kicked off again for a reset on Monday. I am now on Day 3 and I must say, I am super pleased. It hasn't been hard so far, but I've always enjoyed vegetables anyway. Think I'm going to start a new topic with my food choices. Good luck to everyone!!
  • dandelion39
    dandelion39 Posts: 514 Member
    Hi all—just thought I'd check in and let you know my results after 5 weeks on the Whole30. (I added a week because I didn't want to weigh myself in the middle of shark week and get depressed by all the hormonal bloat weight!) Drumrolll....I lost 9.5 lbs. That's absolutely huge for me, so I'm thrilled. Oh, and my hub lost 15 in four weeks! I think he's lost more this week, but he hasn't weighed again. I also lost inches from my waist and hips. Yay! I'm definitely sticking with a primal/paleo eating plan.
  • justaspoonfulofsugar
    justaspoonfulofsugar Posts: 587 Member
    Hi all—just thought I'd check in and let you know my results after 5 weeks on the Whole30. (I added a week because I didn't want to weigh myself in the middle of shark week and get depressed by all the hormonal bloat weight!) Drumrolll....I lost 9.5 lbs. That's absolutely huge for me, so I'm thrilled. Oh, and my hub lost 15 in four weeks! I think he's lost more this week, but he hasn't weighed again. I also lost inches from my waist and hips. Yay! I'm definitely sticking with a primal/paleo eating plan.
    `Aside from the weight(this is the side effects of a whole 30)how do you feel?
  • justaspoonfulofsugar
    justaspoonfulofsugar Posts: 587 Member
    Day 12 of Auto Immune Protocol and it's all going very well.This is my 2nd whole 30 but the first time doing AIP..I had a hard first week of being tired but now feel in fantastic mode.
    Digestion seems to be back to normal and fitness is improving..sleeping really well(although this is never an issue)and realised that it's not possible to eat anything outside of the home.
    I did this week and I have suffered from it for 2 days..and it was only chicken that said it just had spices in least I know.
    Looking forward to seeing if I get to eat chillies again or if they are going to be off the table for a while..I miss them dearly.
  • climberchic
    climberchic Posts: 83 Member
    Congrats on your weight loss!! How DO you feel?
  • dandelion39
    dandelion39 Posts: 514 Member
    I feel great. Weight loss definitely wasn't the goal of my Whole30 (but a very welcome side-effect, I'll admit). I felt much more energetic throughout the day, and had fewer cravings. I slept really well the whole time and felt generally happy. I think I had fewer hormonal PMS issues, too. But, that said, I didn't go into the program with any digestive issues or other health issues, really, so I didn't have any huge improvements there--I seem to tolerate dairy and grain just fine, for the most part.

    I really think the biggest change for me was the way the Whole30 made me conscious of what I was putting into my body, and why I was eating. Several times I found myself about to throw a handful of whatever I was giving my kids in my mouth--even when I wasn't hungry and didn't even like what they were eating. And many times I realized I was about to eat something just because I was bored or stressed...not because I was hungry. I can't remember if it was on the Whole30 blog or someplace else that I read the advice to evaluate cravings vs. actual hunger by asking yourself if you're hungry enough to eat a piece of steamed fish and some veggies. If you're only "hungry" enough for a cookie (or whatever), you're not really hungry. That helped me!

    Also, not to focus on weight loss too much, but in the past every pound has been a struggle. With this plan, I didn't even track calories and lost weight effortlessly. I was also lifting a lot, so may have recomped too... Win, win, win!
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    SO, finished The Whole 30, I feel so much better physically and mentally. No more brain fog, more energy, sleeping better,no stiff achy feeling, no water retention. I lost 3.4 pounds,1.2% of body fat, a total of 4 inches, most dramatic was 1.5 inches off my hips! My only problem is I need to find a way to incorporate more foods high in potassium...still getting muscle cramps. Would I do it again? It wasn't hard, except for 3-4 days in the second week (headaches and lethargy). Only exercise I did was walking the dog, I was always full, ate lots of great food. So, YES! In fact I think I'll be repeating it but adding a weight program 2-3 days a week. Primal this week, second round of Whole 30 next Monday!