


  • sc_bride
    sc_bride Posts: 4
    Hey group! I love reading through everyone's info and feeling both inspired and a sense of belonging!

    Real name: Tasia (like Asia with a T)
    Age:29 (dangerously close to a new decade)
    Location: Fort Mill, SC (newly relocated)
    Status: Engaged and getting married at the end of June
    Kids: Only the 4-legged kind, my goldendoodle Maggie
    Occupation: finishing my Masters and starting Osteopathic Medical School in the fall

    HW: 167
    CW: 164
    GW: 135
    UGW: 127

    Diet Plan: I've got my whole family on Atkins induction. I'm keeping my carbs under 20 a day, but may have some not totally induction approved things from time to time. We are also working out A LOT, everyday so hopefully we see some major success.

    Strengths: Like I said my fiance and his parents are also on the plan, so there's always strength in numbers. Also, I really like exercising so I have no problem getting my burn on.

    Weaknesses: Food. I love eating it and hate preparing it. I'm a terrible cook, so it's really tough to get creative or be successful in the kitchen. Also, I love a good glass of wine, which I'm probably not that willing to give up.......I mean you've got to live!
  • claymic
    claymic Posts: 34 Member
    Hi everyone
    I am glad I found a low carbing group....muchos support needed!!

    Info about me:

    real name: Claudette
    Age: 34 and 7/8
    Location: Leicestershire
    Status: engaged to a great guy.....getting married sometime in the future
    Kids: None
    Sex: F

    HW: 321lbs (back in 2000)!!
    CW: 258
    GW: 185
    UW: 170

    Diet Plan: Well i have been Type 2 diabetic for nearly 10 years. Advice back then was include carbs in every meal. That coupled with me being an emotional eater has not helped and my diabetes is very uncontrolled. I have seen people lose weight by low carbing and when i have tried it before - i could see a difference. I probably could do with not having more than 50g of carbs a day.

    I also need to start exercising but mainly i need to break my binge eating cycles (any thoughts???)

    Strenghts: 2 years ago i stopped an 18year cigarette habit...practically cold turkey. In 2009 i lost 30lbs and was on top of the world....i know it is in me somewhere

    Weakness: I originally come from a Mediterranean country.....grew up eating yummy pasta.....breads....big downfall!!!!

    Thanks for reading
  • Lori543
    Lori543 Posts: 1
    Real Name: Lori
    Height: 5' 9"
    HW: 210
    CW: 200
    GW: 160
    UGW: don't know what this means!
    Location- Sevierville, TN - USA
    Age: 50
    Sex: F
    My son is 19 and lives here at home
    Married for 12 years to a guy who eats ANYTHiNG and stays slim!

    Weaknesses - not "tasting" when I'm cooking for the guys, stopping the fat burning process with a few shots of Vodka!!!! Finding excuses NOT to exercise!
    Strengths - dedication...motivation and extensive research
  • GabyBaby916
    GabyBaby916 Posts: 385 Member
    Hi Everyone!
    I've posted a couple of things, but haven't really "introduced" myself yet.

    Real Name: (prefer to not say since its unsual and I'd like to maintain some privacy)
    Height: 5ft 5in
    HW: 285lbs
    CW: 166 lbs
    GW: 135 lbs
    UGW: 125 lbs
    Location: N. California
    Age: 41
    Sex: F
    2 teens/young adults (19yr old daughter away at college and 17yr old son who is a junior in high school)
    Married to Hubby #2 - an absolute dear

    Diet Plan-
    I was on Medifast for a month, but the plan is really expensive.
    I switched to LCHF (currently at 60 total carbs daily, ave 45 net) and will be bumped down to keto levels in another week.

    I walk 2-3 miles per day during the work week and get in a 5 mile walk on Saturday or Sunday.
    I've JUST started using resistance bands for some light strength training.
    With the warmer weather approaching, hubby and I will be outdoors a lot more (hiking, camping, kayaking).

    Strengths- I love crafting (specifically knitting and sewing, but also enjoy crochet and papercrafts). I am a voracious reader, finishing 3-4 books per week on average. I also LOVE to cook and have been having fun making low carb items out of regular recipes. Sometimes I dont tell my family and so far no one has complained. *wink* I'm a total foodie and love trying different foods. I'll try nearly anything at least once!

    Weakness: Red wine (the bigger and bolder, the better) and sweets. Prior to LCHF/keto, my sweet tooth could rage out of control. Thankfully, this way of eating has seemed to tame that particular problem (except during that Time of the Month).
  • alexalaurel
    alexalaurel Posts: 27
    Hi everyone! This is my first time posting but I am really happy to have found this group and I look forward to providing and receiving support from y'all!

    Real Name: Alexa
    Height: 5'5"
    HW: 175 lbs
    CW: 175 lbs (started yesterday! woo!)
    GW: 150 lbs ("healthy" BMI)
    UGW: 140-145 lbs (safely in the "healthy" zone)
    Location: Durham, NC
    Age: 26
    Sex: F
    No human children, but my dear horse Ginger is my only child :)
    Happily in love with my partner for almost four years now!

    Diet Plan: South Beach, currently in phase 1 (doesn't have to be "exactly" SBD, but I appreciate the science behind a lower carb lifestyle.) I like that SBD allows you to have lots of veggies and beans, despite their carbs.
    Beginning goal of 30 minutes of exercise, 3 times per week. Also 1.5 hour yoga class on Saturdays!

    Strengths: I have a strong science/healthcare background so I know what proper nutrition is and don't have an excuse there :-(. Which is why it's time to practice what I preach! How can I be an unhealthy healthcare provider?! Seriously though. Also, I love working outside and have plenty of manual labor to keep me busy on the farm. Losing a bit of weight for my horse is also good motivation, I'm sure Ginger would appreciate a little less weight on her back! (Not sure if those were strengths or motivators or what, but oh well!)

    Weakness: I have a major sweet tooth, which is another reason to adopt the low carb lifestyle (and I'm excited to decrease my cravings during phase 1!) Also enjoy WINE...heavy reds in cooler weather, dry sparkling whites in the summer...ack now my mouth is watering?!

    Thank you all in advance for your support on this journey!! WE CAN DO IT!
  • SaebraSpirit
    SaebraSpirit Posts: 150 Member
    Real Name: Alex
    Height: 5'10"
    HW: 67.8kg
    CW: 52.4kg
    GW: 54.0kg

    Location- Haywards Heath, West Sussex- UK
    Age: 18
    Sex: F
    No children
    Not married

    Hello! Happy I joined this group I hope to contribute in every way I can :D
  • linbert57
    linbert57 Posts: 154 Member
    I'm so happy I found this forum! Anyone looking for more lc friends, please feel free to add me.

    Real Name: Linda
    Height: 5' 4.25"
    HW: 217
    CW: 162
    GW: 149 I believe 146 would put me in a "healthy BMI" range
    Location: Kensington, Connecticut
    Age: 55 (but it's only a number)
    Sex: Not for a while
    2 sons - Mike and Steve
    3 cats - Maya, Colby and Zelda
    1 cockatiel - Herbie

    I started Atkins in early April, stayed on induction for the two weeks and started to add carbs back in - nuts and berries. I average
    around 30 carbs/day. I stopped eating wheat in December after reading "Wheat Belly" by Dr. William Davis. I don't eat red meat - I get my protein from eggs, tuna fish, chicken, pork (mmmm---bacon), fish and of course veggies.

    My weaknesses: all crappy carbs that got me in this mess: cookies, cakes, candy, ice cream

    My strengths: my motivation to get to a healthy weight---I feel so much better already.

    We can do this!!
  • Hi all! So nice to have lost 10 pounds low carb'n it! But, gosh I haven't been counting them...just thought not eating bread, sugar and pasta would do it! and it did up until I lost 10 pounds now I've pitched a tent and want to get it going again so I decided to come back to fitness pal and start counting carbs.
  • pcomes
    pcomes Posts: 2
    Hi everyone! You are my first group to join. I thought I should get a little bit more involved so here I am!! Here is my info:

    Real Name: Penny
    Height: 5'5"
    HW: 186.4
    CW: 166.6
    GW: 150
    UGW: 145
    Location- Memphis, TN
    Age: 51
    Sex: F
    2 daughters (ages 27 and 24), one son (age 14), one "almost stepson" (age 16), and one granddaughter (age 4)
    Engaged, will be married on November 23rd (the 7th anniversary of our first date!)

    Diet Plan-2-Day Diet. 2 days a week I keep my carbs around 50g. Other days I keep them around 75g. I'm trying to exercise at least 2 days a week. I do not go to a gym but I have hand weights at home and I walk for cardio. I also try to keep my added (processed) sugars to 6 tsp (24g) or less a day.

    As I said, I am getting married on November 23rd. I already have my dress, and it looks like it's going to have to be altered. I guess that's a good thing! My fiance and I love to cook together and we usually make it healthy. I am smaller than I've been in a LONG time. I still have a few pounds to go but healthy eating has finally become a lifestyle rather than a "diet" for me. I'm only on my 2nd week of the 2-day diet but I love the concept and I believe that it is healthy rather than a fad/crash diet. I finally figured out that carbs and sugar are my worst enemies so now I know how to manage it. I've lost 18 pounds since Christmas and I lost 3 pounds on my first week of the 2-Day Diet so hopefully I will just keep going!!!!

    I'm glad to be a part of this group!
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,024 Member
    Real Name: G
    Height: 5'9"
    HW: 330
    CW: 248
    GW: 225
    UGW: 200
    Location- Suburb Hell NJ... but I do get to work in NYC
    Age: 34
    Sex: F
    Two son's 8&9

    Diet Plan-TNT It is simular to Atkins I guess. No carbs, high protein and fat.

    Strengths- Lifting, I love pairing this high protein diet with heavy lifting.
    Super weakness
  • jbonow1231
    jbonow1231 Posts: 75 Member
    So glad I found this group, I'd love to have some new low-carb friends so I can get some idea on things to eat. :D

    Also - I feel sometimes like I need a bit more encouragement, I had a lot of emotional eating issues for a long time, and when I get "triggered" it can put me in a real funk. Though family members are supportive, they aren't on the same diet/weight loss journey with my food restrictions so - I feel like an island sometimes.

    Height: 5'7"
    HW - 240
    CW - 190
    GW - 175 (Once I make it there, I'm going to work on getting to 155)
    Location: Milwaukee, WI
    Age: 29
    Sex: F
    Children - Son, 3

    I have hypothyroidism for which I take custom compounded natural (AKA porcine) thyroid.

    Diet Plan - I have a variety of food allergies/intolerance, so - I'm already gluten free and fish-free. I haven't been on any "strict" diet plan, though I've gotten some inspirations from Atkins and Paleo and the Flat-Belly Diet. My nutritionist says I need to keep to 60 carbs a day, though I've been falling down on the job lately. I've been working on pondering on "Net carbs" and increasing my fiber.

    Weakness - Though I love cooking, I'm tend towards laziness and not a lot of menu-planning and thus turn to a lot of "convenience" foods. While in some cases this isn't bad (easy cook frozen vegetables vs fresh) sometimes it is - as it leads to eating a lot of chicken sausage for a dinner meat. Which has a lot of sodium and I think makes my weight loss less apparently due to giving me "puffiness."

    I'd love some more friends, please add me!
  • mariluciarose
    mariluciarose Posts: 9 Member
    Hi my name is Marie, I am 42 and a mom of 5 with varying ages (22-3). I have done low carb before with success but didn't stick with it long enough. This my 2nd try at MFP I had a bad experience prior with very negative and down right rude people. I'm always hearing rave reviews about MFP so I figured I'd give it one more try and hopefully this time around I'll find all those great people I've heard about . I restarted my low carb plan 3 months ago and I am very excited to participate and share this journey with you all. :bigsmile:

    Start weight 300lbs. (3 months ago)

    Current weight 275 (as of Friday)
  • karendee4
    karendee4 Posts: 558 Member
    Height: 5'6"
    HW - 323
    CW - 202-210
    GW - 165
    Location Illinois
    Age: 37
    Sex: F
    Children - 2 teen boys
    Married almost 17 years

    Diet Plan - not sure yet....I am researching this. I tried a carb cycle a few months back and loved the lower carb days more than the high ones.

    Weakness Sweets,(I have a binge problem so some sweets set me off) Also chips and salsa. I can eat a whole bag of tortilla chips with salsa. Very dangerous for me!!!
  • cnc826
    cnc826 Posts: 9 Member
    Real Name: Chrissy
    Height: 5'3"
    HW: 200.4
    CW: 188
    GW: 140
    Location- Selden, NY
    Age: 41
    Sex: F
    Children: 2, Boy (10) and Girl (5)
    Married for 13 years together 24 years.

    Diet Plan- South Beach. Just started yesterday. Joined a gym and started zumba two weeks ago. Going 3 times a week. Want to increase to 4 days and add in treadmill on off days.

    Strengths- I enjoy cooking and trying new recipes.

    Weakness: Carbs. I am a binge eater and carbs set me off. I am also hypothyroid so carbs are really not my friend.
  • raventwo
    raventwo Posts: 91 Member
    Hi, this is my first group to join here on MFP. I am happy to find a group where eating lower carb is accepted :)

    Real Name: Pat
    Height: 5'4" (used to be 5' 6" so may have to adjust my gw)
    HW: 368
    CW: 264+ this am (I average 7 days of weights to get current, my average day is Monday)
    GW: 150 at this time, we'll see when I get there
    Location: Pacific NW
    Age: 57
    No children, wonderful, amazing Husband.

    Diet Plan: Carbohydrate Addicts Lifespan Program, with a leaning towards Primal, and gluten free. Using FitBit to help me get more active and see where I'm at, to have some exercise goals to meet. I injured a knee 5+ years ago, and then moderate to severe arthritis in both and bone spurs in one knee was found. Used a cane up until a year ago, losing the 100 lbs. I've lost since April of 2011 has made such a difference...hurrah! Hated that cane.

    Strengths: love to cook, love almost any food or way of cooking. Firmly believe being a normal weight for me is about still loving cooking and what I eat :) Love fiddling with recipes, sugar-free calp friendly rubs, we love to grill, and we are really getting into gardening and growing a number of our own veggies from Spring through part of Fall (have a small covered growcamp - which is a raised bed, soft sided greenhouse).

    Weakness: emotional eating. 100 lbs. just lost came on when I threw a hissy fit and had the blues after realizing I was not going to be able to conceive, despite procedures and fertility drugs (I married late - was 40).
  • 86toronado
    86toronado Posts: 19
    Real Name: Kourtney
    Height: 5'4"
    HW: 220
    CW: 212
    GW: 145 (BMI of 24ish)
    Location: Upstate NY
    Age: 34
    No kids, just a fantastic, supportive hubby!

    Diet Plan: Not really following a plan, just trying to keep it between 40-50g of carbs/day. I am intrigued by the Primal blueprint, and may give that a try in the near future. I recently found out I have hypothyroidism, so want to get that straightened out before I make any big changes.

    Strengths: I like to work out, I am a good cook, like experimenting.

    Weaknesses: Emotional eating, bored eating, and WINE!
  • Mistizoom
    Mistizoom Posts: 578 Member
    So very glad to have found this low carb oasis on MFP!

    Real Name: Jennifer
    Height: 5'5"
    HW: 327 (started low carb at 300 in November 2012)
    CW: 235
    GW: 190
    UGW: 150-160
    Location: Iowa
    Age: 43
    Sex: F
    married almost 15 years, one son age 10. My husband is also eating LC and we are trying to keep my son "lower carb".

    I have PCOS and insulin resistance, I take metformin ER, though I could probably cut down my dose at this point I'm in no hurry to. I have developed Raynaud's syndrome since starting low carb (fingers go white and numb in response to cold). I am likely hypothyroid (very low T3 and also have high anti-TPO antibodies) but my current doc only goes by TSH...I'm seeing a new one in September.

    Diet Plan: low carb, moderate protein, high fat (nutritional ketosis), less than 50 g total carbs/day, 75-100 g protein, rest from fat to bring up calories to 1400 or so.

    Strengths: I am committed to the way of eating for life, whether I lose weight or not.

    Weaknesses: I know exercise has many benefits but it has slowed my weight loss and I am considering giving it up until I lose more weight. I am not convinced my body can lose as much weight as I want to, I've lost trust in my body.

    Would love more LC friends so feel free to add me!
  • RHSheetz
    RHSheetz Posts: 268 Member
    Great to find a place that has a HEALTHY view of Carbs...

    Real Name: Bob
    Height: 5'11"
    HW: 437
    CW: 268
    GW: 205 (Under 10% BF)
    Location- Lebanon PA
    Age: 48
    Sex: M

    Diet Plan-First Time around I did Diet Center (in 90s) which was Low Carb, This time I did Take Shape for Life. Currently trying to get back into losing and getting to my goal by eating as clean as possible with Low Carbs.

    Strengths- Pushing myself to become better every day.
    Super weakness
    Sugar in all it's wonderful forms.
  • Good morning!! Here's a bit about me. Feel free to add me as well!!! :)

    Name: Chantelle
    Height: 5'6"
    HW: 168lbs
    CW: 127lbs
    GW: ~125lbs
    UGW: 120lbs
    Location: Winnipeg, Canada
    Age: 27
    Sex: F
    I'm in a long distance relationship with an airman of the RCAF for 2+ years. He was a big influence for me to start losing weight as he is very fit and athletic (read: super hot military man)!! ;)

    Diet Plan: I try to eat as "clean" as possible. Low carb, low sugar, low calorie and high protein. I try to stick to the most natural foods as I can, when possible.

    Strengths: I can be pretty patient and disciplined for the most part. I don't mind eating the same thing every day and I don't live to eat (anymore!!), but eat to live. I found a diet plan that works for me and my lifestyle!

    Super weakness: PIZZA, POTATO CHIPS AND BEER!! OMG! lol Serious weaknesses right there. :drinker:

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • Naybelline
    Naybelline Posts: 407 Member
    Real Name: Naomi
    Height: 5' 7
    HW: 285
    CW: 257
    GW: 200
    UGW: 165
    Location Derbyshire UK
    Age: 34
    Sex: F
    Children, boy and a girl

    Weaknesses - Pizza, Pringles
    Strengths - When I get my mind set, I'm great, but it only takes some thing little to put me off :(
  • sunseeker100
    sunseeker100 Posts: 90 Member

    Real Name: Karen
    Height: 5'3"
    HW: 184
    CW: 159
    GW: 126
    UGW: 119 - not sure if that's possible!
    Location: Hull, Yorkshire, UK
    Age: 43
    Sex: F
    Living with partner who is on this journey with me

    Diet Plan - just trying to follow low carbing. Did South Beach phase 1 before and it worked but tried again last week and just gave up as I can't do without my coffee with milk! Decided to cut out as much carb, processed foods and sugar as possible and see how that works for me. I know I suffer from major bloat when I eat high carb foods so looking forward to feeling better.

    I need to exercise more but I totally hate cardio with a passion! Love weights though and I have a lot of equipment at home, just need to get motivated to do it after a day at work :(

    Super weakness - chocolate, ice cream and pastries e.g. pain au chocolate, pain aux raisin, cinnamon buns ~(yum yum).
  • blablues
    blablues Posts: 37 Member
    Hello, all. :) I've been calorie counting/restricting and exercising for the past year and lost about 35lb that way, but I heard about low-carb being a good diet, ended up doing some online research that led to the book The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Performance. I read the book, saw a lot of great benefits (feeling less hunger, better recovery time after a workout, no bonks during long runs, burning more fat, scientifically based on clinical trials) and decided to try it. I'm now on day 13 of having net carbs below 30g, and after the first five days of pain, I've been feeling really great and lost 5lb the first week, most of it fat (according to my scale that measure BF%, which is hardly accurate but at least lets me track the changing values).

    Great to see a group of low carbers on here to get advice, see how others are doing, etc.

    Real Name: Kendra
    Height: 5'9"
    HW: 250
    CW: 210
    GW: 165
    UGW: 150? Really going more for bodyfat % - 20%.
    Location- Philadelphia metro area
    Age: 30
    Sex: F
    Children: None yet, we're going to start trying on our Jan 2014 vacation to Hawaii.
    Married for just over a year, together for 6.

    Diet Plan- Less than 30g net carbs, but mostly I'm looking to see what my NK blood ketone values are. Right now I test daily in the PM four hours after meals. During week 2, the highest I've gotten it is 1.8, hoping to go higher(up to 3.0) but I think my body is still adjusting after years of a high carb diet. I'm just going to keep measuring and adjust protein/carbs/etc. as makes sense.

    Strengths - I've built up a lot of good habits over the years/months, including a fair amount of self control over what I eat, tracking everything, planning meals ahead, and staying consistent with exercise. Right now I exercise 5-6 days a week, including yoga, personal trainer and running. I'm training for a half marathon right now that I'm doing with a few friends, that really helps keep me going. And paying for the yoga and the personal trainer is motivating because I don't like to waste money, plus the personal trainer gives good feedback on my results and keeps my workouts varied.

    Weaknesses - Cookies, brownies, chocolate. Been fine with low-carb so far, planning to try some low-carb sweet recipes with artificial sweeteners after a while.

    By the way, thanks for that bulletproof coffee post, I've been looking for ways to up my fat intake, especially for long run days when I'm burning an extra 1000+ calories.
  • georgesanchez7737
    georgesanchez7737 Posts: 61 Member
    Hello, I am glad I found this group, I went raw and then paleo/keto about 6 months ago, lost 30 lbs and then platoes for a few weeks, not with MFP, set to 5,40,55 macros, I lost 6 lbs in 1 week. portion size.
    Real Name: George
    Height: 5' 9"
    HW: 275
    CW: 234
    GW: 190 or less is what the doc wants!
    Location: National CIty CA
    Age: 46 (how old would you be w/o clocks?)
    Sex: yes thank you, male
    married for 22 years to the best woman in the world!
    2 sons - Jr and Ivan
    1 dog- Principe

    strengths: always finish what I start, learn easy, high IQ, super positive and open minded. I respect all and always welcome people, some times once you get to know them you go a different route. I go for a physical every year and my blood sugar was creeping up. My doctor did not tell me I was past the per-diabetic stage and 6 months after physical I started feeling weird, eyes, fungus, thirst, urination...... I got it under control w.o meds in 2 weeks and 6 months later I am now sucked into wanting to get as fit/healthy as possible.

    I always have worked out, my MTBK is the weapon of choice and weights 3 times a week, I find that my body likes me to train for endurance, if I go just heavy weights I do not grow or cut. if I go long cardio I cut and see muscles. this will probably change as I get lower on weight. I still maintain my max lifting capacity, just not showing. I also started doing push ups and went from 4 a day to 300, with the first set being 75, I see new tricep muscles developing and my abs feel a lot harder.

    weakness: Mexican food, all fried and grains heavy, I indulge one meal a week, my cheat meal.
  • tlog73
    tlog73 Posts: 34 Member

    I exercise as I can. I have fibromyalgia (recently diagnosed after a 6 month long mystery syndrome that included severe fatigue and constant, daily pain) and have a lot of pain in my muscles and joints. Some days I can barely walk up the steps to the bathtub. Other days I feel okay and can get in some exercise. I do what I can. I went back to my gym for the first time in probably 6 months today and used the elliptical for 25 minutes. I'm paying for it now. Thinking of doing some easy, low impact workouts at home with the wii fit (yoga, balance, that type of thing) and working up to my return to the gym. I definitely overdid it.

    Rebecca, I too have Fibro....are you taking meds?? They put me on Cymbalta and it has worked wonders!!! I work out like a fiend and just ran my first 5K last weekend!!
    Trust me, it can get better, I was awful for almost 3 years till they just gave up and diagnosed it at that.....Stay Strong!! It is very treatable.... I also take an Alieve in the AM and PM and that makes a world of diff as well!!!

    Hi am on the Fibro train too. I haven't made it to the gym in 4 years. I walk daily...even on the bad days. I've started using light weights again about 2 months ago and it has done wonders for my muscle spasms. I have made it to a couple of aquasize classes. As my specialist says....keep active but try to know your limits....easier said than done ;) Cheers,Toni
  • yustick
    yustick Posts: 238 Member
    Hi! I joined MFP and started becoming healthier on 02/13/12. I lost about 100 pounds in 2012. Simply eating less and moving more. But, that pretty much stopped working in 2013. Desperate, I went to my Doctor who referred me to a weight management group within the health system, Henry Ford. They put me on a 650 calorie ketogenic diet. After 7 weeks, I learned I can't do this, the longest I followed the program was 10 consecutive days. But this was long enough for me to learn the benefits of ketosis. Now, I am trying to go keto without the low calorie restriction.

    The best part of ketosis was hunger control. Before, especially after long and intense workouts, I would feel like I was starving and end up eating my exercise calories or more.

    If you have any suggestions or advice from your experience, I would appreciate it.

    Real name: Renée
    Height: 5'4"
    HW: 365
    CW: 245
    GW: 145
    Location: Michigan
    Female, Married, 2 Children 23 & 20
  • DeterminedRealist
    DeterminedRealist Posts: 21 Member
    Real Name: Michelle
    Height: 5'6"
    HW: 355+
    CW: 238
    GW: Healthy BMI
    Location: Cobb County, Georgia, USA
    Age: 52
    Sex: Female (married mother of two adult sons who are also married and have given me grandchildren who I adore)

    Diet Plan: Atkins Phase 1, LCHF, Averaging 1700 calories per day eating as clean as possible with Low Carbs.

    Strengths- I am tenaciously thorough and detail oriented
    Weakness: I am human, humans are weak, selfish creatures by nature

    This is not my first rodeo. I have done Atkins at different times in my life, but this is the first time since being diabetic. I'm discovering this lifestyle afresh and loving it like never before. My blood glucose readings are within normal range consistently when consuming low carb, high fat foods, maintaining moderate exercise and ensuring proper hydration.

    Currently looking for unapologetic, physically active individuals living the LCHF lifestyle for mutual support and encouragement.
  • frogslegs35
    frogslegs35 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi Guys <waves>

    Real name : Frog ;)
    Height : 5'10'
    HW: Around 220 (4 years ago)
    CW: 163
    GW: 149
    Location: Europe
    Age: 35
    Sex: F

    Diet plan : Low carb/controlled carb.

    Strengths : Determination, positivity and stubborness (in a good way, I don't like giving up)

    Weakness: Fresh bread, Chocolate, Italian food, aahh did I mention Fresh bread :)

    After previously losing a lot of weight quite quickly through stress and also also some calorie counting, I still wasn't where I wanted to be ( I think the term is skinny fat) I have atempted to tone up/drop a little more weight over the last few years but because of a spinal problem I didn't really get far (although I did manage to repair Diastasis recti using kettlebells so that was a bonus)
    While I'm within the healthy BMI range of 23.4 I want to get down to 149lbs and I want to get fit and tone up.
    My immediate plan is to stick to low carb for 30 days, I've never done it before but have researched the benefits and believe it could help me. In preparation I have cut out sugar that I added to food and drinks already and have tried to eat as little as possible, over the last week or so, of 'white' stuff such as bread, flour potatoes etc...
    From tomorrow I will commence Jillian Michaels 30 day shred (somebody please kill me now) In preparation for that I've been doing a little Billy Blanks TaeBo and some HIIT.
    I'm probably going to use the blog facility to record my efforts and to waffle (apologies for doing so here ha ha)
    Can't wait to get started, good luck to everyone else on their journey.
  • ShanUhnannah
    ShanUhnannah Posts: 7 Member
    Hello everyone. :) I try to focus on eating meat, veggies and whole foods. I sometimes use IF. I think most of my problem lies in the fact that I am not comfortable in my kitchen, so I eat out a lot. I have acquired the necessary kitchen equipment and am ready to dive into this whole foods thing. I tend towards low carb. I'm looking for some friends on this site that don't believe the SAD-diet hype and who think beyond calories!! Please friend me so we can keep eachother motivated!!
  • Real Name: Mikhaila
    Height : 5'5"
    SW: 180
    CW: 145
    GW: 130-135
    Age: 20
    Sex: Female

    Diet Plan: Low carb pescatarien. Staying as close to 20 or less carbs a day (on a college students budget no less!), not worrying about counting calories for the first few weeks.

    My Weakness is: Donuts. Oh sweet, glazed, fried up goodness.... Donuts.

    I've been doing pretty well I believe since starting seriously this past Thursday. Not sure if what I'm experiencing now is the 'keto flu' or just me getting sick..or a mixture of both. I feel horrid, haha.

    Exercise - I'm not doing anything right now. Waiting for a few weeks before I start up my running/Insanity again.

    Goals - I want to settle in my weight range (130-135) before the end of 2013! Then start toning once the new year rings in! :]

    I may not have as much as some other people to lose, so I'm not sure how much 'motivation I could possibly be, but feel free to add me anyways!
  • Real name: Angie
    Height: 5'1"
    HW: 183
    CW: 113
    GW: 110
    UW: 105??
    Age: 36
    Sex: female
    Diet plan: gluten free, low carb
    Exercise: insanity, asylum, p90x, jillian weights
    6 days a week

    Weaknesses: eating out and CHIPS! Ugh.

    Married with 2 boys.

    I am passionate about health and fitness!
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