Squat-tober: October check in and chat



  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Protien....it can be a chore to get it in.

    My BF% estimate (non bodpod) was 26.6% so leaves me with 128lbs of LBM....so I shoot for a min of 128g....and it's hard to do...even tho I am not what my husband calls a "carb *kitten*"...I love my protien.

    I have resorted to shakes and powder and bars...just to get it in...even then sometimes I am low.
  • kirabob
    kirabob Posts: 481 Member
    I average about 125 g of protein. I use a pea protein powder, and am completely in love with mint chocolate Clif Builder Bars. :smile: I'm experimenting with getting more protein from grains/legumes - but doing that and keeping the calories in line is a little tricky.

    I'm in my deload week, and I started a new job, and hubs is prepping for a huge solo art show, so I'm on parent duty all the time. Blargh!

    For my deload week:
    OHP on Monday night (NEVER doing that again)
    3x5 @50
    And 3x10 assisted pullups and dips

    Deadlifts today
    1x5 @95
    3x15 back extensions and hanging knee raises.

    One of the regulars kept trying to get me to put more weight on the bar. I explained that I was taking an active recovery week, and that I'd be back to the heavy stuff (for me) next week. He was all "I've never heard of active recovery. Sounds a little woo-woo to me." I said "You're wearing a wrist brace, everything okay?" And, not surprisingly, he said "Oh, yeah, it's been giving me trouble, but I'm not gonna let it stop me from hitting my 1RM today." I just said "Man, be careful - it would stink to get really hurt. Maybe you should take it easy today." "No way - I'm here to WORK!"

    UGH. Seriously, people - check your ego at the door. Whaddya wanna bet I see him with a cast next time I go in?
  • kiykiy79
    kiykiy79 Posts: 177
    Still going STRONG (pun intended) with SL... I can't believe I started back in April!

    I have set some srength goals to get me through the rest of the year:

    Bench: 100
    Dead: 200
    OHP: 95
    UA Pullups: 5

    I've made some great progress and I'm ready to push to the next level on the above lifts! Other than the deadlift munchies I'm loving SL life!

    Good luck ladies!
  • hananah89
    hananah89 Posts: 692 Member
    I'm at about 110g protein a day-I don't use any powder because it's a little tough on my stomach.

    I have wrist issues as well and I've been using these exercises for a week or so. I also deloaded my presses to work on the grip issue.

    Oh those look good, I'll have to start doing some of those. I have kept rows at the same lower weight for a few sessions to try and see if that helps, no luck so far.
  • macybean
    macybean Posts: 258 Member
    Hey all!

    I started posting earlier this year, then got busy with backpacking/gardening season and couldn't keep up with you guys!

    I recently started lifting again after a set back when my dog was critically ill (yes, I know not all understand that to some of us dogs are kids, but he's my special buddy). After a week of sleeping on the floor with him and doing nothing but taking care of him and going to work, he started to come around. Then I got sick (no surprise there!). I didn't lift for 2 months and am now back at it, although at lower weights. It's hard to know you need to go lower, but I decided it was a good time to perfect my form.

    I'm gonna try to keep up this time, but even if I'm not posting, I'll be lifting (and lurking...sometimes I just feel I've really got nothing to add to the conversation)!

    I was so excited the other day. I was putting my hair in a ponytail in front of the mirror after a shower (before I was dressed) and saw the most amazing trapezius muscles! I kept lifting my arms up in amazement...I kept wondering "where did those come from?". They're so pretty:)

    While I'm here, was wondering what apps you all use for your lifting diary. I loved the strong lifts app, but ever since I upgraded my phone to ios7 it doesn't work right (can't change the weight that the app defaults to, and I don't up my weight 5 pounds every session). Unless someone has had the same issue and fixed it, what else are you using for apps?
  • aliciaje
    SO just went shopping on my lunch break to get some cooler weather workout clothes. I am a pretty standard medium.. however... the mediums were really tight around my biceps and shoulders, so I had to buy a large. PLEASE someone tell me they will go down!!!!! I am eating at a deficit so there *should* be no reason I would be "bulking". I've been at it for 4 weeks now.
  • kirabob
    kirabob Posts: 481 Member
    Alicia - yes, if you stay at a deficit, the swelling will go down. :smile:

    Macy - fur babies are well worth worrying about. I love all mine dearly, except for the one cat that has always peed outside the litter box. For 16 years. She's off the list. :smile:

    I like the JEFit app - it's a little clunky to get set up at first, but then it works really well. I will say, though, that the app I got for my Wendler program is the bomb - because it tells me which plates to put on the bar! Helps when I have morning brain.
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    I am back!!!!! I was doing a 5 days a week lifting program but I feel like starting cardio again so it was not working. I will do 3 x 5 because I do not have the time to do more.

    Seeing forward to chatting with all of you ;)
  • macybean
    macybean Posts: 258 Member
    Thanks Kira. I'm trying the jefit app now...and yes it seems clunky! I'll give it a little more time. I'll have to check the wendler app too (if it's free...cause I got lots of vet bills!).
  • kirabob
    kirabob Posts: 481 Member
    Well, the wendler only works if you are actually doing the wendler program - it's not really very programmable beyond the Wendler set up. I found the easiest thing with JEFit was to take one of their standard routines and just delete and refill it with my stuff.
  • YoBecca
    YoBecca Posts: 167
    Macy - I use Strong Log. It's very no frills, just lets you log, see your history, and your PRs. It doesn't tell you what to do. I just track what I do, and use the notes to keep track of ... notes (like when I fail at a higher weight or adapt anything).
  • norrishbex
    norrishbex Posts: 35 Member
    Session Number 11 yesterday!

    Squats: 45kg 5x5
    Bench: 32.5kg 5x5
    Barbell Row: 42.5kg

    I think I need to stay at the 42.5kg for the barbell row for a couple of sessions, I am rolling my wrists to get the bar up those last couple of inches, which probably isn't good. And I am stuck on the OH press at 27.5kg, I fail the last rep of 1 set, but the rest is relatively easy. I think it may be because I am not concentrating on my form fully, because I can get it done if I really concentrate and set myself up properly.
  • YoBecca
    YoBecca Posts: 167
    Another question - how many warm up sets do you guys do? I usually do one set w/ just the bar, one with something less than my working weight, then go to my working weight. (And body weight squats). That seems fine for most of the lifts, but w/ deadlifts that's just 3 total sets. (Well, I do 1 set of good mornings as well). That seems ....light, volume wise. I know we only do 1 set of DLs, but honestly I feel like I could do them 3*5 or even 5*5 at the weight I'm at now. Maybe I just feel like this b/c the weight is lowish (105 lbs)?
  • Jit7
    Jit7 Posts: 75
    You guys are awesome with the amount of weight you lift! Something to aim for as I am new to this (2 weeks) and still on fairly light weights in comparison.

    Macy - I am using the LiftBig app which works on my andriod phone so should work on an iphone too.

    I hope I can start contributing to the lift stats soon
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    Macy, I use Lifting Buddy (free)! and it will calculate your next workout (if you hit all your sets and reps it goes up, if you don't it stays the same, if you miss 3x it calculates the deload).

    I tried Jefit but couldn't get it to work in real time at the gym. Frustrating!

    so.. the great protein powder experiment is officially OVER. I am not putting myself through that!
  • roxylola
    roxylola Posts: 540 Member
    Macy, glad to hear your dog is doing better - mine are my family too.

    Becca, I do the same as you with the warm ups but I reckon as the dead lift gets heavier then it will get tougher!

    Norrishbex, session 11 and you are way ahead of anything I have done bench and OHP wise and I am on 16. That is awesome (and yes I am a little jealous)

    So B day

    Squats still at 40kg. I feel confident now, my form is there or thereabouts and will be well ready to up my weight on Monday. A guy came as I was finishing to ask if he could work in. But as I had one set left he waited til I finished. And he was very complimentary about my form :D

    So I left my rack to use the preloaded 20kg bar for OHP - reduced in weight by 2.5kg as I gave my rack up lol. Not a big deal though and I could have worked in but it would have been more of a work out switching the weights about. I cleaned the bar each time too and did my 5*5. I can tell I am getting stronger as I used to need 1m30 to 2m recovery between 20kg sets, I did these with 1min rests!

    Deadlifts. I have not been totally happy with my form for these. Too much of the lift is coming from my lower back initially and not enough from my legs so I deloaded to 50kg and really worked my form. May put a bit more on next time (like 2.5 or 5kg) but going to work back up to 60kg rather than jump back up.
  • hananah89
    hananah89 Posts: 692 Member
    Another question - how many warm up sets do you guys do? I usually do one set w/ just the bar, one with something less than my working weight, then go to my working weight. (And body weight squats). That seems fine for most of the lifts, but w/ deadlifts that's just 3 total sets. (Well, I do 1 set of good mornings as well). That seems ....light, volume wise. I know we only do 1 set of DLs, but honestly I feel like I could do them 3*5 or even 5*5 at the weight I'm at now. Maybe I just feel like this b/c the weight is lowish (105 lbs)?

    I've started doing more warmups sets because I'm getting higher in weights, but for squats I'll do 5 reps with the bar, then maybe 3 with 2-3 intermittent weights before doing my working weight. But I'm also only doing 3x5 (for various reasons) right now so it works for me.
    For DLs, I do a few with the bar, then maybe 1-2 others before getting to my working weight (which was 105 today). I was had gotten 115lbs done until I took a week off and had to deload because of it.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Another question - how many warm up sets do you guys do? I usually do one set w/ just the bar, one with something less than my working weight, then go to my working weight. (And body weight squats). That seems fine for most of the lifts, but w/ deadlifts that's just 3 total sets. (Well, I do 1 set of good mornings as well). That seems ....light, volume wise. I know we only do 1 set of DLs, but honestly I feel like I could do them 3*5 or even 5*5 at the weight I'm at now. Maybe I just feel like this b/c the weight is lowish (105 lbs)?

    I used to feel like that when the weight was low too.. Now I can barely get one set done lol. I usually only do one warm up set, but I might start doing 2 since my weights have gone up...

    Today was a decent workout. I had a douche wagon decide to sit there and stare me down while waiting for the squat rack, instead of going to do something else. That threw my whole damn workout off.. SIGH :grumble: :grumble: :grumble:

    I did:
    120 lbs- Squats (YAY Personal Best)
    95 lbs- Rows
    140 lbs- Shrugs (I only did 3 sets of 5 reps for this, as the weight is getting heavier, it is affecting my deadlifting)
    140 lbs- Deadlift
    65 lbs- Bench Press (I feel ready to progress on this as I got the wrist thing in order)
    55 lbs- Machine crunches (I had to deload to work on form)

    And as per my October challenge:
    10 minutes on the treadmill, 3.5 mph, 10.0 incline (LOVE incline), 0.57miles, 180 steady heart rate
  • macybean
    macybean Posts: 258 Member
    Thanks for the app suggestions...I'll be trying some out.

    Yesterday's workout:

    Squats 115 (really need to up it, but it's a confidence thing!)
    OHP 60
    Dead 165

    For warmups I usually also just do the bar for one set, then add some weight for a second set before going to my final weight. By the time I get to deadlifts I usually feel warmed up already. I like to do a low weight set just for form though.