Welcome Introductions

As you join please introduce yourself with a little bit about you and your goals/motivations!


  • brandillyn
    brandillyn Posts: 105 Member
    HI! I'm Brandi, 21, and have a 7 week old son(:

    My goals are to weigh 130 by November of 2014- that's 77 more pounds to lose.
    By the end of the year I want to be getting in great workouts 5x a week! (Right now my back and hips are still messed up from giving birth, I'm walking and I'm gonna slowly work my way up from there once my back and hips get stronger and more in place.)

    I want to feel good in my own skin again, look amazing, and be able to run crazy with my son.
  • Hi I'm Dani! I'm 29 years old and I have an 8 year old son. My goal is to lose 50lbs. In August 2013 I started the Insanity program and changed my eating habits. My body has made visible changes and it's very motivating. I just started my second round of Insanity and also I have been adding Focus T25 some days. I log my meals and workouts daily and try my best to surround myself with ppl who have the same goals as I do. I'm ready for this! :-)
  • heatherannh23
    heatherannh23 Posts: 71 Member
    Hey, I'm Heather (: I'm 22 and I have been overweight all my life. I lost about 40lbs a few years back and felt great but then I gained it back and more due to a series of events. Now I'm back on track and have already lost over 10lbs. I use a few apps that definitely help. I'm on a journey to lose about 130lbs now and I realized today how excited I am and how I feel blessed for getting to go through this. I could have been naturally thin and never deal with this but I am glad I do because I believe it'll build a lot of character and an amazing sense of accomplishment for a girl who never finishes things. I'm open to anyone who wants to befriend me and motivate each other as well.
  • Sunflowerbanana
    Sunflowerbanana Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, everyone My name is Grace. My goal is to lose 20 lbs. I am looking for some weight loss motivation. Good luck to everyone here!
  • sabified
    sabified Posts: 1,035 Member
    Hello :) My name is Sabrina, looking to lose 20lbs by Jan (when I'll be getting married!!). I want to start doing StrongLifts but am so intimidated!
  • Hi everyone my name is Yolanda, I'm 22, I live in New York and I'm always on the run. Im hispanic and loveee to cook but I want to learn how to make healthier yummy food that I can make for my family. I have a three year old daughter and I don't wany her growing up and eating as poor as I used to. I want to try to loose 30 lbs by February 2014, and then work my way lower and lower. I eventually want to weigh 140, as of a couple days ago I weigh 223.7. I would like new friends and motivation or even yummy recipes we can share. I always get tempted with fast food, but I've been doing good so far
  • Hello :) My name is Sabrina, looking to lose 20lbs by Jan (when I'll be getting married!!). I want to start doing StrongLifts but am so intimidated!
    Why are you intimidated? You should never be intimidated when you're going out to do something for yourself! To the rest of you, it's very nice to meet you and you may send me a friend request if you haven't already! Your stories and backgrounds are very motivating, that's what we're all here for!
  • operaprincess1
    operaprincess1 Posts: 89 Member
    Hey, I'm Jessica. I am working to lose 50 lbs and well on my way. My first mini goal is to fit into a dress that I wore on my first date with my husband ( just 8 more pounds) by November 4th and then drop the rest by June. I have started and stopped so many times, but now I am holding myself accountable every step of the way every day. No more excuses.
  • ToFatT0B3S1ck
    ToFatT0B3S1ck Posts: 194 Member
    I'm Amy, 26 years old. I've lost some serious weight already and am so close to my original goal. I want to hit it by the end of the year in the worst way. It's only 13 pounds away. From there, I will reevaluate my goals and continue. My weight loss goal seems to keep going down. The goal on my ticker is the original goal I set as a New Years Resolution in 2011. I put my mind to something and here I am in 2013 finally about to finish it.
  • i'm Sheryl, 38 years old i want to loss 60 kg before 40 birthday next year. 15 months away
  • bmason67
    bmason67 Posts: 886
    Hello my name is Mason. I'll be 47 in Feb. Summer before last I tipped the scales @ 270lbs. Felt like bad and had no energy to do anything. Looking at summer beach vacation photos I realize I also looked pretty bad also. Something had to change, start off slow at first, didn't really diet just cut out the junk, sweets, snacks, soda etc. Join a gym doing carido and weight training. Progress was slow at first but steady. a friend turned me on to MFP earlier this year when my progress began to slow. Since tracking my micros I've lost another 15 lbs. Now I'm becoming a gym rat .. lol I lift hard and heavy 5 days a week. I'm as strong as I've ever been in my life. currently weigh 229. down 41 lbs over past two years. my goal is 215.
  • sabified
    sabified Posts: 1,035 Member
    Hello :) My name is Sabrina, looking to lose 20lbs by Jan (when I'll be getting married!!). I want to start doing StrongLifts but am so intimidated!
    Why are you intimidated? You should never be intimidated when you're going out to do something for yourself! To the rest of you, it's very nice to meet you and you may send me a friend request if you haven't already! Your stories and backgrounds are very motivating, that's what we're all here for!

    Intimidated just to start- I'm one of those people who needs to research a TON before beginning something and I just get so nervous that I'll have the wrong form and hurt myself :( Trying to get other it though!

    Will send a FR :)
  • SandySweats
    SandySweats Posts: 38 Member
    Hi, I am Sandy. My goal from Jan 2013 was to loose some weight. From Jan to July I lost 10 pounds. Beginning in Aug I got serious and got a membership to the Y. I have lost 14 pounds from Aug - yesterday. I want to loose another 36 pounds and get toned up enough to look good. But I want to go slowly enough that it is sustainable, maintainable, and reduces the odds of having a bunch of saggy skin. I am nearly 50 and the skin just ain't what it used to be.

    I do cardio 6 days a week and strength 4 days a week as an upper and lower split. Weight machines (yes I know), body weight, and dumbbells. I well move from the machines to dumbbells and free weights was soon as my coordination is better. I don't want to start dropping things on myself. :-)
  • My name is Lacy.. I am a senior in a nursing program that I will be finishing soon. I have a two year old daughter and the stress between school and her can pile up quickly. For me, stress equals eating which is a horrible habit I have been trying to break... I gained forty pounds with my pregnancy which I was able to lose and then gained it all back due to school and stress... So my first goal is that 40lbs. After I hit that goal I plan to see how I feel..i may decide to continue with my journey..my schedule is crazy but I would like to try and work out 6days/wk mostly cardio.. I want to be a better role model for my daughter and those that I will be taking care of throughout my career..i don't want to be the nurse that is telling her patients to eat better and then goes out and gets a big mac from McDonalds..lol..

    Feel free to add me and good luck to all :-)
  • nisia915
    nisia915 Posts: 19 Member
    Hello! I am 28yrs old. Engaged! Originally joined MFP August 2012 and I weighed 144 pounds, then a car accident the following month led to my downward spiral and I gained 10 pounds in 4months.

    It took 5 more pounds before I snapped out of my funk and made the decision to get back in the game!

    I currently weigh 151.4 pounds, losing 3.6 pounds this month alone! It sucks the ticker won't display this as it is originally set for 144pounds so according to that I have lost ZERO POUNDS. bummer,

    I am getting married February 2015 and I want to be healthy, eat well, feel better!

    I may not be able to run as much as I used to last year but I want to slowly start back up again.

    My ultimate goal is to weigh 125 pounds.
  • krisflower19
    krisflower19 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi I'm Kris

    I'm 20 and a university student (nursing). I've always been larger since I have a problem with binge eating. I enjoy exercise (sports) especially squash and futsal. My goal is to reach 60kgs by Christmas (need to lose 18kgs)
  • Kawkey
    Kawkey Posts: 26 Member
    Hi All,

    I am Katie, I am 22 and am a Senior in Business Administration at my university. My ultimate goal is to loose 40 pounds. But I really want to be down by 20 by my birthday in April.

    I use to be very active but now I do school full time and have a full time job. I am hoping this coming spring I can be back in good enough shape to get rock climbing, lap swimming, and playing soccer again!
  • amandatapar
    amandatapar Posts: 246 Member
    Name: Amanda
    Age: 35 yrs old

    I have 4 kids ages 3 yrs, 10 yrs, 13 yrs, and 15 yrs old. I am married and have been for 16 years now. I work full time as a Occupational Therapy Assistant in skilled facilities. I work two PRN jobs as well where I work as needed when they call me. Two of my kids have activities after school. My 3 yr old takes gymnastics one time a week and My 13 yr old has martial arts classes 3 -4 days a week.

    My goals are to get stronger, healthier, and my ultimate goal weight is 140 pounds. I am 14 pounds away from goal weight now. Yeah. I generally work out 3-5 days a week and I have really taken a liking to running lately but I have had to take a break from working out due to gall bladder surgery on 10/3 and I have a follow up with the doctor on 10/16 and hopefully I am cleared to exercise again then.
  • bc92487
    bc92487 Posts: 22 Member
    Hey guys and gals! I am Bridget. A 25 year old mom of two. Sophi is 5 and Dominic is 3. I have some health issues cause by my weight struggle all my life. Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension... screw that I say. I have to be healthy for me and then my husband and kids. I have lost 25 lbs so far and my husband sure does notice! ;) So does other family members. I go see my neurologist tomorrow morning and I'll see what he has to say about this and that! He better be proud too!!! Lol.
  • I'm Shannon, i live in Florida, I'm a lifeguard, swim instructor and student. Obvious goal is weight-loss and better health, i wish i had the alls to go vegan but that's not an option at the same time i rarely eat meats. My current weight-loss goal is 135.