JMBR start 9/30/13



  • ktno1
    ktno1 Posts: 297 Member
    So I missed my workout yesterday. Life got in the way. Made sure I did it today and going to skip my rest day at the end of the week (since I already had one in the middle of the week) to make sure I stay on track.

    How's everyone going?
  • ngraysmith
    ngraysmith Posts: 46 Member
    I just finished week one, starting week two tomorrow. There's no way I can get through the exercises on any of the DVDs using the form she does. So I just keep moving and doing a modification hopefully that's good enough.I have to admit but I'm finding it hard to imagine that I will be able to go on to phase two after three more weeks.
  • ktno1
    ktno1 Posts: 297 Member
    I just finished week one, starting week two tomorrow. There's no way I can get through the exercises on any of the DVDs using the form she does. So I just keep moving and doing a modification hopefully that's good enough.I have to admit but I'm finding it hard to imagine that I will be able to go on to phase two after three more weeks.

    I found I modified a lot less in week 2 than I did in week 1. But even so, when I did this program last year, I got up to workouts 7 & 8 and was still modifying like crazy. I don't think it really matters as long as you're really pushing yourself to your limits, you will still benefit from the program.
  • KMJ1686
    KMJ1686 Posts: 106 Member
    So I missed my workout yesterday. Life got in the way. Made sure I did it today and going to skip my rest day at the end of the week (since I already had one in the middle of the week) to make sure I stay on track.

    How's everyone going?

    I only workout 5 days a week...I give myself 2 rest days (usually weekend) I start week 3 today...didn't do so well with food wise over the weekend lol But that happens!
  • KMJ1686
    KMJ1686 Posts: 106 Member
    I just finished week one, starting week two tomorrow. There's no way I can get through the exercises on any of the DVDs using the form she does. So I just keep moving and doing a modification hopefully that's good enough.I have to admit but I'm finding it hard to imagine that I will be able to go on to phase two after three more weeks.

    That's long as you keep your heart rate up, motify doing other things...jog in place or something else. We all do it, and possibly still lol I'm going on week 3 today and I remember last year there were things in week 3 and 4 I know I had to motify, I just replace to keep the heart rate up!
  • ktno1
    ktno1 Posts: 297 Member
    I am through with weeks 1 and 2! Woooo! Scared for workout 3 tomorrow morning :/
  • KMJ1686
    KMJ1686 Posts: 106 Member
    I am through with weeks 1 and 2! Woooo! Scared for workout 3 tomorrow morning :/

    I did workout 3 yesterday and forgot how much harder it is lol Weeks 1 & 2 are easy lol
  • ktno1
    ktno1 Posts: 297 Member
    I am through with weeks 1 and 2! Woooo! Scared for workout 3 tomorrow morning :/

    I did workout 3 yesterday and forgot how much harder it is lol Weeks 1 & 2 are easy lol

    I'm sure this will hit me when I do it later today! :(
  • ktno1
    ktno1 Posts: 297 Member
    Ok workout 3 was definitely harder than workouts 1&2, but still doable. I slacked off a bit and kind of gave up for 10-15 seconds on some of the exercises. I was just being negative. But I really could've worked harder and kept up, I think. I wasn't completely exhausted and ready to pass out afterwards so that says to me that I should've pushed a bit harder! I still have 3 more tries at it to do better so I'm happy about that, at least :)
  • KMJ1686
    KMJ1686 Posts: 106 Member
    Workout 6 is, in my opinion, easier than workout 5. I still sweat my butt off don't get me wrong lol But it made me nervous when she said to "enjoy these recovery times because later on there won't be any" oh that gets me motivated to move on lol I'm sore favorite dvd later--cardio...NOT lol I weighed myself today and it says I gained 3lbs, while I know I didn't have a good weekend maybe it caught up to me lol I need to just throw the scale away haha. My actual weigh ins are on Friday so I still have time to loose a couple more pounds or if it stays that weight then so be...can't be discouraged after only 1 week :)
  • ktno1
    ktno1 Posts: 297 Member
    Workout 6 is, in my opinion, easier than workout 5. I still sweat my butt off don't get me wrong lol But it made me nervous when she said to "enjoy these recovery times because later on there won't be any" oh that gets me motivated to move on lol I'm sore favorite dvd later--cardio...NOT lol I weighed myself today and it says I gained 3lbs, while I know I didn't have a good weekend maybe it caught up to me lol I need to just throw the scale away haha. My actual weigh ins are on Friday so I still have time to loose a couple more pounds or if it stays that weight then so be...can't be discouraged after only 1 week :)

    She makes the higher levels sound sooooo hard! :(

    Scales suck. Have you been taking measurements? I doubt you could've gained 3lbs in a single weekend. There's daily fluctuations and such to take into account, which is why weighing early generally isn't a good idea I guess because you don't get the full picture of the week's progress.

    This is a discouragement free zone :P Let's kick some booty!
  • melissa44
    melissa44 Posts: 57 Member
    Hiya Everyone

    I have been doing JMBR for about 5 weeks now, I am on Phase 2 workouts 5 and 6 :) The intensity is turning up, but in the first month I remember I could not do ANY jumping jacks, running mans, anything that caused me to jump even a inch off the floor lol. I did notice now I could do more in that regard so that makes me believe I am improving slowly. I do have osteoarthritis in both knees from once being 400 pounds for 10 years, I damaged my joints, so I need to be careful. I have lost 10 pounds in 6 weeks and have consistently done JMBR and kettle bell work outs 5 days a week. Slow and consistent is what wins the race right girls! I am proud that I have kept the commitment to myself and a MFP group called the biggest loser competition season 5 which runs 8 weeks at a time. The online daily support and challenges have kept me accountable and consistent.
  • KMJ1686
    KMJ1686 Posts: 106 Member
    She makes the higher levels sound sooooo hard! :(

    Scales suck. Have you been taking measurements? I doubt you could've gained 3lbs in a single weekend. There's daily fluctuations and such to take into account, which is why weighing early generally isn't a good idea I guess because you don't get the full picture of the week's progress.

    This is a discouragement free zone :P Let's kick some booty!

    Scales do suck lol and I like your "this is a discouragement free zone" lol I did measurements when I first started and will do re-take them after each Phase...the 27th I'll re-do them...28th begins Phase 2! Wow I can't believe a week from Monday it'll be time for that lol I still have the pair of pants I bought that last year that fit but were a tiny bit snug and those were 3 sizes smaller from last years weight and I looked at the reciept and I bought them the first week of November, I think I started to notice change in weeks 3 & 4 so I hope it's the same this time too :)

    I agree---Lets kick some booty! :)
  • KMJ1686
    KMJ1686 Posts: 106 Member
    Hiya Everyone

    I have been doing JMBR for about 5 weeks now, I am on Phase 2 workouts 5 and 6 :) The intensity is turning up, but in the first month I remember I could not do ANY jumping jacks, running mans, anything that caused me to jump even a inch off the floor lol. I did notice now I could do more in that regard so that makes me believe I am improving slowly. I do have osteoarthritis in both knees from once being 400 pounds for 10 years, I damaged my joints, so I need to be careful. I have lost 10 pounds in 6 weeks and have consistently done JMBR and kettle bell work outs 5 days a week. Slow and consistent is what wins the race right girls! I am proud that I have kept the commitment to myself and a MFP group called the biggest loser competition season 5 which runs 8 weeks at a time. The online daily support and challenges have kept me accountable and consistent.

    Running mans are hard lol I find Cardio 1 hard lol That's great that you are improving! Jillian is tough! I just bought a kettle bell, what kind of exercises are you doing? I only bought 10lbs, only size they had. Great weightloss too!!!!
  • Claude1985
    Claude1985 Posts: 23 Member
    I'm exactly at the same day as you KMJ1686. Doing my cardio 1 from week 3 of JMBR today. Week 3 is definitely harder than week 1 and 2. I lost 3 lbs but I am counting calories with MFP also. No inches lost yet so maybe just water weight? I'll see I guess. I decided to measure myself every 2 weeks. Hoping to see inches lost at the end of next week.
  • ktno1
    ktno1 Posts: 297 Member
    I'm exactly at the same day as you KMJ1686. Doing my cardio 1 from week 3 of JMBR today. Week 3 is definitely harder than week 1 and 2. I lost 3 lbs but I am counting calories with MFP also. No inches lost yet so maybe just water weight? I'll see I guess. I decided to measure myself every 2 weeks. Hoping to see inches lost at the end of next week.

    Who knows how all that weight is shifting around? Could be anything! My weightloss always perplexes me. I remember losing nothing (inches or weight) for three weeks then at the end of the fourth week I lost 2kg and an inch off my waist and hips. So weird!

    I hope everyone one will post their phase 1 results here so we can check our progress. That would be cool :)
  • Happytofu
    Happytofu Posts: 27 Member
    I start P1W3 today... and I modified my schedule so today will be both 3 and 4. You guys are making me dread it!!

    Also, I see your scale-hating and raise you mirror hating. I've been having issues with bloating, likely caused by potatoes (the only recent addition to my diet) and my weight regularly fluctuates 2kg so I do my weekly weigh-ins but don't focus on it. If you track your calories honestly and carefully, and don't overestimate your exercise burn, you lose fat. It's simple. For me, avoiding the scale actually motivates me much more to stay strict with calorie counting.

    Also, I have a photo on my phone of a girl's before/after that is really close to my before and my goal. She goes from lean but a little flabby to very toned and GAINED 4kg in doing so. That picture, the obvious progress shown by upping my weighs/cardio seeming too easy/accomplishing new forms and the solid math of calories is all I need. My scale and mirror can die in a fire.
  • ktno1
    ktno1 Posts: 297 Member
    Ok I know I said this is a discouragement free zone but seriously these new workouts are depressing me! There are some things that I just can NOT do.

    Workout 3:
    Pushups - just no. Each time I did one or two then went straight to my knees
    Plankups - did not even attempt these on my toes, would've fallen flat on my face!
    Crab dips - WHY? Curse my weakling triceps and all the flab that coats them!

    Workout 4:
    The plank leg raise things - my shoulders were SO sore from yesterday's workout that there was no possible way I could hold plank for that long. I did alternating donkey kicks instead so at least I was still working my butt!
    Hollow man - HOW is this possible? I can only do it with my legs bent at 90 degrees, can't even get them within a foot of the floor. It's not that it hurts my abs too much, they're just not strong enough to hold the position so I feel pain in my lower back if I try to push too hard :(
    Teres (sp?) pulls right at the end - I could vaguely feel the intended muscle working but it was overwhelmed by the burning in my shoulders and biceps - not sure if I'm doing it right :/

    That's all I have to complain about. Ugh! I'm still determined to keep going. If I can do just ONE rep of each of those things and then increase it by the next time I do the workout, I'll be happy.
  • Happytofu
    Happytofu Posts: 27 Member
    I just finished W3 and I honestly didn't think it was too bad until toward the end. Plankups SUCK but I was able to get through them and even mostly match their speed.

    Six weeks ago, I did my first static plank ever. I could barely do it. Static dolphin plank for more than three seconds was out of the question. Now I'm keeping up with their speedier plankups. I did R30 W1and W2 before BR, W2 of which includes two straight minutes of plank cardio (JILLIAN YOU MONSTER), so by BRW1 I was okay to do the harder planks (with alternating lifted legs), so there was definitely a progression... but it didn't take long. You'll definitely get there.

    R30W1 starts with military pushups, and I was doing modified. W2 is crow pushups, which I couldn't even do modified, so I kept doing regular modified. I did modified for BRW1 as well. Today I did TWO WHOLE regular pushups... before switching to modified.

    But still! There is hope, even for those of us with pathetic excuses for triceps! This is what I meant earlier when I talked about meaningful, measurable progress beyond just weight.

  • ktno1
    ktno1 Posts: 297 Member
    I just finished W3 and I honestly didn't think it was too bad until toward the end. Plankups SUCK but I was able to get through them and even mostly match their speed.

    Six weeks ago, I did my first static plank ever. I could barely do it. Static dolphin plank for more than three seconds was out of the question. Now I'm keeping up with their speedier plankups. I did R30 W1and W2 before BR, W2 of which includes two straight minutes of plank cardio (JILLIAN YOU MONSTER), so by BRW1 I was okay to do the harder planks (with alternating lifted legs), so there was definitely a progression... but it didn't take long. You'll definitely get there.

    R30W1 starts with military pushups, and I was doing modified. W2 is crow pushups, which I couldn't even do modified, so I kept doing regular modified. I did modified for BRW1 as well. Today I did TWO WHOLE regular pushups... before switching to modified.

    But still! There is hope, even for those of us with pathetic excuses for triceps! This is what I meant earlier when I talked about meaningful, measurable progress beyond just weight.


    Haha you inspire me! :)

    Next time I do that workout I am going to do THREE WHOLE pushups! I might even surprise myself and do four. Who knows?


    (right after my muscles stop crying...)