Squat-tober: October check in and chat



  • beccamh
    beccamh Posts: 85 Member
    For feeling like you're falling off benching if you want to do it plifting style you can pull your legs really far back. My training partner is 4'11" and she does okay this way, but still prefers to put stone mats under her feet. They are a bit thinner than a plate. YMMV.

    I am going to try this too. Next bench press is Saturday will let you know how it goes! :)
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Went to the gym.... lifted heavy things... put them back down... no injuries this time around. Also I have been doing my required cardio for the October month experiment. :)
    Everyone is doing great BTW.
  • 6550mom
    6550mom Posts: 206 Member
    Trying to get back on track here. Stalled or burned out on 5X5- 150 squat, 73 bench, 62.5 ohp, 165 deads, 80 rows. Started to deload, but think I will switch to 5/3/1 instead. I tried a workout today and it just felt right and so, so goooood.

    Liking the looks of the Triumvirate for accessory

    The Triumvirate
    Day 1
    Overhead Press - 5/3/1
    Dips - 5 sets of 15 reps
    Chin-ups - 5 sets of 10 reps

    Day 2
    Deadlift - 5/3/1
    Good Morning - 5 sets of 12 reps
    Hanging Leg Raise - 5 sets of 15 reps

    Day 3
    Bench Press - 5/3/1
    Dumbbell Bench Press - 5 sets of 15 reps
    Dumbbell Row - 5 sets of 10 reps

    Day 4
    Squat - 5/3/1
    Leg Press - 5 sets of 15 reps
    Leg Curl - 5 sets of 10 reps

    and used...http://www.strstd.com to formulate my workout for me.

    I hope that's correct ... or close enough to get me a good routine. I am playing around with it this week (did day 3 just for kicks) and may start for reals next week.

    I'm still trying to figure out what the heck happened that I gained so much weight when I was 'off' for 2 months- gained 11 pounds!! and was sick for a good part of it, so not sure how??? I also know I wasn't 'good' about taking my thyroid medicine. So, I have to wonder if poor nutrition and low thyroid was a double whammy to my metabolism because in 2 months of being back, I haven't lost an ounce or a fraction of an inch.

    I guess I just have to go with that, but I hope it recovers soon because I am maintaining at 1450 cals. That means I'd have to be in the dreaded 1200 range to see decent weight loss. I can't stand that. I was doing a good 1600-1700 and losing before all this happened. SIGH.

    Hoping the change up in routine along with more protein and maybe some cardio will kick it up again.

    Any other thoughts are welcome?
  • aliciaje
    Hello Ladies!

    It was deadlift day! Wooo! I did front squat 120 2x5, OHP 5x91, Deads 5x282. Then I did chins and curls. After that I had a nice 40 minute or so walk around the track. I have a fitbit flex so when I walk I don't really pay attention to how far.

    For feeling like you're falling off benching if you want to do it plifting style you can pull your legs really far back. My training partner is 4'11" and she does okay this way, but still prefers to put stone mats under her feet. They are a bit thinner than a plate. YMMV.

    Holy smokes I am in AWE!

    B today:
    Squat: 140lbs
    OHP: Stayed at 65lbs and failed on last set :S
    Pullups: 3x2
    Chinups: 3x1

    So I uncharacteristically did NOT have coffee this morning, and I definitely felt a bit weaker and slower in the gym today. I remember reading something about the affects of caffiene being positive on athletes. I guess my Starbies addiction ain't all bad!

    6550 I really wish I could help you, but I don't have any experience with thyroid issues and metabolism. I have been stalled on weight loss since June. I would say you need to put the scale into a deep dark corner of the basement. The measuring tape is the only thing I trust now. The inches are coming off slowly for me with lifting but I can definitely notice I am firmer. It has taken a month of 3x per week to move 1/4 of an inch on my waist.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    So I uncharacteristically did NOT have coffee this morning, and I definitely felt a bit weaker and slower in the gym today. I remember reading something about the affects of caffiene being positive on athletes. I guess my Starbies addiction ain't all bad!

    Man this could be what was missing this morning. :sad:
  • LauraLouFace
    LauraLouFace Posts: 56 Member
    Hey ladies! I've been following this group for quite some time but was finally able to start Stronglifts last week (in my garage) So, wrapping up week 2 today :) I'm a SAHM and have to get creative to fit in my workouts with a 3 month old and 2 year old, but so far so good, and I LOVE the program! I wanted to introduce myself finally and let you all know how helpful I've already found the info you put out in this group!
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    Welcome and well done!

    I'm excited cos I have the trial session with the PT at the new gym.. slightly apprehensive in case he's not au fait with the SS style of lifting though.. eek!
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    You know the gym you are about to join us a good fit when you ask if they sell chalk and they say no, but they are getting some which will be free to her!
  • slowlow1
    slowlow1 Posts: 31 Member
    my progress so far:

    Squats -135 lbs
    OHP 73 lbs (this one is HARD),
    Dead Lifts - 135 lbs (Easy thinking about starting to increase by 10 lbs instead of 5 lbs next time)
    Rows - 90 lbs (this is difficult too)
    Bench Press - 85 lbs

    The OHP is a BEAR!!! I tried to do 75 lbs (got it up 2 or 3 times) but I knew I couldn't keep it up.
    Rows start out great but by the last 2 sets I have a hard time getting the bar to touch my chest.

    If anyone has any suggestions I on OHP or Rows I would love to hear them.
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    So I uncharacteristically did NOT have coffee this morning, and I definitely felt a bit weaker and slower in the gym today. I remember reading something about the affects of caffiene being positive on athletes. I guess my Starbies addiction ain't all bad!

    Man this could be what was missing this morning. :sad:

    Seriously lifting in the morning without coffee is impossible. I'm impressed you lifted at all ;)

    Slow- you are supposed to increase DL by 10lbs/Session if you're doing it by the book. Also I say this everywhere, but make sure you are giving yourself adequate rest between sets.
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    I actually -did- a happy dance in the new gym!
    So.. met with Dan, he actually competes, our only point of difference was he wanted my head more up (straight ahead) than down on the squats.. but hey, I did 70kg for a single with lovely form so I am happy happy happy (57.5kg for 3x5 was my previous best!). I KNEW my squats were lagging badly, now I know I can grow them up. Some good cues - 'heels' (apparently I'm not really engaging my butt.. so this is to stop me tipping forward too far and to push up/back through my butt). And 'chest up' - this stops the forward tip on the way up, we are -getting- there. Still happy dancing!

    OHP said my form was just fine, and agreed it's a beast and a pain but worth it. Suggested a slightly wider grip and have the bar higher (almost on my neck?!) - not sure about the bar height but the hands is worth a go. Need to try this for a proper session to see if it makes much difference.

    Deadlift - got me pushing my hips down, squeezing my shoulders back, tightening, then letting my hips rise and focusing on speed of the bar after it passed my knees. Was happy with my form at 80kg and felt that 90 was nowhere near my max with my better form (direct quote '90 my bottom!').. so looking forward to progress here.

    Bench - I've had my arms slightly too far back, helpful exercise with the empty bar - at full extension slowly move it forward (it becomes very heavy at some point) and back (ditto). There is a spot in the middle where it fees 'weightless' - which was further forward than I've been having it. This is also the point where it will move in a straight line. After that he declared my form just fine, but we were an hour and a quarter into a 40 minute free trial by this point so didn't do anything more lol..

    Oh, did I mention? Happy dance!!!
  • aliciaje
    ^^ Excellent!!! That must be such a relief to know you are doing everything right. I am going to book a session soon to make sure I am doing everything correct as I am starting to properly challenge myself now.

    Squat: 140lbs.. again :|
    Bench: 90lbs :) Felt like a beast
    ROWS: I have decided to replace Inverted Rows with barbell rows, because I was having a hard time getting the inverted rows to focus on my back and it was all in my arms. First time doing rows, I like em! 55lbs

    Well that is good to know you are supposed to increase DL by 10lbs!! I have been wondering why everyone has such high number for their DL's and I am only at the lowly 140.

    PS. I can't believe I put "affect of caffiene" instead of "EFFECT of caffeine" my sincerest apologies to any grammar police.
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    Just seen there is a powerlifting comp just down the road from me in 6 weeks.. maybe next year eh?! Might see if I can watch a bit this year..
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member

    PS. I can't believe I put "affect of caffiene" instead of "EFFECT of caffeine" my sincerest apologies to any grammar police.

    If you haven't had any/enough caffeine then you're allowed to make all kinds of mistakes- including grammar. It's in the constitution somewhere! Not sure about non-Americans. Sorry friends! :ohwell:

    Lydia its great you're getting all kinds of form fixes!

    Today I had a great workout, but I am sooooooooo excited for my deload week next week. It will feel fabulous. :drinker:
    I did squats 170x3, bench 132x3, row 93x3, dips and tricep extentions/pulldowns whatever. With the rope. Wheeeeee.
  • aliciaje
    I'm Canadian, so close enough :)

    Fittreelol YOU ROCK GIRL!

    Lydia.... DOOO IT!
  • 6550mom
    6550mom Posts: 206 Member
    You all are awesome and you inspire me everyday... and I sure have needed it lately. Feeling good DOMS after doing my new routine yesterday and the day before. Ahhhhh. Hurts so good. I'm optimistic that this will kick-start my metabolism and start to change my body again soon. :)

    Keep going ladies- YOU ROCK!!
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    Alicia, deadline for entry is today, and I'm not lifting enough to make it worthwhile.. I'm very tempted for next year though which I never thought I would say!
  • zanyzana
    zanyzana Posts: 248 Member
    Well, knock me over with a feather... My missing barbell arrived during the week and I thought it was a 20kg one like my other one (when I ordered 15kg). I just weighed myself and each of the barbells (nearly cried - I've put on so much weight!) and both the bloody things are 15kg! I thought my lifting was going so well.... Never mind, the weights have been growing and so have my guns, I've just got the number wrong. Dammit - 20kg is a nice number to start with, 15kg is much more difficult to mathemeticalise!

    Does this mean I have to start again again? Nah.... I'll just pretend I never found out the truth!

    Meanwhile, dodgy knees just aren't up for the squats part of this program so many times a week. My PT is really focusing on them, trying to help me sort them out and grow some leg strength to ease the knees. It seems I need to really build up my quads, hammies and glutes, but don't actually engage them when I squat., which is why my knees are in so much pain. And my hips don't play ball either. Stupid body. She reckons I should see a specialist, just to find out what is going on for sure.... I'll just have to get around to it sometime, I suppose....

    Getting old sucks!

    But I still want to be a badass lifter, so will do all the other lifts anyway (damn you stupid knees!)
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    Mixed session. 55kg squats were good, used my toner box as a tubow!
    Bench 42.5kg 1.5, roll of shame, bloke picked it up off my lap and reracked it for me. Embarrassing!

    Rows 50kg 355 obviously the first set I was thinking about the bench still!

    Pullups 3 with 25kg assistance, 5 at 30kg.

    Out to lunch at ask, eating pasta with chicken, pesto and zucchini!
  • roxylola
    roxylola Posts: 540 Member
    Well lots has gone on over the weekend. Amazing lifting ladies!

    So I hit the gym this evening, 20 minutes on the arc, followed by what would be day 1 of the program in the book I got. It's good but going to take to long to do every day. So plan now is SL as my regular workout and the other as a change up for when I have some time to spare.

    Today was "chest day" Warm up bench at 12.5kg 2x10, 17.5kgx10 Then 3x8 at 22.5kg - a bit of a reduction on what I was doing with 5x5 but not lifted for a week and I was doing more volume so I reckon it evens out. Also only 1 minute between sets allowed. Followed this with a set of cable crunches bent knee leg raises and cycle crunches. Then incline press at 20kg 3x8 and between each set I worked the ab set too. I like this bit as my rests feel productive. Then followed with 3x5 dips at 27kg on the machine thing.

    Bit done in now as I have had a busy day and been out with the dogs for an hour too.

    Also just found out that my OH's mother has passed away so no idea what the next few weeks are going to be like now!