Welcome Introductions



  • hopperem
    hopperem Posts: 228 Member
    I'm Emma 46 with two kids. I need to shift 20lbs. Have been on MFP for ages but haven't really been focused - but this is it! Have just done 30 DS over last six weeks (not quite 30 days but took weekends off for my poor aching limbs to recover) and doing it again as the results were AMAZING. I run 5-8k once a week and do yoga once a week. Am also trying 5:2 diet - just done one week - and trying to stick to 1400 cals other days. So far is working!
  • Nushuz
    Nushuz Posts: 20 Member
    I'm Jo and I'm 52 and about to turn 53 in two weeks time. My goal is to lose 50lbs and never find them again. I've been a yoyo dieter since I was 20 and no more! I have joined the gym and am changing my life forever. Some days it's hard to break the old habits, but I am moving forward and the weight is slowly going. It's great to be part of this group.
  • I am 34 years old, over the past 8 years I have put on 100lbs. I want to get back to where I was, feeling good about myself, looking good, in a healthy state and I'm just getting started on the right path. I'm taking baby steps, but it will all fall into place. I married with 3 children 12,11, and 9 and they help motivate me. :heart: :smile:
  • nerge
    nerge Posts: 52 Member
    Hi all,
    My name is Dee and I am currently living in Sydney. Over the last 4 years I've been at my heaviest and lightest (that I can remember). I'm sick of Fad diets and just trying to clean up my eating. Trying to get 2x kettlebell classes a week and 2x runs along with 3/4 walks a week. Unfortunately scale is going nowhere yet so really at a loss. As I'm on a working holiday it's hard to be over disciplined and say no to lunches/dinners out. so trying to do as much as I can - healthy breakfast lunch and dinner and snacks and on days that I'm eating out I'm trying to make good decisions.

    My aim is to get from 147 lbs to 126.... it seems like a mountain.... if 1 lb comes off I know it'll motivate me but just looking for that one lb!!
  • 1flowergirl
    1flowergirl Posts: 57 Member
    Hi all!,
    I'm Schatzie,50 happily married to a man who loves me at any weight, started this april 15,2012 at 274lbs,could not tie my shoes anymore without sounding like I just ran a half marathon, I knew that if I could get to 274,I would no doubt hit 300lbs very soon,when would it stop? ,I needed help,so I started this journey,again, did not say a word to anyone except my husband,I knew I would fail,again. Too many nights crying in the shower,feeling hopeless,and helpless.I said nothing to anyone because I knew they would smerk when I told them this time I will do it,and guess what I AM doing it, guess whos smerking now! 88lbs down,lots of tears,poor poor me pity partys,and frustration along this journey,and I'm sure more to come.
    I've been stuck with no loss for 2 months now,am I throwing in the towel?No, I do not want to go back where I was,I hate the fact that I will never be able to relax and just eat what I want anytime ever again;thats life.Don't take me wrong I still eat anything I want,just not every day,small price to pay.I am by no means losing as quickly as I had planned,I could really ratchet down and drop alot quicker but why?I know I will get to goal someday,about 43lbs to go,NEVER have I gone this far down this road,I love what I see and do not plan on making a uturn back.It is great going into any restaurant and fitting into any booth,shopping in any store,and walking up to my nephew,saturday at my husbands softball game ,and having him say "youv'e lost a ****ton of weight!!"
    I do kickboxing 5x a week,30-45 minutes,have cut back a bit(old,tired and chubby,not fat),and new rules of lifting for women 3X a week 1st stage(3rd time) am moving into stage 2 next week,already seeing things changing,just not the scale!(for now).
    I am finding that attitude is everything,and I choose to make the changes I have,so I can live the life I want.
  • holybell
    holybell Posts: 69 Member
    Hi, I'm Yetunde. I'm 18 and I have always struggled to lose weight ever since my pre-teens. I never had any health problems and I wore the clothes I desired. Then I got knee surgery. I realized my weight might get in the way of my recovery, but it didn't hit me then. I started to really I wasn't as small as i thought. I couldn't go jogging with my friends, I couldn't wear the things I liked, and I felt like I was distancing myself from others. I am in my 2nd year of college and I want to change for the better. College is a place to find myself and a place of change. I'm not aiming to be a size 0 or anything. I just want to feel better about myself and be confident.
  • MelissaRettie
    MelissaRettie Posts: 48 Member
    My name is Melissa. My main goal is to get back in shape after my most recent pregnancy. My youngest is now three months old. I have been doing cardio for the past seven weeks and I recently incorporated strength training. I have always been concerned only about weight and never focused on being healthy. So this time I am looking to get fit and gain muscle!!
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    Hi, all!

    Brandi, 42, and am continuing my long-term journey of getting fit. I'm within 5 pounds of my goal weight, but at this point, the scale doesn't matter. It's more how I look and feel.

    I'm working on gaining strength and reducing my bodyfat % so my look is more defined than it is currently. I took up running at the beginning of the year and love it. I have my first half in about a month. I do StrongLifts for strength training and love that, too. Becoming healthy and active has been the best thing ever. I also play sports on the weekends (flag football and softball). Life is good. :smile:
  • tomomatic
    tomomatic Posts: 1,794 Member

    I'm Tom. 35 years old. I've had some success on MFP but slid back into my old routines. I am father of three wonderful little girls. The youngest was born last week.

    My goal is simply reducing my body fat. I don't care about the number on the scale because I've seen this stay the same while my body composition has shifted favorably (and unfavorably). I'm here to get on the wagon and stay there.

    I've found a great group of friends on MFP that keep me in stitches from laughter. Everyone one of them is a hero and inspires me in some way.
  • jenny8902
    jenny8902 Posts: 46 Member
    Hello :)

    My name is Jenny. I'm 30 years old, I have an 11 year old daughter and I have been yo-yo-ing with the same 55 lbs since I had her. I recently joined a local gym, and have committed myself to going mon-fri. So far I've been concentrating on cardio and I've set a goal for myself to burn 700 calories each time I'm there (via my polar hrm)
    I've never been so motivated to get fit in my entire life and for the first time I in my life I know that I'm going to reach my goal.
  • Hi Everyone,

    Im 25 hoping to loose around 14lbs. Main goals are just to tone up and be happy with myself "Being the Best Me that I can Be". Have just signed up to complete a half Marathon on 2nd March 2014 (I have never run before) so its going to be a massive commitment for me especially working the training around all of my studying.

    Really getting into the friends thing on here and logging every day so please feel free to add!
  • Hi - I am 28 years old, I have a 7 year old son in 2nd grade. I work full time (roughly 11 hour days with driving time) Monday - Friday...in addition to being a mom and housewife ;). I have always put my family before me but have realized that I need to take care of myself and lead a good example to my family - I have realized that when I am not happy with myself (because I didn't lose weight, or something doesn't fit right, or I didn't stick with a diet or exercise plan to the tee), I feel defeated and take it out on everyone around me which isn't fair. Other times that I worked out with a group or plan I would get "scared" or something if I messed up and I would shut down and back out of the group but I don't feel that way on here. I am starting to live by the motto "life happens and just because I have a bad day doesn't mean I have failed at everything forever".

    My mindset is to stay dedicated and my goal is to get toned and lose inches - regardless what the scale states (though I would like to see it go down 5-10 pounds as well). I always was intimidated by weights thinking I would bulk up but then realized the importance of them. I have lose 40 pounds since last August but mostly doing cardio, lots of cardio so my skin is not tones nor is my body how I would like it to look had I used weights in addition to the cardio.

    I am at the point I was a year ago - where I am determined to do this! I am glad MFP and everyone on here is here to help!!!
  • 1dce
    1dce Posts: 238 Member
    hello :smile: My name is Dawn
    I am not necessarily trying to lose weight I am however just trying to be stronger and healthier. I go to the gym 4 to 5 times a week then hike at least a couple times a month usually more. I love the feeling of a great workout sweat pouring off your face and legs week lol anyway That's me nice to meet you :happy:
  • Oh_Allie
    Oh_Allie Posts: 258 Member
    Hey everyone, I'm Allie. I'm a 28-year old work-at-home mom to a 3-year old. I'm a long way from my goals, but I'm here every day. I've been consistent for the past 2 months and I'm down 22 pounds which leaves me like a million to go, (or 172 to put me right at 200 total lost).

    I've been up and down my whole life, I've lost a bunch of weight before only to have life smack me in the face repeatedly and I fell off the wagon more times than I can count, but I'm here though, getting back up every day and pushing through.

    I'm always looking for new friends, so feel free to add me. :)
  • kaylikee
    kaylikee Posts: 68 Member
    Hello.my name is kaylee and I'm 30 years old. I'm married with a 20 month old son. I've battled with my weight all my life. I managed to lose 80 pounds a couple years ago but I changed jobs then was pregnant and gained it all back. I have recently lost 47 but want to lose at least 75 more. any tips let me know :)
  • ANKeefer
    ANKeefer Posts: 3 Member
    Hi all! My name is Alyssa, I am 26, no kids, currently deployed to Afghanistan. I have lost 35lbs since March, 8% body fat and over 15inches. I lift everyday along with double bouts of cardio. I have been in Afghanistan over a year and I am lucky enough to be here with my husband who is a beast and has been my acting personal trainer. I lost 22lbs using Insanity and T25 along with lifting in the gym. I do take any supplements except Vitamin D and N-Acetyl Cysteine. I do use pre workout C4 for the extra boost to my lifts.

    I track everything I put in my mouth including the fun size candy bars (insert wink face). I have had great success sticking to the same meals over and over. I am live off of protein, tuna, and what little vegetables I can get here!

    My current goals are to lose 15-20lbs more, I am looking not to tone but to be cut. I really enjoy lifting and more so heavy lifting as it keeps my heart rate up, women should not be afraid to lift, remember your muscles continue to burn long after your done working out, where as cardio stops burning shortly thereafter.

    I am always open to new support and giving support on the journey to healthy and fit, so please add me!
  • mos1971
    mos1971 Posts: 57 Member
    My name is mos im 41 i have been struggling the last 10 months but i need to improve my life style again started drinking again after a year off thats where my problem is the lager, im planning on losing 2 stone by march 2014
  • Hi everyone

    My name is Debs and I'm a 39 year old living in Northern Ireland. My main goal is to get 30 minutes of exercise into my day outside of walking my dog. It appears that my body is too used to doing that as a form of exercise and so I need to up the ante so to speak. Starting 30 day Shred tomorrow. Yikes!

    :bigsmile: x D
  • SueGeer
    SueGeer Posts: 1,169 Member
    Hi ev1,

    I'm Sue. aged 51 frm UK. I've been married 29 years & have 3 sons aged 19-28, a 13-month-old grand-daughter & #2 grandchild due in March. I reached my goal of 130 in 2011....coincidentally on my 49th birthday :smile: . Unfortunately over the following year I gained 28lbs due to many celebrations in 2012.....son's 18th, my 50th, sister's 25th wedding anniversary, another son's wedding, other sister's wedding and a 2-week cruise!!!!! Now seriously back on it with the help of my 'extended family' at the gym. 8lbs to go.....:smile:
  • groovy_D
    groovy_D Posts: 8 Member
    Hi! I'm Denise... friends call me "D." I'm 47 and a few years back I was weighing in at 250. I'm losing slowly, but I'm not in a race and I'm at a point where I enjoy working out. It feels good! I have 20+ lbs to go to goal and I'm doing this! So glad to be here with you all. :-)