Daily Check In Thread



  • jeffd247
    jeffd247 Posts: 319 Member
    W6D1 was more work than w5d3 lol. That is what a long night of rum and candy will get you!
  • zorbaru
    zorbaru Posts: 1,077 Member
    redid w4d3 tonight. wasnt flash but i made it through. however i did also do a 65minute ride in heat this arvo (albeit not a quick one) and ate fish and chips for tea so all in all i pushed it through and still broke the 3km not include WU and CD so on to week 5 next week.
  • besdais
    besdais Posts: 76 Member
    You all are so encouraging. I'm only on W1D2, and I think I'm so cool lol. Thanks for being inspiring and making me think this is do-able.
  • galipemi1
    galipemi1 Posts: 68 Member
    I love the accountability of this thread (it's so easy to give up on a new exercise plan). I just finished W2D3 today - still feeling pretty good. Trying not to think about running 3minutes next week :)
  • zorbaru
    zorbaru Posts: 1,077 Member
    start on week 5 tonight. the 3x5min run doesnt seem like an upgrade from from week 4, the 2x8min and 1x20min should be interesting tho.

    bring it on.
  • zorbaru
    zorbaru Posts: 1,077 Member
    smashed it tonight

    3x5min run intervals at 6:28min/km, 6:20min/km and 6:00min/km respectively.

    really stoked with that last one, is my fastest 5min interval to date. really pushed it out hard. i find it easier to push out the last one cos you kind of have an idea of where its going to end based on where you started the 1st interval and when you know when something is going to end you can really push it out.
  • sinca21
    sinca21 Posts: 41 Member
    Wow, zorbaru, great times! I am still moving pretty slow. My average pace including warm up and cool down on my W6D1 run was 14:23 but I was pleased with that. Though my slow run was really highlighted today as I started a bootcamp program and there was sprinting and I got left in the dust. I couldn't do anything but laugh and keep trying. I'm hoping the short sprints will help me pick up the pace with the 5K training. I haven't even hit 2.5 miles yet.

    Hope everyone still working the program is doing well!
  • zorbaru
    zorbaru Posts: 1,077 Member
    Wow, zorbaru, great times! I am still moving pretty slow. My average pace including warm up and cool down on my W6D1 run was 14:23 but I was pleased with that. Though my slow run was really highlighted today as I started a bootcamp program and there was sprinting and I got left in the dust. I couldn't do anything but laugh and keep trying. I'm hoping the short sprints will help me pick up the pace with the 5K training. I haven't even hit 2.5 miles yet.

    Hope everyone still working the program is doing well!

    my ave pace for w5d1 is 7:53 (inc warm up and cool down) which is about 12m52/mile

    my goal for w5d3 is to avg 6:40 pace (not incl warm up and cool down) for at least 3km for the 20mins
  • besdais
    besdais Posts: 76 Member
    Finished the first week today. I was thrilled that the running wasn't hard, but my knees are hurting. This better not stop me. I'm going to look for knee strengthening exercises to do tomorrow and on my off days. I don't want to have to quit this, I'm too excited!
  • carolina822
    carolina822 Posts: 155 Member
    Ended up taking a couple of extra rest days (read: being a slacker) and started week 5 tonight. It wasn't too bad, but I think I need to go over to the flat trail instead of my neighborhood. Hills are painful!
  • zorbaru
    zorbaru Posts: 1,077 Member
    Ended up taking a couple of extra rest days (read: being a slacker) and started week 5 tonight. It wasn't too bad, but I think I need to go over to the flat trail instead of my neighborhood. Hills are painful!

    yeh bugger doing hills. my track is slightly up hill for the 1st half and obviously slightly downhill on the way back. which is perfect because the down hill cancels out the exhaustedness of the first half.
  • candiceh3
    I got a cold so yesterday I had to skip c25k and that felt awful. I still got to walk 5 km at 7 km/hr (4.5mph). Reckon I can walk again tonight to retain some fitness or do I HAVE to have two days apart even when walking?
  • jeffd247
    jeffd247 Posts: 319 Member
    Week 6 has been the weirdest C25k week so far. Let me tell you a tale...

    My development makes a giant horse-shoe shape, with a Cul-de-sac at each end. At the end of our street there is a cul-de-sac where an old woman who is/was very sick. You rarely ever saw her and if you did you would get the impression that a light breeze would blow her away. She was all skin and bones.

    Starting late in the summer no one saw her outside anymore and her dog stopped barking at us on our walks. The house was always dark, the papers started to pile up and the grass got really long. One day landscaping company came and cleaned up the lot, but still... no sign of anyone in the house. We assumed the worst. About a month ago, one of the kids in the neighborhood reported seeing an ambulance at her house with someone being wheeled out.

    Everyone thought she might have died, but the week before last my neighbor said that he saw her out at night walking with a walker, and a few days later I was sure that I saw her walking down at her end of the street without the need of any aide. I assumed she had to be hospitalized but was out and feeling better. Still there are no lights and no activity at her house.

    Friday night I was on my run and it was just a creepy night. We had been talking about her earlier that evening and I decided I wasn't going to run down to her end of the development because I had the heebeegeebees.

    I was on a walking interval when a neighbor from the other side of the development (who I do not speak to ever) was backing out of his driveway. He let me walk by and I got ahead of him a bit down the road when he pulled his car up next to me and he rolled down the window...

    He looked confused and asked, "Didn't you just have someone with you?"

    I sort of snapped back at him, "What the heck did you just say?

    Again looking confused he said, "I swear you were walking with a woman when you walked by my house, and as I pulled up behind you she was there, but when I pulled up next to you she was gone. Weird"

    My heart literally sunk, "Dude, I'm alone..

    He shrugged and started to drive off, and I just ran. I ran the last running interval and straight into my house completely spooked out.

    Last night, I did not want to run outside. Our treadmill has been skipping and it's almost dangerous to run on it, but I tried anyways. Beyond the fact that I am now convinced the possibly dead lady down the street is following me around the development... it was pretty cold. I fired up the treadmill but once it got over 4mph it started to stick and skip. I thought I might break my neck so I stopped and cursed out the machine for a while.

    I was furious. I didn't want to miss this day but didn't want "possibly dead creepy lady" bugging me either. I put on some warmer clothes and told myself "***k it dude, it can't hurt you". On my warm up I decided to head down towards her house. It's totally dark. To light from a television flicker, nothing. I made the turn and started my 10 minute running interval.

    The run felt good. I was warming up from the cold and the air felt easy to breath. My pace was pretty good and I wasn't tiring quickly. Since my development makes that horse-shoe I told you about, I inevitably ended up running back to her end of the street. About 200 yards away I notice that the light is on in the upstairs hallway and as I get close I notice she is standing in the hallway LOOKING RIGHT AT ME out of the from picture window. I mean she was just standing there staring at me as I ran towards her house.

    I just stopped. She didn't move either. She just stood there... so I just did an about-face and I booked it in the other direction. I was running so fast that I was completely out of breath at the end of the interval. I decided not to go back to her end of the street but I wanted to finish this run. It's important to me to do this.

    I had a 3 minute walking interval that I started when I got around the bend. I was catching my breath and when I got to the SAME SPOT where my neighbor stopped me on Friday and my phone just shut off. I'm totally freaked out at this point.

    I wanted to just run home. I looked around a bit and there was no one around. So I held the power button down on the phone and started jogging again. I was pretty tired already but I almost didn't care. When the phone came back on I just looked at the time and ran that remainder of that 10 minute interval. I have no idea what my pace was but I think it probably was one of my better times. I can see that woman's house from my driveway, and when I arrived home I noticed that the lights were all off again...


    Needless to say that tomorrow, when I do W6D3, I'm getting up in the morning to do that run. In fact I'll be getting up in the morning to run from now on.
  • carolina822
    carolina822 Posts: 155 Member
    So old dead ladies like to sleep in? I guess that's not surprising - I'd sleep in if I was an old dead lady.

    Crazy story!
  • sinca21
    sinca21 Posts: 41 Member
    That story is so creepy! I'd run in the morning too!
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Week 6 has been the weirdest C25k week so far. Let me tell you a tale...

    My development makes a giant horse-shoe shape, with a Cul-de-sac at each end. At the end of our street there is a cul-de-sac where an old woman who is/was very sick. You rarely ever saw her and if you did you would get the impression that a light breeze would blow her away. She was all skin and bones.

    Starting late in the summer no one saw her outside anymore and her dog stopped barking at us on our walks. The house was always dark, the papers started to pile up and the grass got really long. One day landscaping company came and cleaned up the lot, but still... no sign of anyone in the house. We assumed the worst. About a month ago, one of the kids in the neighborhood reported seeing an ambulance at her house with someone being wheeled out.

    Everyone thought she might have died, but the week before last my neighbor said that he saw her out at night walking with a walker, and a few days later I was sure that I saw her walking down at her end of the street without the need of any aide. I assumed she had to be hospitalized but was out and feeling better. Still there are no lights and no activity at her house.

    Friday night I was on my run and it was just a creepy night. We had been talking about her earlier that evening and I decided I wasn't going to run down to her end of the development because I had the heebeegeebees.

    I was on a walking interval when a neighbor from the other side of the development (who I do not speak to ever) was backing out of his driveway. He let me walk by and I got ahead of him a bit down the road when he pulled his car up next to me and he rolled down the window...

    He looked confused and asked, "Didn't you just have someone with you?"

    I sort of snapped back at him, "What the heck did you just say?

    Again looking confused he said, "I swear you were walking with a woman when you walked by my house, and as I pulled up behind you she was there, but when I pulled up next to you she was gone. Weird"

    My heart literally sunk, "Dude, I'm alone..

    He shrugged and started to drive off, and I just ran. I ran the last running interval and straight into my house completely spooked out.

    Last night, I did not want to run outside. Our treadmill has been skipping and it's almost dangerous to run on it, but I tried anyways. Beyond the fact that I am now convinced the possibly dead lady down the street is following me around the development... it was pretty cold. I fired up the treadmill but once it got over 4mph it started to stick and skip. I thought I might break my neck so I stopped and cursed out the machine for a while.

    I was furious. I didn't want to miss this day but didn't want "possibly dead creepy lady" bugging me either. I put on some warmer clothes and told myself "***k it dude, it can't hurt you". On my warm up I decided to head down towards her house. It's totally dark. To light from a television flicker, nothing. I made the turn and started my 10 minute running interval.

    The run felt good. I was warming up from the cold and the air felt easy to breath. My pace was pretty good and I wasn't tiring quickly. Since my development makes that horse-shoe I told you about, I inevitably ended up running back to her end of the street. About 200 yards away I notice that the light is on in the upstairs hallway and as I get close I notice she is standing in the hallway LOOKING RIGHT AT ME out of the from picture window. I mean she was just standing there staring at me as I ran towards her house.

    I just stopped. She didn't move either. She just stood there... so I just did an about-face and I booked it in the other direction. I was running so fast that I was completely out of breath at the end of the interval. I decided not to go back to her end of the street but I wanted to finish this run. It's important to me to do this.

    I had a 3 minute walking interval that I started when I got around the bend. I was catching my breath and when I got to the SAME SPOT where my neighbor stopped me on Friday and my phone just shut off. I'm totally freaked out at this point.

    I wanted to just run home. I looked around a bit and there was no one around. So I held the power button down on the phone and started jogging again. I was pretty tired already but I almost didn't care. When the phone came back on I just looked at the time and ran that remainder of that 10 minute interval. I have no idea what my pace was but I think it probably was one of my better times. I can see that woman's house from my driveway, and when I arrived home I noticed that the lights were all off again...


    Needless to say that tomorrow, when I do W6D3, I'm getting up in the morning to do that run. In fact I'll be getting up in the morning to run from now on.
  • Amberh82
    Amberh82 Posts: 468 Member
    Completed Week 1 Day 1 yesterday. I survived! (so did the dog)
  • carolina822
    carolina822 Posts: 155 Member
    My dog's been in it with me the whole way too! Of course I run so slow she just kind of walks and looks at me funny.
  • Amberh82
    Amberh82 Posts: 468 Member
    My dog's been in it with me the whole way too! Of course I run so slow she just kind of walks and looks at me funny.

    My jog is her trot...she likes it better when I jog because its more of the pace she wants to go! and my jog is more like turtle jogging! it isn't very fast at all which is good for her since she is getting older.
  • zorbaru
    zorbaru Posts: 1,077 Member
    has there been confirmation that she actually died?