Introduce yourself - again



  • wowgirl30
    wowgirl30 Posts: 40 Member
    Hello - I made a mfp account a long time ago but never used it until about 2 weeks ago. My starting weight was 318. I have PCOS and have been obese since I was a kid. I have been on and off diets since I was 10 years old! Every diet/fad/extreme I have tried it and only gotten bigger in the end. I am looking for some friends so add me if you like!
  • SucculentGoddess
    SucculentGoddess Posts: 42 Member
    Hello everyone new :)
  • TheAmyHead
    TheAmyHead Posts: 5 Member
    Hello everyone! My name is Amy and I am 27, turning 28 on New Year's Eve. I'm 5'11" and my starting weight on June 1st was 398. Right now, I'm down to 349! I still have a long way to go but I'm super proud of what I've accomplished so far. A lot of things have contributed to my weight loss. I was diagnosed with PCOS and told I'd probably never have children, I went through an unpleasant divorce, and moved to a city and state that I absolutely loathe three days after my best friend of 14 years passed away. Now, I'm throwing out all of my excuses and getting myself back on track! I just got married last month to the best man in the world and am happy with my life. We're trying to have kids so the weight has to go!

    Add me at any time :) I love meeting new people and I need the accountability!
  • vampirequeen1959
    vampirequeen1959 Posts: 196 Member
    Hi. I'm 54 and from the UK. This is the first time in my entire life that I've admitted to anyone that I'm over 300lbs so this is a huge step for me. I've been on an lchf diet for just over a week and, up to now, it's wonderful.
  • starchile
    starchile Posts: 248 Member
    Hello All!

    I'm back and I'm more determined than ever to FINALLY get this weight off of me. I have been up and down and like many of you, have tried a TON of different "diets". THIS TIME is different! I'm eating good carbs and good fats and focusing on keeping my blood sugar stabilized. I've realized that sugar is my enemy and makes me crave and lose control of my eating so I'm very aware of what I put in my body. Also, I'm working hard on internalizing the fact that this is NOT GOING TO END..THIS is how I will eat for the rest of my life. And that is a GREAT thing! (hell, eating clean is SUPER delicious in my house!).

    Also, I'm exercising more...but that part hasn't really been TOO much of a problem for me...I like to play tennis, I've done a few triathlons and 5ks. It's just being consistent that's hard.

    Anyway, I'm happy to be back and I'm happy that YOU all are here!

    I wish you nothing but success and look forward to going along this journey with you!

    Feel free to add me!
  • Hello everyone,

    I've been on MFP for almost two years (I think) but just recently got serious about it a few weeks. I am 28 years and I live in Central Florida. What motivates me this time is that I am genuinely concerned about diabetes (which runs in my family). I am hoping to push that off as long as possible.

    I look forward to hearing about more success stories from this forum!
  • _whatsherface
    _whatsherface Posts: 1,235 Member
    Hello all. My name is Michelle. I am a brand new momma to a gorgeous 11 week old baby boy. I originally started my journey back in 2011 when I was 318 pounds. I lost 30 lbs using this site and working out but gained a few pounds putting me at 300 pre-pregnancy. I gained 20 pounds during pregnancy and lost it +4 pounds PP. I've been home on disability and bonding time and am now back to 303. I start back at work in about 10 days and I'm just looking to lose the weight again and be healthy for my baby, I mean I am healthy now but I won't be if I keep this up. Just gotta find the time to spend time with him, work and go to the gym. Looking for support. Goal weight is 220. Add me if my story sounds like yours!
  • My name is Denese and I have been off and on with MFP. Now it's a matter of I must stick with this. Mom of 2 both married and I want to be around so see a grandbaby. I'm currently over 360 and the weight will not go away. I have tried every diet I saw and nothing has worked. I have all my goals loaded and am clearing all the "junk food" out of my view. I don't have a lot of support at home so this is something I'm going to have to do alone. I've always been the one that helps everyone and I have ignored my own health for years. Now I'm paying for it in more ways than one.
    My goal weight is 200 realizing that is still more than I should weight according to the "BMI charts" but I will be thrilled with that!.
  • Zombieinkpot
    Zombieinkpot Posts: 745 Member
    Hello everyone, I'm Inky. I've been overweight all my life. I've been clinically depressed for five years and put on 14st (199lbs altogether) bringing me to the highest weight I've ever been. In September my sister recommended I join MFP. I thought I would try it because I was miserable putting on about 30lbs every year and I thought I might as well be depressed and lose weight as be depressed and put it on. So far I have lost 31lbs, which means this will be the first time in five years I will end the year weighing less than I started it. My original goal weight was 112lbs, but since reading the forums here I now want to have a low bodyfat % (between 18 -20 would be fantastic) so I'm not going to be so hung up on what I weigh when I get there, as I know muscle weighs more than fat. I'm 33 and 5ft tall, female. I log every day and am keen to help motivate others and share their highs and lows.

  • aquarianpixi
    aquarianpixi Posts: 131 Member
    Hello all. I'm old to the site, new to the group.

    I used this site to help me lose about 50lbs, but since then I have gained almost all of it back. I am at 325 atm. Hopefully not for long.
  • pnece
    pnece Posts: 179 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Patty. I'm 55 and have been overweight for a lifetime. I finally found a wellness program that integrates medical, nutritional, psychological and exercise components -- it's the National Center for Weight and Wellness in Washington DC -- and it's working! I started in 2012 at 375+ pounds (I say "+" because I stopped getting anywhere near a scale once I reached that weight) and have now made it into the high 200s. I still have a very long way to go. MFP has been a huge help. I've been here for about a year, and food logging has become a main pillar of my program. I'm just sorry I didn't find this group sooner! I can relate to virtually every post I've read here. Please feel free to add me as a friend.
  • FierceLisa
    FierceLisa Posts: 38 Member
    Hi everyone. My name is Lisa. I currently weigh 332.8. I hope to eventually get down to 150. I have a long hard journey ahead of me. I am an emotional eater. I also love to nibble on things throughout the day. I have been overweight my whole life. My weight really picked up after I started having children. I have a lot of different health issues now and mobility is really becoming a serious hurdle for me and if I don't do something now I'm afraid that I'll get to the point where I can't. I have a good support system at home. My hubby is also overweight and is doing this journey with me. I know with him here helping me and making me accountable and helping me work through things and helping me change the way I think of food will help alot. I was using MFP last year. I lost 56 pounds. I got pretty sick and was diagnosed with Celiac Disease. I got depressed and honestly just stopped caring. I stopped going to the gym and watching the amount I ate. I have gained that weight and then some since stopping MFP. I have had time now to come to terms with things and am now in the right frame of mind to move forward with my life and push through and get my health under control. I started a new Profile on MFP and am looking for any of my friends from before that are still active or new friends that are active to help me in my journey. I still have my YMCA Membership. I also pulled out my Food Scale and my Polar FT7 Watch. We can do it together. Looking forward to a new me for 2014.
  • Hi all,

    I'm Emma. I Joined about 6 months ago but haven't really stuck to anything and my weight has continued to increase. I always find excuses to blame it on other things like depression and most recently working away from home. I know though deep down that I have nothing or no one to blame but myself. This is the year I am going to finally kick my habit of over eating and I am going to lose weight and get healthy. At 384 pounds and 5ft 4 I really need to do it. My bones are starting to ache more and more each day and I'm only 31, yet I feel like an old woman. I would like to get down to a weight and size where I feel comfortable but for now I am just going to set myself small goals of a stone at a time. I would like to lose a stone and a half before my birthday at the beginning of March.

    I would love some support from other people who have similar challenges to face so feel free to add me as a friend and I will offer support and encouragement where I can.

    Good luck to everyone.

  • pnece
    pnece Posts: 179 Member
    Hi all,

    I'm Emma. I Joined about 6 months ago but haven't really stuck to anything and my weight has continued to increase. I always find excuses to blame it on other things like depression and most recently working away from home. I know though deep down that I have nothing or no one to blame but myself. This is the year I am going to finally kick my habit of over eating and I am going to lose weight and get healthy. At 384 pounds and 5ft 4 I really need to do it. My bones are starting to ache more and more each day and I'm only 31, yet I feel like an old woman. I would like to get down to a weight and size where I feel comfortable but for now I am just going to set myself small goals of a stone at a time. I would like to lose a stone and a half before my birthday at the beginning of March.

    I would love some support from other people who have similar challenges to face so feel free to add me as a friend and I will offer support and encouragement where I can.

    Good luck to everyone.

    Hi Emma,

    Love your idea of setting small goals! That's how I've been successful. I've also been learning not to blame myself -- at least not in the same way as I have in the past. Over the past year, I've begun to understand why I eat. I use food as a survival/ coping mechanism in many ways. It's actually a pretty intelligent thing to do because it works so well! But the side effects aren't great, as we all know. So I've been working on developing other coping strategies. By looking at my behavior from the point of view that there's a reason for it -- not just a lack of willpower or self-control -- I've been able to let go of some of the self-blame and hate. Just a thought.
  • Hello,

    I just came back to this site and to WW. I am at 361 - the heaviest I have ever been.

    I am not happy about it either.

    Anyway, I have struggled my whole adult life but 361 is completely out of control.

    It is time to get this under control before it kills me.
  • skinnyshala
    skinnyshala Posts: 3 Member
    Hi my name is Shala. I am a mother of 3 and married to my soul mate. I am new to mfp and the groups. I have lost 40 lbs so far but have a lot more to go on my journey. Please add me as a friend and any suggestions on how to use this site or helpful hints would be appreciated!
  • MissDLynnR
    MissDLynnR Posts: 91 Member
    Hi everyone!! My name is Dodie I live in SC. I am fairly new to this site and in all honesty I am working hard to get under the 300 on my scale. I have tried every diet imaginable but I fluctuate between 300 and 310 and never any more never any less. I have a lot fo stressors that make it harder for me the biggest one is that I don't have any friends here in this town and so I am reaching out and trying to find some on here! I really want to get into a place where I can feel pretty and more confident!
  • Blue801
    Blue801 Posts: 442
    Hiya group! I'm Mikayla. Just joined. 33 years old, live in the south and need to lose 200 pounds. I'm just freakin' tired of being fat. I've been fat my whole life.
  • Hello everyone! My name is Rachel, I'm 26 and from Missouri. I joined MFP a long time ago but stopped using it for awhile. A little back story on me. I have struggled with weight my whole life. I was diagnosed with insulin resistance at 15 and I know that plays a big role in how weight is managed, especially because I spent a good part of my teens and 20s on and off meds and on and off caring about how I ate. I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis at 24 when I was 5 months pregnant. Right before I got pregnant I had managed to get down to a size 18 for the first time since I was 16. I used pregnancy as an excuse to eat however I wanted. Then with the MS diagnosis I became depressed and really let myself go. This past fall I finally became sick of the fact that I was at my heaviest ever. I was 370 lbs and in a size 28 pants. I had brought up getting help with weight loss with my primary doc who just suggested bariatric surgery. It was actually my ob/gyn who gave me the extra help with phentermine. I am also in a weight loss support group on Facebook with a bunch of my mom friends. I no longer drink soda, in fact I only drink water. MFP helps me keep track of what I eat, not just calories but other nutrients as well. Since Nov 2 (12 weeks) I have already lost 36 lbs (although weigh day is tomorrow so I could be at my official 10% mark!) And over 13 total inches. I still have a very long way to go but am glad to have found a group of people starting at the same place as me. I look forward to losing with you!
  • Magda_Castle
    Magda_Castle Posts: 53 Member
    Hi, my name is Magda. I've been dieting all my life. I joined MFP last January... and gave up after a week. I reached my heaviest ever last December - 340 lbs! So I've decided enough is enough! Since 1st of January I lost 24 pounds and for the first time in my life I believe I can do it! I read many amazing success stories on MFP forums and I'm so motivated and determined that one day I will be the one who will share their weight loss story! I find eating healthy so doable (I always plan my day ahead - it stops me from impulsive snacking) and exercising so surprisingly enjoyable! I walk and do Wii Zumba which I absolutely love! I'm just angry with myself that I wasted 20 years of my life being obese and unhappy.
    I'm so pleased though that I'm a part of an amazing MFP community now which motivates me and hopefully give me a nudge should I start slipping into my old ways! :)