Welcome Introductions



  • HI I'm Charlotte , I"m 22 and a student. My goal is to loose 15lbs,
    I really just want to feel more comfortable in myself.
    Ive recently come out of a long term (5 years) relationship and so any added confidence i can gain in myself would be great and of course getting fitter and toned too is always a good thing!!
    I've tried MFP before but have never been fully committed, this time I am really going to do it! any hint or tips would be much appreciated! Good luck everyone and thanks for adding my to the group! :)
  • Hey everyone!

    I'm Kristin and I am 27 years old. My goal is to be 120 by next summer. Thats around 30lbs to go. I would also like to be more physically fit. My whole life I never had to do anything to maintain my weight; I could eat everything and anything I wanted. Well... that's not so much the case anymore lol. Totally a beginner to this gym and fitness thing, so any advice and tips are welcome. Please feel free to add me. Today is actually the first day of an 8 week beginner couch to 5k training so wish me luck!
  • N3rdyBird_
    N3rdyBird_ Posts: 98 Member
    Hello I'm Madisyn, but I go by May. I decided to change my life and get healthy about 5 months ago. I did so because I was tired of putting crap in my body and treating it like trash. I have physical disabilities that I have used as my excuse for not being healthly since I was 10 years old. However, I'm no longer allowing myself to do so.
    Also, the majority of my family is obese and suffer from obesity related health issues. I wanted to encourage my family to lose weight and get healthy by leading through example.
    Currently, I am away from the love of my life and hope that the next time he sees me, I'll be the healthier, happier, new me.
    I have lost 22lbs so far and have 18lbs left to lose. I hope to lose all 18lbs by February of 2014.
  • Renata2388
    Renata2388 Posts: 4 Member
    My name is Renata. My goal is to lose an add'l 100 pounds. I went to a Personal Trainer 3 years ago and had lost 80 #'s. Gained it all back!!! Down 19 #'s again, as I went back to what worked. I started training again 1 month ago. It's AWESOME to be back on the right track!! I want what I had back again! I know I will be successful and I will NOT fall back into my old habits again! Nothing will stop me from my goals!!! Feeling great!!
  • EMTFreakGirl
    EMTFreakGirl Posts: 597 Member
    Hi! I'm ML and I am a 44 year old Paramedic living in the NW corner of Montana, spitting distance from our neighbors to the North. I have struggled with my weight since leaving the Army in 1991. About 3 years ago, I lost A LOT of weight and went from 265 to 145 and was regularly running 5ks and doing fun runs...drove 12 hours to a Warrior Dash in Oregon. (this was before they were in every town, every other weekend.) I went back to school and lost one of my jobs, my main income and spent 2 years eating cheap, ie. lots of carbs. I put the weight back on but this time, the pounds brought twenty of their friends. I can't do the things I love at this weight and it is unacceptable. I'm down 56 pounds since getting my "dietary-life" back on track. (August 17/2013.) My goal is to be able to keep up with my 3 year old granddaughter and to fit back into my extensive collection of vintage cocktail dresses and vintage lingerie. (is that TOO much information?) I also want to get back into backpacking shape. My life goal is to hike the Triple Crown before I am 50! (The AT, CDT and the PCT) When I pass back into ONEderland, I have a brand new pair of running kicks that I am ready to lace up and get to working on getting back into runner's shape. (have to wait til then to spare the knees.)
    Thanks for inviting me to join the group. I've read all the introductions here and am honored to be amongst such august company!
  • saturn2002
    saturn2002 Posts: 12 Member
    Hello my name is Angie, I am a grandmother of 4 little darlings. I need to loose 100 plus pounds and tone my body. Would like to see the grand children grow up. I am now using dvd's at home to walk away the pounds and need to up my fitness level. Thank you for welcoming me to this group.
  • JenniAnn2012
    JenniAnn2012 Posts: 6 Member
    Hello everyone! Been at this awhile. Reached a goal of 156 in July 2012..... due to health conditions that I'll most likely be dealing with for quite some time I just need to find a way to reach my goals again regardless. Currently at 211. Ugh!! Looking forward to working with others on this journey!
  • blazergrad
    blazergrad Posts: 603 Member
    Hello all! I just realize that after accepting the invite to join this group, I never got around to coming in here and introducing myself.... so here goes! My name is Michael and a little over 22 years ago, I had an ATV accident which left me in a wheelchair, paralyzed from the waist down. I was always kind of a tall, lanky guy but after being in a chair for a few years, it didn't take long for the pounds to start adding up. Over the course of several years, my weight fluctuated.... up, down, up, down.... I seemed to be able to adjust my diet to easily gain or lose. During those years, I would occasionally try my hand at weight lifting, but I never stuck with it for more than 2-3 months at a time before I lost interest.

    Fast forward to about 2.5 years ago when the company I work for started a program that allowed employees to gain points for fitness related activities and in turn cash those points in for merchandise. My interest was piqued and I started working out again but this time, it stuck! I acquired my own weight bench and free weights and started working out on a regular basis and the next thing I knew, I was totally hooked! My goal is to try and gain a bit of muscle mass and to just be more overall fit than what I was/am. As I said above, I've always been kind of lanky so I know that I'll never have the physique of these magazine cover fitness models... and at 49 years of age, I know that I'm beyond the *peak* years of packing on muscle... but I at least want to try and improve upon what little bit I do have. :)
  • Dch2272
    Dch2272 Posts: 93 Member
    Hello all! I am Dawn and I am a wife, mother to three very active boys, and I work full time in a career where I sit all day. I am down 40 lbs (over 10 months) and have another 35 to go. My goal is the be healthy. After watching my mother die in June at the age of 68 from preventable health related illnesses, I swore to get my life back. I eat a mostly clean diet and attend Boot Camp style fitness classes 5 days a week at 5am. I love it and am hooked.

    A few years ago I lost 70 pounds with the help of a diet clinic in 4 months time. Needless to say, lots of money down the drain, it all came back on with a vengeance. So, I'm committed to doing it the right way this time. I try to see the positive in all situations, it is what gets me through the day.

    Thank you for the invite to the group, I love being able to support others and to find support when I really need it!
  • HI! I'm Reilly and I am 22 and played college basketball and became an All American. I struggled after basketball to get myself motivated to workout again. I am now about 5 months into my serious working out. I would love to do some kind of figure competition. It means a lot of work so I would have to change my lifestyle, but me and my boyfriend are willing to do it. He used to play football in college. WISH US LUCK!
  • Jrunner
    Jrunner Posts: 18 Member
    I became a member of UGL today. My goal it to be physically fit. I want to be able to do competition style burpees, run another marathon, continue to finish 30 day challenges. I would like to do a tri-athalon but I don't really know how to swim. I do have a bike I call the "Green Machine" but I will only ride it on our country road which is about 6miles because I don't know the rules of traffic and the cars and trucks don't play nice. My kids are in the local karate club and I am thinking about joining the Parkour program and find my inner Jackie Chan. So my ultimate goal isn't to loose weight or look good. It's to kick my old self's butt ;)
  • vahine03
    vahine03 Posts: 214 Member
    A Parkour program? Wow, that's something I wanna get into myself! Good for you! =D
  • ASaxe23
    ASaxe23 Posts: 158 Member
    Aerika 28....My goal is to compete in a figure competition before I'm 30...not to win just to be up on that stage and look like I belong! I'd like to also complete a half marathon, to prove to myself I can do it. Squat 200lbs and have 23% body fat when not in competition mode !!
  • BranMuffin86
    BranMuffin86 Posts: 314 Member
    Hi I'm Brandi. I'm 27 years old. I've been overweight my whole life so you it's time for a change. I would love to be around 150 by 12/1/2014. That's 80lbs. I'm excited to get this journey going. I'm in it for LIFE!! :-)
  • JBcat123
    JBcat123 Posts: 211 Member
    Hi, Im Nellie. how is everyone? Well a little about me- I gained 75 pounds because of my medication. I recently lowered my medications and its been a bit easier to loose the weight. first im planning to be 150 by the summer and then loose an extra 20 or 30 after that. its been a rocky road for me these past few years with the weight gaining and other life problems. life isn't perfect for anyone right? right. I want to loose weight because I want to buy clothes that fit me and jeans! I only wear sweat pants now because jeans are really uncomfortable on me.

    well I hope everyone is doing okay! happy holidays everyone!
  • Hellow my name is lacky 30yrs . Mother of3. Iwant to lose40 kg by december 2014 god willing. I have been bigg all my life b . I come from a family of skiny women soo I dont fit with my sister's, mother I just feel out of place. Now my 6yrs old Iis asking me why are you fat mumy? Why aren't you skinny like aunty nima This is my motivation to lose weight. I workout 5days a week. I eat healthy food. I cant wait to lose this weight and run with kids.... :flowerforyou:
  • toni5363
    toni5363 Posts: 55 Member
    Did not realize there was a yearly fee, if so, please remove me from the group.