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  • JuzDuIt
    JuzDuIt Posts: 222 Member
    Hello! Been on MFP for some time but only just noticed this group now. Had VSG on 2/4/13. 5 months out and down 42 pounds. About 48 to go. Already off BP meds and C-PAP machine. Feeling good! MFP is a fabulous tool. Easy to navigate and the support is incredible!

  • Hi, I have not had my surgery yet. I am in the process of getting prepared for the surgery. I currently have about 6 more pounds to lose before I am able to have my surgery. I started my originally weight loss journey at 249. I currently weigh 236, in the morning that is. lol
  • I am also looking for friends on here. I only have a few but would like more to help keep me motivated!
  • cspinelli712
    cspinelli712 Posts: 41 Member
    I just read your post; I had my gastric bypass surgery on March 11, 2013 and I am now down 73 pounds. I want to congratualate you are your 121 pound weight loss that is just awesome. I am wondering if you could give me any tips on how you lost your weight in 7 months. I would really appreicate any help you can give me like: what you eat, amount of protein intake and how often do you excercise. I really need to get as much weight off of me by the time I am 8 months post op. My nut, told me that she thought I should have lost more weight than I have. Thank you for your help.
  • Hello,

    My name is Tammy. I had the vertical sleeve August 16, 2013. The first week I was extremely tired. Now I am getting more and more energetic. I am loving it. I am still in the soft/puréed foods for another 2 weeks. My highest weigh was 244.9 and I am now at 217.4. I am concerned about getting the required protein in so I've decided to start tracking my protein. I finally feel like I might actually be able to lose the weight. I've also started exercising last week. I am taking it easy and slowly increasing the intensity. My goal is to be able to walk 3 miles by the end of the year in 60 minutes.

    The reason I decided to have the surgery is because I had been struggling with my weight for over 15 years. I am going to be 50 years old next year and I want to be healthy and strong enough to have an active life. I am looking forward to hiking, swimming, scuba diving, camping and anything else that I can think of in the future. I also have grandchildren that I want to be able to do stuff with and a wonderful husband.

    I am looking forward to the future!!!!
  • sheripamela
    sheripamela Posts: 38 Member
    Excited for you. Congratulations. I had mine done in May. Happy with my decision.
  • Hello,

    My name is Tammy. I had the vertical sleeve August 16, 2013. The first week I was extremely tired. Now I am getting more and more energetic. I am loving it. I am still in the soft/puréed foods for another 2 weeks. My highest weigh was 244.9 and I am now at 217.4. I am concerned about getting the required protein in so I've decided to start tracking my protein. I finally feel like I might actually be able to lose the weight. I've also started exercising last week. I am taking it easy and slowly increasing the intensity. My goal is to be able to walk 3 miles by the end of the year in 60 minutes.

    The reason I decided to have the surgery is because I had been struggling with my weight for over 15 years. I am going to be 50 years old next year and I want to be healthy and strong enough to have an active life. I am looking forward to hiking, swimming, scuba diving, camping and anything else that I can think of in the future. I also have grandchildren that I want to be able to do stuff with and a wonderful husband.

    I am looking forward to the future!!!!

    I had mine the same day! I'm impressed that you're exercising already! I went to Wal-Mart and had to sit down before I could finish my shopping and I'm glad my husband was with me. I'm older than you, though, by 13 years, so maybe that has something to do with it. I'm just taking it slow. I'm getting all my protein in, but I'm not sure about all the liquid. I'm doing my best with that! It's a process and I'm in it for the long haul. And really, we have to be because a large part of the stomach is gone for good!

    All the best to you!

  • It was tough at first but it is getting better. Mine you I am not going very fast at all. My goal is just to get in the habit of exercising. I am up to 60 minutes of walking per a day at a very slow rate. I only cover 1.25 miles a day. Hope to be at 3 miles by the end of the year.
  • It was tough at first but it is getting better. Mine you I am not going very fast at all. My goal is just to get in the habit of exercising. I am up to 60 minutes of walking per a day at a very slow rate. I only cover 1.25 miles a day. Hope to be at 3 miles by the end of the year.

    That's great, though. Slow and easy! I went to the gym 2-3 days a week for about six months while I was trying to lose so that I could qualify for surgery. I used the recumbent bike and the elliptical trainer. I also had a strength training regimen. I like lifting weights, but I don't care for the cardio machines. I know I have to use them, so I did about 30 minutes, sometimes 40-45. I'm not going to rush myself though. Maybe when I can walk around the grocery store without feeling faint, I'll go back to the gym and start off slowly! All the best.

  • Hi I am new to the group! I had the Roux en y in June of 2011. I was 367 pounds and unable to walk much. I could not do anything for myself. I couldn't even shower properly! I was so lost and about to give up when I talked to my primary care Dr about WLS. After my first consult with the surgeon I decided that if I didn't do the surgery I would die. I had so many things wrong with me and I was on so many medications. Having the surgery was the best thing I ever did for myself but it hasn't been easy. How true it is when we are told that the surgery is a tool, not a quick fix! I've done pretty good. I was hospitalized 3 times for dehydration and had a bowel obstruction this year. Those things aside I am a very happy and now active person. I got a bike for my 58th birthday from my son and I take rides up to 3 hours and up to 30 miles at a time. I'm living now, not just existing! I love being able to but clothes in the store now and not out if a catalog! I have gone from a 6XL to a Large and lost a total amount of inches equalling 7ft. I work hard at counting my calories and moving as much as possible. I am looking got WLS friends, ADD ME if you want.....I can't always use extra help from anyone who has had the surgery. Also, anyone that is going to have surgery I'm available if you have any questions. Look forword to talking with you soon!
  • Hello =]

    My name is Sarah, I'm 23, and am in the process of *hopefully* being approved for weight loss surgery. I'm still deciding on the bypass versus the sleeve. I could really use some support, because the only people in my family that know are my mom and dad, aside from a few friends. I'm so nervous and my brain is fried.

    Add me on MFP =] I'd greatly appreciate it! <3;
  • VickiS78
    VickiS78 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi all! I'm Vicki from MI. I'm 35, married to my best friend and we have a daughter that is 6. I am currently going through the 6 months of supervised medical dieting to get approved by my insurance for surgery. I am interested in the sleeve surgery. I have been overweight my entire life, and have had 3 serious back surgeries. I'm tired of hurting, physically and mentally. Being in chronic pain is hard enough, add to that being obese, just a struggle. I mentally kick myself up about it all the time. Only recently have my doctor (who is new, my previous one passed away) was wiling to help, all those before her refused. I feel so hopeful and excited about life now that I just can't wait to start feeling better. Please feel free to add me, I log my food and exercise daily. :)
  • lfrocillo
    lfrocillo Posts: 2 Member
    Hello Friends. My name is Lisa and I am from Michigan. I am married, mother of three, working full time. I had my RNY surgery on Sept 26. I consider this my new birth date!
    Im hoping to find support and buddies to keep accountable.

  • Losing_Sarah
    Losing_Sarah Posts: 279 Member
    Hello, hello. My name is Sarah. I'm from Minnesota. I'm having VSG surgery tomorrow morning. Super excited and nervous! So incredibly ready to start my new life.
  • candacet36
    candacet36 Posts: 353 Member name is Candace and I am from Utah. I had my sleeve on September 12, 2013. Started at 250 and I am currently toying with the same pound for a couple days now. Up and down up and down. I am at 222.5 and feeling wonderful! I would do it again in a heartbeat!.

    I have been as high at 276 and as low as 145...I have been on a constant rollercoaster for my entire adult like. I decided for long term success this was going to be it for me!
  • mmedjjon
    mmedjjon Posts: 511
    I had Sleeve surgery oct 17th 2012. and it was the best thing i ever did for myself. I went from 382lbs to now 220lbs. xxxl shirts and 48 pants to Med shirts and 34 pants. hoping the habits I establishes stick and the support keeps helping.
  • MrsGriffin0729
    MrsGriffin0729 Posts: 43 Member
    Hi. I am 23 and I had my Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy on August 28, 2013. I am almost 2 months post-op and have lost 32 pounds so far. Still a long way to go but what an exciting journey it will be!!
  • racingsuze
    racingsuze Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, I had my Vertical sleeve on July 17,2013... Have lost 37 pounds since surgery. Have come to the conclusion I am a slow loser... But the good news is I'm still a loser (haha)
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    Hello WLS group. My name is Pat and I had the gastric sleeve July 2011. At my largest I weighed 386 and with a goal weight of 160, I am still working on getting it all off. The weight came off real fast in the beginning, now it's slowed way down and is very sporadic. But I am still trying because I'm not ready to be done yet. My personal goal is to get below and stay below 200. I may not make it to 160, and that's OK as long as I can get and stay below 200.
  • cmorga02
    cmorga02 Posts: 34 Member
    Hello! My name is Chuck and I had the vertical sleeve gastrectomy on 11/4/2013.

    I wasn't always a over weight guy. I played football and was very active up until 2006. I went to college and the "Freshman 15" was more like the "Freshman 50", but I still did physical activity as much as I could. Then I needed money as most college students do so I got a job in fastfood and that was my job till 2011. All the burgers, pizza and other junk I could eat. I balooned to 360+lbs.

    My wife and I have been wanting to have kids for a while, and her doctor told her that at her weight it would be very dangerous to her and a baby if she didn't loose weight. Although I wouldn't have any complications from pregnacy, I wouldn't be able to be as active with my kids due to my weight and I wouldn't be around as long as I'd like to.

    We had been considering weightloss surgery for a while prior to this point, but not having insurance or even being sure if insurance covered such a thing we kept putting it off. Finally, I found out from people who had surgery where I worked, it is covered by my insurance, so we decided to get the ball rolling.

    We were told that the University of Tennessee had one of the best records in our area (Knoxville), so we gave them a shot. Our insurance required a 3 month pre-op supervised diet and I will say that supervised diet stretched to 5 months thanks to the psychiatrist taking a month or so to turn in our paperwork. I lost 50 lbs during the diet!

    I'm three weeks out and can finally eat semi-solid foods, I've never loved mashed potatoes so much! I was on liquids 2 weeks prior to surgery and 2 weeks post.

    My wife had her sleeve done on 11/8/13 and we're both excited about our lives from here on out.