New Rules Supercharged



  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    I always start my day with a Premier protein shake, which gets me off to a good start with 30 grams of protein. I try to eat 4-6 oz. of meat or chicken for lunch and dinner. I usually eat oatmeal for breakfast, which surprisingly has 11 grams. I eat a Pure protein bar after lifting, which is 20 grams. Most days I end up between 125 and 150 grams of protein if I'm eating right.
  • SDehmer819
    SDehmer819 Posts: 441 Member
    Thanks!!! I guess ill try a protein shake daily and see if that helps!
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    My shoulder is actually ok as long as I don't do rows at the moment. My shoulders are just so freakin' weak it is annoying!! As for my elbow, it is ok now but I easily hurt it depending on the volume of lifts I do that use it - it is not good with lat pull downs or DLs. With DLs it is a general weakness in my forearms which results in my hurting the joint I think - so so annoying as I'm pretty sure my legs could DL twice as much as I currently lift, lol. Just silly chicken arms = weakling. Not really sure how to improve them when I'm already following the program which should improve their strength. Ho hum. I'll get there. Thanks for asking!!

    Re: protein - check my diary. I never quite make my goal, but I do get close. The past couple of weeks not so hot though - too much chocolate!!!!!!
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    After completing an A and B workout in Strength I, I know that I'm going to like this stage!

    I added a few things that I haven't done before -- single leg deadlifts and side lunges. Even with only a small amount of weight, those single leg deadlifts killed my glutes! I love it when my butt is sore for days. LOL

    I'm also using the 2 finishing exercises (the 5 minutes at the end) to work on my arms. I want to add a little more mass in my biceps and triceps to get rid of the last bit of extra skin on my arms. My deltoids are rockin' and the rest of my arms need to match.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Jo, what a bummer. I know some people recommend grip exercises to help with the forearm strength. Can't think of them off the top of my head.

    Sunshine, I love the single leg RDLs- I haven't tried the single leg DL yet. It looks brutal.

    Makin, I use all the things you mentioned, just in bigger quantities than I used to eat. I will eat 6-8 oz (raw) of chicken instead of the suggested 4 oz. Cheese and beans also help. I also love a protein shake sometimes. I love ground turkey and lean beef.

    Today I will do workout B1.
  • SDehmer819
    SDehmer819 Posts: 441 Member
    I love when my is sore for days too and have found SDL do that also! I have one workout to go and then not next phase.

    After hearing about your great results Cowgirl- I want to spend a month at macros and lifting 3x how've not sure if this is the month. Maybe a good goals for January!!

    Jo- eccentric wrist extension is a grip strengthening that I use on patients in PT so maybe try that. Focusing on the slow count down and the use opp hand to hold weight to starting position so you aren't working the wrist extension concentrically.
  • tessa175
    tessa175 Posts: 170 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    So I finished NRoL4W last month and am ready to start Supercharged! I'm just having a bit of trouble knowing which level of exercises to start on for Basic Training... I finished 4W with my deadlifts at 135lbs, squat at 125lbs, OHP at 25lbs but I still can't do a proper push up (super frustrating for me, I hired a trainer to help me with them and everything, I just suck at them) and I noticed there will be lots of variations of them in this program so I definitely want to improve my uppper body strength early on. I guess my point is, if every stage takes approx a month I don't want to start off with exercises that are too easy and not make any gains, but I also don't want to start off with the really challenging moves and not have anything to work towards...Has anyone found they had this problem? Also, how long do the workouts take? With the RAMP in the beggining and foam rolling at the end they seem like they'll take much more than an hour by the time I'm doing 3-4 sets of everything. Is that about right?

  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    Don't overthink the exercise choices. Pick some old stuff you like, some new stuff to try, some lower level, and some higher level stuff. Mix it up every stage. There's a lot of stages, so just try to put together balanced workouts. I have found that the most important thing is to balance upper and lower exercises so you don't kill one muscle group in a single workout. It takes practice to plan good routines.

    Rotate some new choices in -- I have found that doing different variations have helped my big lifts. You're solid on deadlifts, so try some sumo deadlifts, wide grip from box, etc. They will recruit some different muscles and ultimately improve your main lifts.

    They take a little more than an hour, but I changed my RAMP around a bit, and don't always foam roll (although I should because I like the results).

    Good luck! I really like Supercharged and will probably do it again in some fashion after I'm finished.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Tessa, I second everything Sunshine said. I used the sample workouts for BT and they were great for me. If you find that some exercises aren't hard enough on your first workout- move to the harder variation. While I too had just finished NROL4W, I personally found that all of the exercises were definitely a challenge.

    My legs are soooo sore today. I've found that the worst thing about finally understanding how to use my glutes during movements is that they're constantly tight. I've got knots in them. Ouch.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Jo- eccentric wrist extension is a grip strengthening that I use on patients in PT so maybe try that. Focusing on the slow count down and the use opp hand to hold weight to starting position so you aren't working the wrist extension concentrically.

    Thanks. I have heard this. Just having the time to do them! :blushing:
  • SDehmer819
    SDehmer819 Posts: 441 Member
    Started BT IV tonight- I didn't do the metabolic workout at the end only because I did T-25 along with the strength portion. I'm happy to be doing 10 reps and I am happy to have new exercises. However, as I was finishing my second set of cross over step ups, I drops one of my adjustable weights and the piece that makes it adjustable broke :( I'm pretty sure it will be of no use to me now. It's a few yrs old and probably don't have a warranty but ill have to check into it. Even if it doesn't, I'm sure I don't have the receipt anymore.

    I wish my grip strength would progress faster as my DL weight could be heavier for 10 reps but my grip just about gives out by time I get to 8-9.

    INvert rows are getting easier but I still can't do more then a couple with my legs straight. Maybe one day. LoL
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Makin, that stinks that the weight broke. As far as grip, I have no pointers. I reset my grip after each rep on DLs and that helps. The inverted rows will definitely get easier. During BT, I had to bend my knees to do more than a few, now I can do 6 with great form and 15 with the bar adjusted a little higher. I think it helped me progress more to make the bar a little higher (like at the natural waist or an inch higher) and do them with straight legs instead of bending the knees with the bar lower (I think he says something about it in the book?).

    My body has been constantly sore since starting Strength. I'm hoping this is a good thing, but I'm ready for it to go away!
  • SDehmer819
    SDehmer819 Posts: 441 Member
    Did my workout B for BTIV and I jested used the sample workout from the book and I really like it. I was able to up my RDL/ row and the front squat I would be able to do more but I don't have a rack so I have to be able to lift it from the ground to the front of my chest/collarbone height. It was a good workout though- I just concentrate and performing the mvmts slow ad controlled and with good form.

    I also like the mobility workout at the end and by time I got to it, my muscles were tired.

    Ill have to lower my bar that I do inverted rows on and see what I can do with my legs straight. I don't remember reading that- I'm sure it's there and I just don't remember. I have a poor memory.

    Are you stil staying fairly sore with Strength Cowgirl?

    Jo- how are you feeling?

    If you celebrate Christmas, are you guys ready?
  • glreim21
    glreim21 Posts: 206 Member
    Starting this Monday, December 30th...anyone else out there about to start?
  • SDehmer819
    SDehmer819 Posts: 441 Member
    Hope everyone who celebrates Christmas had an awesome one!! I decided to go to Florida and ill be back around the 5th so I will restart BTIV then- I was only a few workouts in.

    Keep lifting heavy!!!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Hope you enjoy your trip Makin!

    Welcome, gl!

    These Strength workouts are killer. I don't think I've never been so consistently sore throughout my body since starting Supercharged. I'm seeing small strength gains. My inverted rows are much easier and DLs are better. I'm working on perfecting my squat form.
  • glreim21
    glreim21 Posts: 206 Member
    First workout today! Dang that was fun...excerpt for the push ups...I hate push ups...:)
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    You and me both, gl! But I still have them in my workouts. I still struggle with them in the higher rep sets.

    DLs tomorrow- yay! Maybe I can up my weights a bit.
  • tessa175
    tessa175 Posts: 170 Member
    I finally started Supercharged! Loved my workout this morning, (though I am going to miss barbell squats and dead lifts for a while...)

    Mountain climbers
    Kettlebell swing
    Goblet squat
    Standing cable row ( gawd that was hard! )
    Offset loaded step up
    Push up

    so happy to be back on a new program!
  • SDehmer819
    SDehmer819 Posts: 441 Member
    Back from vacation and to the cold *kitten* weather. I was 3 workouts in on BTIV so I restarted last night. January goal is 3x a week lifting.

    welcome to the program Tessa.

    And I agree...high rep PUs are not my cup of tea. But I do what I can. I can say that I can actually activate my core much better during them so I atleast know Im benefitting from them.