Daily Check In Thread -- 10k+ version



  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    Okay I went and ran 4 miles. Back to my chocolate....
    Whew! Glad you got the warning (that you had to run for the chocolate to work for weightloss) in time to get the run in!

    Yesterday I got to my parents and then went for a run with my sister and much younger brother, and my two dogs. Cathy is a year younger and as unfit as I was last year. John is much younger and quite fit. We decided to do day 1 week 1 of C25K. Cathy was red faced and panting by the end, but she did it! John seemed to enjoy the walk (he rarely broke into a run) and I was thrilled at how easy it all was. Both of us ran at Cathy's pace so that she didn't feel out of place and I think we all had fun. I compared it on RunDouble to my first day of C25K and the time was very close. Now, I can't believe I found it that difficult, but I did, way back in May.

    I love this story. Do you think your sister or brother will be motivated to continue on with C25K on their own?
    John wouldn't, but he doesn't need to. He could run 5k if he wanted to. I'm working on Cathy.

    Today, my other two sisters came by and so all four of us went for a run. We first did day 2 week 1 of C25K and ran at Cathy's pace. We did a circular route and ended up back at my parents' house. Then Cathy and Colin (the dog) went inside and the remaining three of us, with Fells, reran the same route, but ran it completely this time.with no walk breaks. I was the pace setter in the second half as I was the slowest. By the end both Linda and Jen were walking (and keeping up) while I was running, so when we were close to where we were to start the cool down walk, I started a sprint and left them behind. Well, for two seconds until they noticed and raced to the finish line. They ended up there in a close tie, with me lagging behind, but I was happy enough to have got them running.

    I was really fun to get outside for an hour in the fresh air with my sisters.

    On Saturday I plan to get Cathy out again and do Day 3 of Week 1. I'll be heading home on Sunday and she'll be flying back to South Carolina on Monday, so I'm hoping with an entire week under her belt she might be spurred to continue when she gets home.

    Varda, glad you liked me and Free. We really weren't very good, but like everything else, I'm trying very hard to improve, not with Free any more, but now with the boys.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    bts, I really hope you're the spark that Cathy needs! She has to feel motivated seeing how far you've come.

    I did 2 quick miles on the treadmill before my trainer workout tonight. Feeling revitalized & ready to go again after the holidays.
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    Ugh....another rainy weekend coming. I think that's 4 in a row now. It's been a beautiful week though. Today I plan to head home early (the office is nearly empty today) and hit the track for some intervals. Yoga class tomorrow and a 12-mile rainy run planned for Sunday. Then I'll back off the mileage a bit next week before starting another 3-week ramp up. That will be my running cycle all next year.
  • madmiss
    madmiss Posts: 219 Member
    yesterday I did a nice walk and then a mini-weight session with my running partner, then we walked over to a nearby restaurant for a beer (lol). Today we ran 4 miles, but all the food I ate this weekend caught up with me, I'm not happy today :( Hopefully I can get rid of it again, I work very hard for those lost pounds that seem to have re-found their way back to my hips yesterday and today!
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    16 miles on the bicycle yesterday! WOOHOO!!!

    The next week will be hit or miss. My daughter is having a baby on Monday, so I'm traveling to TX to visit with them!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I managed to sneak out of work early yesterday, couldn't pass up the beautiful weather!

    I ran around the community college near where I work. It was a good run, felt great! Still came out with a blood blister on the ball of my left foot, though!

    Yikes. Is it time for new shoes?

    I just bought new shoes last month! I don't know why I keep getting blisters! I've tried everything. I'm sure it has something to do with the way I'm running. :grumble: Just something I will have to deal with I guess...

  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    16 miles on the bicycle yesterday! WOOHOO!!!

    The next week will be hit or miss. My daughter is having a baby on Monday, so I'm traveling to TX to visit with them!

  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Ugh....another rainy weekend coming. I think that's 4 in a row now. It's been a beautiful week though. Today I plan to head home early (the office is nearly empty today) and hit the track for some intervals. Yoga class tomorrow and a 12-mile rainy run planned for Sunday. Then I'll back off the mileage a bit next week before starting another 3-week ramp up. That will be my running cycle all next year.

    Really? Sigh. I'm selling the kids.
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    Everybody started clearing out of the office at lunch today so of course I bailed out too. My wife & I went over to a local high school track where I did 400m intervals and she did a slow run. It was her first run in 4 weeks and everything went well - no pain. She said her legs felt heavy but that's to be expected after a month without running. My intervals felt hard. Heck, the warmup run felt hard. I felt like I wasn't recovered from my last run. On Sunday I'll go out for my long run but if I can't keep my heart rate down then I'll cut the run short and move my long run to Tuesday. Not sure why I'm feeling "run down" but could be all the crap I've been eating lately. Gotta get back to clean eating after the holidays!
  • jessiekanga
    jessiekanga Posts: 564 Member
    Ugh....another rainy weekend coming. I think that's 4 in a row now. It's been a beautiful week though. Today I plan to head home early (the office is nearly empty today) and hit the track for some intervals. Yoga class tomorrow and a 12-mile rainy run planned for Sunday. Then I'll back off the mileage a bit next week before starting another 3-week ramp up. That will be my running cycle all next year.

    Really? Sigh. I'm selling the kids.

    Hahahaha - I get ya... totally :)
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    One of the local running stores has a yoga for runners class starting in a few weeks. "Our popular Hatha/Vinyassa style yoga class is designed for runners and triathletes! The class will be led by Kyle Elden, RYT. The class will incorporate tennis ball work for fascia release and focus on abdominal strengthening. We will especially focus on common muscles used by runners and cyclists."

    I'm really interested in this. I used to do Hatha Yoga and loved it, and feel like that's the one thing in my fitness routine I'm really missing. So far I haven't been able to find a yoga class that fits in my schedule, and this one would. It's $100 for 10 weeks, so reasonably priced.

    My hesitation is that class is Wednesday mornings from 6:15AM-7:05AM. I would need to leave my house no later than 5:30 to get there on time (and on Minnesota winter roads maybe earlier than that). My office is a 5 minute drive from the running store, and I don't start work until 8:30, so I'd have a solid hour to kill before work. We have a treadmill at the office so I could either get a run in then, or take a nap on one of the couches, depending on how I feel after yoga. Wednesdays I don't see Jason until 7:00PM and it's often close to 8:00 before I get home, so that promises to be a very long day for those 10 weeks.

  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    One of the local running stores has a yoga for runners class starting in a few weeks. "Our popular Hatha/Vinyassa style yoga class is designed for runners and triathletes! The class will be led by Kyle Elden, RYT. The class will incorporate tennis ball work for fascia release and focus on abdominal strengthening. We will especially focus on common muscles used by runners and cyclists."

    I'm really interested in this. I used to do Hatha Yoga and loved it, and feel like that's the one thing in my fitness routine I'm really missing. So far I haven't been able to find a yoga class that fits in my schedule, and this one would. It's $100 for 10 weeks, so reasonably priced.

    My hesitation is that class is Wednesday mornings from 6:15AM-7:05AM. I would need to leave my house no later than 5:30 to get there on time (and on Minnesota winter roads maybe earlier than that). My office is a 5 minute drive from the running store, and I don't start work until 8:30, so I'd have a solid hour to kill before work. We have a treadmill at the office so I could either get a run in then, or take a nap on one of the couches, depending on how I feel after yoga. Wednesdays I don't see Jason until 7:00PM and it's often close to 8:00 before I get home, so that promises to be a very long day for those 10 weeks.

    Unfortunately this is one of those, it's up to you choices. Could you shift your Jason schedule around at all so that you see him another day rather than Wednesday. because it sounds like you'll get plenty of exercise on Wednesday morning? If not, then I'd plan a rest day or light day on Tuesday or Thursday.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    I can't shift my Jason schedule around, unfortunately. I see him Mondays, Wednesdays & Thursdays. Wednesdays he has a couple he trains from 6:00-7:00 which is why I don't see him until 7:00 (Mondays & Thursdays I'm at 6:30). Tuesdays I have Pilates so I can't see him that night. Fridays he works an earlier schedule and he's already got regular clients in the times I would be able to fit it in before work.

    I ran 6 miles this morning. My warm-up walk & the first 3/4 mile of my run were on my road, which has a lot of loose snow, so it was challenging going. At that point I hit a busier cross-street which was clear in the middle of the road, anyway, and it was early enough in the morning that traffic was light (maybe saw 10 cars total on that road) so I was mostly able to run in the middle of the road, just moving over to the shoulder when cars were coming. I did a short backtrack on one really quiet stretch to get an extra half mile in there. Ended up at a convenience store where I bought a Core Power (chocolate milk type beverage) to drink on the walk home. Walk home was on a busier street where I had to stay on the shoulder, and that again was challenging going. Extra leg workout. The run felt good anyway.
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    Repeated the Thursday run today. My sisters, my dogs, and I did Day 3 Week 1 on C25K and then Cathy and Colin went inside while the rest of us ran for another 40 minutes. Beautiful sunny day today with a temp of 38 degrees F, 10 degrees higher than Thursday. Yesterday, Linda and I did a brisk walk with the dogs for 40 minutes. My dogs are loving this vacation.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Repeated the Thursday run today. My sisters, my dogs, and I did Day 3 Week 1 on C25K and then Cathy and Colin went inside while the rest of us ran for another 40 minutes. Beautiful sunny day today with a temp of 38 degrees F, 10 degrees higher than Thursday. Yesterday, Linda and I did a brisk walk with the dogs for 40 minutes. My dogs are loving this vacation.

    How's Cathy doing with C25K? Do you think she'll want to keep going?
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    Laura, that's a tough decision. It would be a busy 10 weeks but if it's something you really want, this could be the time to try it out.

    btsinmd, it's nice that you're helping your sisters with C25K. It must be fun to run with family.

    I did Week 11, Day 3 of the 10K Runner program today. I was running outdoors and felt so good that I ran an extra running period at the end. In total, I ran 7Km in 57:45. What a great feeling!
  • madmiss
    madmiss Posts: 219 Member
    Laura, just do it ;) you love working out, and it will be a great way to get through the middle to end of winter!!!

    Go btsm - you're doing a great thing with her ;)

    Yesterday was the first Saturday I've not run since July when I started and I was bumming the whole day about it, even though I was sore and desperately needed an exercise day off because of long-run-sunday... Today I went for the first long run with my new running partner, we went 7 together then I kept going after she was done to hit 10 miles!!!!!!!!!! 10 MILES!!!!! (No walk breaks). The longest I've ever gone, no water or anything till mile 9 when I swung back by the house steps where I'd left it. What an epic, awesome run. We went a little slower but it made it possible I think for me to continue on after the 7 (7.27 was the longest I've ever run before that). 2 hrs and 22 seconds ;) I'm so so happy!!!!
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    Today I went for the first long run with my new running partner, we went 7 together then I kept going after she was done to hit 10 miles!!!!!!!!!! 10 MILES!!!!! (No walk breaks). The longest I've ever gone, no water or anything till mile 9 when I swung back by the house steps where I'd left it. What an epic, awesome run. We went a little slower but it made it possible I think for me to continue on after the 7 (7.27 was the longest I've ever run before that). 2 hrs and 22 seconds ;) I'm so so happy!!!!

    WAY TO GO!!! Great job!!

    Today I ventured to a different park (haven't been there before). Now I'm wondering why I never went there before. A lovely park with nice paved trails and lots of birds around, and only 20 minutes from home. They have dirt trails too but I wasn't going on those after all the rain. Due to some trail construction I only got to see about half the park. I can't wait to see the rest. So I stayed on a 2.2 mile loop around a lake and through a lot of wetlands. My only goal today was to run at least 6 miles and keep my heart rate below 80%. I ended up running 10 miles with an average heart rate of 77%. Had to slow down to accomplish that but it felt good.

    Tuesday my wife & I will finish off the year with an 8-ish mile run from the greenway over to a local Korean coffee/bakery where we'll stop for some coffee and something sweet. Then we'll start off the new year pigging out on dim sum.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Yesterday was the first Saturday I've not run since July when I started and I was bumming the whole day about it, even though I was sore and desperately needed an exercise day off because of long-run-sunday... Today I went for the first long run with my new running partner, we went 7 together then I kept going after she was done to hit 10 miles!!!!!!!!!! 10 MILES!!!!! (No walk breaks). The longest I've ever gone, no water or anything till mile 9 when I swung back by the house steps where I'd left it. What an epic, awesome run. We went a little slower but it made it possible I think for me to continue on after the 7 (7.27 was the longest I've ever run before that). 2 hrs and 22 seconds ;) I'm so so happy!!!!

    That's a HUGE bump-up in mileage! Yay!!!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Laura, just do it ;) you love working out, and it will be a great way to get through the middle to end of winter!!!

    Go btsm - you're doing a great thing with her ;)

    Yesterday was the first Saturday I've not run since July when I started and I was bumming the whole day about it, even though I was sore and desperately needed an exercise day off because of long-run-sunday... Today I went for the first long run with my new running partner, we went 7 together then I kept going after she was done to hit 10 miles!!!!!!!!!! 10 MILES!!!!! (No walk breaks). The longest I've ever gone, no water or anything till mile 9 when I swung back by the house steps where I'd left it. What an epic, awesome run. We went a little slower but it made it possible I think for me to continue on after the 7 (7.27 was the longest I've ever run before that). 2 hrs and 22 seconds ;) I'm so so happy!!!!

    Woo Hoo! You are capable of running a half now!