New Rules Supercharged



  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Great exercises, Tessa!

    Makin, I think you will be happy with your results if you stick to 3X lifting. I always lose weight easier and feel better when I do.

    I'm loving Strength. My DLs are back up to 165X6 reps. Bench is up, inverted rows are easier, squats are going up. These workouts seem to take forever though. I decided to lower my weights a bit yesterday on the 2X15 super sets and just blow through them quickly along with the "free zone" finisher. It made it quicker and more cardio-like.
  • SDehmer819
    SDehmer819 Posts: 441 Member
    Glad that you are liking Strength. Your DL are impressive...and I finally have noticed that inverted rows are getting better for me too. Not great but definitely better. Im hoping that I will be happy with the extra regular lifting session- im ready for changes to happen and inches to be gone.

    It is never good when your workouts seem to be long but you are seeing results so that makes it all worth it. I find that I can only rest for so long and Im moving on---to be done sooner. But I do wait atleast until Ive somewhat recovered.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    I definitely take my time recovering on the 3X6 reps exercises. After that, I don't worry about it. My form on DLs today was awful. I think I tweaked my lower back doing a JM workout for cardio on Friday. I didn't find the JM workout hard at all (it wasn't as intense as I remember them being), but one particular exercise (you start from a standing position, roll backwards onto your back and then jump back up to your feet) had my sacrum really hurting. Don't think I will try that again. Hopefully with a few days rest and maybe a good yoga or stretching session it will be gone.

    As far as weights, I think I will be stuck at 165lbs DLs and 130lb squats for a while. Now that I'm being diligent with my calories again, I don't expect to see much Strength increase. Maybe I can make some form improvements and get the best out of each workout. Hopefully I won't be cutting again after this year (my plan is to have lost enough to bulk by Fall) and I can really focus on Strength and Hypertrophy. Maybe just go through Supercharged again after I finish this round.

    How is BTIV going?
  • tessa175
    tessa175 Posts: 170 Member
    Did my 2nd BT1B workout this morning, it went really well. I got a new Ipod shuffle for christmas and this was the first time I had it all set up and charged so I used it. So here I am doing my routine, my music blasting, trying not to take up too much space because the gym is full of new people and their trainers , and I look up while doing the side plank and row combo, to see a look of fear on a few of the newbie faces. One of the trainers says to her client, " don't worry I won't make you do that, that girl is hardcore" Hardcore? I'll take it, NSV for me today!
  • SDehmer819
    SDehmer819 Posts: 441 Member
    Tessa, that's got to feel good to hear!! awesome NSV!!

    Cowgirl, are you feeling good during you workouts since cutting? Even though you are at a standstill with your weights they are still awesome numbers!

    BTIV is going fine...only 2 workouts last week because I wasn't feeling good. My second one is tonight for this week and Im hoping to get the 3rd in sat morning or sunday afternoon. (I try to lift on Tues, Thurs, Sat if I can).

    My bench press is ready to be increased but I don't have a rack so Im not sure how I can do that. My squat is too but again, no rack so Im at a standstill with those lifts. Oh well, I just try to get as low to the floor as I can and have good form. Im not ready to pay for a gym membership.

    Have a good day!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Just checking on everyone! I forget to check this thread.
    Makin, I do feel good during my workouts lately. That's one thing that I love about eating closer to maintenance. I pulled 180lbs for rack DLs on Saturday. That was an awesome feeling. I feel like those really work my legs without me being tempted to use my back. Glad I decided to do them. I bought some chalk because I'm really struggling with grip at this point due to sweaty hands. I'm hoping the heavy rack DLs will improve my grip for regular DLs. I'm really enjoying S&P II. I picked some different exercises and I feel like I get an awesome workout every time.

    Makin, are you still doing BTIV? You will probably be very happy to get to Hypertrophy.

    Tessa, how are you coming along?
  • tessa175
    tessa175 Posts: 170 Member
    I'm doing pretty good, I'll finish up BT1 on Saturday and start BTII on Monday morning with my PT (I only use him for the first workout of each stage, just so I know I've got the form down correctly). I'm finalizing my exercises today, and trying to decide if I'm going to repeat some of them or move on to more difficult ones. My push ups suck, though I did see improvement this round. I went from 3 full floor push ups to 7 before I have to switch back to doing them on my knees. So I think I want to repeat those, as I saw that one the power moves later on is an explosive push up and I would love to rock that. The only other one I think I might keep was the tall, kneeling static hold. I just don't feel like I mastered that one...
    I'm really enjoying the program so far, but fitting it into my crazy busy days right now is taking some serious dedication. I've decided to go back to school in the fall and need to upgrade some of my high school marks before I can start. So I've got class on Wednesday and Thursday nights, homework all weekend, a full time job, a really high energy dog and a husband who need attention, not to mention I'm still trying to lose the last 15lbs to get to my goal weight.. At least they're all positive challenges to be facing I guess...Life is fun:)
  • SDehmer819
    SDehmer819 Posts: 441 Member
    Ive pretty much stalled with lifting...and working out period. Kindof been unmotivated- not sure if its all the cold and dreary winter weather or what. Im eat better and did a workout (not lifting) so far this week so hoping to be back on track.

    I feel like I have so much to learn about lifting. I don't know the difference between rack DL, RDL, and regular DL. LOL I think I have the RDL and DL difference figured out and its all about range right? Maybe legs are slighty bent also vs straightlegged?

    I think that I lost my enthusiasm with it because im running out of weight for progressing. Like I haven't replaced my adjustable DB that I dropped ( those things are expensive) and with squatting...I have not rack so I can only put so much weight on because I cant get it on my shoulders and I know my squat weight could be much more. I need to get over it and figure it out. So my question for anyone who has some input and maybe Ill xpost this on the daily thread too...will I see benefits, obviously not quite a bit of strength gains, if I have to max out because of weight limitations? Should I always keep my reps at 10-12 and do 3-4x? At this point I don't feel like Ill even see inches lost because I keep doing the same weights over and over. Am I wrong?
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member

    I feel like I have so much to learn about lifting. I don't know the difference between rack DL, RDL, and regular DL. LOL I think I have the RDL and DL difference figured out and its all about range right? Maybe legs are slighty bent also vs straightlegged?

    DL - put the bar down on the floor each time.
    RDL - put the bar down after you have completed all reps.

    That's my interpretation anyway.

    As far as weights go..... I have no suggestions other than a) buy more, or b) go to a gym. Sorry, I know neither is what u want to hear!
  • SDehmer819
    SDehmer819 Posts: 441 Member
    thanks! I was thinking the same thing. I posted on the daily thread and they gave me suggestions to make exercises DL at deficit, etc.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Ive pretty much stalled with lifting...and working out period. Kindof been unmotivated- not sure if its all the cold and dreary winter weather or what. Im eat better and did a workout (not lifting) so far this week so hoping to be back on track.

    I feel like I have so much to learn about lifting. I don't know the difference between rack DL, RDL, and regular DL. LOL I think I have the RDL and DL difference figured out and its all about range right? Maybe legs are slighty bent also vs straightlegged?

    I think that I lost my enthusiasm with it because im running out of weight for progressing. Like I haven't replaced my adjustable DB that I dropped ( those things are expensive) and with squatting...I have not rack so I can only put so much weight on because I cant get it on my shoulders and I know my squat weight could be much more. I need to get over it and figure it out. So my question for anyone who has some input and maybe Ill xpost this on the daily thread too...will I see benefits, obviously not quite a bit of strength gains, if I have to max out because of weight limitations? Should I always keep my reps at 10-12 and do 3-4x? At this point I don't feel like Ill even see inches lost because I keep doing the same weights over and over. Am I wrong?

    RDL: you bend knees and thrust you butt back as if you're doing a regular DL, but only lower the weight just past your knees. You put it down once you've completed all the reps. It's a similar motion as a regular DL, but you don't go down as far.

    Regular DL: start from the floor pull the weight straight up(thrusting your hips forward), lower it back down to the floor. Reset grip as needed.

    Rack DL: start with weight on the squat rack pins just at your knees. Pick weight up, thrusting hips forward. Lower it back to the pins and readjust grip with each rep. These are my heaviest lift.

    Straight leg DL: keeping your legs straight, lower the weight down past your knees. It's a different motion than the Romanian DL, although some people use the terms interchangeably.

    I really struggle with motivation in the Winter as well. If a gym isn't feasible, maybe you should look at Rachel Cosgroves book, Drop Two Sizes. It's less barbells and more body weight, dumbbells. I usually would be against that completely, but sometimes just switching things up can make things interesting again. Keep us posted on what you do. I completely understand the lack of enthusiasm. I think for me it often is lack of fitness goals- what do you want to accomplish by Spring? By 2015? A chin-up? DL personal best? Stay focused and build your routine around things that help you reach your goals. You may not always *love* what you're doing, but you will love the results. Hugs!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    thanks! I was thinking the same thing. I posted on the daily thread and they gave me suggestions to make exercises DL at deficit, etc.

    DL from a deficit: don't set the weight down between reps. It's like the Romanian, but it's an extreme ROM. In Supercharged, it shows how to do "Wide Grip Deadlifts from a Deficit".
  • SDehmer819
    SDehmer819 Posts: 441 Member

    RDL: you bend knees and thrust you butt back as if you're doing a regular DL, but only lower the weight just past your knees. You put it down once you've completed all the reps. It's a similar motion as a regular DL, but you don't go down as far.

    Regular DL: start from the floor pull the weight straight up(thrusting your hips forward), lower it back down to the floor. Reset grip as needed.

    Rack DL: start with weight on the squat rack pins just at your knees. Pick weight up, thrusting hips forward. Lower it back to the pins and readjust grip with each rep. These are my heaviest lift.

    Straight leg DL: keeping your legs straight, lower the weight down past your knees. It's a different motion than the Romanian DL, although some people use the terms interchangeably.

    I really struggle with motivation in the Winter as well. If a gym isn't feasible, maybe you should look at Rachel Cosgroves book, Drop Two Sizes. It's less barbells and more body weight, dumbbells. I usually would be against that completely, but sometimes just switching things up can make things interesting again. Keep us posted on what you do. I completely understand the lack of enthusiasm. I think for me it often is lack of fitness goals- what do you want to accomplish by Spring? By 2015? A chin-up? DL personal best? Stay focused and build your routine around things that help you reach your goals. You may not always *love* what you're doing, but you will love the results. Hugs!

    Thanks for the breakdown!! Super helpful!!!

    I moved on the hypertrophy on Thursday. I just used the sample workout from the book and I'm sore today still. It was a good workout. And even though it was 6 reps I really went slow and with good form...atleast I felt like it was good form. Ill do workout B today and progress through the stage. Ill just make due with I have and ill look into another set of adjustable weights and see what I can find.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member

    RDL: you bend knees and thrust you butt back as if you're doing a regular DL, but only lower the weight just past your knees. You put it down once you've completed all the reps. It's a similar motion as a regular DL, but you don't go down as far.

    Regular DL: start from the floor pull the weight straight up(thrusting your hips forward), lower it back down to the floor. Reset grip as needed.

    Rack DL: start with weight on the squat rack pins just at your knees. Pick weight up, thrusting hips forward. Lower it back to the pins and readjust grip with each rep. These are my heaviest lift.

    Straight leg DL: keeping your legs straight, lower the weight down past your knees. It's a different motion than the Romanian DL, although some people use the terms interchangeably.

    I really struggle with motivation in the Winter as well. If a gym isn't feasible, maybe you should look at Rachel Cosgroves book, Drop Two Sizes. It's less barbells and more body weight, dumbbells. I usually would be against that completely, but sometimes just switching things up can make things interesting again. Keep us posted on what you do. I completely understand the lack of enthusiasm. I think for me it often is lack of fitness goals- what do you want to accomplish by Spring? By 2015? A chin-up? DL personal best? Stay focused and build your routine around things that help you reach your goals. You may not always *love* what you're doing, but you will love the results. Hugs!

    Thanks for the breakdown!! Super helpful!!!

    I moved on the hypertrophy on Thursday. I just used the sample workout from the book and I'm sore today still. It was a good workout. And even though it was 6 reps I really went slow and with good form...atleast I felt like it was good form. Ill do workout B today and progress through the stage. Ill just make due with I have and ill look into another set of adjustable weights and see what I can find.

    Oh good! I always find it refreshing to move into a different Stage.

    I was going to do workout A2 of S&PII today before Zumba, but I didn't have enough time. I just did some pikes, 2 X 8 of pushups, elevated split squat, 3-point rows, and 1-legged get-ups. It got my muscles burning, but I wasn't too exhausted to sweat with my friends in Zumba. It was a great class- the instructors make all the difference!
  • SDehmer819
    SDehmer819 Posts: 441 Member
    Sounds like a great workout BCG!!

    The same routine gets boring and changing it up is what I need often. And I suppose as long as Im lifting regularly then it doesn't really matter if I jump around a bit on my routines.
  • tessa175
    tessa175 Posts: 170 Member
    Hi ladies!
    Makin: hopefully the new stage recharges your interest.
    Cowgirl: that was a great, clear explanation of the different dead lifts, thanks!

    I completed workout 2A of BTII today. I forgot how exhausting four sets can be! After my first A workout, I was really sore so I spent a good deal of time stretching and rolling. Hopefully it will prevent me from wincing in pain every time I try to sit down this time. I managed eight full push ups before I started to wobble this time, progress! And then a downfall, my trainer pointed out some bad form in my squats, so I'm trying to correct it, but I must have been doing it for some time because the right way feels unnatural now.

    Rest day tomorrow, then on to 2B
  • SDehmer819
    SDehmer819 Posts: 441 Member
    Yes, there are 4x 6 in the Hypertrophy that you do depending on what workout it is and what week and 4 sets can be a lot.

    Its funny because I always have my 13yr walked on me from knees to shoulders as I lay on the face down on the floor and it really helps with keeping my muscles from tightening up. Sometimes I just don't feel like foam rolling.

    What was wrong with your form Tessa??

    Ive never had my form checked so I wonder if someone would tell me that Ive been doing it wrong. LOL
  • tessa175
    tessa175 Posts: 170 Member
    What was wrong with your form Tessa??

    Ive never had my form checked so I wonder if someone would tell me that Ive been doing it wrong. LOL

    About 4" before I hit parallel on my squat, my butt tucks in and down when it should be sticking out and upwards. Which naturally means that my back isn't arched properly. Long term, I could do damage to my back and I'm not getting the best out of the lift because I'm not engaging the correct muscles. So, for now, as I work on it I'm just not going down as far.

    Funny though, now that I've been told I do it, I've noticed the difference in the way the squat feels. In my efforts to fix it though, I've been watching my form in the mirrors in the gym, and I got some looks from the regular guys this morning for checking out my own *kitten*.

    What stage are you on?
  • CarlieeBear
    CarlieeBear Posts: 325 Member
    How important is it to read the book before starting? I started reading it over Christmas break and then got busy once school and work got started again. I really want to change what I'm doing for upper body strength training. Machines have helped me get stronger, but I really hate them for them for legs though I do want to start doing "better" exercises for my legs, too.
  • SDehmer819
    SDehmer819 Posts: 441 Member
    To be honest, I didn't read the whole book. I read parts and focused more on the stages and what they were about. Something I referenced back but Im too impatient with that stuff, so off I went. Good luck :)

    Glad you are aware of your form and as weird it may feel right now, before too long it will be normal for you and maybe your mobility is just what it is. Be safe.

    I am on Hypertrophy I week 2.