2 week challenge



  • shander7
    shander7 Posts: 613 Member
    I hope you're feeling better beeps! I've had a terrible cold since Thursday and am now coughing like a crazy person! I'm hoping to get back to the gym on Wednesday, but I couldn't go the past few days because I couldn't breathe!!! Star challenge could go through April, I'd be good with that!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hey laides. I get a gold star. I estimated a lot for Saturday but ended up 379 calories over. I did really well Mon - Wenesday, was a bit over Thursday, close Friday, and Saturday and Sunday drank too much so was over. But I did offset with some workouts. I ran after work Friday. I did my yoga workshop Saturday. And walked, biked, and worked on my deadlifts yesterday. I got up to 130lbs so still making progress. I feel a little fluffy today because of the extra booze.

    I'm down for the star challenge. It actually makes me log more I feel. I was planning on not back logging my weekend but did this morning. So yay.

    My goals:
    1. Workouts: M - rest of maybe walk or run after work, T - yoga, W - run, R - workout video (at work probably), do another video and run over the weekend; work on deadlifts

    2. Food: low cal Monday. Be reasonable at dinner out Tuesday. Keep drinking in check. I have a lot of events this month.

    3. Roll my IT bands and back with my new Alpha ball twice a week.

    So my yoga workshop incorporated this Alpha ball. It's like a baseball size and sort of rubbery but hard. It's basically like a concentrated foam roller but better. I am still hurting from it; in a good way. My facia and muscle tissue in my IT bands are ridiculously tight! So I need to work on that. My number one focus really needs to be diet. April is going to be my month!

    Hope those of you sick are feeling better. Let's have a great week!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    No star for me this week! March was a big FAIL for me. I need to get it together if I wanna lose these last pounds. ( 5 more to get to pre-preg and another 10ish to get to where I really would like to be) So I am in for the April challenge.

    My goals for April:

    1) Really cut back on my booze consumption. I have gotten too used to having my nightly glass of wine, which usually is accompanied by a couple pieces of chocolate. So I am going to say I would like to only have drinks 3 days a week. And on those days no more than 2-3 drinks.

    2) Keep up with my workout schedule. I did pretty well with that in March. 3 days a week of Chalean and 3 days of running.

    3) Whenever it is warm enough get out after work for a walk with the pup and baby.

    4) Cut back on sugar. Hopefully cutting out wine will help me cut out the chocolate also.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,974 Member
    Okay, I get a PLATINUM star for last week!! Not my doing....so, will work to have a "conscious April" where a PLATINUM star is something I've EARNED rather than sicked on myself!

    Please report in for that final week of the MARCH star challenge.

    APRIL star challenge starts RIGHT NOW (i.e. Monday), so PLEASE get me your WEEKLY calories that you want recorded for the APRIL star challenge, TOO!

  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    No star for me this week. I overindulged a bit this weekend :/ I'd be up for the star challenge in April but will need to change my weekly goal. Beeps, put me down for 11,900 please!

    Hope everyone who isn't feeling well gets better.

    April Goals:

    1. Lift 3 times/week
    2. 1-2 days cardio (running or long walk)
    3. Yoga once a week
    4. Water
    5. Sleep!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    I'm going to lower my goal a bit. If I cut out booze like I plan to it should not be difficult. So my weekly goal is 12,250 (or 1750 a day).
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    I think I'm going to try to stick with 10,000 a week and actually try to hit it. I need to be logging during weekends and not back logging. It's nice to have an idea of where I stand throughout the weekend. That way I can make some adjustments if I need to, i.e. cut out the bagel or scone Saturday or Sunday morning. Maybe....although that is the only breakfast I have all week and I do enjoy it...... Or have a protein shake for lunch when I'm having a big dinner and/or lots of wine. I am proud of myself for passing on the cupcakes at work on Friday. We had pizza for lunch and I figured that 250 calories of cupcake would put me over. Yay me. It's all about tradeoffs.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I was 1033 over-is that a bronze star or no star?

    I will stick with the 1500/day for April and see where the scale goes. I am ok maintaining and I want to have enough fuel for my program. Then I will try and cut cals a bit in June before a wedding. Mu husband is a groomsman in the wedding so there might be some christmas card opportunities:bigsmile:

    My weekend wasn't too bad, even though I was lazy, I slept through breakfast each day.

    Last night I made some meatballs, that will become several more meals (meal one was meatloaf, then stroganoff tonight and meat, so that's always good to have a plan. I ended up drinking last night but I am not sure if I will tonight. Mike is watching the Rockies opener at a friend's house so I might be able to avoid drinking.
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Hi ladies! Bronze star for me this week, I was about 700 calories over. Over the weend I just stopped caring about calories, but I also was too busy to eat much during the day those days so thankfully I wasn't too much over. Work has been crazy busy so by the time I get home I just want to relax with some wine and good food. A little indulging is okay, but I need to remotivate myself before it gets out of hand. And I've also been celebrating a little bit--I got a promotion at work! It's one of those more responsiblity but same pay type of promotions, but it's definitely a good opportunity.

    Chloe--I started running with the baby in the BOB around 6 weeks, but I used it with the car seat adapter (and I stopped and walked over any bumps). I haven't tried him in either the BOB or the regular stroller without the car seat adapter.

    Amy--that Sunday deal sounds wonderful! And I agree, having a plan is always helpful!

    Ashley--nice job on skipping the cupcake! It is definitely all about tradeoffs.

    ramalem--great goals!

    Beeps--glad to hear you're feeling better! I'm going to stick with 14,210 calories for April. It seems to be about the right amount for me for maintaining.
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Hi Ladies!! I'm glad to see the challenges and support continuing on this thread :bigsmile: I've missed you ladies the most and hope to be back on here regularly.

    I lost all the progress I made last fall after Mimi's passing and all of the holidays.:sad: I never recovered my mojo until 3 weeks ago. I started eating cleaner and started lifting weights again too (hadn't lifted since November!) And so far I'm only lifting twice a week and need to up that to three times a week. I'm already feeling better and it feels great to be back!! We are going to California over Easter weekend, so I have no problem with motivation...let's just see if I have the willpower :wink:

    Last week I was on a "Rockstar Tour" for 24 Hr Fitness. They chose the top 3 instructors in Body Pump, Body Combat and Zumba to teach all over the city at all of our clubs and I was one of them!! It was an honor, a blast and EXHAUSTING!! But it was a great time! I also got a new Zumba license and I start my new class this Thursday, Zumba Step! Yup, the old Reebok step you know and love now has Zumba added to it, lol!!

    I need this group to keep me accountable but like last Fall, I will not be logging. My 2 week challenge is:

    1. Weights 3/wk
    2. No diet soda
    3. Eat clean
    4. minimum of 9 glasses of water
    5. multivitamin

    It looks like you are all doing well. Beeps, glad to hear you are on the mend!! Cheers to an Awesome April!!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,974 Member
    Hi jen!! Sounds like some awesome stuff is happening in your universe....so glad you posted about it!

    Ris - congrats on the promotion! Too bad about "no more pay", but more/different responsibilities is also a verrrryyyy good thing!

    Amy - you get a bronze star for last week!!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Not sure what it up with me this week but I feel ick. I was all "I'm looking forward to my weigh in next week" end of last week; now not so much. I had sort of a bad weekend and TOM is coming, but I just feel very bloated and it's putting me in a bad mood. But I'll keep trucking along with my workouts. I got in a couple mile run yesterday and ate well. Had a little wine, but was under my cals still. Had a good lunch today and walked during lunch in addition to my class tonight, so despite going out for dinner, I think my day should end up okay. Still....I feel icky. I hate water retention.

    That's all my ranting.

    Hi Jen! Good to see you back!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,974 Member

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,974 Member


    If you want to CHANGE your "weekly" calories, you have to do it NOW, because this train is leaving the station people!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,974 Member
    My goal for April's star challenge is to get a PLAT* or a GOLD* every single week....none of this BRONZE nonsense, lol!!

    I am not eating in any HUGE deficit, anymore. Will try and shave off 2 lbs this month....not as much through HUGE calorie reduction, but with the expectation that I can MOVE a lot more (if the weather EVER warms up!). Even if I add in a couple walks per week, that should be enough to do it!

    I think I was being WAY too optimistic that <140 is where I could be/stay. So, now, I am aiming for a maintenance-range of 140-145 lbs. If I am at 140 (which I have NOT hit, by the way), yahoo! If I am at 145, that will be the TOP of my range, so need to tighten things up!!
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Hey Beeps, can you change me to 11,700 please?
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Put me at 9800!!! I'm upping too because I am FINALLY rocking the workouts and I natural do more when the weather gets warmer.

    Welcome back, Jen!

    I hate water weight too, Ashley. I think TOM is coming soon and I worry that it will ruin me! I weighed in yesterday and I was back down from the previous week, but I am still up 10 pounds! YUCK.

    Chloe- I think that is awesome that you are 5 pounds away. That's really good!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Beeps, I have been doing 1500 per day average (10,500). Weigh in tomorrow and see. My workouts now are not big calorie burners, mostly strength training.
    I want to get a star every week, I am doing 10 weeks of this plan, then two weeks cutting for the wedding, then warrior dash training:happy:

    If I am maintaining while going over on 1500 per day, I might up it, or start counting some exercise calories!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,974 Member
    Alright, I made the changes.

    Anddddddddddddd, am in "sticker shock" from my daughter's orthodontist appointment today. $9k is the quote. Son's quote comes on thursday.

    When we went through this with oldest son, it was $5k.

    Let's just say I am in a "no spending zone" for this month. Likely next month. Maybe for a L-O-N-G time.

    Benefits only covers $2k per kid, so there is a LOT coming from our own pockets. Blech.....

    Get ready all you new mama's!! d'em kidz don't come CHEAP!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,400 Member
    I am relatively new to the group - can anyone join in on the star challenge? I could use the motivation!
    My goals for the month are to:
    Eat more protein
    Get my 1410 calories/day
    Run 5 days/week
    Lose 3 pounds

    I am training for a 1/2 marathon in early May