Post your recent results!



  • KeithAngilly
    KeithAngilly Posts: 575 Member
    Eastern States 20 miler (Portsmouth, NH) - 3:05:18. Tough conditions, but finished strong and happy with the result for what was a training run.
  • snshine1028
    snshine1028 Posts: 44 Member
    My first 15k!

    3/23/2014 Hot Chocolate 15k San Diego
    11:36 pace
  • fleetzz
    fleetzz Posts: 962 Member
    2nd 10K today: 57:53.07

    Improved from February 2014 10K time of 1:08:42!

    Happy with time, but sadly, did not run negative splits. 9:20/9:20/9:19/8:56/9:11/9:30/9:26. I think that I believed I was closer to the finish than I was on mile 4 :-(
  • 99clmsntgr
    99clmsntgr Posts: 777 Member
    PR'ed at the Chick-Fil-A Half Marathon, in Athens, GA, today. 1:41:30, officially @ 7:45 per mile.

    The course measured a little long on my Garmin (13.26 miles) and was pretty tough first half of the run. There was a 220-foot climb from mile 5.8 to mile 7.9 was the fourth of a series of pretty tough hills. Kept telling myself "it's all down hill from here..."

    Very proud of my run today,
  • CarsonRuns
    CarsonRuns Posts: 3,039 Member
    PR'ed at the Chick-Fil-A Half Marathon, in Athens, GA, today. 1:41:30, officially @ 7:45 per mile.
    Good job!
    The course measured a little long on my Garmin (13.26 miles) and was pretty tough first half of the run.
    That's the way it's going to be on a certified course because of the way they measure. Not uncommon at all.
  • davemunger
    davemunger Posts: 1,139 Member
    2nd 10K today: 57:53.07

    Improved from February 2014 10K time of 1:08:42!

    Happy with time, but sadly, did not run negative splits. 9:20/9:20/9:19/8:56/9:11/9:30/9:26. I think that I believed I was closer to the finish than I was on mile 4 :-(

    Those splits look pretty good to me -- they are actually quite consistent other than the quick mile 4. You had a tough mile 6 but you didn't choke at all and PRd by over 10 minutes.
  • jennalink807
    jennalink807 Posts: 226 Member
    Ran my 15k this morning! Got some good negative splits again :) Chip time: 1:28:57, first 5k:(30:58) second 5k: (29:43) third 5k: (28:16). I'm feeling pretty good about my goal time of 2:10 for the half in a few weeks!
  • davemunger
    davemunger Posts: 1,139 Member
    Ran my 15k this morning! Got some good negative splits again :) Chip time: 1:28:57, first 5k:(30:58) second 5k: (29:43) third 5k: (28:16). I'm feeling pretty good about my goal time of 2:10 for the half in a few weeks!

    I think you're going to kill that half marathon goal time, assuming the courses / conditions are similar. Great job!
  • bostongeek
    bostongeek Posts: 80 Member
    Just finished my first 10K (the Cohasset 10K in Cohasset, MA)--the first half was possibly the worst three miles I've ever run in my life but the second half was much better. I just went out too fast (partially because I was trying to get away from some super-annoying people running next to me and partially because I'm an idiot) and I didn't really plan for the number of hills and yeah it just wasn't a great start. Finished in 1:10.
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    Brutal 5K trail race last Saturday. My Garmin showed pretty even elevation gain and loss but it sure felt like nothing but up, up, and more up. I finished in 26:08 and 5th in my AG. I was 10th overall finisher and 6 out of the top 10 were my AG! That was only the 3rd 5K I have ever run and is a PR for me. I need to sign up for a road course 5K and see what I could do on flatter terrain.

    My wife was 6 seconds behind me and was the first overall female, and 13th overall finisher.
  • DavidMartinez2
    DavidMartinez2 Posts: 840 Member
    Foxy Trail Half Marathon - 1:23:41 2nd overall

    The course was only 12.94 miles and they nicely saved the nastiest hill for mile 12 (which was not part of the course preview last month). I hiked the last third of that hill and still got the Strava CR for that segment.
  • snshine1028
    snshine1028 Posts: 44 Member
    New PR at the Hollywood Half Marathon! 1:30:20.7! I hit the wall around mile 9 but managed to PR =)
  • RunFarLiveHappy
    RunFarLiveHappy Posts: 805 Member
    Of course I have to choose to post after two much faster "elite" runners... Lol! New PR for my HM Sunday; 2:22:03 ????

    ETA: my course had a hill that went straight up at 12.3 miles, but my last mile was still my fastest mile (or 1.1 miles since it was the end, or 1.26 miles according to my GPS watch)
  • Curtruns
    Curtruns Posts: 510 Member
    Leprechaun Chase 10K in Des Moines in 42:46. Lighthearted race full of creative costumes and fun post race party!
  • RayInMotion
    RayInMotion Posts: 89 Member
    PR in 5K at 23:40. I've been running for 2 months.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    I finished my 5-races-in-5-weeks "challenge"

    9 Mar - Little Miami 10mi, 1:09:21, 39/238 OA, 6/22 AG

    16 Mar - Heart Mini HM, 1:37:00, 149/1749 OA, 29/164 AG

    23 Mar - Germantown 15K (trail), 1:20:16. 20/122 OA, 3/5 AG

    30 Mar - Knoxville HM, 1:36:19, 73/2488 OA, 18/165 AG (season PR)

    6 Apr - Xenia HM, 1:46:51, 178/1060 OA, 17/57 AG (training run)
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    I finished my 5-races-in-5-weeks "challenge"

    9 Mar - Little Miami 10mi, 1:09:21, 39/238 OA, 6/22 AG

    16 Mar - Heart Mini HM, 1:37:00, 149/1749 OA, 29/164 AG

    23 Mar - Germantown 15K (trail), 1:20:16. 20/122 OA, 3/5 AG

    30 Mar - Knoxville HM, 1:36:19, 73/2488 OA, 18/165 AG (season PR)

    6 Apr - Xenia HM, 1:46:51, 178/1060 OA, 17/57 AG (training run)

  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    New PR at the Hollywood Half Marathon! 1:30:20.7! I hit the wall around mile 9 but managed to PR =)

    1:30 after hitting the wall..... that's amazing.
  • lorierin22
    lorierin22 Posts: 432 Member
    Of course I have to choose to post after two much faster "elite" runners... Lol! New PR for my HM Sunday; 2:22:03 ????

    ETA: my course had a hill that went straight up at 12.3 miles, but my last mile was still my fastest mile (or 1.1 miles since it was the end, or 1.26 miles according to my GPS watch)

    Great job!! I can't imagine doing your fastest mile...on the last mile...uphill!! Impressive! :smile:
  • rayvynn5374
    rayvynn5374 Posts: 272 Member
    Did a 5k yesterday morning and PRed with 25:30. Then ran 11 mile training run this morning. I am surprisingly not too sore but oh so tired!
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