2 week challenge



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    Amy....YAY on the "several push-ups"! Pull-ups are H-A-R-D. I only even try them a couple times a year because I STILL CANNOT DO ONE!

    Chloe - h*ll YA working out everyday is a "win"!! For SURE! that is NO easy task, mama!!

    My quads are killing me. They shouldn't be. the lower body work i did, today, was weighted hip thrusts and T-bends. Gawd-d*mmit if I am STILL getting TOO MUCH QUAD and NOT ENOUGH GLUTE!!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,410 Member
    Beeps - I did plie dumbbell squats last night and should feel it in my quads but instead feel it in my glutes!

    I have never been able to do a single unassisted pull up but can now at least lift my body enough that it is noticeable - I am positive if I keep trying I will be able to do it one day! On the bright side I have no issue with push-ups any longer! My husband actually noticed and commented on 'how muscular my arms have gotten' - I can't believe it has taken him so long to notice but I am really excited he did!

    I was over on carbs and calories yesterday - just so hungry! I am trying really hard to be good today since I am going out tonight but I am pretty sure I will be over again today too. Hopefully the rest of the week will be better!
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Beeps, are you pushing through your heel with those hip thrusts and squeezing your glutes at the top of the thrust?? I did one legged weighted hip thrusts on Sunday (shoulders on the bench, rest of the body off the bench) and my glutes are still screaming at me!

    I've had a great week. I tried Insanity at my gym on Monday and it was an hour of pure torturous plyometric/body weight hell! I still hurt! Not sure if I will do it again. It was a challenge and a nice switch. Yesterday, I tried Pilates on a reformer and I was amazed at what a good workout it was. Classes are expensive though, so I probably won't do that again either. Then today, I did the elliptical for a little bit while my son played bball, so I've really switched things up this week!

    Sounds like everyone is moving along nicely!! Keep it up, ladies!! Sorry I don't have time to comment on everyone, I'm trying to pack and get things ready for my trip and I have to teach at 6:30 tomorrow morning and then do weights!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    jenomaha - I am pretty positive my hip thrust form is spot-on. I've now been doing weighted hip thrusts for >1 year and, yep, I SQUEEZE my glutes at the top and I place my feet properly and PUSH through heels.

    I swear if I had MORE time, though, i would also do hip thrusts single leg style....right now, my work-out is running close to 75 minutes!! That is L-O-N-G when you are sneaking out of work to drive to a gym to do THAT over the lunch hour.

    Dumb or NOT dumb, I joined another mfp challenge!! It is 14 weeks. I want to lose 6 lbs. This *is* doable!!
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Good Morning! I've had a few good days. I'm feeling pretty proud...but yesterday I saw a friend who has lost 20 pounds in just over two months and weighs 115. I know, I know...and she admits she ate VERY LOW and has lost muscle mass....but I'm still a little jealous. She has a very small frame and probably weighed 100 pounds when we were in high school. I am only 5'0 and would be happy at 120.

    Beeps- I know ti's common for the quads to take over in a lots of booty exercises because they are a stronger muscle group. No ideas how to stop it though.

    Shanaber- I know I focus more on a balance week rather than day. it helps me. If my carbs are high one day, the next day..or two days later, I try to eat lower carbs. Same with calories.

    jen- Great Job

    Chloe-I think you are doing great with steady, consistent loss.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    kc, I know the feeling, my sister lost about 20 pounds in a month when she upped her wellbutrin dose. It was crazy. I saw her in November and she couldn't wear my size 4 jeans and then a month later she is wearing her daughter's 0s. I know she did by, basically not eating-but I was a little jealous...

    I was pretty good last night. Actually had one beer. We tried to go to the asian noodle place but they weren't open yet, so we went somewhere for a beer, then went back, they still were closed so we went to a pho place without a liquor license and so I just had water with my bowl.

    I will have to look up that move, Jen, I can't picture it!

    That is a really long workout Beeps, I couldn't do it!

    For pull-ups I read that I should be doing "reverse pullups" so I jump up and try to lower myself as slowly as I can. I have been trying to do pullups, not chinups, but I am not sure if I should try for chinups because they are easier? Also, I could get some resistance bands, that is the other way to train up to them.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hey ladies. A lot to catch up on so I'll just quickly check in. I've had a good week. I've been under almost all days, slightly over Tuesday, but more than made up for it on Monday. I'm thinking I may try to make Mondays very low, like I think I had around 1000 calories. I never felt super hungry that day; had the protein shake for lunch and a sensible dinner. Maybe I'll try that at least every other week till vacation. Which is about 7 weeks away!

    I also saw a 1 pound loss yesterday! It has me motivated again. That's the lowest weight I've seen this year. So I've got 2.5 pounds to lose in 7 weeks to hit my goal. I can do it!

    I got a nice run and some walking in yesterday and the weather was pretty nice. A little chilly, but nice and sunny.

    Well I had a dr. appointment this morning so should technically be working so I better run. Have a great Thursday!
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Beeps – Wow, 75 min?!?! I’d lose my concentration, lol! I figured you’d have the form on those hip thrusts, you are big on that…so since that’s right, I don’t know how to stop the quad thing. But, if you want to add the single leg thrusts in, maybe switch out the two legged ones during one of your sessions to save some time. Just another possibility 

    Better - That is fantastic!! You will meet that goal for sure!! Way to go!

    KC – Glad to hear you have been having a good week. Keep up it up!!
    Amy – I still need to try pho. Is it anything like Pad Thai?! And I’ve trained for pull ups with the bands….that’s some serious stuff there!! You can do it!!
    Here is a pic of the way I do the single leg hip thrust, but I have a barbell across my hips- http://www.shape.com/fitness/workouts/heavy-lifting-sculpt-stronger-leaner-slimmer-body/slide/6

    Alright, ladies, the weekend will be here before we know it!! Enjoy!!!
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Wow am I far behind! Been dealing with sick kiddos. My youngest was out of school Thursday & Friday & then my older one got it over the weekend and missed Monday & Tuesday from school so I am way far behind at work. They had a nasty cough & runny nose accompanied by a low grade fever & all over yuckiness. My husband had it too for a bit. Thank God it never hit me. I am hanging in there. Anyways, I cannot wait for Easter Sunday to come. I need sugar! Hopefully I won't go too overboard, but I am not making any promises. :)

    Now I need to go back & get caught up on everyone.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,410 Member
    I ended up doing ok last night. We went to a great restaurant and I ordered a vegan pizza (Spinach, Artichoke Hearts, Wild Mushrooms & Kalamata Olives Topped with Basil Pesto Oil) with mozzarella cheese added. I don't usually eat pizza but this was delicious! It was huge - can't believe how big it was and intended for 1 person. I ate 2.5 slices, was stuffed and brought the rest home. Only had 2 glasses of wine - one with dinner and one at the concert. Only issue for today is I got home so late and I had to be up early this morning for work. Still trying to make it out the door for a run. Have strength training tonight and I am hoping to get in a quick nap so I am not falling asleep during my session :yawn:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    My quads are fine today.

  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Today was SUPPOSE to be my new weigh day. I just saw a SCARY number. I really don't understand what I am doing wrong. I have gotten really good about measuring my food so I can't be THAT off. I am working out - HARD. that T25 leaves me dripping in sweat. I am doing P90X for some weights - yea I know its not really HEAVY lifting, but it is something and I SHOULD be losing something. I can see SOME body changes but not much. SOOOOO...........I have a new plan. I just found a vegan protein powder recipe on pinterest - yes, I want to make my own for cost and for fear of what is REALLY in what I am buying. I am really going to focus on CLEAN (yes, I said that dirty word) eating. I have to do something to move this weight. I do not want to do it in an unhealthy manner, though. I am going to focus on a minimum of 80 grams of protein, lots of fruits and veggies.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Sorry you're having a hard time Kelly. That is so frustrating and I have definitely been there. I hope you find what works! Could just be water retention. Maybe from your diet but maybe also from workouts? Are you drinking tons of water?

    Shanaber that pizza sounds yummy. I love pizza.

    Beeps, glad you're feeling good.

    Abi, hope you all get healthy soon!

    Jen, sounds like you are right back in it. Just like that!

    That's all I can see. Hi to everyone else!

    So I had my circuits class last night. The chick teaches two classes at my office a week, but I just do the Tuesday one. I really liked the class. We had 8 stations. Each station we'd do 8 rounds of 20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest. There was some rowing, TRX, kettlebell, barbell stuff (I did clean and presses....holy cow.....), incline treadmill, etc. etc. etc. It was a great workout. I wanted to do another round of 32 minutes.

    I ate a lot of candy yesterday and was just hungry at night. I had almost 400 calories after dinner and only a tiny bit of it was booze. (Poured a glass of wine and didn't finish it....I don't like riesling.....). I was over a little in cals, but not much. I felt good this morning so decided to step on the scale this morning and it was 0.5 pound less than yesterday. So I am feeling good and hope I keep moving in a good direction. I really want to keep things in check this weekend: dont' overdo it with drinking or Easter meal and get two good workouts in at some point. I may go for a run after work. It's kind of nice to get a workout done before the weekend has hardly begun. So we'll see. Have a great weekend ladies!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    kclynch....ohhhhhhh, it is SO hard for me to support any "clean eating" stuff!! but, i 100% support YOU b/c i want YOU to succeed in your quest.

    So, post lots and often and lemme know how it is going....

    (For me, i just don't understand or agree with the whole clean/dirty list of foods. I understand eliminating "junk food" or "empty calorie"-type stuff.....and i understand deficit calories. The rest ends up being "noise", for me.)

    BetterBalance - that circuit class sounds like a lot of fun...i really ned to investigate finding a "new" class for maybe one. Ight per week....that might help with my inertia-issue.

    So, what is a girl to do with a friday off?!?! Well, fibonacci pyramids, of course! I'm off to the gym in about an hour to go lift some heavy shyte! BOOM!
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Ashley- since I'm not working, I may not be drinking as much water so I will focus on that for the next few days. I will redesign and record on Mon. I can think of lots of excuses, water weight, gaining muscle but not losing fat, sodium, carbs, etc. but that fact is, I have been working pretty hard for a month with zero results - maybe a slight change in inches. I will measure next weekend.

    Beeps, thanks for supporting me. :laugh: I know that I can't actually go 100% clean and I am am doing it to 1. Help control calories and 2. Try to keep my energy up. I think when I eat junk, I get tired easier. I have a friend on here who just hit under 130 today (she was that low last spring too) She eats lean cuisines everyday and protein bars. She does all home workouts. She has lost and maintained over 60 pounds for several years and she is like 5'7. She did a good blog about convince food.


    I know I don' t HAVE to eat clean but I need to change SOMETHING because what I am doing isn't working. If I could go back, I would have never gained the weight back. When I was working out 5 days a week, I didn't have to be as strict to maintain. I just can't seem to LOSE!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Kelly I'm friends with her too but I hadn't read that blog. I like it. People can get rather upity with their so clean eating. I admit I do feel better generally if I don't eat the stuff that you buy in the middle of the grocery store. And the majority of foods I buy are from produce, fresh meat, frozen veggies, etc. BUT....I always keep packages of noodles with salt that turns into sauce that I can mix with chicken from a can. I do put frozen brocoli in it. But I top it with parmesean cheese from a can. That I always have. At the end of the day, a calorie is a calorie. I am learning maybe what types of my food my body does best with (from a mentally satisfied state, a digestive state, and maybe even a weight loss state), but that doesn't mean I didn't eat tator tots and diet Coke (and eggs and buttered toast and bacon) for breakfast last Sunday because I was hungover. It's all a balance! Oh and I drink a lot too, so there's that. No one is perfect! We just need to do what works. Some of my friends eats prepackaged food almost all the time and have/are losing. I have other friends and I look at their diary, and I'm like really?! How do you find the time to eat so perfectly!? But good for you.

    I also think that if I'm eating more healthfully (fresh foods), it just gets me in a more healthy mindset so I'm less likely to say screw up because I feel good. OK, that's all. :smile:
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Jennie was my first friend on here. When I started, she was at 1 year. She was so inspiring. She is really good about commenting on all exercise post, which was really motivating when I started - and still is!

    I decided to do a little extra Pilates today. I use to do it a lot and might try to add it back in. Forgot how GOOD it feels. Anyway, off to the library. Everyone, have a great weekend!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Egg, Bacon and Toast isn't clean? I eat that every weekend!

    That image did help me to picture that, Jen, thanks. I have not done that exercise but there was something similar in the Drop 2 sizes but you just bridged from the ground.

    I will have to read the blog. I do the convenience food quite a bit, I think. I don't like the meat in the frozen meals though, so I often go meat free with them.

    I think eating more protein helps me not be so hungry. And fat, if I don't get enough fat I just eat, and eat, and eat...

    Last night we did Take-Out Thai and so I don't know how many calories it was, I went with the PF Chang's figure.

    Have a great weekend all!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    kclynch - i 100% agree that if what you are doing isn't working, it would be insane to keep doing THAT and expecting a different result. Good for you for changing it up.

    Today is scheduled cardio.....ZOOM!
  • zgolub
    zgolub Posts: 90 Member
    Not doing well....work nights and there are bags of easter candies stored right above my head (for the whole night staff..but it's above MY head!!!) so keep mindlessly pulling and snacking.
    I feel like its hard to find motivation to do better, when all I want is another piece of chocolate...then another...then another.