

  • cmglass10
    cmglass10 Posts: 31
    Hi all My name is Marin.

    My superpowers include:

    Being able to scare monsters away from under beds and out of closets.
    Being able to start singing almost any disney song just from hearing one line.
    Depending on the season I turn into Santa, Or the Easter Bunny
    Able to put make up on without a mirror, and not come out looking like a clown

    And then of course your reading, writing, I also play the clarinet.
  • chr12bu
    chr12bu Posts: 13 Member
    Hello - My name is Chris...
    My super power is procrastination - I'm probably very good at that, but I'll just do something else while I find out :)
  • bigbadbeancounter
    bigbadbeancounter Posts: 5 Member
    Hiya! I'm Amber. My super power is blushing.
    My coworkers know and exploit this.
    I'm just waiting to go to Xmen school and learn how to use it for good!
  • Bri_Undead90
    Hello I'm Bri and my superpower is super saiyan mode. KAME-HAME-HAAAAA! ????Anyways, I am a gamer. I mainly play Xbox one, Xbox 360, and PC. Some of my fave games are dead space, gears of war, borderlands, skyrim, ext. Feel free to add me.
  • CraftMamaDee
    CraftMamaDee Posts: 13 Member
    Hi there! I'm Deedee from ohio! Well if I chose my own super power it would be time travel or being invisible simply to mess with people unseen ;)
    My actual super power is to procrastinate until the last possible moment and then pull everything together by the skin of my a... teeth ;)

    I am a total geek for: lots of tv shows like Doctor Who, The walking dead, Star trek, Game of thrones, The Mighty Boosh, Adventure Time, Regular show, The bravest Warriors, Big Bang Theory, Bob's Burgers, Rick and Morty, Lots of anime, nostalgic tv and cartoons galore! just to name some of course. I love to watch tv while on my Exercise Bike it helps me to keep going and I dont feel so darn lumpy! I do that or listen to great music! :D I have yet to try out video games while on there but I'm sure I'd get ticked and throw the controller! I love games old school and new but mostly the newer things I've played are nintendo products because I'm lame and never got any other consoles (woo cheap consoles) my favorite game series is Zelda! I love movies too but I'm not about to even start that ball rolling. Good to be here! ^.^
  • Kekibird
    Kekibird Posts: 1,122 Member
    Hello fellow Geeks! I'm Katie from California. I'm a mom.... that in and of itself is a superpower. Go Super Mom! I can bake a mean chocolate stout bread while packing lunch, finding socks, correcting homework, and telling my husband where his keys are all with my Super Mom powers.
  • dkbrummitt
    dkbrummitt Posts: 21
    Hi All! I am Delicia and am a software engineer and wantrepreneur...at least until launch. My super power??? I am REALLY good at reading body language and verbal indicators which translates to being (DONT TRY THIS AT HOME) calm down a pissed off pit bull without getting bitten or even more usefull recongnizing BS at work even when they BS themselves.

    I am addicted to learning so I am a walking encyclopedia of useless information ( I would argue differently of course :wink: ). And is it weird that I was excited to see M-Theory accurately disussed in a romance novel? Nah, not weird at all...totally normal. I am among fellow Geeks :happy:
  • AeiriMuse
    AeiriMuse Posts: 254 Member
    Hiyaz! I'm Natalie Rae, but I go by Muse or Nona. I'm 4' 10 and in Louisiana! My superpower is listening skills and an incredibly kind and caring heart.

    I enjoy learning and my geeky and nerdy tends to dip a little into just about everything, but not solidly in any in particular except for being an author and artist.
  • Kevin_Rex
    Kevin_Rex Posts: 127 Member
    Hello folks...

    I'm Kevin... geek since, eh, a while now. 6'2" and live in San Diego, California (born/raised)

    My super powers are based on me having red hair, so you can just imagine the variety of abilities... the most important being my ability to jump up onto curbs.

    It's great to see a nice group of folks that are centered around geekdom on MFP... Always looking for Friends if you're lookin' as well...

  • AndyRogan
    AndyRogan Posts: 195 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I'm Andy and my superpower is retaining a ton of seemingly pointless information, usually about 80s and 90s cartoons or comic books and related films that always seems to come in handy at pub quizzes
  • purplebowties
    Good afternoon! My name is Katie and my super power is always finding a way to trip on invisible cords and drop my toast jelly side down. Murphy's Law Girl to the rescue. And I can kind of wiggle my ears so that's a plus.
  • HedgeHaug
    HedgeHaug Posts: 223 Member
    Hello awesome Geeks! My super power is screwing the peanut butter lid on crooked. Every time. Even when I hold my mouth just right!
  • TiffanyRW84
    TiffanyRW84 Posts: 7 Member
    Hey there, my name is Tiffany... and my super power would have to be turning people into ZOMBIES!!
    I love doing zombie make-up! My dream is to turn a group of people into zombies including a Michael Jackson zombie carrying a boombox while they all march down one of the suburban streets around here doing the thriller dance. LMAO.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Hey, I'm Carly in Oklahoma...

    My superpowers include:

    Being incredibly difficult to offend.
    Still remembering how to calculate THAC0.
    Having watched almost all seasons of every Star Trek iteration.
    Having geek crushes instead of hot guy crushes. Geeks/nerds get me every time!
    Reconnecting with my high school love after over 20 years and 5000 miles by complete happenstance!

    My geek/nerd interests are many and widespread. I love D&D, science fiction in all forms, goofy time travel and random weirdness, Wil Wheaton, Star Trek, Star Wars, Mel Brooks movies, Kevin Smith movies, old school Dr. Who, Firefly/Serenity, Harry Potter, Supernatural, NCIS (all versions), super hero movies/tv shows, Big Bang Theory, Felicia Day, and all kinds of other various, random, and sundry things!
  • EssenceSuggs
    EssenceSuggs Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, my name is Essence and my super power is that I have my own language, Essencese.
  • bradley0320
    bradley0320 Posts: 12 Member
    Hello fellow programs! I'm brad, and that superpower thing well I don't like to brag ok I will! I can see through lines of code on my computer screen, move a curser with a simple flick of my wrist, and connect to the internet at the speed of light..... Pretty good or what? Now for realty I. Geek like most looking for kindred spirits in a digital world.
  • genericscreenname
    My name is Emily and my super power is to be extremely awkward in a somehow approachable way! ::two thumbs up with a super weird glare and smile::
  • JoeHess90
    JoeHess90 Posts: 8
    hey, My name is Jo and my superpower is time travel, I go off with the Doctor and fight the evil Cybermen and Daleks.
  • constellation709
    constellation709 Posts: 28 Member
    Hi my name is CK, I'm a lady going to school in Oregon, my superpower is knowing random facts and talking about them to anyone who will listen.

    I went to Emerald City Comic Con last year and it was awesome. I'd love to go again in costume this time.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,682 Member
    Hello, my name is Gayle and my superpower is teaching others what they would rather not have to learn (I teach human relations at a tech school). I also wield a magical paintbrush and and make sure that my science nerd teen unloads the dishwasher.