May 2014 Walk Challenge



  • startergal53
    startergal53 Posts: 120 Member
    Bless your heart lidenalex! Thanks for the post- well all your posts I find inspirational and motivating.
    You should have yours on there too-

    I'm with you Lilymay2- finding myself lol.

    Just checked in for the morning haven't walked yet but oh what a beautiful day out there. Enjoy everyone- and happy walking!
  • lidenalex
    lidenalex Posts: 283
    Walked 10.2 km (6.5 miles) today.

    Had a visit from a friend who suffers from high pressure. She always carries blood pressure sensor with her. She took my blood pressure and it showed 120/80 with the resting heart rate of 59. She said it was normal. I attribute that to my walking.
  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    Bless your heart lidenalex! Thanks for the post- well all your posts I find inspirational and motivating.
    You should have yours on there too-

    I'm with you Lilymay2- finding myself lol.

    Just checked in for the morning haven't walked yet but oh what a beautiful day out there. Enjoy everyone- and happy walking!

    Agree with startergal53 ^^

    I understand about the 'Finding myself' lol.

    Have an awesome weekend y'all :flowerforyou:
  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member

    2 DVD miles: 2 Mile Brisk Walk (a WAP Express walk using a bit of the firm band).

    0 minutes: Walked outdoors today.

    Goal for May: 40 miles, Continuing an emphasis on strength and outdoor minutes will change my usual mileage from previous months.

    So far: 30.5 Leslie/ or other walking DVD miles

    So far: 380 outdoor walking minutes

    GOOD MORNING Y'ALL HOPE IT'S BEEN A FABULOUS WEEKEND 4 ALL OF YA =D BUSY DAY 4 ME YESTERDAY SO I'M HERE THIS AM 2 CHECK IN... 8 MORE LESLIE MILES N ( yesterday & this morning 4 MILE SUPER CHALLENGE) that leaves me with 6 miles left on my GOAL so if nothing happens I will meet my GOAL b4 I leave Wednesday morning for my vacation... Hope there will be another challenge this 1 SERIOUSLY MOTIVATED me and I GREATLY APPRECIATE ALL WHO CAME UP WITH THIS IDEA AND EVERY1 WHO TOOK UP THE CHALLENGE... Ur POSTS KEPT ME GO N... BEST WISHES 2 ALL OF YA :happy:
  • lidenalex
    lidenalex Posts: 283
    that leaves me with 6 miles left on my GOAL so if nothing happens I will meet my GOAL b4 I leave Wednesday morning for my vacation...

    SCOTTJACKIANG Woot! Hope you get a great vacation :glasses:
  • zichab
    zichab Posts: 1,458 Member
    May Goal: 50 miles
    5/3 Exercise TV-Walking at Home-3miles=47 to go
    5/4 Walk it Off & Tone it Up-5 miles=42 to go
    5/5 WAP-Walk Slim-4 Fast Miles=38 to go
    5/6 WAP-3 Fast Miles=35 to go
    5/7 WAH-3 miles with weights=32 to go
    5/9 WAH-Walk Slim-5 Really Big Miles-5 miles=27 to go
    5/10 Just Walk-4 Mile Power Walk-4 miles=23 to go
    5/11 Endomondo recorded -neighborhood walk=3.14 miles=20 to go
    5/13 WAP-3 Fast Miles=17 to go
    5/14 Just Walk-Ultimate 5 Day Walk Plan-Tuesday-4 miles-13 to go
    5/20 Just Walk-Ultimate 5 Day walk Plan-Monday-3 miles=10 to go
    5/23 Just Walk-5 Mega Miles--5miles-5 to go
    5/25 Endomondo recorded-neighborhood walk-4.18 miles=1 to go
  • ChaiyaChaiya21
    ChaiyaChaiya21 Posts: 37 Member


    It's been a crazy month but I just may make my goal.
  • lidenalex
    lidenalex Posts: 283
    Walked 8.4 km (5.1 miles) today.

    In my life I have lived by 2 main ideas.

    1. The power of starting.
    2. The power of acting as if.

    I have been telling you a lot of the first idea, but not anything about the second. The first time I heard about the idea 2 was about 30 years ago, in a book from 1936 called:

    Title: Wake Up and Live! by Dorothea Brande

    Excerpt: Two years ago I came across a formula for success which has revolutionized my life. It was so simple, and so obvious once I had seen it, that I could hardly believe it was responsible for the magical results which followed my putting it into practice.The first thing to confess is that two years ago I was a failure.

    When I actually had the good fortune to find the formula, I hardly believed in my own luck. At first I did not try to analyze or explain it. For one thing, the effects of using the formula were so remarkable that I was almost on the verge of being superstitious about the matter; it seemed like magic, and it doesn't do to inquire too closely into the reasons for a spell or incantation! More realistic than that, there was---at that time--- still a trace of wariness about my attitude. I had tried to get out of my difficulties many times before, had often seemed to be about to do so, and then had found them closing in around me again as relentlessly as ever. But the main reason for my taking so little time to analyze or explain the effects of the formula after I once began to use it consistently was that I was much too busy and having far too much fun. It was enough to revel in the ease with which I did work hitherto impossible for me, to see barriers I had thought impenetrable melt away, to feel the inertia and timidity which had bound me for years dropping off like unlocked fetters.

    Here is the total amount of writing I was able to do in the twenty years before I found my formula---the little writing which I was painfully, laboriously, protestingly able to do. For safety's sake I have over-estimated the items in each classification, so a generous estimate of it comes to this: Seventeen short stories, twenty book-reviews, half a dozen newspaper items, one attempt at a novel, abandoned less than a third of the way through. An average of less than two completed pieces of work per year!
    For the two years after my moment of illumination, this is the record: Three books (the first two in just two weeks less than the first year, and both successful in their different fields), twenty-four articles, four short stories, seventy-two lectures, the scaffolding of three more books; and innumerable letters of consultation and professional advice sent to all parts of the country.

    How did it happen. When researching about hypnotism, I came across a sentence in the book I was reading. HUMAN PERSONALITY, by F. W. H. Myers, which was so illuminating that I put the book aside to consider all the ideas suggested in that one penetrating hypothesis. When I picked up the book again I was a different person.

    Myers made a theorizing comment which is of immense value to everyone who hopes to free himself of his bondage to failure. He points out that the ordinary shyness and tentativeness with which we all approach novel action is entirely removed from the hypnotized subject, who consequently acts instead with precision and self-confidence.
    Now the removal of shyness, or mauvaise honte (he wrote), which hypnotic suggestion can effect, is in fact a purgation of memory---inhibiting the recollection of previous failures, and setting free whatever group of aptitudes is for the moment required.
    There is the clue. No sentence was ever more packed with rich implications for those who are in earnest about reorienting their lives towards success.

    Now, if that is true - and only a little self-analysis will prove that it is true---how convenient it would be if each of us could carry a hypnotist about, to cast his spell whenever we had to get to work! How marvelous if each of us could have his own private Svengali! Impossible, of course; and, more than that, undesirable. Fortunately, it is not at all necessary to be put under the sway of another's will in order to do our own work. The solution is far simpler. All that is necessary to break the spell of inertia and frustration is this:

    Act as if it were impossible to fail.

    That is the talisman, the formula, the command of right-about-face which turns us from failure towards success.

    Clear out, by an easy imaginative feat, all the distrusts and timidities, all the fears of looking ridiculous which you may hardly suspect of being treacherous troublemakers in your life. You will find that if you can imaginatively capture the state of mind which would be yours if you knew you were going towards a prearranged and inevitable success, the first result will be a tremendous surge of vitality, of freshness. Then - well, the only way to put it is that it will seem as though your mind gave a great sigh of relief, of gratitude for the liberation, and stretched itself to its fullest extent. This is the moment where one may be forgiven for feeling that there is something truly magical about the whole affair. There will appear an extension of capacity which seems more than normal.
    Then the long-dammed-up flow sets in: directly, irresistibly, turned at last in the right direction, the current gathers strength from minute to minute. At first you may still harbor some fear that the spell which worked so instantaneously may break in the same way. It will not, simply because it is no spell; it is a reminder to yourself of the way in which work can always be successfully undertaken. If you remember that, far from your seeing the successful action stop, you will find that each hour of unhampered activity opens out into a promise of others in the future.
  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member

    4 DVD miles: 4 Mile Super Challenge (WAP Express series).

    0 minutes: Walked outdoors today.

    Goal for May: 40 miles, Continuing an emphasis on strength and outdoor minutes will change my usual mileage from previous months.

    So far: 34.5 Leslie/ or other walking DVD miles

    So far: 380 outdoor walking minutes

    lidenalex, I shall read your longer post either later on tonight or tomorrow. I enjoy reading all of your book excerpts and reviews.

    Happy Sunday to one and all!!

    texasgardnr :flowerforyou:
  • bandit5125
    bandit5125 Posts: 491 Member
    5 mile advanced walk with Leslie today.

    92 miles with Leslie to date

    48 miles outside to date

    140 miles total to date

    goal 100 ...yeah met my goal!
  • Reddirtblacktopqueen
    Reddirtblacktopqueen Posts: 79 Member
    5/23 5.56 miles

    5/24 3.24 miles

    Only 20.19 more miles to meet my goal. ????

    Happy walking everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • startergal53
    startergal53 Posts: 120 Member
    66 miles- crazy- only hmm 6 days left this month! :smile:
    Come on folks-

    Putting one foot in front of the other here and I am glad you all are moving and cheering one another on.
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Okay I lost myself in here somewhere.....

    So ..I have not walked with Leslie at all. All my walking has been outside

    So far this month I have walked 70.5 miles I have 30 more to go to reach my goal. Yeah!!

    May 24th - 1.81
    May 25 - 4 miles
  • lidenalex
    lidenalex Posts: 283
    Been travelling today but managed to squeeze 3.5 miles.
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hi Walkers
    I am getting a late start but better late than never. I'm a LS walker who's been off the wagon and now coming home!! If I can get in 2 miles/day for the next 5 days that will.put me at 10 for the month - and that's 10 more than I did last month!

    My name is Janet and I'm looking forward to walking with you all!

    Checking in tomorrow!
  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    Hi Walkers
    I am getting a late start but better late than never. I'm a LS walker who's been off the wagon and now coming home!! If I can get in 2 miles/day for the next 5 days that will.put me at 10 for the month - and that's 10 more than I did last month!

    My name is Janet and I'm looking forward to walking with you all!

    Checking in tomorrow!

    Welcome to the LS Walk forum and the monthly challenge Dragonfly11. That is awesome that you are jumping (or is that walking?) right in no matter what day of the month it is. I'm so proud of not waiting for next month's challenge.

  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member

    2 DVD miles: 5 Day Slim Down, miles 1 & 5.

    0 minutes: Walked outdoors today.

    Goal for May: 40 miles, Continuing an emphasis on strength and outdoor minutes will change my usual mileage from previous months.

    So far: 36.5 Leslie/ or other walking DVD miles

    So far: 380 outdoor walking minutes

  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    Okay I lost myself in here somewhere.....

    So ..I have not walked with Leslie at all. All my walking has been outside

    So far this month I have walked 70.5 miles I have 30 more to go to reach my goal. Yeah!!

    May 24th - 1.81
    May 25 - 4 miles

    Lilymay2, Your walks are awesome no matter how you get them on!!! It is all good. That is wonderful that you are able to walk outside so much this month! It seems that the weather is cooperating with your desire to walk outside. You can always find a time to walk inside no matter the weather, and outside is not always available.

  • startergal53
    startergal53 Posts: 120 Member
    Welcome dragonfly11! Any time is a great day to join in the fun.

    Woot-woots to Bandit5125- chaiyachaiya21 for reaching your goal! It feels good right?

    Scottjackiang- safe travels and for pushing it out with your goal in sight!

    lidenalex I knew you would keep the train going no matter where you are traveling.

    AnnofB thanks to your post I am checking into the Debbie Rocker dvd and one of her books through the library.

    zichab I had been trying to figure out from your posts what endomondo was and then my son sent me a link to try and that was that. Too funny- I am just starting to utilize it.

    And thanks texasgardnr for sharing the ways you are working out- with the minutes-and the miles.

    I am 34 from my goal I think- have to check- but this weekend with yard work and general meandering I am much more active because I have this 100 mile goal.

    To move more, is my overall goal and I am achieving that each day.

    Thanks everyone for writing in- just knowing we aren't alone is powerful and encouraging.

    Now this girls gotta book!