Daily Chat Thread



  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Ya, I'm completely impressed with the numbers I see posted here. That's great!
    I started the overhead squat with like 10lbs maybe? I did NOT have the core strength to do that exercise and probably shouldn't have attempted it at all. The one arm snatch was about e same. They are awkward exercises.

    dna, "heavy" is very relative. As long as you're lifting heavier and heavier, you're good. When I see people post that they lift *heavy*, but they haven't increased their lifts for a long time, that's when it's time to re-evaluate.

    This is my hungry week and I just want to EAT all day!
    Oh, and since it's now getting hot, my cankles have returned. I think the main reason I haven't seen a loss on the scale recently is because I'm probably retaining at least 2lbs of water in my legs and feet. Grrr...

    YEP! Everyone has GREAT numbers. I am in awe. AND you DON'T have cankles!!

    It is is Pre-TOM. Working out and eating right has been helping SOME. I'm right there with ya, Cowgirl. I want to EAT tonight. Fixin' to hit the bed so I won't.

    Dna, I am impressed you lift at home . I can't do it. I do not have the willpower. If I miss a day at the gym and plan to do body weight exercises at home it never happens.

    Sam, I have those critical days during PMS. I tend to extend those to my closest loves ones. Every little thing they do gets on my last nerve.

    Bepee, what is a "pawpaw"? and where can I find it?
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    dna, "heavy" is very relative. As long as you're lifting heavier and heavier, you're good. When I see people post that they lift *heavy*, but they haven't increased their lifts for a long time, that's when it's time to re-evaluate.

    Yeah I know LOL I always forget that I'm that much smaller than pretty much everyone else (except an odd few) and try to remember to go off percentages, but I would love to be able to say I lift 100+lb... we just won't mention I weigh less than that LOL

    However, I can pick up my very heavy 10yo (she's pretty much pure muscle that kid - small and HEAVY), without any issues, so something must be going right :wink:
    Dna, I am impressed you lift at home . I can't do it. I do not have the willpower. If I miss a day at the gym and plan to do body weight exercises at home it never happens.

    Bepee, what is a "pawpaw"? and where can I find it?

    I'm impressed with those that lift at a gym LOL I have agoraphobia and can't handle a lot of people/public places - it takes a lot of effort and I tend to stick to my 'safe' places unless I have someone coming with me. Because I work from home, I just schedule a workout into the day. I don't need to shower straight away all the time, no one is there to smell me other than the cat LOL and it gives me no excuses - all the gear is in my garage.

    A pawpaw is a tropical fruit :smile:
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Bepee, what is a "pawpaw"? and where can I find it?
    A.k.a papaya :smile:

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,097 Member
    pawpaw = papaya?!?!?

    See all the things I learn here?!?!?!?

    I am exhausted because I had to have my son at school for 6:00 am for a field trip. I will lift at lunch, but am not expecting anything awesome because I am so tired. And, after working 12 hours, I still have to go to kids' school tonight to find out about a field trip, abroad, in Feb., 2015!! (The parent meeting is tonight because, I think, the trip costs $2k, so obviously families need time to plan for that....)

    GO LIFT HEAVY THINGS for me, today....oh yeah, and GO DO MY CARDIO, too, cause I likely will do NONE.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Bepee, what is a "pawpaw"? and where can I find it?
    A.k.a papaya :smile:


    I googled a pawpaw and it is not a papaya. :laugh: but it is a fruit. It is available in the wild.

    Beeps , I will lift for you . No cardio though. No energy left. Where are the kids going???? That's a LOT of money.

    Awww, DNA, I am sorry. I don't like crowds. I get extremely grumpy , irritable, and can't wait to get away! I know that's different but I can sympathize a little . I am not lifting anything over a 100. I do what I can. :smile:

    Protein last night was over a 100.
  • jpore
    jpore Posts: 37 Member
    Hi Ladies!
    Yesterday I completed 1B5 and my lower back is so tight this morning!! Damn you deadlifts!!

    Since I was moving down to lower reps, I decide to up my deadlift from 80lbs to 100lbs, and I did it no problem! I was so pleased with myself (though again, quite sore this morning!).

    I was trying to brag to the boyfriend at home about how strong I am and he told me that I was being irresponsible for upping my weight so much. Obviously if it was too heavy I wouldn't have done it (I considered mentioning how women are quite sensible when it comes to working out, and that unlike men (obviously not all men), we don't lift past our means for pride). He thinks that he is an expert. I think that he just needs to assert his masculinity every now and then as he always has strange little comments here and there. He is definitely afraid that I will get bulky, which is ridiculous. (rant over)

    happy thursday!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,097 Member
    I have nearly 2 decades of history posting on some chat forums with other women....here was an interesting post one of them popped up there, today:

    "The stuff we have been told about sex, age, weight, most men don't give a flying fig about. He really gave me the freedom to just do what I wanted and be true to myself and trust myself.

    After that, I spent the better part of a year being the only girl in a comedy troupe of up to 18 guys. Through that experience, I learned men really don't care about a lot of **** that we have been told they care about. They pretty much find something attractive about EVERY women, regardless of weight, hair length (the number of guys that find short hair sexy REALLY surprised me), age, etc. Yes they find some women more attractive but pretty much every woman they saw was 'hot'. It was shocking for me. And do you know what all this taught me?

    Insecurity is all just a big marketing tool. It is harder to have a multi-billion dollar health and beauty business when women know the truth and love the way they look. How can you have a mult-billion dollar self-help and empowerment movement? A multi-million dollar relationship book movement? You tell people there is something fundamentally wrong with who they are.

    You keep saying you try so hard to be normal. Stop trying to be something you aren't. Be who you are. Give yourself a chance. You are way more awesome and have way more to offer than you think."

    ....just something to think about as each of us (daily?!?!?) applies critical analysis to our own selves....
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,097 Member

    Beeps , I will lift for you . No cardio though. No energy left. Where are the kids going???? That's a LOT of money.

    Thanks - we can lift together!

    Kids have a 5-day trip to Quebec City! I want to go, too....likely hubby, too....so, that means at least $6k to do the trip. But, at least if we go with the school, all the "sights" that we want to see (particularly Bonhomme Carnaval!) would already be "reserved", etc.

    Hubby and I have been to Quebec City before...stayed in the old city....LOVED IT!

    This news makes me smile....I will reflect on it ALL DAY to keep that smile goin' strong!
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    Tell us, Bepee. When are you going to post some pics of your awesome progress?? I just know you've got some bamf muscles to show off :)

    These are some excellent numbers girls. I feel like a weakling lol.

    Jpore, that's awesome! And re: the boyfriend. Time will tell. I'm still trying to argue some points to my hubby but he's changed his original thinking about my lifting quite a bit at this point. There is hope lol

    Beeps, hope you have time to rest tonight. The trip sounds awesome. And thanks for posting that comment from another feed, I LOVE that!

    93g of protein yesterday. I've been biking to work all week on my new bike :). I've got Body Combat at 5:30 and thinking about throwing in a lift sesh afterwards. Yesterday my husband and I biked to the river, to our friends' apartment, and back. With all this extra non-gym movement, I am completely wiped by the end of the day. I'm sleepy but I want to do more more more!
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Is a cheat meal or treat really a cheat if it still works into your calories? I am planning on movie popcorn tonight ;)
  • Kikimonkey1
    Kikimonkey1 Posts: 6 Member
    Wow! This is one fast movin' thread!
    Checking in for accountability. I was supposed to lift yesterday morning @6 a.m. b4 DH went to work, but sleeping just felt right. (I am seriously staring down menopause at only 43 y.o. - so sleep these days is at a premium). Ultimately, it was the right decision. I ended up going to the gym at 8:30 p.m. instead and it was great! I had not been to my new-ish gym at that time of evening so it was interesting to see the different folks who come out at dark! As a super-newb I did Stage 1b1. This was the first time I've ever done regular, plain vanilla deadlifts (I've done Romanians before) and I must say I thought they were very hard and kind of sucked. Although I watched lots of form videos, my form must be poor because I could definitely feel my lower back after the 2 sets. Or maybe I used too much weight? I didn't use the Olympic bar, my gym has a smaller, shorter preloaded barbell thing I used instead. Was that a mistake? Help!
    Afterwards I used the foam roller and I think that why I feel good this morning (with no lower back pain). Is it wrong to be in love with the foam roller? TENS is also a lifesaver. As is Arnica in all it's forms!

    Pudding-Yes, the protein as a veg is the ultimate challenge! I eaten a vegan diet from time to time but have never tracked the protein. I would guess that the protein would be even harder to get without the eggs, cheese, dairy) and it would be really hard to get the macro percentages 40/30/30. Has anyone ever done this?

    Jamaicanlady- Somehow the progressive decline makes more sense to me and my body? I really crave the upper body strength to do a "real" push-up, so I will keep working at it.

    Beeps - That quote is spot-on! Instill insecurity and self-doubt in the masses and become a millionaire! Has anyone read "The Sneetches" by Dr. Suess? Yes, _that_ Dr. Suess. That little story basically boils down a similar concept.

    It is HOT. Forecast is 106 degrees Fahrenheit. No outdoor walking/running/exercising here!

    Have a great day!
  • marieann82
    marieann82 Posts: 150 Member
    Beeps--thank you so much for sharing that quote!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,097 Member
    I know!! That quote just had me SMILIN' because I know I am already 'ALL THAT' - BOOM!

    Got my work-out in and done and I *do* feel better for it! That's 3 sessions this week and it is only THURSDAY. BOOM!

    Also, lost 1 lb on the scale, so that means my calorie-deficit is working...if I could lose 1 lb EVERY week, I'd be ecstatic....however, I've walked this road before and it usually ends up being 0.2 lb per week and I just want to TEAR MY HAIR OUT!
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Nice work Beeps!

    Kiki, I am assuming you mean 40% carbs and 30% each fat and protein? I can get that most days but I eat dairy; no way would I be able to do it on a vegan diet.

    I am mid-treadmill workout and dreaming of my popcorn tonight ;)
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    Beeps: I love that post. thanks for sharing it. And congrats on the loss!!

    thanks for all the advice on the starting weights ladies. I definitely have a tendency to underestimate my strength when starting a new level and start far too light. I think ill start the squats with 20lbs as my heavier weight.

    I am in the middle of TOM now and while my appetite is not as big as usual (maybe because i'm doing really well on the protein) i really really really want sweets. its only the fact that i live a 15 minute drive from the nearest shop that is keeping me from eating them.

    Pudding, i would argue that its not a cheat meal. I do it all the time (although i often do it when it doesn't fit in my calories). I don't really like the term cheat though, if you are tracking what you eat then you are not cheating anyone.

    Kiki, i have never used a foam roller but maybe i should start. what do you do with them?
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member

    Pudding, i would argue that its not a cheat meal. I do it all the time (although i often do it when it doesn't fit in my calories). I don't really like the term cheat though, if you are tracking what you eat then you are not cheating anyone.

    I like that :bigsmile: I tend to "cheat" all the time. If it fits into my calories then so be it but now I make sure I get my protein in. I have a different mind set --Protein first.

    I DID a mixed grip today! Woohoo! I liked it!:drinker: AND deadlifted 100 pounds .

    Yes, Beeps, you are all that. And :drinker: for the weight loss!
  • Kikimonkey1
    Kikimonkey1 Posts: 6 Member
    DouMc, the foam roller is awesome. It's a dense foam roll, about 6" in diameter and about 2 feet long. There's a few different ways to enjoy its benefits; depending upon what's hurting. If it's vertical pain down your back, you lay on it with it in the middle of your back on your spine and roll it back and forth under you. For pain in the hips, low back, glutes and legs it works well if it's horizontal (perpendicular) and you roll on it back and forth .It works like a mini-massage and really does wonders for releasing muscle tension. They tend to be pricey for what they are, but they are sooooo worth it!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member

    You keep saying you try so hard to be normal. Stop trying to be something you aren't. Be who you are. Give yourself a chance. You are way more awesome and have way more to offer than you think."

    ....just something to think about as each of us (daily?!?!?) applies critical analysis to our own selves....

    Wow... just wow, Beeps. Today has been a day of spot on inspiration for me! A couple of blog posts, this post, and the woman bodybuilder with no arms. I'm grateful to hear each piece, I relate so much to yours Beeps. I spent so many years trying to be a part of, to fit in, to be more normal. Finally after getting sober and basically starting everything over, I found out that I was enough, just the way I am. The whole world changed then. And like you, Beeps, I know I'm ALL THAT now! Congrats on the weight loss! That's awesome!

    So I didn't workout today. I ended up working late last night, didn't get home until 9, didn't get to bed til 10:30 and I just can't get up at 4:30 on less than 7 hrs of sleep. So I'll go to bed early (NOW!) and lift tomorrow.

    Dou, yes! Foam rollers!! YES! I got mine at KMart - it was a 3 in 1 type, 3 different sizes built fitting inside each other. It works! Search YouTube for use. You'll be glad you did!

    Woohoo Mary! Just take it slow girl. I don't want you to hurt your back again!

    Ok, I'm going to bed. Sweet dreams everyone
  • Kikimonkey1
    Kikimonkey1 Posts: 6 Member
    This is a good intro to foam rolling http://breakingmuscle.com/mobility-recovery/what-is-a-foam-roller-how-do-i-use-it-and-why-does-it-hurt
    Also, as Sue mentioned YouTube's got the videos!
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    You keep saying you try so hard to be normal. Stop trying to be something you aren't. Be who you are. Give yourself a chance. You are way more awesome and have way more to offer than you think."

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    I did Stage 4 A today. Upped the weights for most things, did T pushups etc and now I'm having issues typing lol The tiredness just kicked in :wink: I did chicken out on the last plank though and only did 90s for that one (I was sooooooo over planks by that stage lol).

    Long weekend for us this weekend. Once I get the girl's swimming out of the way tomorrow morning, I'm gonna chill. I'll still try and workout on Monday, but I'm not going to stress about it. No footy tomorrow, so it's an entire weekend off :bigsmile:

    I think it's time for an early lunch after I finish checking work emails...