June workout check in: June-o you want to deadlift



  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    So my mom and step dad are staying in our yard while they finish reno's. With the week I have been having I am not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing, my mom is a super help with the kids, but my step dad can be an douche and I don't have the patience to hold my tongue. Kind of glad my hubs is off in the field this week, those two do not get along for any more than an hour.

    Anyway, got to work out with my mom before she went to work today. And it was interesting... I think she squats with a smith machine, she didn't know what it was called but it sounded like a smith machine to me. And we deloaded her a lot and she still had issues with leaning too far forward. She said her trainer told her she's too old to squat without the guide things...

    The rest of it went really well, I tried widening my grip on rows and feel like I have unlocked a cheat code in a video game :D

    Workout A

    Squats: I did a lot of warm up reps trying to get my mom to see how to place the bar right, and how her back is supposed to move. working weight 5/5/3 155 lbs I did all of the last set but I was painfully far away from parallel on the last 2.
    Bench 3x5 80lbs deloaded from 86 lbs because of 3 failures
    3x5 72 lbs finally figured out how to get these to work my back

    Front raises 10/8/8 30 lbs
    one arm rows 3x10 25 lbs
    flies 3x8 15 lbs

    I think that my accessories are not improving because of my cut, I have been really good about sticking to a 500 cal deficit. By the time I get to accessories, I am just all out of juice. I think I might start having 2 apples (or one big one if we ever start getting anything but puny little apples at the store) before hand. Maybe that will help me get through all of it.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    I think that my accessories are not improving because of my cut, I have been really good about sticking to a 500 cal deficit. By the time I get to accessories, I am just all out of juice. I think I might start having 2 apples (or one big one if we ever start getting anything but puny little apples at the store) before hand. Maybe that will help me get through all of it.

    If you're progressing in weight on your main lifts, don,t worry about your accessory too much. You're already doing more work in your first 3-4 exercises, it's normal to not have much juice left after that. :)
  • viglet
    viglet Posts: 299 Member
    Monday I rested and stayed up super late watching Orange is the New Black and frying chicharon for pupusas! Super healthy eh?

    Yesterday was workout B

    Squat @130lbs

    I have really been focusing on hip power and man does my *kitten* hurt because of it! I love it!

    OHP @ 55lbs

    Really happy with this one.

    Deadlift @150lbs
    3 ?

    I dont know how to count this. I did three no problem. I was so tired and stepped away from the bar for 2 minutes and then did 2 more. I really tried not to take a break but I was SO light headed I thought I was going to pass out. I think I am going to stay at this weight next week.

    Ellipticaled for 20 min afterwards and was DRENCHED in sweat!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    :grumble: it's Wednesday...and I got the bright idea to do my workout before lunch...

    @Krok sorry to hear that about the running...and the knee, quad, hip etc.
    @katro it's always nice to have time off from everything
    @massage great...it's always great to rock the workout :drinker:
    @llama I feel for you...my dad's wife is well...yah...glad she isn't in my back yard, my dad would be short a family member when he left....:bigsmile:
    @viglet I would count them but stay at that weight, esp if you were dizzy...

    Workout B for me today...working on my form for squats @160 trying to figure out why my hips are coming up first on my last set...I think I got it...trying to get up too fast...last set today I really concentrated on rep 3-5 and my hips didn't come up first..so going to stay here and see if a slow down helps out...mind you made rep 5 HARD....

    OHP...epic fail on last set...working weight is 93.5 and only got 3x3 last time...got 4,4, 2....stepped up to the bar for my last set...bar would not go up at all...put it back...took a step back shook myself out...deep breath...got at it again...barely 2...:huh:

    Oh well...one more than last time...improvement and the first 2 sets went up well...

    DL @ 210 again today...after the OHP thing head wasn't in it...even tho I took a break...on rep 5 my husband looked at man child and said..."you have a sibiliing now" just based on the noises coming out of me...

    Definately staying here for all weights next time...might try more carbs in the morning on my lifting days to see if that makes a difference...
  • suremeansyes
    suremeansyes Posts: 962 Member
    These swim lessons are throwing me off I think. We will see what happens, but I'm actually not doing as bad as I thought I would doing weight training and swimming 6+ hours a day.

    Squats: warmup then 5x5 @115 Still feeling good on these, getting heavier
    Bench: warmup then 5x5 @80 I love to bench, love it. I actually enjoy OHP as well even though I'm currently stalled @70.
    Row: 5, 5, 5, 5, 3 @95 This is my second time failing (couldn't get up to chest) so we'll see what happens next week!

    Didn't do any extra work or accessories today because I have to save anything left in the tank for swim today. Long day. 10:15-6:15 and only have about 1.25 hours rest. Most of that is driving from one house to another and wolfing down a pudding or granola bar.

    @llama I actually considered widening my grip on rows, will try that next week!
  • Gen2703
    Gen2703 Posts: 197 Member
    Wow ladies, you are killing it!!!

    @krokador: wow i'm so impressed, and MERDE for your race on Saturday!!!! How many KM?

    @rps65: great job on the running! I remember that mental block for 5 minutes, I did C25K too :) It's an awesome feeling!

    @sezxyStef: omg I laughed at "you have a sibbling now.." ;)

    Today was pretty kick *kitten* for me..

    Squats: 5x5 - 60 lbs
    Bench: 5x5 - 55 lbs (it looks so simple yet i have to really concentrate so the bar doesn't get wobbly and check that i don't lift one side quicker than the other!)
    Row: 5x5 - 70 lbs YAY no fail!! and I really took my time between sets and rested well. My gym partner did 2 sets while I rested before going into it again. I'm gonna feel those tomorrow! haha!

    I havent ran this week yet. Last night I had a massage and OH MY ... my quads were really happy about that !!! :blushing:

    Have a great day everyone!
  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    @viglet - impressive deadlift

    @stef - is there a heaviest weight you are trying to reach or do you just keep going? I guess I am asking is there a point at which you maintain with lifts and stay at a weight or not progress for longer or something like that. I am just trying to understand what you should do when you reach your body fat goal.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    @viglet - impressive deadlift

    @stef - is there a heaviest weight you are trying to reach or do you just keep going? I guess I am asking is there a point at which you maintain with lifts and stay at a weight or not progress for longer or something like that. I am just trying to understand what you should do when you reach your body fat goal.

    I have weight goals atm...ie BP my bodyweight, DL 2x BW, Triple diget OHP, Squat 225(current BWx1.5)...hopefully I can get those by the end of the summer...but if I don't' it's all good...either way I am switching up my program. Looking into 5/3/1 atm...my husband prefers to pyramid so this seems to fit with him as well.

    For me I hit my 2nd goal weight and want to see what happens over the summer eating at maitenance and lifting. Maybe a little recomp? (hopes) If not I might go another 10lbs down starting in September.

    For lifting I will continue to lift but not push the strength gains as much as I did at first. Even now getting the lifts in with great form is more important to me...keep going with the compound movements, add in accessory lifts, keep working on my chinups, but I have to be honest...when I started this I had no idea I would be here...and I enjoy liifting so I will continue with a well versed program and just see what suits my fancy as long as I continue to lift.

    I am not sure if I will ever do a bulk...i've seen some great results but I am not sure if I mentally have it in me...

    sorry for the rambling...I guess basically for me I am just gonna keep lifting..branch out later to mix things up. I think is we women just need to ensure we use it so we don't lose it we don't have to push the strength gains as much if we don't want, we can work on lifting getting new gains, plus work on agility and flexibility by adding in other stuff...or push those strength gains through the roof while eating at maitenance...
  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    Thanks Stef, that helps a lot.

    I intend to keep lifting once I get to my goal body fat too, but I realize I will get there and come up with new things to do.

    I guess I have just had in my mind that once I reach my goals it is more of a maintenance thing that you do a couple of times per week to keep in shape, now I am starting to think beyond that, and consider the options, and also consider the details of what a maintenance would be like if I were doing that. It is my nature because I like to plan ahead. :)
  • jcdoerr
    jcdoerr Posts: 172 Member
    Happy hump day to all today! :drinker:

    Tonight was workout B for me, and the official start of week 13 in the program:

    squats - 3x5 at 130 pounds. Second attempt at this weight and it felt great after really struggling with it last time. Must have been the pizza and beer I had for dinner last night! Whoops...
    OHP - 3x5 at 70 pounds. Moving back up after a deload, so these were good.
    DL - 1x5 at 175 pounds. Repeated this weight from last time. Was able to do all 5 without any breaks to reset my grip. Still using a double overhand grip but it might be time to switch to mixed grip soon as the bar almost slipped out of my fingers after the last rep.

    Finished with 2.5 miles of sprints on the mill.

    I decided to try 3x5 at least for weekday workouts, since time in the evenings gets kind of short, and I've started mixing Insanity workouts back into my week. I love lifting and feeling strong, but after getting this far into the program I was hoping to start seeing some physical changes. And....nothing...boo :sad: So back to Insanity, which is the only thing that seems to kick my body into gear. Not going to stop lifting, so hoping I can do both without wearing myself out too much.

    Great job everyone! Keep on going and good luck with upcoming races, PRs, body weight goals, running, and general awesomeness!
  • mlanders22
    mlanders22 Posts: 140 Member
    Last night was my first workout after tweaking my form, so I deloaded my squats. I wasn't going even to parallel so I'm very glad I met with the trainer early on in the program to correct this.

    Squat - 5x5 at 50 pounds.
    OHP - 5x5 at 55 pounds. My last couple reps on set five were pretty shaky so I think I'll repeat this weight again.
    DL - 1x5 at 95 pounds. Deadlifting is my favorite lift by far.

    Spent about 15 minutes on the row machine after.
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    I finally have time to post my Tuesday workout! :blushing: I went to the gym then came home and had to write a cover letter/adjust my resume for an internal position I applied for. Yesterday I was just too tuckered to do anything.

    45x10, 65x5, 85x5, 95x3, 110x3, 122.5x5 Benching has really been hard recently, and I've really been trying to question why as last fall I did 135x5...ofc on Friday of that week I did 138 and I only got 1.5 :laugh: So based on my experience/what I've read things that may affect bench: 1: I was maintaining and possibly slightly bulking in the fall. 2: I was doing more volume then: benching 2xWeek and more volume in the actual session 5 working sets, and 3-4 warmup sets. Now I'm doing 1xWeek and 3 working sets. 3: I weigh less now. Bench is one lift that really seems more dependent on mass. I think a lot of it being it reduces range of motion, but I'm sure there are other factors at play. 4: I had to take a month of benching in March/April since I bruised my lowest rib in the back. I kept up OHP which supposedly can help your bench even if you take time off, but I guess that didn't work for me. 5. I squat the day before I bench. Even if this isn't tiring out the main muscles used during bench I wonder if it has an effect on general energy. 6: maybe not adequately warming up. I've heard if the weight seems harder than it should you probably either warmed up too much or not enough. So things to try: 1: adding more volume and increasing warm up. I'm thinking double warm up sets, and then possibly drop down sets as well. 2: Occasionally lifting the day before squatting when schedule allows.

    Well now that my bench stream of consciousness has ended...Accessory work!

    Supersetx5 with 35# DB's- I normally use 30 but the only set available one dude just had clenched in his crotch while doing shape magazine style triceps dips on a bench. I don't mind most sweat...but ball sweat is unacceptable. :grumble: :angry:
    DB Benchx10
    DB row x10

    15# curl x10
    60# rope pushdown x10

    Then Yoga where I requested hip openers. I'm going to have the best squats ever on Monday! Wooo :drinker:
  • Gen2703
    Gen2703 Posts: 197 Member
    @fittreelol: good luck with the position you applied for!

    Workout B today as we couldn't fit it in tomorrow!!

    Squats 5x5 - 60lbs
    OHP 5x5 - 35lbs (2nd time in a row, will try 40 pounds next week)
    Deadlift 1x5 - 105lbs (i'm amazed at the numbers we can pull off at the deadlift!!!! it is starting to get really tough though.. Hopefully I can keep it up!)

    I asked my gym partner to film my deadlift today and my row yesterday. I will try to upload to get some pointers later or next week :) it's strange looking at yourself workout HAHAHA!
  • wolfsbayne
    wolfsbayne Posts: 3,116 Member
    It looks like you ladies are moving right along! It's been a while since I've posted, even though I'm still getting in the gym. Like Stef, I'm really focusing more on my form than on my weights, but damn, I really want to get back to where I was at.


    Squats: 155 lbs 3x5. I've switched back to high bar on my squats. I felt that the heavier the weights got and I switched to low bar, the harder it was for me to break parallel.
    Bench: 100 lbs 5-4-3. I should really be pushing 105, but I've got this catch in my right arm that is a nuisance.
    Deadlift: 225 lbs 1x5. Somewhere along the way my deadlift and rows got switched around. :ohwell: 245 lbs was my max a few weeks ago and I attempted it again today, just for giggles. I couldn't even get it halfway up :grumble: Perhaps because I attempted it after the 225 lb set and not really a whole lot of rest between the two weights. I'm going to attempt 245 again on Wednesday next week. I might have to switch my rows and deadlift back to where they need to be. Maybe the bench is taking too much out of me.
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Thanks Gen!

    Wolfsbayne- bench tires a ton of muscles you use for deadlift so it makes complete sense that you would be seeing a lower deadlift number.
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Supersetx5 with 35# DB's- I normally use 30 but the only set available one dude just had clenched in his crotch while doing shape magazine style triceps dips on a bench. I don't mind most sweat...but ball sweat is unacceptable. grumble angry

    This made me think of this:

  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    Worked out late tonight, had a flat tire on the way home. Sticking with weight I am at until my finger is better, but i got it done.

    Workout B (Thurs)

    squats 5 X 5 - 125

    uprighht rows 5 X 5 - 75

    overhead press 5 x 5 - 55

    reverse 5 x 5 - 55

    overhand bicep curls 5 x 5 - 80

    Dumbbell side bend - 5 x 10 - 40

    flys 5 x 5 - 40
  • LadyDeadlift
    LadyDeadlift Posts: 136 Member
    Oh, I was so super tired today -- but I made it to the gym and managed to have a good workout. Squats were dialed in perfectly - just the right working weight so that I just felt super-hero strong after each set. A little bit puny on Bench Press, but adjusting my posture and getting a better arch helped. My last three sets were easier than the first two.

    Squats: 185 5x5

    BP: 85 5x5

    -- I've been flirting with pushing 95 but I didn't have the focus to handle that weight. I'm glad I backed off and took the opportunity to tweak my form. Maybe 95 will happen sooner than later!

    Tried to do some accessory work but I just ran out of gas.
  • LadyDeadlift
    LadyDeadlift Posts: 136 Member
    @jstout - hahahahahahHAHAHA

    That skit and those characters are some of my favorite ever!
  • muroo
    muroo Posts: 68
    Checking in seems like a good place to also complain a little bit. :-) Workout took forever today! I even left to try and come back later. Tried to hit the pool in the middle (in an attempt to use and abuse all of my apartment complex resources before I move out haha), problem being I really don't know how to swim. Moving on.

    I get back and there's a smaller mess of dudes but there's still clearly a lot of people giving eyes towards the power rack. I thought maybe I could use the preweighted barbells like my first ever SL workout but then I realized there was no way I was going to casually clean and press my squatting weight into position 5 times. =P There was some guy who clearly had some lifting experience who hogged the rack the longest who in between sets would slowly walk to the other side of the gym, use the speedbag, and then meander back. Bwuh.

    In the meantime I did things out of order and did my OHP and DLs. And possibly pullups and dips. The DLs with preweighted bars was also a small disaster since it was hard to walk with them. I guess I'll learn to either butt in and ask to work in or just keep finding weirder times to workout. :-)

    OHP 55 5/5/5/4?/5 (well, I'm just gonna hang out here a while...I'm just generally unsure of my form and will try it again on an oly bar. I actually did 5x5 I think, but I remember losing my balance a little on the 4th set and being terrified I was going to drop it on a nearby guy who decided to use a bench near me)
    DL 95 1x5 (come to think of it, I've never used a real bar for this, just the preweighted ones! afraid of looking like a fool dragging a bar somewhere. I hear there might be balance issues. Will try and switch to a regular bar =P)
    Sq 75 5x5
    Assisted Pullups -55lb 2x5
    Assisted Dips -55lbs 2x7
    Dip station leg raises 2x10
    Medicine ball stuffs to pass the time waiting for the rack