June Challenges



  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    My goals for Saturday:
    1. = 7948 steps

    2. calories = 1,348 That is below MFP and within my range

    3. I have posted on the message boards

    4. Did great with the binge/late night eating - I knew I was having frozen yogurt when we came home from the reunion dinner as I had yogurt all day and I need to for the ulcerative colitis. So I did not count that as a problem :bigsmile:

    Onward and upward for a Jolly June Sunday!
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    I've been doing good on my second challenge to myself to eat 5 servings fruit and veggies and have an alcoholic beverage everyday. (it is tough leaving the calories for it). 30 minutes a day 5 days a week are easy for me due to my developed exercise addiction. Smoking isn't even an issue.

    Working out has been pretty much in line with where I like to be.
  • Mariang165
    Mariang165 Posts: 2,126 Member
    Hi Everyone: Hope you are all well. Just reporting in:

    Nbr of walks (min of 25 minutes) so far this month is 4 and 3 of those were self motivated! :smile:

    Can you believe I am even looking at next weeks weather forecast keeping in my mind that strange thought in my head: ' oh no, rain on Wed. and Thurs., oh bother, I will have to be sure I get out Mon and Tuesday ! Can you believe I had that kind of thought, unbelievable! :blushing: Gosh, if I am not careful I will be wanting to start walking every day, NOT! :bigsmile:

    So I guess I am on track after the first week of June, so good luck everyone with your individual challenges this upcoming week. Let's all make it a good one! Cheers, Marian
  • 53welshlady
    53welshlady Posts: 136 Member
    Well, not doing so well with the running - didn't do any last week for one reason or another - mainly because I started a new exercise program concentrating on lifting heavier and my body was feeling wrecked after it most of the time. Although I was "lifting heavy" before, this is more intense and more demanding. However, hopefully I have got over the newness of it as I was able to do my 30 min run this morning before the rain came. Felt good as well.

    The scales have moved down a little after increasing last week when I started with the heavy lifts, so that makes me feel better.

    Press ups - doing great, and increasing slowly - think next month my challenge is going to be an unassisted pull up....:laugh:

    So all in all - I'm happy with how things are going.

    Everybody seems to be doing pretty well - we rock!!
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    Hello to all!!

    Reporting on my June goals for Sunday

    1. weight = maintaining. I do expect a loss tomorrow??
    did not stay within the calorie goal
    2. 7000 steps = my rest day
    3. I am posting
    4. I blew no eating after 9:00 but will do that tonight
    5.I also did not do my 5 fruits & veggies

    Well by the looks of this I better not take Sunday off again! But I am right back on track today.

    Everyone have a super duper day!!
  • Mariang165
    Mariang165 Posts: 2,126 Member
    Welshlady: sounds like you are doing very well, well done, don't really understand about your strength training ( it's a little over my Sloth head :wink: ) but I do admire you for doing it! Maybe something for me to look at in the future!

    Feeling a little smug this morning as I actually not only did my 25 minute walk but it was in the MORNING, again, most Sloth are not exactly morning people, it takes a little while to get going!

    Well, I better not get too smug as we have 3 more weeks in this month's challenge but let's be optimistic as Ker suggests, cheers, Marian
  • 53welshlady
    53welshlady Posts: 136 Member
    2nd run of the week done yesterday, and I thought I might do another this morning to make up for last week's NIL score, but was feeling a bit tender after yesterday's training so decided to leave it. Not worth overdoing it - takes too long to recover from!

    Well done Sloths - keep it up - I've been wearing my sloth hat for the last two years and threw it away in February - hope it stays away:bigsmile:
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,213 Member
    Good morning everyone! Well, getting to be late morning and I just got to work. Procrastinating by posting here...

    I have been doing well so far this month. It feels SO good to be back on track. I like the somewhat sore muscles, and tracking eating again. I think some of my portions have been a bit bigger than reported, but at least I have left a little "cushion" each day in hopes that it all comes out right. I just can't get it together to measure everything.

    Exercise has been great - the weather has been perfect, and the rain yesterday morning helped me not feel bad about doing my cardio intervals inside on the exercise bike! Didn't get to go horseback riding yesterday, though, and now have 3 straight days at work where it is not possible. I'll walk a lot and make it to the gym, though! I just got my second pair of "barefoot" shoes -- I'm addicted to the super flat glove-like shoes that make balance and stability so much better. I don't think I'll ever want to wear anything else, especially for working out. They have made a huge difference. I'm not sure I like the new ones quite as well as the others, though, except that they are all black and I can wear them at work without looking like I forgot my "real" shoes at home.

    Keep up the great work, sloths and keeners!
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    I have had two bad days. No walking. :explode:
    And fell flat on all of my goals. :angry:

    But, today is a new day & I am heading out now!! :bigsmile:

    I just finished walking with an 18mph wind coming back. That ought to count for a few calories!!
    I feel like I am back in charge of all of my goals.
    So today is a better day.
  • angelsail
    angelsail Posts: 8 Member
    Happy to be back from vacation. Tried making the best choices but did not succeed all the time.:grumble: It is nice to feel like I am back in control. The important thing for me is that upon returning I went right back to the program. This was a win for me. Day by day....Have a nice day everyone. :flowerforyou:
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,213 Member
    Today is indeed a good one -- back on track after a rather wrecked weekend. The exercises felt great, the outdoors is gorgeous. Hope everyone had as lovely a day! :love:
  • steppingstones
    steppingstones Posts: 569 Member
    So inspiring to read the above comments. Having a bad day or weekend or vacation and just able to put it behind and get back on track.

    My new motto is: Can I Do Today!
  • 53welshlady
    53welshlady Posts: 136 Member
    Have already got my 2 runs in for the week - what am I going to do the rest of the week :laugh:

    Guess I'll have to try and make up for week 1 when I didn't do any!!
  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    Couple of little runs and some exercise this week......... not too good on the eating but life is great! :bigsmile:

  • ireallyneedit
    ireallyneedit Posts: 104 Member
    I think I am on the wrong post again...looking for the Wednesday one will go off here. Just to let you know I am off to Niagra Falls for 4 days as it is husband and I 49th anniversary. Will try to be good. Back to the same weight after a rough go so that is good. Talk again on Monday next. Have a good week and weeed everyone.
  • Wooken3
    Wooken3 Posts: 634 Member
    I think I am on the wrong post again...looking for the Wednesday one will go off here. Just to let you know I am off to Niagra Falls for 4 days as it is husband and I 49th anniversary. Will try to be good. Back to the same weight after a rough go so that is good. Talk again on Monday next. Have a good week and weeed everyone.

    "A long marriage is two people trying to dance a duet and two solos at the same time." ~Anne Taylor Fleming ==>Congratulations to both of you for being able to dance to the same tune for 49-years! :drinker:
  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    I was finally able to manage my calories today and hope that it is the start of a trend. No exercise, though; still recuperating from the grandkids 10 day stay and then an old friend was in town that we had to visit with and then he spent one night here. Now we are back to just the 2 of us for awhile so, hopefully, I'll get back into the exercise soon. Unfortunately, the scale went up about 3.5 lbs :sad: during the past 3 weeks, so I really need to pay attention and get back into weighing and measuring as well as making better food choices.

    Hope everyone is having a great week.
  • Mariang165
    Mariang165 Posts: 2,126 Member
    Hi All: just checking I. As it mid month - well your resident sloth was too smug last week when I last reported in on June 9! :huh: yep, I have crashed and burned with my walks this past week! Lots of excuses, and I was thinking of listing them all as that would burn up some extra calories with all the finger exercises! But happily for you all, I shall not!

    I have successfully completed 7 walks so far this month on my way to my goal of 17. Well if you snooze you lose, so I will have to walk 2 days in a row sometimes to meet my goal. No worries, I will forge forward, (bit dramatic today, I am) and get outside and start cruising the neighbourhood again!

    Btw: Ronna: sounds like you had a great time with the grandkids, the little munchkins lead you a merry chase but yes, it also leads to lots of goodies around. Glad to see you are ready to concentrate a little more on yourself now, good luck!

    Have a good week everyone, it is what we make it :flowerforyou: cheers, Marian
  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    Sat here with my feet up watching World Cup in Brazil and reading Feel Good You magazine....have jotted three things down on my notebook........ Hula Hoop, Skipping rope and new swimming cossie.

    I have the Hoop and the Rope...need to use them so that is an extra challenge for the rest of the month ..... like tomorrow!!!!!

    New swimsuit should encourage me to go back to the pool....I have always bought black suits but have just seen a fab orange one ....

    I am also sitting here with my tummy pulled in feeling, actually, a bit thinner! lol :bigsmile:

  • Mariang165
    Mariang165 Posts: 2,126 Member
    Hey Jean: orange swimsuit, you should wear it to watch the Netherlands play! Spain lost, so our friends in the Netherlands will remember 4 years ago! Apologizes to Espana supporters! :cry: Still, will the suit clash with those sneakers you purchased earlier this year? :laugh: