June Chat



  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 632 Member
    Feeling good this morning as my lovely son last night did his first ever...and maybe his only ever.....Marathon. He ran the 26.2 miles in the snow and the midnight sun setting of the Arctic Circle in Norway in a time of 4 hours and 39 minutes!

    As Elvis would say My Boy, My Boy!!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

  • Gigigator6
    Gigigator6 Posts: 11 Member
    another Floridian here who understands the heat, humidity, bugs and unexpected rain storms! So far a beautiful morning though!
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    How hard is it for everyone to throw away food? This has been one of the hardest things for me during this journey. Last night I went with friends to a local restaurant that does not list calories anywhere so, when faced with that, I like to keep the menu simple and straightforward so I can more easily log. Most of their stuff was saucy with pasta, so I chose the pork chops. But it was two 7-oz pork chops and they wouldn't do a single like some places do. It was a hot night and I didn't want to leave the leftovers in the car while we were at a play. So, I simply left it on the plate.

    I have to keep telling myself that there is no difference in eating it when I don't need it and sending it back. Both are wasteful in there own way; but I have always had that "Clean Plate Club" mentality and it is one of the most difficult things to overcome.

    Do any of you have the same problem?

    Jean: How exciting for your son! And I know how proud you must be. We moms and grandmas take so much delight in our childrens' accompliishments. More so than if they were our own. I can't imagine running one lap let alone a marathon!
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    Had a great day! Worked out at gym, but didn't swim. Too many kids. Grabbed a late lunch. Then did a little "shopping." I didn't buy anything. But felt like walking around.

    I then booked my vacation. One week. Quebec City. September. Yea!

    I still owe myself a B&B for reaching the 185 goal. Ohio wine country, I think.

    After, I picked up KFC, took it downtown to the park. Had a picnic and then stayed for Shakespeare in the Park. Hamlet. A woman played Hamlet. She was actually very, very good.

    The weather was perfect for an evening outside!
  • debneeds2beskinny
    debneeds2beskinny Posts: 227 Member
    This month has been a struggle, up and down. Lots going on with the family, so hoping to make my goal but I had better hurry. June has just flown by!
  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 632 Member
    Charlie...your day sounds wonderful!

  • ker95texas
    ker95texas Posts: 304 Member
    You are all doing so well, and having fun doing it! :flowerforyou: Sorry I've been so quiet - honestly, I'm just exhausted and, although it's not gone/gone, my motivation seems to be taking a bit of a nap. I'm going to spend today taking it easy, but i'll be back to my normal obnoxious self soon :bigsmile:
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    Hello everybody!!

    How I have missed our "talks"!

    We had a fabulous week-end!!
    For the first time ever all 8 of our grandchildren were together. We have a family in NC that do not make it this way very often - but they came minus our son :-((
    But what a weekend we had!!

    The three grands and our DDIL from North Carolina had never seen our two youngest Kansas Grands. So that was fun introducing them and watching them get acquainted. The ages:
    1 - 12yo
    1 - 10 yo
    2 - 7 yo
    1 - 5yo
    1 - 6 yo
    1 - 3 yo
    1 - 2yo
    How fun it was!!

    We had 4 BD last week so we had a big BD party yesterday with my DB & DSIL joining us. Since our sister in law is "new" to the family she had never met the NC family. I had three BD cakes made - one Star Wars for grandson, one for our 12 yo granddaughter and one for our 2 DILs. They were super! Our local lady did a wonderful job on them!! Left over cake went home with families and the rest is in the freezer already.

    My cousin from Houston and her husband came by Saturday. They are doing a 3 week road trip that included a stop at our house. I am sure the noise level was a little higher than they imagined. But it was so good to see them.

    My father had a sprinkling system put in our yard soon after our wreck as he did not want me falling over the water hose. I wished he could have seen all of the kids playing in it - what a fabulous way to entertain kids in the summer!

    The food went OK. I used my crock pot a lot and cooked all the meats on the Traeger. Then just needed to add side dishes. Tried to fix healthy food.

    Needless to say, I have walked a lot of steps since June 15th! So I think it is time to up my step goal to 9000/day. From the 15th - 22nd I walked 79,245 steps and averaged 9906 steps/day!!

    The towels are ready to move to the dryer!!
    Have a wonderful day!
  • Hi all. I've recently started MFP'ing again after a long break. It's been a very stressful year in my household -- just over a year ago my spouse was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, stage 2b, poor prognosis, and yet today she is cancer free. I've been her primary caregiver, her volunteer coordinator, her administrative executive, successfully fighting 2 pre-existing condition investigations, her chemo-treatment companion, and her weight-gain coach and advocate.

    That last part, weight gain, worked for her, and unfortunately it worked for me, too. I gained 12 pounds during her 6 months of chemotherapy, a combination of stress-, comfort-, and companion-eating.

    Since she got the all-clear 2 months ago, she's worked on gaining strength and stamina, and I've spent a lot of time sleeping and worrying about whether I'd ever bounce back from the huge toll the year has taken on me. I've been "totally and permanently" disabled since 1997, with high daily pain levels (7/8) and severely restricted mobility.

    In the past few days, my energy has finally started to return, and today I had a "duh / aha" moment -- the returning energy is coincidental with my return to food journaling. I really want to make this work.
  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 632 Member
    Hi sixpointfive and welcome to the group...wow you have had a tough time........hope you can stay positive and we can all help you to lose those pounds....:flowerforyou:

  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 632 Member
    Too stuffy to run so I am going to walk to the swimming pool...about a mile and a half ....swim for 45 minutes and then either walk back or catch the bus ..... Goldfish in action again! Haha!

  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 453 Member
    Hi fitpalpeople!

    I haven't checked in her for awhile. In fact, I stopped logging food. I know. :huh: It's terrible.
    But. I pretty much eat THE SAME THINGS every day and on the days when I don't (going out or eating something like salad bar stuff) it's hard to add those things up anyway.


    I did lose another pound (mystery!). I haven't weighed myself in about 2 weeks.
    For me, treating healthy eating as 'normal' usually works better than overstimulated vigilance anyway.
    I tend to crave stuff I shouldn't eat if I am always thinking about not eating it; do you know what I mean?

    Anyway. I tried on a pair of jeans today; a size smaller that I had *cough* grown out of. I can get em up, zip and button them and sit down in them. So. it may be too soon to brag because I won't wear them in public but... HEY, I couldn't even get them zipped for awhile there.

    We're off on a 2 week vacation starting on Thursday. Alaska cruise; lots of opportunity for exercise on board and it's easy for me to choose healthy foods on a cruise.

    YAY summer!

  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 632 Member
    That all sounds good Cris ..... and the cruise will be fab!

    I walked over 12500 steps today and did 40 lenghts swimming in the local pool....... hope it shows tomorrow...weigh in Wednesday! :ohwell:

  • smilesback
    smilesback Posts: 327 Member
    Good job Jean with your stepping and swim! that's great :)

    I am focusing on myself more in order to exercise and get a routine going. First thing this morning I did 40 min of cardio including elliptical and treadmill. Next I will swim 30 min and do strength training 30 min. I have 30 lbs to lose, and have to work it!
  • Mariang165
    Mariang165 Posts: 2,203 Member
    Hi Everyone: haven't been around much in the past week or so but am now starting to get back into the swing of things, the good news is I have still been logging in my diary and have not let all my obligations to the 2 Mums get in the way of my "eating plan"! :smile: I have had to step back a bit from helping my MIL get ready to move into her retirement residence by the end of July as she is getting too demanding for me! Usually I speak to her when she becomes like this but there is already too much stress on DH as he deals with her so I don't want him being concerned about me ... I am usually the peacemaker in the family so when I get upset it gets my DH worried! Strong personality traits are a bonus in some situations, but in others they can be a drawback, I find! It will all work out fine in the end I know. Finally got to see the Dr after I felt so poorly about a month ago, so yes, I have a slew of tests to take so I have been busy booking those as well. Also my part time, part time job where I usually only work 2 days a month requires that I work 5 or maybe 6 days this month. They hired a new HR manager and I have been asked to do his orientation and get him up and running as quickly as possible. I couldn't say no, as, my old boss asked me personally to help them out. As my Mum is quite stable right now (knock on wood pls), I said ok! It is surprising how quickly you can get back into the routine even though I retired over 3 years ago!

    Have a great trip Chris and yes Charlie, I also was raised with the clean your plate and waste not, want not mentality! I believe I am finally working past this :grumble: I just say, this is not good for you, leave it!

    Welcome 6.5 :flowerforyou: great news about your partner and my goodness you have certainly had a stressful time, time for you now so welcome back and so glad you introduced yourself.

    Well, everyone, signing off now but really wanted you all to know I was thinking of you all and loved reading your many posts and especially hearing about your family get togethers and grandkids, etc. have a great week everyone :drinker: Cheers, Marian
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,265 Member
    Wow! I have had a hard time finding time to spend on line except for basic journalling, and it is great to catch up. What a busy bunch -- as always, I am impressed.

    Marian - I feel for you with your MIL situation. Sounds extremely familiar... We're making yet another visit to a retirement residence next Monday in hopes that this time she will take the leap and decide to move. For once, DH is going with her! And your work situation sounds pretty danged wild even if it IS only part-time! Stick with us and don't let the 2 Mums get you off track!

    Chris and Jean - sounds like you are both going to have a good weigh-in tomorrow!

    6.5 - thank you for telling your story and getting back onto MFP. You have given so much, now I hope you can take care of yourself too, by eating well and enjoying hanging out here with this great group.

    I am having a recurrence of a stomach "issue" that makes it really hard to eat much - will be good for the weight, but does not feel so happy!! I just have to really keep away from starches again until it settles back down. I shopped while too hungry the other day and had delicious baguette! Bad baguette! :sad:

    The intensive care for the cat my DD and I rescued is easing up a bit, and we think we may have found an angel to adopt him. Keeping fingers crossed... He is doing much better, but still will need lots of care for a while longer.

    So I'll finish enjoying a holiday today (St. John the Baptist, patron saint of Quebec, now secularized as the Fête nationale) - back to work tomorrow. :drinker:
  • Hi sixpointfive and welcome to the group...wow you have had a tough time........hope you can stay positive and we can all help you to lose those pounds....:flowerforyou:
    6.5 - thank you for telling your story and getting back onto MFP. You have given so much, now I hope you can take care of yourself too, by eating well and enjoying hanging out here with this great group.

    Thanks Jean and Jugar. By nature I'm on the solitary end of the solitary/social spectrum, but I want to make MFP work for me, and getting and staying connected is my next step. ;-)
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    Okay, after so many of you have talked about it, I finally bought a Fitbit Flex. (They are recalling the Fitbit Force and no longer making it.) I thought about Bodymedia but I don't like that armband. Was afraid that the band too close to my cardiac implant might interfere, too. I'm not suppose to have a cellphone within a foot so I would think that armband might not be a good idea.

    Anyway, are there any trick, tips, or comments I should know for when it comes?

  • jbouthiette
    jbouthiette Posts: 211 Member
    Well the month is coming to an end, so I thought, selfishly, it might be helpful to me to put down how things have gone. The month started rough with little or no exercise, and my calorie count out of control for much of the time. Since I turned 60 mid month, something seemed to click in my head saying...Enough Excuses...it is time to get back on the right track again. Since joining this group just over a week ago, I have exercised 7 straight days, and managed to keep my calorie intake under control over the weekend, so having you all here is definitely helping! I appreciate all the feedback from everyone, I believe it helps me hold my self more accountable to sticking with my program and hopefully reaching my goals over time.

    Thanks to all of you! :happy:

  • ireallyneedit
    ireallyneedit Posts: 104 Member
    Back in the swing of things after much rest and relaxation but can now start jazzercise today which is a good thing. Starting to eat better and will weigh in on Wed. I am sure I did not loose but as long as I stay the same which seems to be the name of the game for me. Redecorated our living room - broke the bank and lots of work but looks good so today dusting and doing the floors which is badly needed after all the work. By for now and always look forward to reading all your posts.