2 week challenge



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,985 Member
    Happy Canada Day!

    I am fasting today. I am just sick of all the eating and drinking and everything.

    No work-out, but am committed to 3 x per week weightlifting when I return to work tomorrow.m

    Enough is enough!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,407 Member
    Wow I have missed a lot! Was buried under work and home things since being back from my travels. Have logged but not complete and on some days it was not pretty. I am down now some of what I gained traveling. I am sure most of it was water (I hope). We went out to dinner with friends on Saturday and I went to a concert and to dinner with friends on Sunday so my entire weekend seemed to be centered around eating and of course wine! I have been doing fine so far this week but then it is only Tuesday morning :laugh:
    I couldn't stand not running any longer so I went for a short slow 3 mile run on Saturday and did ok - foot was sore though later that night. Saw the doctor yesterday and he wants me to try it again on Wednesday and see how it feels. He said it is healing nicely and faster than he thought it would.

    Ashley - I am so glad the news was good and that getting a good night's sleep made you feel so much better!

    Abigail - good luck with your race. Is this the 1st in your series?

    Kelly - welcome back! Hope you are so relaxed after vacation!

    Chloe - you must be doing something right if the scale is moving in the right direction! whoohoo! Now I just have to get mine to take the hint too :)

    Amy - hope you have a wonderful time at the wedding!

    Beeps - Happy Canada Day!

    My two week goals are:
    Stay under 1300 calories
    Hit my macros again (have been so bad with this lately)
    Drink lots of water
    Strength train at least 2x per week
    Run Wednesday for sure, maybe once more over the weekend then MWF next week - we'll see how it goes though

    Do you all want to do the Star Challenge? I will put it together if you do, otherwise I am good with just having my goals here.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,985 Member
    It was a GREAT CANADA DAY!

    I had a successful fast and have decided to lower my calories to 9,500 per week. My plan is to do 4-days deficit, then 1-day maintenance....rinse + repeat. (4 more days deficit, 1 at M, 4 more days deficit, 1 at M)

    Hopefully this will lead to a successful summer of removing bodyfat!
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Beeps - glad you had a good Canada Day, I don't know how you & shanaber keep your cals so low, I think I would get violent :) I need to eat. Anyways, best of luck to keeping within your goals

    I was unable to get in a strength workout yesterday. My daughter was hogging the room I needed last night because it has A/C & the SmartTV, but I did get in a yoga class this morning to stretch out for my race tonight. The series started last week, but I missed it due to a dress rehearsal so this is my first one & I am crazy nervous & it is 95 degrees today so I think I will just take it easy & just try to learn the course tonight. I will definitely let you all know how it goes tomorrow.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Beeps, I think the cycling is really helpful, it's hard to be so low all the time. I had 2 low days (900 cals) and 3 high days, because it let me feel less deprived! 9500 per week is hard, but even when I wasn't successful, I was still losing.
    I forgot to weigh in this morning but starting TOM last night so it was probably going to be bad, despite my run and no drinking, under cals day.

    We get out 3 hours early tomorrow for the holiday. That should give me time to workout and then we are going to the Rockies game and they are going to do fireworks! Then the wedding Friday and will be at the in-law Saturday.

    I got a nice compliment at the pool last week, the wife of one of my husband's friends said I had the perfect figure. Which is just like, her opinion, but I was super flattered anyway. I have genetics to thank, and my heavy lifting. I have butt now:blushing:

    I decided not to wear the red dress after all, not because it won't fit (although it might not) but I decided that another dress would be more appropriate, church wedding at 2:30pm...

    I should post some pics of the last wedding...
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,985 Member
    Abigail, the first 3 days of low-cal are difficult, but then I seem to hit my stride. Mind you, i bet you I have 'repeated' those first 3 (awful!) days about 10 times this year, alone. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

    Amy, that is a SUPER compliment about your body....and, yes, I KNOW it is true! You do have a beautiful figure! Glad to read that you have butt thanks to lifting - gives ME HOPE!

  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Amy- that is awesome! I'm sure that made your day! I know I would be thrilled to have your figure...but my booty is much BIGGER then yours. :laugh: Yes, share your pics!!!

    Abigail- I can relate to kids getting in your way!!! Mine do that all the time!

    Beeps- Good luck with your cycling. Sometimes I think that is the easiest way. Oh, glad you had a nice Canada Day. Is that like the 4th here?

    Shan- Great goals. Good luck staying that low. If everyone wants to do a star challenge, I will join in. Or I will happily pretend that we have one going!

    Yesterday, I did the elliptical and JM 6 week 6 pack. Today, I am doing legs at 4:00. I increased my calories to 1500. I want to focus more on my workouts right now and not worry about stuffing my face late at night because I am eating to low. It's an experiment for July.
  • carmen00
    carmen00 Posts: 3
    Hello, I am new here! I have the same daily struggles as you ladies....my dilemma right now is whether to run @ 6p or 8p (4 miler)...it's freaking hot here in Texas...90's but feels like 100's! Snacking is my worst....i have too many of them! what kinds of snacks do you guys treat yourself to to fill you up between meals? I am doing better drinking water throughout the day than I used to.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    welcome, carmen!

    I was just looking at my "frequent" snacks, on the "goodish" side-apple, almonds, beef jerky are pretty common. but I also like chocolate and popcorn.

    Sometimes you have to think about what you really want and try to be reasonable but if mindless snacking is the problem I think there's strategies. The best for me is pre-logging. But if it comes to it and I don't want it, it's like fine, maybe'll I want two tomorrow-no harm done!
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Hi ladies! Quick check-in before I head out for the weekend.

    My week has gone OK - haven't worked out as much as I should but hoping to get a pre-natal DVD in tonight and another lift sometime this week. I didn't go to Yoga as planned last night as it was 94 degrees here, which is completely unheard of and I think I would have just been uncomfortable. Eating has been good though!

    Amy - I love compliments like that :) Has to feel really good hearing that :)
    Shan - Great goals. I'd be up for a star challenge.
    Beeps - Happy Belated Canada day!
    KC - Good luck with the July experiment
    Carmen - Welcome!

    I hope everyone has a great 4th (for those that celebrate). Have a good rest of the week everyone!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,407 Member
    Hi All - Looks like we have 3 in for the star challenge so post your calorie goals for the week and I will get the spreadsheet going! Anyone else who wants to join in can do so.

    I ran today and it was wonderful other than being hot! My foot had some swelling but no pain :bigsmile: so I can run one more time over the weekend and then see the doctor again next week - I don't want to push it but hoping in a week or so I can get to running every other day and maybe every day by August...

    Ram - my daughter had to call and tell me how hot it was in Seattle - hotter than in So. California! I know air conditioning is pretty unusual there so try to stay cool!

    Amy - I am sure you will look fantastic in whatever dress you decide to wear! I too have seen a bit more butt as a result of lifting. Have to say I love that there is a little bit there now! (Trainer told me I would get down to a sz 2 and then build back up to a sz 4 and he was right).

    KC - I will be interested to see how your July experiment does.

    Carmen - welcome! I was in Dallas last week and I have to say that if I lived there I would not be able to run outside. It is just too hot and muggy for me (90+ and raining - yuck!).

    When I was losing all my weight I kept to 1200 calories pretty well but I also included my exercise calories. I am finding it much more difficult to stay at just 1300 but then am not able to run much now so I wouldn't have much more anyway. I find if I plan what I eat, eat pretty often, and watch my snacks I do ok. I have been having fruit for snacks - cherries and strawberries lately, nectarines soon (almost ripe) but they do drive up my carbs as does popcorn. I also love peanut butter, especially with celery or on an apple. I also find that having a piece of dark chocolate that I am craving works for me - just a piece and I am good, otherwise I will just eat all kinds of other things instead.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hey ladies. I had a great day off. The weather was gorgeous in the morning so we went for a nice long walk through the park. I got some stuff done around the house and was able to relax. Then had dinner out and Daphne behaved, which is about a 50/50 split these days. Just all around good day. The weather in KY is in the 60s this morning! So I wish I was off today too. Trying to see if there's any site visits I need to make...... :glasses:

    So for workouts this week I did my class Tuesday. I used lower weights, but was a little sore that night so no lifting for probably another week like my dr. told me. Everything else felt fine. Then I walked about 4 miles yesterday. I hope to be running this weekend or at least by next week but we'll see. I'd like to do some yoga and running and/or walking over the weekend too.

    Quick catch up:
    Beeps, I like the cycling. There are days that I am just hungry and some I'm just not. (Well before I was prego...now I'm always hungry). I used to have pretty low calorie Monday and Tuesday, like under 1200, but my weekends are always higher. That's why I like the weekly goals. Your plan sounds solid.

    Shanaber, I'm glad your foot is feeling better! You have plantar faciatus (or whatever it is....)? My sister had that last year and had to take some time off from running too. Glad you seem to be recovering quickly!

    Hi Ramalem!

    Nice compliment Amy! I agree. Lifting heavy has given me an actual butt. It's amazing. Have a fun weekend!

    Welcome Carmen. I snack on cheese sticks a lot too. I used to eat a lot of turkey pepperoni too, but have cut it out because of all the nitrites. I also like fruit, almonds, and I love cheese and crackers, but I tend to overdo them.

    Kelly, focusing on workouts sounds good. It's good to always mix things up a bit.

    Abi, Good luck on your race!

    That's all I can see! Everyone have a greath 4th if you are celebrating. I'm ready to get my 3 day weekend on!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,985 Member
    I like pre-logging, too....I usually pre-log my days, excepting supper-times (because I can't remember what is on the menu until I am right at my table eating it!).

    shanaber - you can put me in for the star challenge - I want 9,500 calories as my weekly target.

    It's 30 degrees here, today, and I have a patio night planned with gf's. I am thinking I will drink 2 drinks, and skip all snacks, frankly. That will meet my calorie limit!

    July 1st is similar to USA's July 4th. Canada became a country on July 1, 1867 (confederation!)....so, we are actually getting close to being 150 YEARS old! Which means PARTY-TIME in 2017!

  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,407 Member
    I have the spreadsheet going for the Star Challenge with Beeps' and my goals.

    Ram and KC (and anyone else who wants to join in) post your weekly calorie goals

    Ashley - I tore the plantar fascia in my left foot. Always seems to be on my left side :huh:

    Abigail - how was the trail race yesterday?
  • carmen00
    carmen00 Posts: 3
    Hello, again! So i ended up going for a 6p run with a local running group i'm part of yesterday...so glad i did! yes, humid & hot in Texas, but our route had lots of shade! I've ran twice this week..3 & 4 miler & weights on Tues in my garage before work. Doing that again this evening...I'm starting to really enjoy weights! & my daughter & i walked 2 miles after supper on Tues. evening. Celebrating the 4th tomorrow with family & i'm already thinking of what I can make that's "healthy"....what are you guys cookin' up?
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    I am doing 10,500 calories. I did not log on Mon since we were traveling. Thanks for organizing this!

    I got in my workout yesterday. My lower back is sore. Today, I am just doing cardio at 2- got to have a plan!

    Carmen- Great job getting a run in the heat. Yuck!

    Ashley- I am glad you had a nice day off. I think I missed what your surgery was for.

    I agree, planning is key. Yesterday, I was going to make burgers for dinner, but since I had cereal in the afternoon, I made fajitas instead. I skipped the tortilla and made it into a salad. I like my burger with a bun. I plan on making burgers tonight.

    For the fourth, we will be swimming at my moms house then we will go to the big firework show. Fun times! Have a great weekend everyone!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Carmen, I'm taking watermelon to my brother-in-laws. Maybe make some dill pickled cucumbers and tomatoes from some garden bounty.

    Kelly I had a lump removed from my breast. It wasn't cancer. Yay!!

    I see an early day in my future......
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,985 Member
    No cancer = AWESOME!! Yay, Better!!

    July 4th....not on my calendar so I'll be in deficit-mode....good luck to the American gals!

    Thanks for running the star challenge, shanaber!! I should be a solid performer for the next 6 weeks.
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Work has been crazy busy! Life has been crazy busy! Doing the best I can...just didn't want you ladies to think I forgot about you!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,985 Member

    I wish jenomaha would post here, again. And chuisle. And some of the other "old-timers", too.

    I am grateful you ladies STILL post here! I NEED YOUR GOOD VIBES!!