2 week challenge



  • shander7
    shander7 Posts: 613 Member
    Hey all!

    Beeps - I hope you enjoyed your Canada Day celebration!

    Chloe - Nice to hear from you :)

    Ashley - Congrats on your no cancer!! That is amazing amazing news!!

    Kelly - Sounds like you have everything under control! I agree, I love my burgers (veggie ones for me) on a bun too!

    Shanaber - is it too late to join the Star challenge?? If I'm able to join could you put me in at 10,000?

    That's all I can really see!

    I'm doing pretty well! I ate and drank very reasonably this weekend, which is a major success since I LOVE bbq food and went to 3 different ones this weekend! I went up my normal weekend gain, so I call that a success, the water weight should be off by midweek :) Also, I got to try on my wedding dress yesterday!! I absolutely love it still :D It needs to be taken in a bit on my waist and hips (sorrows of being larger chested with a non-existent butt...lol) but it looks wonderful and I can't wait to wear it! I definitely still have some work to do on my arms and just some all around body fat loss to get to, but I think I'm on the right track to look my best on my wedding day!

    Little poll: My fiance and I can't decide where to go on our honeymoon... we want to go to an adult only all-inclusive resort in the carribean.. what island/resorts would you all suggest??
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Good morning ladies. I had a pretty good weekend. I ate a lot of dessert on the 4th, but I figure if I'd have been drinking I'd have done much worse. :drinker: I did manage a run on Friday and a lot of walking yesterday. No yoga as I hoped, but the relaxing yesterday was more needed I think. Gained another half pound last week so my gain is up to 4.5 pounds and I'm right at 12 weeks so I'm ok with that.

    Shander, post pics of the dress! Eric and I went to Jamaica Couples resorts (Negril and Tower Isle) for both honeymoons and we love those resorts. Jamaica itself is kind of ghetto; we didn't even leave the resort at Tower Isle, but the resorts are awesome. Food was good, as much booze as you want, beautiful beaches..... Have fun! When is your wedding day again?

    Beeps, I miss Jen and Chuisle too! Chui hasn't been on in like 4 months and I typically delete people if they don't log on for a couple weeks, but I keep thinking she may come back. :smile:

    Hey Chloe. Sorry everything is crazy. Hope it calms down.

    That's all I can see. I'm sticking with my goals for the week: 4 workouts, eat well, lots of water, SLEEP! I was up till amost 11 last night. I'm less tired than I have been, but not getting 8+ hours of sleep nightly will catch up with me! And our marathon of summer plans begins after this weekend so I need to take full advantage of nothing going on this week/weekend. Have a great week all!
  • Kadi82
    Kadi82 Posts: 361 Member
    I'm newish in here, well not new - just haven't posted all that much. I thought I'd join the 2 week challenge. I want to run at least 7 times over the 2 weeks. Min 3kms per run. Also lift 6 times over the 2 weeks. We'll see how I go!

    Ashley - congratulations on being cancer free.

    Its the opposite here, its "winter" although its cold its not its usually cold and I will probably be running in the rain a couple of times I think.
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Ok I am back to eating well and exercising as normal this week. We have two months until my husbands brothers wedding and I would like to look good for it. My husband is the best man. So I am starting Piyo a 60 workout program by Chalean Johnson. It uses a lot of body weight exercises. I will combine that with running and getting my diet back on track.

    I will check in when I can though, but know that I am working hard with you all :)

    If anyone is taking charge of the star challenge I am doing 1450 a day or 10,150 a week.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,973 Member
    Hi all!

    I, too, keep chui as a "friend" in case she comes back....don't PhD programs ever get a break in their year??!!??!

    I have 10,200 calories for this week....I think that might mean a silver, but will wait until shanaber posts results.

    This week I hope to get closer to the 9,500 goal. I will get in a couple of extra walks and that might help!

    I have company from N.Z. in town. And then another gf up from OLDtown is here until July 26.

    I'm actually totally tired of socializing. I want to just be a hermit and go work-out by myself and then sleep. What is WRONG with me?!?!? Normally summer brings out "social-gal", but I just don't want to be around food or drink right now....
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Hello ladies, hope everyone who celebrated the 4th had a blast & did not get too off track. Unfortunately my race last Wednesday was cancelled due to severe thunderstorms :( The 4th was also really rainy so our plans to celebrate at my parents cottage on the lake were postponed to Sunday which was also my daughter's birthday party so we ended up doing a double-header with two parties which melded into one really long one with a crap load of food. I fell off the logging wagon over the long weekend, but I am back & will join the star challenge at 11,550 cals/week. I am on vacation starting tomorrow, but am determined not to let myself go overboard. I still plan to run tonight, hike on Wednesday, take a ballet class on Thursday & yoga Saturday. Tomorrow we are going to the ocean & Friday an amusement park so I will be wiped both those days. The tricky part will be staying away from all the junk food. Have a great week everyone!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Wow, lots to catch up on! I am in for star challenge, 10,500 average (1500 per day)
    Ashley, that is good news about the lump:happy:

    I had a good weekend, the traffic was bad up to the wedding, the normally 2 hour trip took almost 4 hours. But it was great and I ate too much. Then I was at the in-laws and she took us out for some good meals. I felt so bloated yesterday!

    2 week challenge/goals for me: log everything and try workout every other day.

    Welcome new ladies!

    What's for dinner? Well, last night I made a turkey chili, tonight I am eating out, Mexican food. But some of my healthy go-to's in the summer include grilling kebabs or a stir fry with shrimp or chicken. and for inspiration, Cooking Light on Pinterest always has something I think-I should make that!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,400 Member
    Hi Everyone -
    I had a wonderful busy weekend but did terrible on the eating front. I got a good run in on Saturday even though it was already so very hot. Went to a concert/festival on the 4th with a friend and we didn't want to wait in line for food. Ended up eating very late at one of the few restaurants that was open. It was delicious but ate entirely too much because I was so hungry :(

    This week I just want to get back on track with my calories and get my macros back in line. I plan to run 3 times and lift 2 times this week. Next week I am traveling again so I will have to adjust accordingly.

    I had Beeps, Kelly and myself in for the Star Challenge last week. I am waiting to hear from Kelly and then I will post the results.
    I have added Abigail, Chloe and Shander for this next week. If anyone else wants to join in just post your calorie goals!

    Ramalem - I have you on the list but did not see your calorie goal for last week.
    Kadi - welcome back! I am relatively new but picked up the Star Challenge recently :smile:
    Beeps - seems like you have been having tons of company, maybe that is why you are feeling so anti-social? We have family arriving in waves in a few weeks and I suspect by mid-August I will be feeling the same way.
    Abigail - How was your trail run last week?

    Let's have a great week Ladies!!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member

    Little poll: My fiance and I can't decide where to go on our honeymoon... we want to go to an adult only all-inclusive resort in the carribean.. what island/resorts would you all suggest??

    Remind me time of year? My vote is probably for Dominican Republic. We have gone twice and the value for your money is incredible. The weather is great, the resorts are amazing, the food is great, and the beaches are the most beautiful I have ever seen (Puerto Plata).

    I liked Costa Rica but it rains a lot unless you go in the dry season, and the all-inclusives are on the Pacific side so that water isn't caribbean.

    I've seen pics of Belize and it looks great, but not sure about the all-inclusive option.
  • shander7
    shander7 Posts: 613 Member
    Remind me time of year? My vote is probably for Dominican Republic. We have gone twice and the value for your money is incredible. The weather is great, the resorts are amazing, the food is great, and the beaches are the most beautiful I have ever seen (Puerto Plata).

    We are getting married April 11 next year :)

    Ashley - I wish I had pictures!! I was so excited to have it on yesterday that I forgot!! I had posted one a few threads ago when I first got it, but I don't have those pictures anymore unfortunately!

    Shanaber - Thanks for adding me to the challenge! You'll get back on track quick I'm sure

    Abi - We were rained out on the 4th too! Wasn't very exciting! I'm glad you had a fun weekend, even if it wasn't exactly what you had planned!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,400 Member
    Abigail - you can ignore my question about your race! not sure how I missed the first line of your post initially :embarassed:

    Amy - I've added you to the Star Challenge too
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,973 Member
    All those places sound fabulous, Amy....I haven't been to any of them, but I am really glad you posted that because if I am in the mood for Caribbean, I'm going to write you and ask you, again!

    shanaber - I don't like company and am totally company-ed out....this week won't be hard, it is a gf and she literally is packing up all her belongings to move to NZ (she fled there a year ago after her mother died and she lost her house and her job in the Calgary floods!). Sooooooooo, because it may be YEARS before I see her again, I am trying to look at her being in my house as a "positive" thing. She isn't any trouble, for sure.

    Gawd, I have TOO much work to do.


    BUT, I got my 45-minutes of lifting in, today, and am already back at work....maybe this 45-mins per day is a good switcheroo - guess we shall see. AND, the weather is PERFECT for a nice walk with my gf after work.

  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,400 Member
    Here is the Star Challenge results from last week - just Beeps and me and we were both silver. I am pushing for Platinum this week!

    I have added everyone in for this week so please check it and keep me honest here - let's have an awesome week Ladies! :happy:

  • Kadi82
    Kadi82 Posts: 361 Member
    Shanaber - whats the star challenge?
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,400 Member
    Shanaber - whats the star challenge?

    It is just a little motivational challenge - you set a calorie goal for the week and try to be under it or not over by too much. Based on how you do (honor system with logging) you get a Platinum, Gold, Silver or Bronze star. We do it typically over a month and of course you want to be platinum all the way across, right? :laugh: Its just one more bit of encouragement to stay on whatever plan you have set for yourself. If you want to join in I will add you to the list, just send me your calorie goal for the week. It runs Monday - Sunday and I will post the results next Monday.
  • Kadi82
    Kadi82 Posts: 361 Member
    Shanaber - whats the star challenge?

    It is just a little motivational challenge - you set a calorie goal for the week and try to be under it or not over by too much. Based on how you do (honor system with logging) you get a Platinum, Gold, Silver or Bronze star. We do it typically over a month and of course you want to be platinum all the way across, right? :laugh: Its just one more bit of encouragement to stay on whatever plan you have set for yourself. If you want to join in I will add you to the list, just send me your calorie goal for the week. It runs Monday - Sunday and I will post the results next Monday.

    that would be fun. Mine is 10500
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,973 Member
    Thanks, shanaber!!

    I am gonna hit my calorie deficit, now, I tell you....

    I have a wedding to attend on September 20 and JUST FOUND MY DRESS! So, to MAKE SURE I am "one size smaller" in 10 weeks, I am posting MY motivation right here!! Let me know your thoughts on this dress --->>>


  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,973 Member
    So, I want to be down 5 lbs by end of July. I will aim for 3 more lbs down by end of August. And, then 2 more lbs down by wedding event.

    That's 10 lb, baby!!
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Good morning ladies! You guys sure move quick, I probably can't catch up with everything, but wanted to check-in! I had a 4 day weekend last weekend and ended up staying home yesterday due to a pretty bad headache. Tylenol just doesn't cut it either. :grumble: But I'm back and feeling better today... unfortunately, being out for 5 days also means I have a lot of work to do today.

    I need to stick to my goals for real this week - NO EXCUSES:

    2 lifts, 1 cardio and 1 day of yoga
    Limit sweets

    Shanaber - I failed to log the end of my week and I'm too lazy to go back and back-log so last week is no star for me. My calorie goal moving forward is 14,000 and I'm going to log all week if it kills me :) Definitely loving that I had the hubs install a ceiling fan, it's been SO warm!

    Ashley - So glad to hear no cancer! How are you feeling these days? How far along are you again?

    Chloe - I hear you on the crazy. Let me know how you like Piyo, I've heard really good things about the program.

    Shander - I also went to Couples Swept Away in Negril, Jamaica (it may have been a different one than Ashley). I liked it, but liked our non all inclusive better. As long as you stay to the West End in Negril, it's not too sketchy. There is something to be said about all the food you can eat and booze you can drink though :)

    Abi - Sorry your race got cancelled and the weather was crummy for the 4th. Our weather was awesome in the AM and then rained in the evening.

    Amy - We've been grilling like crazy since it's been too hot to cook inside. A lot of salmon, steak and chicken with grilled corn and a side salad. Cooking Light is one of my favorite go-to's for new recipes. We've also been grilling pizza, if you haven't tried it yet, I highly recommend!

    Beeps - Cute dress and awesome goals! I also miss those gals.

    That's all I can see/remember. Have a great week ladies.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,400 Member
    Ok - I added in Kadi and Ram have you updated as well.

    Beeps - love the dress! I think you will look amazing in it!
    Ram - I can't believe how hot Seattle has been and so early in the season for you. I want to know how you grill pizza? I would love to try it!