2 week challenge



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,985 Member
    shanaber - hope you got in that power walk and your strength training!

    shander - go have some fun w/ gramma....it's allowed!

    Better_Balance - diner en blanc is for no other reason than the spectacle of it all!! I don't know who else will be there (I am taking my husband as my guest), I don't know where it is being held, and I don't know who the entertainment is (although there is entertainment).

    Unfortunately, all this haze has brought showers and thunderstorms....but we have clear rain ponchos because the EVENT GOES ON no matter what!!

    I hope it clears....even just for the 3 hours we need to get in somewhere, eat something (okay, I know what we are eating because I ordered THAT in advance!) and take pictures with all the white and the sparklers!!!

    I will take pictures before we leave home so that: a) my hair still looks good; and b) you can see my dress!!
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Amy - congrats on being down a pound, way to go!

    Beeps - you will get that platinum star this week, as will I :) can't wait to see the pics

    Shanaber - hope you made it home ok

    kc - get in those workouts!

    shander - have a great time in Michigan, good luck staying on track, it's so hard when you're traveling

    Better - I also shoot for 40/30/30 & struggle to make it

    I did my first 3.6 mile trail race last night & it was awful I must say. I could not run the whole time, kept getting cramps & having to walk & it took me a long time to finish, BUT I am not discouraged I am motivated & I will start putting some major effort into training. I WILL beat my sister before the series is over. We are just a tad bit competitive. :)
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    I need a nap! Just got home from a swim meet that started WAY to EARLY! I stopped at a fresh squeezed juice bar for lunch. SO GOOD! I wish they had one closer to home. I'm hoping it keeps me full until dinner.

    My macros are 40/30/30. Like I said, Mon perfect, Tues low in fat, Wed high in fat. Last night, I was almost perfect for the week.

    No workouts. I suck. Starting tomorrow, I HAVE to set the alarm and just workout before I start the day.

    Ashley- 5 pounds for first trimester is FINE! I think 3-7 is average so you are right in the middle.

    Abigail - It was your first race! Give it time!

    Beeps- Every time you get hungry, just know, I am right there with you!!! I remember you posting pics of a black dress with pink flowers, but I don't remember the white. Sorry about the rain. I hope your hair holds it together!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Abi, I could not run even every-other-minute of a trail race, good for you!

    I think I am out for star challenge, but my compromise was to eat maintenance this week with camping-so if I average 1800 cals per day I will consider it a win, and maybe some of my lower calorie days this week will work out!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    PS, I forgot to mention how annoying and disappointing it is when you schedule your treat/splurge and it's not that good. That was dinner last night:grumble: I wish I could just give it back and have reasonable dinner...
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,985 Member
    diner en blanc was SUPER DUPER fun....

    ....omg at my hang-over!! I haven't had wine in, oh, 15 years?!?!? But, that was the ONLY choice at diner en blanc and so I went with it. (I'm terribly allergic to whatever *kitten* is in wine....) Somehow I have to make it through work - and I am supposed to go and lift at lunch!! Unsure about that (although I might pound on the elliptical to sweat some of this *kitten* out). I AM SURE that no calories are goin' into my mouth, though, lol!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,985 Member

    ^^^Here we are before the diner en blanc event!! The dress is too big for me, but that's what I get for ordering online and having it rush delivered (it arrived at 4 pm the day before the event).

    It rained at the event, anyway....so, I had to wear a white fleece all night, and a clear rain poncho!

    I still had SUPER DUPER FUN and really hope this event comes back! Maybe we'll follow it around Canada....I have the dress/shoes/picnic tote/table/chairs now to do JUST THAT!!

  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    I FINALLY worked out ladies - first time in a week and I FEEL AMAZING!!!!! I love working out yet dread it! LOL.

    Beeps, you look lovely! I WANT your arms.

    Have fun camping, Amy!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,985 Member
    Here we are at the event!

  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Im having another bad week....not much motivation to eat healthy or limit booze calories. Workouts are still pretty consistent tho. But just so u know why Im not posting much ......
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,407 Member
    Hi Everyone - been crazy few days! I hope you are all enjoying your weekend! I did make it onto my flight but got home incredibly late and had to be up early for meetings in the morning on Thursday. I was proud of myself though - I did get in a good fast (4+ mph) walk and strength training. I did ok eating on the road but there was no gym at the hotel and no time to really do much anyway. Last night we went to the Hollywood Bowl for a concert and I didn't eat lunch, not much dinner (we pot luck with a group) and had way too much wine. I feel terrible today :sick: This morning my hubby decided it would be a good idea to get doughnuts - I had a taste but ugh... never been much for them anyways and today was not the day to have them.

    Beeps - you guys look awesome! What a fun event!
    Shander - I got you down for Bronze last week, no worries! Have an awesome time in Michigan and enjoy the family and Grandma's cooking!
    Ashley - I am amazed that you are running intervals! I hope you got some lifting in too!
    Abigail - I am so sorry you had cramps on your first trail race! I am glad you are still motivated just make sure you are really well hydrated before your next one! I had a friend have that happen in her first marathon and she walked/limped most of the way through it :(
    Amy - hope you have fun camping! I would have a terrible time eating right while camping - there are too many yummy things cooked over a campfire that just taste too good not to enjoy. I know what you mean about your cheat not tasting good - i know when I crave something and then have it and it is not at all satisfying or tasty... so disappointing but then I am not so likely to want it again
    Kelly - Glad you had a great workout!! I did TERRIBLE with my macros this last week but I keep trying. Mine are set to 43/37/20 which gives me 100g of protein and I can never seem to get enough. If I use protein powder I can get close but otherwise it just doesn't seem possible. I do find though that I don't get nearly so hungry when I eat more protein and less carbs.

    Chloe - :flowerforyou: I hope your weekend is going better and that you have a better week ahead!
  • mtdang
    mtdang Posts: 35 Member
    Hi first time I am doing this. Having trouble getting back on track after a vacation so let's put it in writing:
    2 week goals
    1. More water
    2. Don't eat all exercise calories
    3. No sweet treats and alcohol on the same day--pick one or the other
    4. No snacking on toddler's uneaten food--too hard to log miniscule amounts of this, that, and the other, but I am sure it adds up!
  • Kadi82
    Kadi82 Posts: 361 Member
    Morning all! Hope everyone had a lovely weekend.

    I got silver this week. My diet is so much better since I started running. I am under on running days and either over or on par other days. I am maintaining my weight so I have no idea if I've lost/gained/staying the same as I don't weigh myself.

    beeps - that looked fun! I've never seen an event like that.

    Shanaber - nice job on not liking doughnuts. Here krispy kreme opened their first ever store (we used to get them at interstate airports). Well the lines are crazy! A work friend waited 3.5hrs so I got to have 1 of hers. It was nice but certainly not worth the wait.

    Have fun camping Amy. I love camping!

    Now I've forgotten the rest. ..

    My goals: drink more water and now school is back keep up my running routine

    . Hubby is being very supportive and wants me to run our 12km event here in 1.10. Last year I ran it with no training 1.22. So it's achievable. I did my first ever 5km under 30mins on Sunday and my overall pace (9km) was 6:20. My weekend consisted of my son's footy game, working, running and looking after my son's friend. Nothing exciting but hubby lost his job a month ago so until he finds something we aren't spending any money on fun things.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Lots to catch up on so I'll just say "hey!" to you all. Hey!

    My weekend was so so. We had company in Friday afternoon though Sunday morning and ate out a lot. I had pizza and tacos at the music fest Friday and big breakfasts Saturday and Sunday. My stomach just felt really icky yesterday but I feel better today. I walked a ton Friday between going to the park in the morning and walking to the fest and inside the fest. Walked Saturday to the farmers market while Eric and my guests slept off their hangovers. (They stayed up till 2am Friday night. I went to bed at midnight.) Saturday we also walked to breakfast and then we walked up to get takeout for dinner. Saturday was a little rough as I was exhausted from too little sleep and too much activity Friday. Daphne was being cranky, our was water was shut off and I was stuck at the house waiting on a plumber for 3 hours, and I had a mini meltdown. But then a friend's buddy came and fixed our problem (for only $100!) and Daphne cheered up and all was well. Yesterday was a normal Sunday - laundry, grocery, yoga, movie. I'm ready to get back to normal, but my next round of compnay (sister and her fam) come Wednesday. I'm excited to see then and to be off Thursday and Friday though.

    Well I better run. I have my class tomorrow and we'll probably take the kids to the park and zoo while my sis is in town, so probably a lot of walking. Maybe do some lifting in the gym if we get motivated. Have a great Monday all!
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Beeps - nice dress, too bad it was too big, but at least you got to show off your totally awesome arms!

    Amy - bummer about the disappointing splurge, hate it when that happens, such a waste!

    kc - yay on workout out! glad you feel good

    chloe - sorry things aren't going well, hope your motivation comes back soon

    shanaber - getting in enough protein is just about impossible without the powder for me as well

    mt - welcome, those sound like good goals & yes, just scrape that extra food into the garbage! that was a real problem for me when my kids were little

    kadi - that's pretty impressive running time, I am still super slow but working on it :)

    So, platinum star for me this week due to a nasty case of the flu I got hit with Friday morning. It has worked its way through the whole family & we are all fine now so that is a good thing. Unfortunately I was only able to get one run in between last week's race & the upcoming one as I have plans tonight & don't like to run the day before a race, so not hopeful about my time, but I do have four races left to go. I think I will look for some in the fall to sign up for as the weather will be way better for running & the foliage is amazing, it will be motivating.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,985 Member
    9,198 calories for the week....I'm pretty sure that is a PLATINUM STAR, for me! BOOM! (....and I lost 2 lbs this week - YAHOO!)

    Gonna do it again this week!

    Hope everyone had a great weekend!

    Today, I lift....I'm only going to lift 3 x this week, so it will be back to 3 longer sessions, which is fine.

    My 2-week-challenge:

    1. Lift 3 x per week.
    2. Keep calories LOW - another platinum star for the challenge is gonna be GOAL.
    3. Drink water - but a little bit less than last week because I was up too many nights at the washroom.
    4. Sleep - I really should make this priority ONE this week...I am TIRED.
    5. Walk 2 x this week....it looks rainy!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Ok I think I am back....

    Obviously no star last week, I didn't even finish out logging the week. I am feeling good and ready to get back to healthy and moderation. I ran 3 miles this morning and had a kale and fruit smoothie for breakfast. I have my grilled chicken salad for lunch, healthy snacks and healthy fish taco bowls to make for tonight. Bought tons of veggies and fruit yesterday for the week. I don't have any plans for dinners or lunches out this week, so I think its a good time to get back on track.

    Thanks for all your support ladies!
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    I was at 9700 last week - which was 800 under my goal. Of course, I only worked out the one time.... So that was a FAIL!
    I HAVE to make a change NOW! I have reached SCARY weight.

    2 week Challenge ( I have NOT completed a 2 week Challenge in FOREVER)
    1. 5 workouts
    2. Restart 3 week no Cheat
    3. Eat HEALTHY (DUH?)

    Chloe- You can do it - don't stay off track too long or you will end up like me!!!!
    Beeps- Great job! 2 weeks is FABULOUS!
    Abigail- YUCK- I hope you all feel better soon :flowerforyou:
    Ashley-Sorry you had such a crazy weekend. Hope you get some rest.
    Kadi- Great job on the running. Keep it up!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I will say no star for me last week, I stopped logging when my phone died! But I made some positive choices, I did run on Saturday, down to the lake where we rented a paddle board and canoe and that was fun and active. Also, after lunch we went for ice cream and I was full and it didn't sound good so I said no thanks on ice cream, and I only had one smore! so I will say it was a success but we will see what the scale says Wednesday. I still drank beer and had too many snacks!
    I will still go for 10,500 on cals
    I will workout 4 times

    Everybody with your stars-great job!!!

    Got a new week and ready to do this...
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    I'll keep my same goals:

    1. 4 workouts
    2. Eat reasonably
    3. Sleep
    4. Water